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2017-02-16 16:20 267 查看

客户端 B

服务端 S

DH算法 迪菲赫尔曼算法

TLS SSL协议的升级(建议将SSL协议升级到TLS1.0或者更高版本)






(这是加密套件,执行openssl ciphers -v 可以看下系统支持的ssl加密套件有哪些)

这样使用deffie-hellman密钥的cipher,那么在deffie-hellman密钥交换过程中会使用的一个P参数(prime number),服务器侧提供的P参数在JDK8之前都只用了768bit的长度,小于1024bit存在安全漏洞可导致logjam attack,会被最新本版的浏览器和BoringSSL拒绝。






2.Server Key Exchange


1) 协商采用了RSA加密,但是服务端的证书没有提供RSA公钥

2) 协商采用了DH加密,但是服务端的证书没有提供DH参数

3) 协商采用了fortezza_kea加密,但是服务端的证书没有提供参数

总结来说,"Server Key Exchange"这个步骤是对上一步"Certificate"的一个补充,为了让整个SSL握手过程能正常进行


In all your examples, all DH keys are of size "1024 bits", exactly. In DH, there are the parameters (modulus p, generator g), the private key (x) and the public key (y). The relation is y = gx mod p.

The "key length" is the size of the prime p. In all your cases, p lies between 21023 and 21024, so it is a "1024-bit integer" and this is the size of the DH key pair. Now, the "public key" itself is the integer y which lies between 1 and p-1; in particular,
nothing forces y to be larger than 21023, and this is not a problem. The "pubkey length" field is the size, in bytes, of the encoded value y (in big-endian unsigned notation). Depending on the exact value of p, it is expected that between 1/256th and 1/128th
of all DH public keys will need only 127 bytes for their encoding. In your last example, the value y is encoded over 127 bytes, the first one being 06, which implies that y is technically a 1011-bit integer; the DH key length is still 1024 bits since that
is the size of p.

Thus, the "pubkey length" relates to the public key length as in "length of the encoding of y", but NOT as in "length that tells whether the key can be broken by powerful attackers".

Apparently, some system in your setup (the client, or some router/firewall in between the client and server -- maybe the FIN you observe on the server is not sent by the client itself) is confused and fails to distinguish the two notions of "pubkey length".
Configuring your F5 to use a larger modulus for DH may work around the problem, and could be considered as a good idea anyway (1024-bit DH is not yet breakable, but theoretically you would like to use 1024-bit DH no more than you would accept to use 1024-bit
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标签:  https DH ssl length