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ue4 中KismetProceduralMeshLibrary SliceProceduralMesh的原理

2017-02-16 14:48 447 查看
代码:void UKismetProceduralMeshLibrary::SliceProceduralMesh(UProceduralMeshComponent* InProcMesh, FVector PlanePosition, FVector PlaneNormal, bool bCreateOtherHalf, UProceduralMeshComponent*& OutOtherHalfProcMesh, EProcMeshSliceCapOption CapOption, UMaterialInterface* CapMaterial)
if (InProcMesh != nullptr)
// Transform plane from world to local space
FTransform ProcCompToWorld = InProcMesh->GetComponentToWorld();
FVector LocalPlanePos = ProcCompToWorld.InverseTransformPosition(PlanePosition);
FVector LocalPlaneNormal = ProcCompToWorld.InverseTransformVectorNoScale(PlaneNormal);
LocalPlaneNormal = LocalPlaneNormal.GetSafeNormal(); // Ensure normalized

FPlane SlicePlane(LocalPlanePos, LocalPlaneNormal);

// Set of sections to add to the 'other half' component
TArray<FProcMeshSection> OtherSections;
// Material for each section of other half
TArray<UMaterialInterface*> OtherMaterials;

// Set of new edges created by clipping polys by plane
TArray<FUtilEdge3D> ClipEdges;

for (int32 SectionIndex = 0; SectionIndex < InProcMesh->GetNumSections(); SectionIndex++)
FProcMeshSection* BaseSection = InProcMesh->GetProcMeshSection(SectionIndex);
// If we have a section, and it has some valid geom
if (BaseSection != nullptr && BaseSection->ProcIndexBuffer.Num() > 0 && BaseSection->ProcVertexBuffer.Num() > 0)
// Compare bounding box of section with slicing plane
int32 BoxCompare = BoxPlaneCompare(BaseSection->SectionLocalBox, SlicePlane);

// Box totally clipped, clear section
if (BoxCompare == -1)
// Add entire section to other half
if (bCreateOtherHalf)

// Box totally on one side of plane, leave it alone, do nothing
else if (BoxCompare == 1)
// ...
// Box intersects plane, need to clip some polys!
// New section for geometry
FProcMeshSection NewSection;

// New section for 'other half' geometry (if desired)
FProcMeshSection* NewOtherSection = nullptr;
if (bCreateOtherHalf)
int32 OtherSectionIndex = OtherSections.Add(FProcMeshSection());
NewOtherSection = &OtherSections[OtherSectionIndex];

OtherMaterials.Add(InProcMesh->GetMaterial(SectionIndex)); // Remember material for this section

// Map of base vert index to sliced vert index
TMap<int32, int32> BaseToSlicedVertIndex;
TMap<int32, int32> BaseToOtherSlicedVertIndex;

const int32 NumBaseVerts = BaseSection->ProcVertexBuffer.Num();

// Distance of each base vert from slice plane
TArray<float> VertDistance;

// Build vertex buffer
for (int32 BaseVertIndex = 0; BaseVertIndex < NumBaseVerts; BaseVertIndex++)
FProcMeshVertex& BaseVert = BaseSection->ProcVertexBuffer[BaseVertIndex];

// Calc distance from plane
VertDistance[BaseVertIndex] = SlicePlane.PlaneDot(BaseVert.Position);

// See if vert is being kept in this section
if (VertDistance[BaseVertIndex] > 0.f)
// Copy to sliced v buffer
int32 SlicedVertIndex = NewSection.ProcVertexBuffer.Add(BaseVert);
// Update section bounds
NewSection.SectionLocalBox += BaseVert.Position;
// Add to map
BaseToSlicedVertIndex.Add(BaseVertIndex, SlicedVertIndex);
// Or add to other half if desired
else if(NewOtherSection != nullptr)
int32 SlicedVertIndex = NewOtherSection->ProcVertexBuffer.Add(BaseVert);
NewOtherSection->SectionLocalBox += BaseVert.Position;
BaseToOtherSlicedVertIndex.Add(BaseVertIndex, SlicedVertIndex);

// Iterate over base triangles (ie 3 indices at a time)
for (int32 BaseIndex = 0; BaseIndex < BaseSection->ProcIndexBuffer.Num(); BaseIndex += 3)
int32 BaseV[3]; // Triangle vert indices in original mesh
int32* SlicedV[3]; // Pointers to vert indices in new v buffer
int32* SlicedOtherV[3]; // Pointers to vert indices in new 'other half' v buffer

// For each vertex..
for (int32 i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// Get triangle vert index
BaseV[i] = BaseSection->ProcIndexBuffer[BaseIndex + i];
// Look up in sliced v buffer
SlicedV[i] = BaseToSlicedVertIndex.Find(BaseV[i]);
// Look up in 'other half' v buffer (if desired)
if (bCreateOtherHalf)
SlicedOtherV[i] = BaseToOtherSlicedVertIndex.Find(BaseV[i]);
// Each base vert _must_ exist in either BaseToSlicedVertIndex or BaseToOtherSlicedVertIndex
check((SlicedV[i] != nullptr) != (SlicedOtherV[i] != nullptr));

// If all verts survived plane cull, keep the triangle
if (SlicedV[0] != nullptr && SlicedV[1] != nullptr && SlicedV[2] != nullptr)
// If all verts were removed by plane cull
else if (SlicedV[0] == nullptr && SlicedV[1] == nullptr && SlicedV[2] == nullptr)
// If creating other half, add all verts to that
if (NewOtherSection != nullptr)
// If partially culled, clip to create 1 or 2 new triangles
int32 FinalVerts[4];
int32 NumFinalVerts = 0;

int32 OtherFinalVerts[4];
int32 NumOtherFinalVerts = 0;

FUtilEdge3D NewClipEdge;
int32 ClippedEdges = 0;

float PlaneDist[3];
PlaneDist[0] = VertDistance[BaseV[0]];
PlaneDist[1] = VertDistance[BaseV[1]];
PlaneDist[2] = VertDistance[BaseV[2]];

for (int32 EdgeIdx = 0; EdgeIdx < 3; EdgeIdx++)
int32 ThisVert = EdgeIdx;

// If start vert is inside, add it.
if (SlicedV[ThisVert] != nullptr)
check(NumFinalVerts < 4);
FinalVerts[NumFinalVerts++] = *SlicedV[ThisVert];
// If not, add to other side
else if(bCreateOtherHalf)
check(NumOtherFinalVerts < 4);
OtherFinalVerts[NumOtherFinalVerts++] = *SlicedOtherV[ThisVert];

// If start and next vert are on opposite sides, add intersection
int32 NextVert = (EdgeIdx + 1) % 3;

if ((SlicedV[EdgeIdx] == nullptr) != (SlicedV[NextVert] == nullptr))
// Find distance along edge that plane is
float Alpha = -PlaneDist[ThisVert] / (PlaneDist[NextVert] - PlaneDist[ThisVert]);
// Interpolate vertex params to that point
FProcMeshVertex InterpVert = InterpolateVert(BaseSection->ProcVertexBuffer[BaseV[ThisVert]], BaseSection->ProcVertexBuffer[BaseV[NextVert]], FMath::Clamp(Alpha, 0.0f, 1.0f));

// Add to vertex buffer
int32 InterpVertIndex = NewSection.ProcVertexBuffer.Add(InterpVert);
// Update bounds
NewSection.SectionLocalBox += InterpVert.Position;

// Save vert index for this poly
check(NumFinalVerts < 4);
FinalVerts[NumFinalVerts++] = InterpVertIndex;

// If desired, add to the poly for the other half as well
if (NewOtherSection != nullptr)
int32 OtherInterpVertIndex = NewOtherSection->ProcVertexBuffer.Add(InterpVert);
NewOtherSection->SectionLocalBox += InterpVert.Position;
check(NumOtherFinalVerts < 4);
OtherFinalVerts[NumOtherFinalVerts++] = OtherInterpVertIndex;

// When we make a new edge on the surface of the clip plane, save it off.
check(ClippedEdges < 2);
if (ClippedEdges == 0)
NewClipEdge.V0 = InterpVert.Position;
NewClipEdge.V1 = InterpVert.Position;


// Triangulate the clipped polygon.
for (int32 VertexIndex = 2; VertexIndex < NumFinalVerts; VertexIndex++)
NewSection.ProcIndexBuffer.Add(FinalVerts[VertexIndex - 1]);

// If we are making the other half, triangulate that as well
if (NewOtherSection != nullptr)
for (int32 VertexIndex = 2; VertexIndex < NumOtherFinalVerts; VertexIndex++)
NewOtherSection->ProcIndexBuffer.Add(OtherFinalVerts[VertexIndex - 1]);

check(ClippedEdges != 1); // Should never clip just one edge of the triangle

// If we created a new edge, save that off here as well
if (ClippedEdges == 2)

// Remove 'other' section from array if no valid geometry for it
if (NewOtherSection != nullptr && (NewOtherSection->ProcIndexBuffer.Num() == 0 || NewOtherSection->ProcVertexBuffer.Num() == 0))
OtherSections.RemoveAt(OtherSections.Num() - 1);

// If we have some valid geometry, update section
if (NewSection.ProcIndexBuffer.Num() > 0 && NewSection.ProcVertexBuffer.Num() > 0)
// Assign new geom to this section
InProcMesh->SetProcMeshSection(SectionIndex, NewSection);
// If we don't, remove this section

// Create cap geometry (if some edges to create it from)
if (CapOption != EProcMeshSliceCapOption::NoCap && ClipEdges.Num() > 0)
FProcMeshSection CapSection;
int32 CapSectionIndex = INDEX_NONE;

// If using an existing section, copy that info first
if (CapOption == EProcMeshSliceCapOption::UseLastSectionForCap)
CapSectionIndex = InProcMesh->GetNumSections() - 1;
CapSection = *InProcMesh->GetProcMeshSection(CapSectionIndex);
// Adding new section for cap
CapSectionIndex = InProcMesh->GetNumSections();

// Project 3D edges onto slice plane to form 2D edges
TArray<FUtilEdge2D> Edges2D;
FUtilPoly2DSet PolySet;
FGeomTools::ProjectEdges(Edges2D, PolySet.PolyToWorld, ClipEdges, SlicePlane);

// Find 2D closed polygons from this edge soup
FGeomTools::Buid2DPolysFromEdges(PolySet.Polys, Edges2D, FColor(255, 255, 255, 255));

// Remember start point for vert and index buffer before adding and cap geom
int32 CapVertBase = CapSection.ProcVertexBuffer.Num();
int32 CapIndexBase = CapSection.ProcIndexBuffer.Num();

// Triangulate each poly
for (int32 PolyIdx = 0; PolyIdx < PolySet.Polys.Num(); PolyIdx++)
// Generate UVs for the 2D polygon.
FGeomTools::GeneratePlanarTilingPolyUVs(PolySet.Polys[PolyIdx], 64.f);

// Remember start of vert buffer before adding triangles for this poly
int32 PolyVertBase = CapSection.ProcVertexBuffer.Num();

// Transform from 2D poly verts to 3D
Transform2DPolygonTo3D(PolySet.Polys[PolyIdx], PolySet.PolyToWorld, CapSection.ProcVertexBuffer, CapSection.SectionLocalBox);

// Triangulate this polygon
TriangulatePoly(CapSection.ProcIndexBuffer, CapSection.ProcVertexBuffer, PolyVertBase, LocalPlaneNormal);

// Set geom for cap section
InProcMesh->SetProcMeshSection(CapSectionIndex, CapSection);

// If creating new section for cap, assign cap material to it
if (CapOption == EProcMeshSliceCapOption::CreateNewSectionForCap)
InProcMesh->SetMaterial(CapSectionIndex, CapMaterial);

// If creating the other half, copy cap geom into other half sections
if (bCreateOtherHalf)
// Find section we want to use for the cap on the 'other half'
FProcMeshSection* OtherCapSection;
if (CapOption == EProcMeshSliceCapOption::CreateNewSectionForCap)
OtherCapSection = &OtherSections.Last();

// Remember current base index for verts in 'other cap section'
int32 OtherCapVertBase = OtherCapSection->ProcVertexBuffer.Num();

// Copy verts from cap section into other cap section
for (int32 VertIdx = CapVertBase; VertIdx < CapSection.ProcVertexBuffer.Num(); VertIdx++)
FProcMeshVertex OtherCapVert = CapSection.ProcVertexBuffer[VertIdx];

// Flip normal and tangent TODO: FlipY?
OtherCapVert.Normal *= -1.f;
OtherCapVert.Tangent.TangentX *= -1.f;

// Add to other cap v buffer
// And update bounding box
OtherCapSection->SectionLocalBox += OtherCapVert.Position;

// Find offset between main cap verts and other cap verts
int32 VertOffset = OtherCapVertBase - CapVertBase;

// Copy indices over as well
for (int32 IndexIdx = CapIndexBase; IndexIdx < CapSection.ProcIndexBuffer.Num(); IndexIdx += 3)
// Need to offset and change winding
OtherCapSection->ProcIndexBuffer.Add(CapSection.ProcIndexBuffer[IndexIdx + 0] + VertOffset);
OtherCapSection->ProcIndexBuffer.Add(CapSection.ProcIndexBuffer[IndexIdx + 2] + VertOffset);
OtherCapSection->ProcIndexBuffer.Add(CapSection.ProcIndexBuffer[IndexIdx + 1] + VertOffset);

// Array of sliced collision shapes
TArray< TArray<FVector> > SlicedCollision;
TArray< TArray<FVector> > OtherSlicedCollision;

UBodySetup* ProcMeshBodySetup = InProcMesh->GetBodySetup();

for (int32 ConvexIndex = 0; ConvexIndex < ProcMeshBodySetup->AggGeom.ConvexElems.Num(); ConvexIndex++)
FKConvexElem& BaseConvex = ProcMeshBodySetup->AggGeom.ConvexElems[ConvexIndex];

int32 BoxCompare = BoxPlaneCompare(BaseConvex.ElemBox, SlicePlane);

// If box totally clipped, add to other half (if desired)
if (BoxCompare == -1)
if (bCreateOtherHalf)
// If box totally valid, just keep mesh as is
else if (BoxCompare == 1)
// Need to actually slice the convex shape
TArray<FVector> SlicedConvexVerts;
SliceConvexElem(BaseConvex, SlicePlane, SlicedConvexVerts);
// If we got something valid, add it
if (SlicedConvexVerts.Num() >= 4)

// Slice again to get the other half of the collision, if desired
if (bCreateOtherHalf)
TArray<FVector> OtherSlicedConvexVerts;
SliceConvexElem(BaseConvex, SlicePlane.Flip(), OtherSlicedConvexVerts);
if (OtherSlicedConvexVerts.Num() >= 4)

// Update collision of proc mesh

// If creating other half, create component now
if (bCreateOtherHalf)
// Create new component with the same outer as the proc mesh passed in
OutOtherHalfProcMesh = NewObject<UProceduralMeshComponent>(InProcMesh->GetOuter());

// Set transform to match source component

// Add each section of geometry
for (int32 SectionIndex = 0; SectionIndex < OtherSections.Num(); SectionIndex++)
OutOtherHalfProcMesh->SetProcMeshSection(SectionIndex, OtherSections[SectionIndex]);
OutOtherHalfProcMesh->SetMaterial(SectionIndex, OtherMaterials[SectionIndex]);

// Copy collision settings from input mesh
OutOtherHalfProcMesh->bUseComplexAsSimpleCollision = InProcMesh->bUseComplexAsSimpleCollision;

// Assign sliced collision

// Finally register

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