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Stack Overflow上提到的最多书籍的排行

2017-02-09 11:54 253 查看
闲了也是闲,偶尔逛逛Hacker News,自己的英语很水,逛街呢也希望能多多提高下自己,于是乎,见到一些文章,mark的同时,也同样enjoy it。

原文地址:http://www.dev-books.com/ 不知道以后链接还对不


在stack Overflow,我们分析了超过四千万的问答,来告诉你提及最多的书籍(总共5720本书)


利用Stack Exchange,我们可以得到所有用户发表回复的内容。





任何反馈,任何问题,任何笔记或只有聊天 — 随时随地分享到社交网络上 (这是推特的广告啊)






We analysed more than 40 000 000 questions and answers on stackoverflow.com to bring you the top of most mentioned books (5720 in total)

How we did it:

We got database dump of all user-contributed content on the Stack Exchange network (can be downloaded here)

Extracted questions and answers made on stackoverflow

Found all amazon.com links and counted it

Created tag-based search for your convenience

Brought it to you

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1 Working Effectively with Legacy Code

2 Design Patterns

3 Clean Code

4 Java concurrency in practice

5 Domain-driven Design

6 JavaScript

7 Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

8 Code Complete

9 Refactoring

10 Head First Design Patterns

11 The C Programming Language

12 Effective C++

13 Test-driven Development

14 Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition

15 Mastering Regular Expressions

16 CLR Via C#

17 Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X

18 Effective STL

19 Modern C++ Design

20 Large-scale C++ Software Design

21 Inside the Microsoft Build Engine

22 Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 core reference

23 XUnit Test Patterns

24 Concurrent Programming on Windows

25 Compilers

26 Framework Design Guidelines

27 C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices

28 UNIX Network Programming

29 Purely Functional Data Structures

30 The Art of Unit Testing
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