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2017-02-07 10:23 399 查看

# Dockerfile to build Nginx Installed Containers

# Based on Ubuntu


# Set the base image to Ubuntu

FROM ubuntu

# File Author / Maintainer

MAINTAINER Maintaner Name

# Install Nginx

# Add application repository URL to the default sources

RUN echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring
main universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

# Update the repository
# 更新仓库 

RUN apt-get update

# Install necessary tools
# 安装必要的工具 

RUN apt-get install -y nano wget dialog net-tools

# Download and Install Nginx
# 下载和安装Nginx 

RUN apt-get install -y nginx

# Remove the default Nginx configuration file
# 移除默认nginx全局文件 

RUN rm -v /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

# Copy a configuration file from the current directory
# 从当前目录复制一份全局文件 

ADD nginx.conf /etc/nginx/

# Append "daemon off;" to the beginning of the configuration


RUN echo "daemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

# Expose ports
# 开放容器对外端口 


# Set the default command to execute
# 设置默认执行的命令 

# when creating a new container
# 创建一个新容器的时机 

CMD service nginx start
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