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the sum of cube 立方和

2017-01-30 19:41 309 查看
A range is given, the begin and the end are both integers. You should sum the cube of all the integers in the range.InputThe first line of the input is T(1 <= T <= 1000), which stands for the number of test cases you need to solve. Each case of input is a pair of integer A,B(0 < A <= B <= 10000),representing the rangeA,BA,B.OutputFor each test case, print a line “Case #t: ”(without quotes, t means the index of the test case) at the beginning. Then output the answer �C sum the cube of all the integers in the range.Sample Input
1 3
2 5
Sample Output
Case #1: 36
Case #2: 224
#include<cstdio>int main(){int t;scanf("%d",&t);for (int k=1;k<=t;++k){long long s,d;scanf("%lld%lld",&s,&d);/*long long sum=0;for (long long i=s;i<=d;++i){sum+=i*i*i;}printf("Case #%d: %lld\n",k,sum);*/printf("%lld\n",(d*(d+1)/2)*(d*(d+1)/2)-(s*(s-1)/2)*(s*(s-1)/2));}return 0;}
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