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Hive - Built-in Operators

2017-01-20 17:36 267 查看
This chapter explains the built-in operators of Hive. There are four types of operators in Hive:

Relational Operators:关系操作

Arithmetic Operators

Logical Operators

Complex Operators:比较复杂的是这个,目前博主还没有实际玩过这个,在hue中体验了一把,还是挺好玩的。http://demo.gethue.com

Relational Operators

These operators are used to compare two operands. The following table describes the relational operators available in Hive:

A = Ball primitive typesTRUE if expression A is equivalent to expression B otherwise FALSE.
A != Ball primitive typesTRUE if expression A is not equivalent to expression B otherwise FALSE.
A < Ball primitive typesTRUE if expression A is less than expression B otherwise FALSE.
A <= Ball primitive typesTRUE if expression A is less than or equal to expression B otherwise FALSE.
A > Ball primitive typesTRUE if expression A is greater than expression B otherwise FALSE.
A >= Ball primitive typesTRUE if expression A is greater than or equal to expression B otherwise FALSE.
A IS NULLall typesTRUE if expression A evaluates to NULL otherwise FALSE.
A IS NOT NULLall typesFALSE if expression A evaluates to NULL otherwise TRUE.
A LIKE BStringsTRUE if string pattern A matches to B otherwise FALSE.
A RLIKE BStringsNULL if A or B is NULL, TRUE if any substring of A matches the Java regular expression B , otherwise FALSE.
A REGEXP BStringsSame as RLIKE.


Let us assume the employee table is composed of fields named Id, Name, Salary, Designation, and Dept as shown below. Generate a query to retrieve the employee details whose Id is 1205.

| Id  | Name         | Salary | Designation               | Dept |
|1201 | Gopal        | 45000  | Technical manager         | TP   |
|1202 | Manisha      | 45000  | Proofreader               | PR   |
|1203 | Masthanvali  | 40000  | Technical writer          | TP   |
|1204 | Krian        | 40000  | Hr Admin                  | HR   |
|1205 | Kranthi      | 30000  | Op Admin                  | Admin|

The following query is executed to retrieve the employee details using the above table:

hive> SELECT * FROM employee WHERE Id=1205;

On successful execution of query, you get to see the following response:

| ID  | Name      | Salary    | Designation              | Dept  |
|1205 | Kranthi   | 30000     | Op Admin                 | Admin |

The following query is executed to retrieve the employee details whose salary is more than or equal to Rs 40000.

hive> SELECT * FROM employee WHERE Salary>=40000;

On successful execution of query, you get to see the following response:

| ID  | Name       | Salary | Designation                | Dept |
|1201 | Gopal      | 45000  | Technical manager          | TP   |
|1202 | Manisha    | 45000  | Proofreader                | PR   |
|1203 | Masthanvali| 40000  | Technical writer           | TP   |
|1204 | Krian      | 40000  | Hr Admin                   | HR   |

Arithmetic Operators

These operators support various common arithmetic operations on the operands. All of them return number types. The following table describes the arithmetic operators available in Hive:

A + Ball number typesGives the result of adding A and B.
A - Ball number typesGives the result of subtracting B from A.
A * Ball number typesGives the result of multiplying A and B.
A / Ball number typesGives the result of dividing B from A.
A % Ball number typesGives the reminder resulting from dividing A by B.
A & Ball number typesGives the result of bitwise AND of A and B.
A | Ball number typesGives the result of bitwise OR of A and B.
A ^ Ball number typesGives the result of bitwise XOR of A and B.
~Aall number typesGives the result of bitwise NOT of A.


The following query adds two numbers, 20 and 30.

hive> SELECT 20+30 ADD FROM temp;

On successful execution of the query, you get to see the following response:

|   ADD  |
|   50   |

Logical Operators

The operators are logical expressions. All of them return either TRUE or FALSE.

A AND BbooleanTRUE if both A and B are TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
A && BbooleanSame as A AND B.
A OR BbooleanTRUE if either A or B or both are TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
A || BbooleanSame as A OR B.
NOT AbooleanTRUE if A is FALSE, otherwise FALSE.
!AbooleanSame as NOT A.


The following query is used to retrieve employee details whose Department is TP and Salary is more than Rs 40000.

hive> SELECT * FROM employee WHERE Salary>40000 && Dept=TP;

On successful execution of the query, you get to see the following response:

| ID   | Name         | Salary      | Designation       | Dept   |
|1201  | Gopal        | 45000       | Technical manager | TP     |

Complex Operators

These operators provide an expression to access the elements of Complex Types.

A is an Array and n is an intIt returns the nth element in the array A. The first element has index 0.
M[key]M is a Map<K, V> and key has type KIt returns the value corresponding to the key in the map.
S.xS is a structIt returns the x field of S.

-- 查询中包含了Map,Struct类型的两个字段查询
select addresses["shipping"],email_preferences.email_format from customers  ;

--- 其实HUE还是很智能的,提示很给力!


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