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2017-01-17 18:11 204 查看

Java EE Security Essentials

2016-12-27 by Arjan Tijms
Security in Java EE ApplicationsThe Java EE security specification supports a set of required security functionalities, including authentication, authorization, data integrity, and transport security. Before
going deep into Java EE security, everyone should know the following terms:A Caller or User is an...

Web Development: Applications and Frameworks

2016-12-17 by Caitlin Candelmo

Foundations of RESTful Architecture

2016-12-15 by Brian Sletten
IntroductionThe Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural style is not a technology you can purchase or a library you can add to your software development project. It is first and foremost a worldview
that elevates information into a first class element of the architectures we build.The ideas and...

Getting Started with Hibernate Search

2016-12-05 by Sanne Grinovero
Search Your Database!Hibernate Search is an extension to Hibernate ORM that adds powerful full-text query capabilities, with an API consistent with Hibernate and JPA. It is typically used to implement “full-text
search”, such as matching free text input provided by humans.

Application and Data Security

2016-11-24 by Caitlin Candelmo

Getting Started with Eclipse

2016-11-12 by Mickael Istria
What Is Eclipse IDE?Eclipse IDE is a cross-platform, multi-purpose, open-source Integrated Development Environment. It was initiated as Java IDE, but quickly became an extensible multi-language development tool
that is widely used to develop projects in Java, JavaScript, PHP, C++, Scala, and a lot of other languages. It’s highly...


2016-10-28 by Dave Whiteley
What is Node?The official description according to the nodejs.org website is as follows:"A platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications."Translation:
Node runs on top of...

Java Enterprise Edition 7

2016-10-05 by Andrew Rubinger
About the PlatformEnterprise software development is inherently complex; multi-user systems open the door to concerns such as transactional integrity, security, persistence integration, and interaction between
components. Very simply put, the mission of the Java Enterprise Edition is to enable an out-of-the-box set of configurable...

Modern Java

2016-09-30 by Caitlin Candelmo

Getting Started with Git

2016-08-20 by Matthew McCullough
Why Get Git?Git is a postmodern version control system that offers the familiar capabilities of CVS or Subversion, but doesn’t stop at just matching existing tools. Git stretches the very notion of version control
systems (VCS) by its ability to offer almost all of its features for use offline and...

The Internet of Things

2016-07-09 by Caitlin Candelmo

Swift Essentials

2016-06-30 by Alex Blewitt
IntroductionSwift is the fastest growing programming language today. It is built on LLVM, which is a key part of both Clang and other popular native runtimes like Rust and Julia. It's easy to learn, compiles
down to native code, and interoperates with existing languages like Objective-C. Developers are...

Java Performance Optimization

2016-05-06 by Pierre - Hugues Charbonneau
IntroductionJava is among the most widely used programming languages in the software development world today. Java applications are used within many verticals (banking, telecommunications, healthcare, etc.),
and in some cases each vertical suggests a particular set of design optimizations. Many...

Getting Started With MQTT

2016-03-12 by Dominik Obermaier
Why MQTT? The Internet of Things (IoT) has recently gained massive traction. IoT challenges enterprises, small companies, and developers with new problems to solve. While HTTP is the de-facto protocol for
the human web, communication between machines at scale requires a paradigm shift— steering away from...

Getting Started With Apache JMeter

2016-02-27 by Dmitri Tikhanski
Load Testing TodayLoad testing has changed dramatically in recent years. Today the quality of your testing has a direct impact on your business—you have just three seconds for your website or mobile app to load
before you stand to lose up to 40% of your visitors. These perpetually increasing customer...

Getting Started With Docker

2015-11-06 by Christopher M. Judd
About DockerAlmost overnight, Docker has become the de facto standard that developers and system administrators use for packaging, deploying, and running distributed applications. It provides tools for simplifying
DevOps by enabling developers to create templates called images that can be used to create lightweight virtual...

Core Java

2015-10-27 by Cay Horstmann
About Core JavaThis Refcard gives you an overview of key aspects of the Java language and cheat sheets on the core library (formatted output, collections, regular expressions, logging, properties) as well as
the most commonly used tools (javac, java, jar).Java Keywords

Java Caching

2015-09-28 by Abhishek Gupta
Introduction What Is Caching? Generally speaking, caching is a technique wherein objects in your application are stored in a temporary storage area known as a cache. The cache itself can be thought of as an in-memory
data structure. Cached objects could be anything from the results of expensive and...

Big Data, Business Intelligence, and Analytics

2015-09-16 by Chelsea Bosworth

Big Data Guide

2015-07-31 by Chelsea Bosworth

Getting Started with OpenStack

2015-04-16 by Sriram Subramanian
By Sriram SubramanianIntroductionHistory and VisionOpenStackTM is an open source Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform. OpenStack was founded by joint efforts from Rackspace and NASA in 2010. It is used
to manage large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources in a data...

Spring Batch

2013-06-19 by Chris Schaefer
by: Chris SchaeferAbout Spring BatchSpring Batch is a lightweight, open-source Java framework for batch processing built on top of the popular Spring Framework. In addition to the core framework, Spring Batch
also provides developers with components to build robust batch applications that are used...


2013-01-30 by Tom Marrs
By Tom MarrsJSON OverviewJSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a standard text-based data interchange format that enables applications to exchange data over a computer network. Programs written in Ruby, Java/EE,
JavaScript, C#/.Net, PHP, etc. can easily consume and produce JSON data because it is...

Introduction to HTTP

2013-01-21 by Mick Knutson
By Mick KnutsonAbout HTTPThe Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the
World Wide Web.Hypertext is a multi-linear set of objects, building a network...


2013-01-15 by Vlad Mihalcea
MongoDB is a document-oriented database that is easy to use from almost any language. As of August 2014, MongoDB is by far the most popular NoSQL database according to http://db-engines.com/en/ranking. This Refcard
is intended to help you get the most out of MongoDB and assumes that you already know the basics If you’re just starting out,...

Patterns of Modular Architecture

2012-11-28 by Kirk Knoernschild
By Kirk KnoernschildAbout the Modularity PatternsModule frameworks are gaining traction on the Java platform. Though modularity isn't a new concept, it promises to change the way we develop software applications.
You'll only be able to realize the benefits of modularity if you understand how to...

Essential Apache HBase

2012-08-02 by Otis Gospodnetic
About HBaseHBase is the Hadoop database. Think of it as a distributed, scalable Big Data store. Use HBase when you need random, real-time read/write access to your Big Data. The goal of the HBase project is to
host very large tables — billions of rows multiplied by millions of columns — on clusters...

Machine Learning

2012-07-27 by Ricky Ho
By Ricky HoIntroductionPredictive Analytics is about predicting future outcome based on analyzing data collected previously. It includes two phases:Training phase: Learn a model from training dataPredicting
phase: Use the model to predict the unknown or future outcomePredictive...

Core Jetty

2012-06-21 by Jos Dirksen
By Jos Dirksen IntroductionJetty, an open-source web server hosted by the Eclipse foundation, is a full-fledged HTTP server and Servlet container that can be easily configured to serve static and dynamic content.
You can very easily embed Jetty into your own applications using Java or...


2011-10-23 by Dierk Koenig
By Dierk KönigAbout GroovyGroovy is a dynamic language for the Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM). It shines with full object-orientation, scriptability, optional typing, operator customization, lexical declarations
for the most common data types, advanced concepts like closures and ranges, compact...

Windows PowerShell

2011-10-23 by Bruce Payette
By Bruce PayetteAbout WIndows PowershellWhy PowerShell? Why Now? PowerShell was designed to do for Windows what the UNIX shells do for UNIX: provide a powerful, well-integrated command-line experience for the
operation system. Unfortunately since Windows is mostly managed through objects (WMI, COM...

jQuery Selectors

2011-10-23 by Bear Bibeault
By Bear Bibeault & Yehuda KatzWhat are jQuery selectors?jQuery selectors are one of the most important aspects of the jQuery library. These selectors use familiar CSS syntax to allow page authors to quickly
and easily identify any set of page elements to operate upon with the jQuery library...

Design Patterns

2011-10-22 by Jason McDonald
About Design PatternsThis Design Patterns refcard provides a quick reference to the original 23 Gang of Four design patterns, as listed in the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.
Each pattern includes class diagrams, explanation, usage information, and a real world...

Designing Quality Software

2011-01-17 by Alexander Von Zitzewitz
By Alexander von ZitzewitzAbstractThe technical quality of software can be defined as the level of conformance of a software system to a set a set of rules and guidelines derived from common sense and best practices.
Those rules should cover software architecture (dependency structure),...

What's New in JPA 2.0

2010-12-20 by Mike Keith
By Mike KeithIntroductionThe Java Persistence API is the standard for persisting Java objects to a relational database. It includes standardized metadata for defining mappings and configuration, as well as a
set of Java APIs that applications can use to persist and query entities. It also...

HTML5: The Evolution of Web Standards

2010-11-08 by James Sugrue
About HTML5HTML5 is a standard for structuring and presenting content on the Web. It incorporates features such as geolocation, video playback and drag-and-drop. HTML5 allows developers to create rich internet
applications without the need for third party APIs and browser plug-ins.HTML5 is still under...

Apache Solr: Getting Optimal Search Results

2010-10-18 by Chris Hostetter
By Chris HostetterAbout SolrSolr makes it easy for programmers to develop sophisticated, high performance search applications with advanced features such as faceting, dynamic clustering, database integration
and rich document handling.Solr (

Getting Started with Apache Hadoop

2010-09-27 by Piotr Krewski
IntroductionThis Refcard presents Apache Hadoop, a software framework that enables distributed storage and processing of large datasets using simple high-level programming models. We cover the most important
concepts of Hadoop, describe its architecture, guide how to start using it as well as write and execute various applications on...

Getting Started with UML

2010-08-23 by James Sugrue
By James SugrueAbout UMLThe Unified Modeling Language is a set of rules and notations for the specification of a software system, managed and created by the Object Management Group. The notation provides a set
of graphical elements to model the parts of the system.This Refcard outlines the key elements...

Getting Started with NoSQL and Data Scalability

2010-07-05 by Eugene Ciurana
By Eugene Ciurana IntroductionThe DZone Refcard #43 is an introduction to system high availability and scalability terminology and techniques (http://refcardz.dzone.com/refcardz/scalability). The next logical
step is the scalable...

Getting Started with Apache Ant

2010-06-25 by James Sugrue
By James Sugrue About Apache AntApache Ant is an XML based tool for automating software build processes. Starting out as part of the Apache Tomcat codebase, Ant got its first standalone release in July 2000.
Today it is the most widely used build tool for Java projects, enabling developers to adopt...

JDBC Best Practices

2010-06-07 by Jesse Davis
By Jesse Davis A Brief HistorySun Microsystems created JDBC in the 90s to be the standard for data access on the Java Platform. JDBC has evolved since that time from a thin API on top of an ODBC driver to a fully
featured data access standard whose capabilities have now surpassed its aging brother,...

Getting Started with Java GUI Development

2010-04-19 by James Sugrue
By James Sugrue About Java GUI DevelopmentFor standalone Java desktop application, developers have two main options. You can use Java Swing, built into the JDK, or you can use the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT)
from Eclipse. Both approaches share some commonality, but each has its own advantages and...

Google App Engine for Java

2009-12-07 by Matthew McCullough
By Matthew McCulloughAbout the PlatformGoogle App Engine is a Cloud Computing SDK, API and Platform that makes Google's publicly recognized scalable infrastructure available to any size development shop.

Agile Adoption: Improving Software Quality

2009-10-19 by Gemba Systems
By Gemba SystemsAbout Improving Software QualityFaster, better, cheaper. That's what we must do to survive. The Time to Market Refcard addresses faster, the Reduce Cost Refcard addresses cheaper, and this Refcard
addresses better. This is about improving the quality of your software; that means...

Core Java Concurrency

2009-07-06 by Alex Miller
By Alex MillerAbout Java ConcurrencyFrom its creation, Java has supported key concurrency concepts such as threads and locks. This guide helps Java developers working with multi-threaded programs to understand
the core concurrency concepts and how to apply them. Topics covered in this guide...

JavaServer Faces 2.0

2009-06-14 by Cay Horstmann
By Cay Horstmann JSF OverviewJavaServer Faces (JSF) is the “official” component-based view technology in the Java EE web tier. JSF includes a set of predefined UI components, an event-driven programming model,
and the ability to add third-party components. JSF is designed to be extensible, easy...

Seam UI

2009-02-23 by Jacob Orshalick
By Jacob OrshalickAbout Seam UISeam is a next generation web framework that integrates standard Java EE technologies with a wide variety of nonstandard technologies into a consistent, unified, programming model.
Seam drove the development of Web Beans (JSR-299) and continues to develop innovations...

SOA Patterns

2009-01-05 by Eugene Ciurana
By Eugene CiuranaAbout SOA PatternsSOA patterns describe common architectures, implementations, and their areas of application to help in the planning, implementation, deployment, operation, and ongoing management
and maintenance of complex systems.SOA Fundamentals

JUnit and EasyMock

2008-11-03 by Michael Minella
By Michael T MinellaAbout JUnit and EasyMockUnit testing and test driven development are proven ways to improve both the productivity of a developer and the quality of their software. JUnit and EasyMock are the
predominant choices for testing tools in the Java space. This reference card will guide...

Core CSS: Part II

2008-10-13 by Molly Holzschlag
By Molly E. HolzschlagAll About SelectorsJust in case you've not read Core CSS: Part I, I'll briefly review the purpose of a CSS selector. A selector in a style sheet signals the browser to find matches within
those markup (HTML, XHTML, XML) documents to which the style sheet is related.

Getting Started with JPA

2008-09-22 by Mike Keith
By Mike KeithGeting Started With JPAThe Java Persistence API (JPA) is the Java standard for mapping Java objects to a relational database. Even though proprietary mapping products like Hibernate and TopLink still
exist, they are now focused on providing their functionality through the JPA API,...

JavaServer Faces

2008-09-15 by Cay Horstmann
By Cay S. HorstmannAbout This RefcardJavaServer Faces (JSF) is the "official" component-based view technology in the Java EE web tier. JSF includes a set of predefined UI components, an event-driven
programming model, and the ability to add third-party components. JSF is designed to be extensible, easy to use, and...


2008-09-08 by Ian Roughley
By Ian RoughleyAbout Struts2Struts2 is the next generation of model-view-controller web application frameworks. It aims at providing increased productivity through reduced XML configuration, smart conventions,
and a modular and loosely-coupled architecture. This refcard refers to Struts2 version...

Core CSS: Part I

2008-09-01 by Molly Holzschlag
By Molly E. HolzschlagAbout CSSAs Cascading Style Sheets mature as a language of design and a tool of Web site and application management, a deep understanding of how the language really works is essential. However,
most people have learned CSS the same way they've learned HTML,by viewing source,...

Dependency Injection in EJB 3

2008-06-02 by Debu Panda
By Debu PandaWhat is EJB 3?Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) is a platform for building portable, reusable, and scalable business applications using the Java programming language. Since its initial incarnation, EJB
has been touted as a component model or framework that lets you build enterprise Java...

Spring Configuration

2008-05-06 by Craig Walls
By Craig WallsAbout Spring ConfigurationThe Spring Framework has forever changed the face of enterprise Java development, making it easier than ever to configure and assemble application objects and services
in a loosely-coupled manner. As you develop your Spring-enabled applications, you'll find...

Getting Started with Ajax

2008-05-05 by Dave Crane
By Dave CraneGetting StartedThe standard way to do Ajax is to use the XMLHttpRequest object, known as XHR by its friends. Use XHR directly, or via one of the helpful Ajax libraries such as Prototype or jQuery.
How do we use XHR "by hand"? To start with, we need to get a...
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