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__forceinline void*
operator new(size_t size)
return Memory::Alloc(Memory::ObjectHeap, size);

__forceinline void*
operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t& noThrow)
return Memory::Alloc(Memory::ObjectHeap, size);

__forceinline void*
operator new[](size_t size)
return Memory::Alloc(Memory::ObjectArrayHeap, size);

__forceinline void*
operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t& noThrow)
return Memory::Alloc(Memory::ObjectArrayHeap, size);

__forceinline void
operator delete(void* p)
Memory::Free(Memory::ObjectHeap, p);

__forceinline void
operator delete[](void* p)
Memory::Free(Memory::ObjectArrayHeap, p);

#define n_new(type) new type
#define n_new_array(type,size) new type[size]
#define n_delete(ptr) delete ptr
#define n_delete_array(ptr) delete[] ptr


typedef unsigned long  ulong;
typedef unsigned int   uint;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef unsigned char  uchar;
typedef unsigned char  ubyte;

typedef int IndexT;     // the index type
typedef int SizeT;      // the size type
static const int InvalidIndex = -1;

#define N_ARGB(a,r,g,b) ((uint)((((a)&0xff)<<24)|(((r)&0xff)<<16)|(((g)&0xff)<<8)|((b)&0xff)))
#define N_RGBA(r,g,b,a) N_ARGB(a,r,g,b)
#define N_XRGB(r,g,b)   N_ARGB(0xff,r,g,b)
#define N_COLORVALUE(r,g,b,a) N_RGBA((uint)((r)*255.f),(uint)((g)*255.f),(uint)((b)*255.f),(uint)((a)*255.f))


template<class TYPE> class Array
/// define iterator
typedef TYPE* Iterator;

/// constructor with default parameters
/// constuctor with initial size and grow size
Array(SizeT initialCapacity, SizeT initialGrow);
/// constructor with initial size, grow size and initial values
Array(SizeT initialSize, SizeT initialGrow, const TYPE& initialValue);
/// copy constructor
Array(const Array<TYPE>& rhs);
/// destructor

/// assignment operator
void operator=(const Array<TYPE>& rhs);
/// [] operator
TYPE& operator[](IndexT index) const;
/// equality operator
bool operator==(const Array<TYPE>& rhs) const;
/// inequality operator
bool operator!=(const Array<TYPE>& rhs) const;
/// convert to "anything"
template<typename T> T As() const;

/// append element to end of array
void Append(const TYPE& elm);
/// append the contents of an array to this array
void AppendArray(const Array<TYPE>& rhs);
/// increase capacity to fit N more elements into the array
void Reserve(SizeT num);
/// get number of elements in array
SizeT Size() const;
/// get overall allocated size of array in number of elements
SizeT Capacity() const;
/// return reference to first element
TYPE& Front() const;
/// return reference to last element
TYPE& Back() const;
/// return true if array empty
bool IsEmpty() const;
/// erase element at index, keep sorting intact
void EraseIndex(IndexT index);
/// erase element pointed to by iterator, keep sorting intact
Iterator Erase(Iterator iter);
/// erase element at index, fill gap by swapping in last element, destroys sorting!
void EraseIndexSwap(IndexT index);
/// erase element at iterator, fill gap by swapping in last element, destroys sorting!
Iterator EraseSwap(Iterator iter);
/// insert element before element at index
void Insert(IndexT index, const TYPE& elm);
/// insert element into sorted array, return index where element was included
IndexT InsertSorted(const TYPE& elm);
/// insert element at the first non-identical position, return index of inclusion position
IndexT InsertAtEndOfIdenticalRange(IndexT startIndex, const TYPE& elm);
/// test if the array is sorted, this is a slow operation!
bool IsSorted() const;
/// clear array (calls destructors)
void Clear();
/// reset array (does NOT call destructors)
void Reset();
/// return iterator to beginning of array
Iterator Begin() const;
/// return iterator to end of array
Iterator End() const;
/// find identical element in array, return iterator
Iterator Find(const TYPE& elm) const;
/// find identical element in array, return index, InvalidIndex if not found
IndexT FindIndex(const TYPE& elm) const;
/// fill array range with element
void Fill(IndexT first, SizeT num, const TYPE& elm);
/// clear contents and preallocate with new attributes
void Realloc(SizeT capacity, SizeT grow);
/// returns new array with elements which are not in rhs (slow!)
Array<TYPE> Difference(const Array<TYPE>& rhs);
/// sort the array
void Sort();
/// do a binary search, requires a sorted array
IndexT BinarySearchIndex(const TYPE& elm) const;

/// destroy an element (call destructor without freeing memory)
void Destroy(TYPE* elm);
/// copy content
void Copy(const Array<TYPE>& src);
/// delete content
void Delete();
/// grow array
void Grow();
/// grow array to target size
void GrowTo(SizeT newCapacity);
/// move elements, grows array if needed
void Move(IndexT fromIndex, IndexT toIndex);

static const SizeT MinGrowSize = 16;
static const SizeT MaxGrowSize = 65536; // FIXME: big grow size needed for mesh tools
SizeT grow;                             // grow by this number of elements if array exhausted
SizeT capacity;                         // number of elements allocated
SizeT size;                             // number of elements in array
TYPE* elements;                         // pointer to element array


template<class TYPE>
Array<TYPE>::Array() :
// empty

template<class TYPE>
Array<TYPE>::Array(SizeT _capacity, SizeT _grow) :
if (0 == this->grow)
this->grow = 16;
if (this->capacity > 0)
this->elements = n_new_array(TYPE, this->capacity);
this->elements = 0;

template<class TYPE>
Array<TYPE>::Array(SizeT initialSize, SizeT _grow, const TYPE& initialValue) :
if (0 == this->grow)
this->grow = 16;
if (initialSize > 0)
this->elements = n_new_array(TYPE, this->capacity);
IndexT i;
for (i = 0; i < initialSize; i++)
this->elements[i] = initialValue;
this->elements = 0;

template<class TYPE> void
Array<TYPE>::Copy(const Array<TYPE>& src)
n_assert(0 == this->elements);

this->grow = src.grow;
this->capacity = src.capacity;
this->size = src.size;
if (this->capacity > 0)
this->elements = n_new_array(TYPE, this->capacity);
IndexT i;
for (i = 0; i < this->size; i++)
this->elements[i] = src.elements[i];

template<class TYPE> void
this->grow = 0;
this->capacity = 0;
this->size = 0;
if (this->elements)
this->elements = 0;

template<class TYPE> void
Array<TYPE>::Destroy(TYPE* elm)

template<class TYPE>
Array<TYPE>::Array(const Array<TYPE>& rhs) :

template<class TYPE>

template<class TYPE> void
Array<TYPE>::Realloc(SizeT _capacity, SizeT _grow)
this->grow = _grow;
this->capacity = _capacity;
this->size = 0;
if (this->capacity > 0)
this->elements = n_new_array(TYPE, this->capacity);
this->elements = 0;

template<class TYPE> void
Array<TYPE>::operator=(const Array<TYPE>& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
if ((this->capacity > 0) && (rhs.size <= this->capacity))
// source array fits into our capacity, copy in place
n_assert(0 != this->elements);
IndexT i;
for (i = 0; i < rhs.size; i++)
this->elements[i] = rhs.elements[i];

// properly destroy remaining original elements
for (; i < this->size; i++)
this->grow = rhs.grow;
this->size = rhs.size;
// source array doesn't fit into our capacity, need to reallocate

template<class TYPE> void
Array<TYPE>::GrowTo(SizeT newCapacity)
TYPE* newArray = n_new_array(TYPE, newCapacity);
if (this->elements)
// copy over contents
IndexT i;
for (i = 0; i < this->size; i++)
newArray[i] = this->elements[i];

// discard old array and update contents
this->elements  = newArray;
this->capacity = newCapacity;

template<class TYPE> void
n_assert(this->grow > 0);

SizeT growToSize;
if (0 == this->capacity)
growToSize = this->grow;
// grow by half of the current capacity, but never more then MaxGrowSize
SizeT growBy = this->capacity >> 1;
if (growBy == 0)
growBy = MinGrowSize;
else if (growBy > MaxGrowSize)
growBy = MaxGrowSize;
growToSize = this->capacity + growBy;

30-Jan-03   floh    serious bugfixes!
07-Dec-04	jo		bugfix: neededSize >= this->capacity => neededSize > capacity
template<class TYPE> void
Array<TYPE>::Move(IndexT fromIndex, IndexT toIndex)
n_assert(fromIndex < this->size);

// nothing to move?
if (fromIndex == toIndex)

// compute number of elements to move
SizeT num = this->size - fromIndex;

// check if array needs to grow
SizeT neededSize = toIndex + num;
while (neededSize > this->capacity)

if (fromIndex > toIndex)
// this is a backward move
IndexT i;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
this->elements[toIndex + i] = this->elements[fromIndex + i];

// destroy remaining elements
for (i = (fromIndex + i) - 1; i < this->size; i++)
// this is a forward move
int i;  // NOTE: this must remain signed for the following loop to work!!!
for (i = num - 1; i >= 0; --i)
this->elements[toIndex + i] = this->elements[fromIndex + i];

// destroy freed elements
for (i = int(fromIndex); i < int(toIndex); i++)

// adjust array size
this->size = toIndex + num;

template<class TYPE> void
Array<TYPE>::Append(const TYPE& elm)
// grow allocated space if exhausted
if (this->size == this->capacity)
this->elements[this->size++] = elm;

template<class TYPE> void
Array<TYPE>::AppendArray(const Array<TYPE>& rhs)
IndexT i;
SizeT num = rhs.Size();
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)

This increases the capacity to make room for N elements. If the
number of elements is known before appending the elements, this
method can be used to prevent reallocation. If there is already
enough room for N more elements, nothing will happen.

NOTE: the functionality of this method has been changed as of 26-Apr-08,
it will now only change the capacity of the array, not its size.
template<class TYPE> void
Array<TYPE>::Reserve(SizeT num)
n_assert(num > 0);
SizeT neededCapacity = this->size + num;
if (neededCapacity > this->capacity)

template<class TYPE> SizeT
Array<TYPE>::Size() const
return this->size;

template<class TYPE> SizeT
Array<TYPE>::Capacity() const
return this->capacity;

Access an element. This method will NOT grow the array, and instead do
a range check, which may throw an assertion.
template<class TYPE> TYPE&
Array<TYPE>::operator[](IndexT index) const
n_assert(this->elements && (index < this->size));
return this->elements[index];

The equality operator returns true if all elements are identical. The
TYPE class must support the equality operator.
template<class TYPE> bool
Array<TYPE>::operator==(const Array<TYPE>& rhs) const
if (rhs.Size() == this->Size())
IndexT i;
SizeT num = this->Size();
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
if (!(this->elements[i] == rhs.elements[i]))
return false;
return true;
return false;

The inequality operator returns true if at least one element in the
array is different, or the array sizes are different.
template<class TYPE> bool
Array<TYPE>::operator!=(const Array<TYPE>& rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);

template<class TYPE> TYPE&
Array<TYPE>::Front() const
n_assert(this->elements && (this->size > 0));
return this->elements[0];

template<class TYPE> TYPE&
Array<TYPE>::Back() const
n_assert(this->elements && (this->size > 0));
return this->elements[this->size - 1];

template<class TYPE> bool
Array<TYPE>::IsEmpty() const
return (this->size == 0);

template<class TYPE> void
Array<TYPE>::EraseIndex(IndexT index)
n_assert(this->elements && (index < this->size));
if (index == (this->size - 1))
// special case: last element
this->Move(index + 1, index);

NOTE: this method is fast but destroys the sorting order!
template<class TYPE> void
Array<TYPE>::EraseIndexSwap(IndexT index)
n_assert(this->elements && (index < this->size));

// swap with last element, and destroy last element
IndexT lastElementIndex = this->size - 1;
if (index < lastElementIndex)
this->elements[index] = this->elements[lastElementIndex];

template<class TYPE> typename Array<TYPE>::Iterator
Array<TYPE>::Erase(typename Array<TYPE>::Iterator iter)
n_assert(this->elements && (iter >= this->elements) && (iter < (this->elements + this->size)));
this->EraseIndex(IndexT(iter - this->elements));
return iter;

NOTE: this method is fast but destroys the sorting order!
template<class TYPE> typename Array<TYPE>::Iterator
Array<TYPE>::EraseSwap(typename Array<TYPE>::Iterator iter)
n_assert(this->elements && (iter >= this->elements) && (iter < (this->elements + this->size)));
this->EraseSwapIndex(IndexT(iter - this->elements));
return iter;

template<class TYPE> void
Array<TYPE>::Insert(IndexT index, const TYPE& elm)
n_assert(index <= this->size);
if (index == this->size)
// special case: append element to back
this->Move(index, index + 1);
this->elements[index] = elm;

The current implementation of this method does not shrink the
preallocated space. It simply sets the array size to 0.
template<class TYPE> void
IndexT i;
for (i = 0; i < this->size; i++)
this->size = 0;

This is identical with Clear(), but does NOT call destructors (it just
resets the size member. USE WITH CARE!
template<class TYPE> void
this->size = 0;

template<class TYPE> typename Array<TYPE>::Iterator
Array<TYPE>::Begin() const
return this->elements;

template<class TYPE> typename Array<TYPE>::Iterator
Array<TYPE>::End() const
return this->elements + this->size;

Find element in array, return iterator, or 0 if element not
@param  elm     element to find
@return         element iterator, or 0 if not found
template<class TYPE> typename Array<TYPE>::Iterator
Array<TYPE>::Find(const TYPE& elm) const
IndexT index;
for (index = 0; index < this->size; index++)
if (this->elements[index] == elm)
return &(this->elements[index]);
return 0;

Find element in array, return element index, or InvalidIndex if element not
@param  elm     element to find
@return         index to element, or InvalidIndex if not found
template<class TYPE> IndexT
Array<TYPE>::FindIndex(const TYPE& elm) const
IndexT index;
for (index = 0; index < this->size; index++)
if (this->elements[index] == elm)
return index;
return InvalidIndex;

Fills an array range with the given element value. Will grow the
array if necessary
@param  first   index of first element to start fill
@param  num     num elements to fill
@param  elm     fill value
template<class TYPE> void
Array<TYPE>::Fill(IndexT first, SizeT num, const TYPE& elm)
if ((first + num) > this->size)
this->GrowTo(first + num);
IndexT i;
for (i = first; i < (first + num); i++)
this->elements[i] = elm;

Returns a new array with all element which are in rhs, but not in this.
Carefull, this method may be very slow with large arrays!
@todo this method is broken, check test case to see why!
template<class TYPE> Array<TYPE>
Array<TYPE>::Difference(const Array<TYPE>& rhs)
Array<TYPE> diff;
IndexT i;
SizeT num = rhs.Size();
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
if (0 == this->Find(rhs[i]))
return diff;

Sorts the array. This just calls the STL sort algorithm.
template<class TYPE> void
std::sort(this->Begin(), this->End());

Does a binary search on the array, returns the index of the identical
element, or InvalidIndex if not found
template<class TYPE> IndexT
Array<TYPE>::BinarySearchIndex(const TYPE& elm) const
SizeT num = this->Size();
if (num > 0)
IndexT half;
IndexT lo = 0;
IndexT hi = num - 1;
IndexT mid;
while (lo <= hi)
if (0 != (half = num/2))
mid = lo + ((num & 1) ? half : (half - 1));
if (elm < this->elements[mid])
hi = mid - 1;
num = num & 1 ? half : half - 1;
else if (elm > this->elements[mid])
lo = mid + 1;
num = half;
return mid;
else if (0 != num)
if (elm != this->elements[lo])
return InvalidIndex;
return lo;
return InvalidIndex;

This tests, whether the array is sorted. This is a slow operation
template<class TYPE> bool
Array<TYPE>::IsSorted() const
if (this->size > 1)
IndexT i;
for (i = 0; i < this->size - 1; i++)
if (this->elements[i] > this->elements[i + 1])
return false;
return true;

This inserts an element at the end of a range of identical elements
starting at a given index. Performance is O(n). Returns the index
at which the element was added.
template<class TYPE> IndexT
Array<TYPE>::InsertAtEndOfIdenticalRange(IndexT startIndex, const TYPE& elm)
IndexT i = startIndex + 1;
for (; i < this->size; i++)
if (this->elements[i] != elm)
this->Insert(i, elm);
return i;

// fallthrough: new element needs to be appended to end
return (this->Size() - 1);

This inserts the element into a sorted array. Returns the index
at which the element was inserted.
template<class TYPE> IndexT
Array<TYPE>::InsertSorted(const TYPE& elm)
SizeT num = this->Size();
if (num == 0)
// array is currently empty
return this->Size() - 1;
IndexT half;
IndexT lo = 0;
IndexT hi = num - 1;
IndexT mid;
while (lo <= hi)
if (0 != (half = num/2))
mid = lo + ((num & 1) ? half : (half - 1));
if (elm < this->elements[mid])
hi = mid - 1;
num = num & 1 ? half : half - 1;
else if (elm > this->elements[mid])
lo = mid + 1;
num = half;
// element already exists at [mid], append the
// new element to the end of the range
return this->InsertAtEndOfIdenticalRange(mid, elm);
else if (0 != num)
if (elm < this->elements[lo])
this->Insert(lo, elm);
return lo;
else if (elm > this->elements[lo])
this->Insert(lo + 1, elm);
return lo + 1;
// element already exists at [low], append
// the new element to the end of the range
return this->InsertAtEndOfIdenticalRange(lo, elm);
n_assert(0 == lo);
this->Insert(lo, elm);
return lo;
if (elm < this->elements[lo])
this->Insert(lo, elm);
return lo;
else if (elm > this->elements[lo])
this->Insert(lo + 1, elm);
return lo + 1;
// can't happen(?)
// can't happen
n_error("Array::InsertSorted: Can't happen!");
return InvalidIndex;

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