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spark core 2.0 ChunkedByteBufferOutputStream

2017-01-16 15:46 351 查看

* An OutputStream that writes to fixed-size chunks of byte arrays.
* @param chunkSize size of each chunk, in bytes.
private[spark] class ChunkedByteBufferOutputStream(
chunkSize: Int,
allocator: Int => ByteBuffer)
extends OutputStream {

private[this] var toChunkedByteBufferWasCalled = false

private val chunks = new ArrayBuffer[ByteBuffer]

/** Index of the last chunk. Starting with -1 when the chunks array is empty. */
private[this] var lastChunkIndex = -1

* Next position to write in the last chunk.
* If this equals chunkSize, it means for next write we need to allocate a new chunk.
* This can also never be 0.
private[this] var position = chunkSize
private[this] var _size = 0
private[this] var closed: Boolean = false

def size: Long = _size

override def close(): Unit = {
if (!closed) {
closed = true

override def write(b: Int): Unit = {
require(!closed, "cannot write to a closed ChunkedByteBufferOutputStream")
position += 1
_size += 1

override def write(bytes: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = {
require(!closed, "cannot write to a closed ChunkedByteBufferOutputStream")
var written = 0
while (written < len) {
val thisBatch = math.min(chunkSize - position, len - written)
chunks(lastChunkIndex).put(bytes, written + off, thisBatch)
written += thisBatch
position += thisBatch
_size += len

private def allocateNewChunkIfNeeded(): Unit = {
if (position == chunkSize) {
chunks += allocator(chunkSize)
lastChunkIndex += 1
position = 0

def toChunkedByteBuffer: ChunkedByteBuffer = {
require(closed, "cannot call toChunkedByteBuffer() unless close() has been called")
require(!toChunkedByteBufferWasCalled, "toChunkedByteBuffer() can only be called once")
toChunkedByteBufferWasCalled = true
if (lastChunkIndex == -1) {
new ChunkedByteBuffer(Array.empty[ByteBuffer])
} else {
// Copy the first n-1 chunks to the output, and then create an array that fits the last chunk.
// An alternative would have been returning an array of ByteBuffers, with the last buffer
// bounded to only the last chunk's position. However, given our use case in Spark (to put
// the chunks in block manager), only limiting the view bound of the buffer would still
// require the block manager to store the whole chunk.
val ret = new Array[ByteBuffer](chunks.size)
for (i <- 0 until chunks.size - 1) {
ret(i) = chunks(i)
if (position == chunkSize) {
ret(lastChunkIndex) = chunks(lastChunkIndex)
} else {
ret(lastChunkIndex) = allocator(position)
new ChunkedByteBuffer(ret)
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