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exercise 24 更多练习

2017-01-11 02:53 337 查看
print "Let's practice everything."
print 'You\'d need to know \'bout escapes with \\ that do \n newlines and \t tabs.'
poem = """
\tThe lovely world
with logic so firmly planted
cannot discern \n the needs of love
nor comprehend passion from intuition
and requires an explanation
\n\t\twhere there is none.
print "--------------"
print poem
print "--------------"
five = 10 - 2 + 3 - 6
print "This should be five: %s" % five  #此处直接显示5而不是上面的表达式/所以什么时候字符串

def secret_formula(started):
jelly_beans = started * 500
jars = jelly_beans / 1000
crates = jars / 100
return jelly_beans, jars, crates

start_point = 10000
beans, jars, crates = secret_formula(start_point)  #函数中的变量都是临时的,所以在脚本中可以使用任何名字

print "With a starting point of: %d" % start_point
print "We'd have %d beans, %d jars, and %d crates." % (beans, jars, crates)

start_point = start_point / 10

print "We can also do that this way:"
print "We'd have %d beans, %d jars, and %d crates." % secret_formula(start_point)

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