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2017-01-03 15:37 387 查看
– between的用法:值的比较:数值和字符比较

select *from books where price>=23.5 and price<=35; – 等价于

select *from books where price between 23.5 and 35; – between包含边界的比较>=/<=:注意小的值在前面

select *from books where bookName between ‘水浒传’ and ‘西游记’; – 字符比较

– 模糊查询:%通配符:类似正则式中的*,可以任意字符

– _下划线:单个字符 [charlist]:限定单个字符的值范围 [^charlist]/[!charlist]:排除单个字符

select *from books where price like ‘2%’; – 价格以2开头的记录

select *from books where price like ‘%5’; – 价格以5结尾的记录

select *from books where price like ‘%2%’; – 价格包含2的记录

select *from books where price like ‘23.5’; – 价格为23.5的记录,完全等价于–>

– 注意:


select *from books where price=23.5;

– sql的通配符的使用

select *from books where price like ‘2_.5’;

select *from books where price like ‘2%5’;

select *from books where price like ‘[23]%’;

select *from books where price like ‘[^23]%’;

– 修改数据表的字段

alter table books add aspect varchar(10); – 添加aspect字段:格式:alter table 表名add 字段名 字段类型

alter table books drop column aspect; – 删除aspect字段:格式:alter table 表名 drop 字段名

alter table books modify column aspect int; – 修改字段类型:modify

alter table books change column aspect newAspect int; – 修改字段名和字段类型:change

– 查询完全不同的数据记录

select distinct(bookName) from books; – bookName唯一的记录:会降低查询速度:不走索引

– 约束处理

alter table books add unique key(id); – 添加unique约束

alter table books add constraint PK_books primary key books(id); – 添加主键约束

– 添加外键:级联更新、级联删除

alter table books add constraint FR_books_vendors foreign key (vendorId) references vendors(id)

on delete cascade on update cascade;

alter table books drop primary key; – 删除主键约束

alter table books drop foreign key FR_books_vendors; – 删除外键:指明外键约束名:可能存在多个外键

alter table book rename books; – 修改表名

– 多表查询

select *from books,vendors where books.vendorId=vendors.id; – 查询书籍信息及出版商信息

– 等价于内连接:inner join:两个表都匹配才返回数:join(缺省写法)

select *from books inner join vendors on books.vendorId=vendors.id;

– 外连接:左连接left join:左表数据完全输出,右表如果匹配则完成输出,无匹配null值填充输出

select *from books left join vendors on books.vendorId=vendors.id;

– 外连接:右连接 right join:右表数据完全输出,左表如果匹配则输出,无匹配则null值填充输出

select *from books right join vendors on books.vendorId=vendors.id;

– mysql不支持全链接:full join:只要两个表存在数据就显示输出,没有匹配就使用null值填充输出:可以通过左连接和右链接,用union聚合实现效果

select *from books full join vendors on books.vendorId=vendors.id;

– union:将查询的结果聚合起来,必须确保聚合之后的新表,字段和类型一致,否则报错

select *from books join vendors on books.vendorId=vendors.id where books.id=1


select *from books join vendors on books.vendorId=vendors.id where books.id=2;

– select into:从其他表查询数据插入到另外一张表里面:一般用来生成测试数据(指数增长)或者备份数据

select id,name,tele,manager into vendorBak from vendors; – 格式:slect 字段名 into 新表名 from 原始数据表:mysql不支持

insert into vendors(name,tele,manager) select name,tele,manager from vendors; – mysql替代做法:表内自复制

create table vendorsBak(select *from vendors); – mysql新表备份原始表数据

– IFNULL:如果字段为null值则返回设定的默认值

select bookName,author,price,IFNULL(vendorId,0) from books;

select *from books where vendorId is not null;

select *from books where vendorId is null;

– 创建视图:从sql语句语义可以看出来视图本质就是特定sql语句查询结果的映射(别名),方便我们直接使用过滤之后的数据

create or replace view booksView as select *from books where vendorId is not null;

drop view if exists booksView; – 如果存在则删除视图,避免删除不存在的试图导致异常

– 注意:



insert into test values (UNHEX(HEX(‘Hello Python World!’)));
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标签:  sql union join 视图 约束