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1、  特征点寻找算子:

points_foerstner:Detect points of interest using the Förstner operator

points_harris:Detect points of interest using the Harris operator

points_sojka :Find corners using the Sojka operator

2、 特征点匹配算子:

proj_match_points_ransac:Compute a projectivetransformation matrix between two images by finding correspondences betweenpoints.通过寻找点之间的对应关系来计算两幅图像之间的投影变换矩阵


Thetransformation is determined in two steps: First, gray value correlations ofmask windows around the input points in the first and the second image aredetermined and an initial matching between them is generated using thesimilarity of the windows in both


Once the initialmatching is complete, a randomized search algorithm (RANSAC) is used todetermine the transformation matrixHomMat2D.
It tries to findthe matrix that is consistent with a maximum number of correspondences. For apoint to be accepted, its distance from the coordinates predicted by thetransformation must not exceed the threshold DistanceThreshold.

相匹配点选择以后,使用所有的匹配一直点进行进一步的优化,优化方法可以选择为'gold_standard' 或者'normalized_dlt',前者效果好但是慢,后者速度要快些。用到了vector_to_proj_hom_mat2d算子。

Once a choicehas been made, the matrix is further optimized using all consistent points. Forthis optimization, theEstimationMethod can
be chosen to either bethe slow but mathematically optimal 'gold_standard' method or the faster'normalized_dlt'. Here, the algorithms of vector_to_proj_hom_mat2d are

3、 拼接图像生成算子:

gen_projective_mosaic:Combine multiple images intoa mosaic image.将多幅图像拼接成一幅拼接图像

4、 显示缝隙seam

5、 光束法平差对所有图片进行相机参数校正:BundleAdjustment(光束法平差)算法主要是解决所有相机参数的联合。这是全景拼接必须的一步,因为多个成对的单应性矩阵合成全景图时,会忽略全局的限制,造成累积误差。因此每一个图像都要加上光束法平差值,使图像被初始化成相同的旋转和焦距长度。光束法平差的目标函数是一个具有鲁棒性的映射误差的平方和函数。即每一个特征点都要映射到其他的图像中,计算出使误差的平方和最小的相机参数

bundle_adjust_mosaic:Perform a bundle adjustment of an image mosaic


Transformation = 'projective',
 projective transformations

Transformation = 'affine',
 affine transformations

Transformation = 'similarity',
 similarity transformations

Transformation = 'rigid', 
rigid transformations

The parameter Transformation determines
the class oftransformations that is used in the bundle adjustment to transform the imagepoints. This can be used to restrict the allowable transformations. For Transformation = 'projective',
projective transformationsare used (see vector_to_proj_hom_mat2d).For Transformation = 'affine',
affine transformations areused (see vector_to_hom_mat2d),for Transformation = 'similarity',
similarity transformations(see vector_to_similarity),and
for Transformation = 'rigid' rigid
transformations (see vector_to_rigid).

6、 调整后拼接图像生成算子

gen_bundle_adjusted_mosaic :Combine multiple imagesinto a mosaic image



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