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READING NOTE: Beyond Skip Connections: Top-Down Modulation for Object Detection

2016-12-21 18:45 1146 查看
TITLE: Beyond Skip Connections: Top-Down Modulation for Object Detection

AUTHOR: Abhinav Shrivastava, Rahul Sukthankar, Jitendra Malik, Abhinav Gupta

ASSOCIATION: CMU, UC Berkeley, Google Research

FROM: arXiv:1612.06851


In this paper top-down modulations is proposed as a way to incorporate fine details into the detection framework. The standard bottom-up, feedforward ConvNet is supplemented with a top-down modulation (TDM) network, connected using lateral connections. These connections are responsible for the modulation of lower layer filters, and the top-down network handles the selection and integration of features.


The idea of this work is very similar with the work of Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection. An example of Top-Down Modulation (TDM) Network is illustrated as the following figure

TDM is integrated with the bottom-up network with lateral connections. Ci are bottom-up, feedforward feature blocks, Li are the lateral modules which transform low level features for the top-down contextual pathway. Finally, Tj,i, which represent flow of top-down information from index j to i.

In this paper, the T blocks are implemented using single convolutional layer (with non-linear activation) optionally with upsampling operation. The features from C (processed by L) and T are concated then sent to a convolutional layer for combination, as the following figure shows

At training stage, one new pair of lateral and top-down modules is added at a time and trained repeatedly from a pre-trained model.
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