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Informatica – PowerCenter Express – Data Sync – MSSQL to MySQL ( Using MySQL JDBC Driver )

2016-12-20 17:29 573 查看


A dated follow-up to our post on using Informatica – PowerCenter Express.

In that post we copied data between two
MS SQL Server Instances.

In this post we will copy data from SQL Server to MySQL.



Here is a brief outline of the steps we will take:

Select a Driver to use to communicate with MySQL
If Driver is not yet downloaded, please do so
Deploy Driver
Configure Informatica Client & Server with newly installed driver
Launch Informatica Desktop
Design Project
Create new project
Physical Data Object
Create Physical Data Object to Source ( MS SQL Server )
Create Physical Data Object to Source ( MySQL )

Create Mapping
Link Data Sources to ( Source and  Destination )

Validate Mapping
Run Mapping


Select Driver to Connect to MySQL

We have to decide whether we want to connect to MySQL using an ODBC or JDBC Driver.

We chose to go with the Vendor’s own JDBC Driver.


Download Driver


The MySQL Java/JDBC Driver is available here.


OS Platform

As we are installing on MS Windows, and not Unix, we chose to go with Zip file packages, as opposed to Tar, if we were on Unix.



Deploy Driver

Copy Jar file to the following locations

<Informatica Home>\PCExpress\externaljdbcjars
Used by Server

<Informatica Home>\PCExpress\client\externaljdbcjars
Used by Client


In our case, we copied the extracted mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar to:


Configure Informatica Client & Server with MySQL Driver

Configure Informatica Server


From the MS Windows desktop menu, access Start \ Informatica PowerCenter Express \ Launch Informatica Administrator.



The default browser opens in a new tab.  Our URL is http://localhost:7009/administrator/


Domain Navigator

The URL for local Domains appear.  That URL is http://dbdev:7009/administrator/#admin/Domain_Domain_localhost


New Connection – Choose to Create New Connection

Access the “Domain” \ “Connections” tab.

And, through the “Actions” link drop down, select New \ Connection



New Connection – Select a connection type

Once New \ Connection is selected from the dropdown menu, the “New Connection” panel is displayed.



New Connection – Step 1 of 2

Here is our user credentials and MySQL JDBC Driver Class Name and MySQL Hostname and Port number.

Username :- xferClient
Password :- Enter password
JDBC Driver Class Name :- com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Connection String :- jdbc:mysql://DBDEV:3306



New Connection – Test Connection

New Connection – Step 2 of 2



Configure Informatica Developer


Let us configure Informatica Developer with our newly downloaded JDBC Driver.

If the Developer has not be launched, please do so now.

Access Preferences

Access the Preferences menu by navigating the menu – Window\Preferences.


Informatica \ Connections

Using the tree menu on the left panel, access Informatica \ Connections



Add new JDBC Connection

In the Connections window, click the Add button to add a new JDBC Connection

Username :- xferClient
Password :- Enter password
JDBC Driver Class Name :- com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Connection String :- jdbc:mysql://DBDEV:3306


Design Project

Launch Informatica Developer if not already running.

Create New Project

Connect To Repository

Using the Object Explorer, select and connect to the ModelRepository.

Create New Project

Create a new project by using the menu items – File \ New \ Project


Name Project

In the “New Project” window, enter the name you will like to give to the Project.

And, review and change the “Repository Service” if there is one.


Data Object – Source

Create Data Object

Right click on the Project and select New \ Data Object


Select a wizard

From the “Select a wizard” window, please select “Relational Data Object”


Relational Data Object – Select a connection

The “Relational Data Object” window appears and the user is prompted “Select a connection”



Relational Data Object – Choose Connection

The “Choose Connection” window appear ….


Relational Data Object – Specify RDO Name

Specify the name of the Relational Data Object.


Relational Data Object – Select a Resource – Initial

By the “Resource” item, select the Browse button.

Here is the initial contents of the “Select a Resource” window.


Relational Data Object – Select a Resource – Avail all Schemas

Uncheck the “Show Default Schema Only” checkbox.

Unchecking the “Show Default Schema Only” button, reveals all database objects.


Relational Data Object – Select a Resource – Object Selected

Our object, Admin.ErrorLog, is selected below.


Relational Data Object – New Relational Data Object – Form Filled Out

Here is what things look like once our choices are all filled out.


Relational Data Object – Overview

Here is the Overview screen.

It shows the columns and corresponding datatype of those columns.


Data Object – Destination

Choose To Create New Physical Data Object

Use the menu item to initiate creation of a new Physical Data Object.


Relational Data Object – Select a connection

We are back at the initial contents of the “New Relational Data Object” screen.

We are being prompted to choose a connection


Relational Data Object – Choose Connection

Aforementioned, we will like to use JDBC to connect to our target data source.

And, so we will choose the MySQL Data Source that we created earlier.

The name of that Data Source is DBDEVPlatform32JDBC.


Relational Data Object – Select a resource

With our data source connected, we will go on to select a Resource, the specific Data Object that will be processing on the Target.

Please click the Browse button to review the list of objects available on the target.


Relational Data Object – Select a resource – Initial

Upon the “Select a Resource” window appearing, the resources listed will like be limited


Relational Data Object – Select a resource – “Show Default Schema Only” Unchecked

Once we uncheck “Show Default Schema Only“, we are able to see a fuller list of schemas and objects.

Relational Data Object – Select a resource – Resource Chosen

We choose the dblab.errorlog table that we created earlier.

Relational Data Object – Completed

Please review the chosen connections, resource, and change the name of the RDO to afford specificality.


Initiate New Mapping

Please initiate New Mapping by clicking on the menu items ( New \ Mapping )


Specify New Mapping’s Name

Specify a name that allows us to identify which objects are being mapped




Mapping Canvas

Empty Canvas
Here is our new empty canvas.


Add Source
Drag the source data object ( ErrorLog#Source ) from underneath Physical Data Objects\<Database>\<Object> to the canvas.

As this is our source, we will detail that our access will be “Read“.


Add Destination
Drag the destination data object ( ErrorLog#Destination ) from underneath Physical Data Objects\<Database>\<Object> to the canvas.

As we are now working on the destination, we will specify that our access type is for “Write“.


Mapping – Relational Data Objects
Here are the RDO Objects once the are dropped on the canvas.


Mapping – Relational Data Object – Initiate Menu
Select the Source Object and right click on it’s menu bar to get an insight of options available for that object.

Please select “Auto Link”.

Mapping – Auto Link
Mapping – AutoLink – Initial

In the screenshot above, we have only selected the Source Object and so the “OK” and “Apply” buttons are disabled.

Mapping – AutoLink – Select Source & Destination
Please select the Source and Destination objects

And, click OK or Apply to effect the changes.

Mapping – Validation

Mapping – Validation – Initiation
Please right click on the empty canvas and select the Validate option from the drop-down menu.

Mapping – Validation – Completion
If no problems are found, we are told so.

Mapping – Validation – Completion

Mapping – Run Mapping

Right click on the canvas, and chose to “Run Mapping

Mapping Running



There are some errors to be on the lookout for:

Maximum Number of rows for a 24-hour period

It is possible that you might experience the error pasted below:

Mapping run completed with errors.
[MPSVCCMN_10082] The Mapping Service Module [MappingService] could not run the mapping due to the following error: [[DS_10192]
The Integration Service processed the maximum number of rows for a 24-hour period. Wait until the row limit resets at [2016-06-28 00:00:00.000].].


As we are running the Express, Informatica Developer for PowerCenter Express, edition and it is free and licensed for Development purpose, it is not suitable for large datasets.



cData Software

JDBC Data Sources

Create Informatica Mappings From/To a JDBC Data Source for Cassandra
Create Informatica Mappings From/To a JDBC Data Source for Marketo
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