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2016-12-16 22:37 323 查看
1、错误信息:You’re using the Django “sites framework” without having set the SITE_ID setting. Create a site in your database and set the SITE_ID setting to fix this error.

原因:settings.py里# Application definition中添加了’django.contrib.sites’模块后需要设置SITE_ID

处理:在settings.py里添加配置:SITE_ID = 1

2、安装django 1.10.4后执行python manage.py runserver后提示错误信息:RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

File “D:\Python27\lib\functools.py”, line 56, in

convert = { ‘_lt_’ : [( ‘_gt_’ , lambda self , other : other < self ), ( ‘_le_’ , lambda self , other : not other < self ), ( ‘_ge_’ , lambda self , other : not self < other )], ‘_le_’ : [( ‘_ge_’ , lambda self , other : other <= self ), ( ‘_lt_’ , lambda self , other : not other <= self ), ( ‘_gt_’ , lambda self , other : not self <= other )], ‘_gt_’ : [( ‘_lt_’ , lambda self , other : other > self ), ( ‘_ge_’ , lambda self , other : not other > self ), ( ‘_le_’ , lambda self , other : not self > other )], ‘_ge_’ : [( ‘_le_’ , lambda self , other : other >= self ), ( ‘_gt_’ , lambda self , other : not other >= self ), ( ‘_lt_’ , lambda self , other : not self >= other )] }


convert = { ‘_lt_’ : [( ‘_gt_’ , lambda self , other : not ( self < other or self == other )), ( ‘_le_’ , lambda self , other : self < other or self == other ), ( ‘_ge_’ , lambda self , other : not self < other )], ‘_le_’ : [( ‘_ge_’ , lambda self , other : not self <= other or self == other ), ( ‘_lt_’ , lambda self , other : self <= other and not self == other ), ( ‘_gt_’ , lambda self , other : not self <= other )], ‘_gt_’ : [( ‘_lt_’ , lambda self , other : not ( self > other or self == other )), ( ‘_ge_’ , lambda self , other : self > other or self == other ), ( ‘_le_’ , lambda self , other : not self > other )], ‘_ge_’ : [( ‘_le_’ , lambda self , other : ( not self >= other ) or self == other ), ( ‘_gt_’ , lambda self , other : self >= other and not self == other ), ( ‘_lt_’ , lambda self , other : not self >= other )] }
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