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Unity中使用委托 代理 实现敌人自动检测目标并攻击

2016-12-15 17:53 786 查看


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

public class ReactiveEnemy : MonoBehaviour


//a variable to store this game object's Transform

private Transform myTransform;

//a variable to store the player's character Transform

private Transform playerTransform;

/*a static boolean variable to tell if the player has collided with

any enemy trigger*/

public static bool hasCollided = false;

//Initialization code

void Awake()


//get the game object the script is attached to

myTransform = this.GetComponent<Transform>();

//get the player's Transform

playerTransform = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent<Transform>();


//runs every game cycle

void Update()


//checks if the player has collided with any trigger



//follow the player




//this method makes the enemy follow the player

private void Follow()


//look at the player


/*only follow the player if this enemy is

4.5 units away from the player*/



//move the enemy

myTransform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime* 0.5f);





需要在每个敌人物体上添加一个触发器。触发器可以让敌人在某范围内检测到玩家。下面的触发脚本只是在碰到玩家后将上面ReactiveEnemy 脚本中的静态变量 hasColliderd设为真。
using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

public class EnemyTrigger : MonoBehaviour


//if something collided with the trigger

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)


//if the player collided with the trigger



//set hasCollided static variable to true

ReactiveEnemy.hasCollided = true;







下面是AllEnemies 类。
using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

public class AllEnemies : MonoBehaviour


//a variable to store the player's character Transform

private Transform playerTransform;

/* a static boolean variable  to tell if the player has collided with

any enemy trigger*/

public static bool hasCollided = false;

//an array of game objects, to store every single enemy in the scene

private GameObject[] allEnemies;

/*sets a delegate called 'AllEnemyActions', that returns void and takes

a Transform as a parameter*/

private delegate void AllEnemyActions(Transform pTransform);

/*now that the 'AllEnemyActions' delegate signature is set, we

instantiate a delegate, naming it as 'aaaDelegate'*/

private AllEnemyActions aaaDelegate;

void Awake()


//get the player's character Transform

playerTransform = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent<Transform>();

//get all enemies that are in this scene, and have the 'Enemy' tag

allEnemies = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy");

/* here, the delegate is instantiated. It takes a method as

* a parameter, meaning that the FollowPlayer method from

* the first enemy of the array 'allEnemies' is now being wrapped

* by the aaaDelegate. So if we call the delegate right now,

* by writing:

* aaaDelegate(playerTransform);

* it would be the same as writing:

* allEnemies[0].GetComponent<EnemyActions>().FollowPlayer();


aaaDelegate = new AllEnemyActions(allEnemies[0].GetComponent<EnemyActions>().FollowPlayer);

/* now, we add other methods that have the same signature, so

* the delegate can reference them, when it's called.*/

aaaDelegate += allEnemies[1].GetComponent<EnemyActions>().FollowPlayer;

aaaDelegate += allEnemies[2].GetComponent<EnemyActions>().FollowPlayer;

aaaDelegate += allEnemies[3].GetComponent<EnemyActions>().FollowPlayer;

aaaDelegate += allEnemies[4].GetComponent<EnemyActions>().FollowPlayer;

aaaDelegate += allEnemies[5].GetComponent<EnemyActions>().FollowPlayer;

/*NOTE: It is possible to use a loop to add these methods as

* references to the delegate. To remove a reference to a method,

you will need to use the '-=' operator. */


void Update()


//checks if the player has collided with any trigger



//call the delegate


/*The above line is the same as calling every FollowPlayer()

* method from every GameObject has the 'Enemy' tag. */




开始,我们定义委托有哪些特性(第十七行)。接着,当委托被定义后,我们在Awake()中第40行对它初始化。初始化需要添加一个函数引用,所以我们从allEnemies 数组中选一个加上。然后我们将其他的方法添加上(设置委托,43-47行)。

  Update函数中,我们要做的只是调用aaaDelegate的委托,并将playerTransform作为参数传递进去。完成了!所有被添加进委托的函数都会被调用。变量hasCollided 只会被判断一次,玩家的transform 也只需获取一次,不再是场景中的每个敌人都在Awake()函数中获取一次。

  那FollowPlayer()方法来自哪里呢?还记着我们将ReactiveEnemy 分成两部分吗?敌人FollowPlayer方法在另一个叫做EnemyActions脚本中。
using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

public class EnemyActions : MonoBehaviour


//a variable to store this game object's Transform

private Transform myTransform;

void Awake()


//get the game object the script is attached to

myTransform = this.GetComponent<Transform>();


//this method makes the enemy follow the player

public void FollowPlayer(Transform playerTransform)


//look at the player


/*only follow the player if this enemy is 4.5 units away from the

* the player*/



//move the enemy

myTransform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime* 0.5f);






//this method makes the enemy fly

public void Fly(Transform pTransform)


//if the player is at 4.5f units away



//make it fly

myTransform.Translate(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime);




//make it land

if(myTransform.position.y >= 0.525528f)


myTransform.Translate(-Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime);




/*Instead of (line 47):

aaaDelegate += allEnemies[5].GetComponent<enemyactions>().Follow;*/


aaaDelegate += allEnemies[5].GetComponent<enemyactions>().Fly;



对于触发器的代码和上面展示的是相同的。委托为代码带来了极大的灵活性,尤其是需要重构时。它允许在游戏规则上多做思考,并且在不需要了解具体是如何实施的情况下执行。考虑将委托作为运行时可执行和不可执行的接口。可以通过-= 运算符移除这些方法,也可以通过添加方法合并委托。
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