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Streams and Files

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Chapter 1. Streams and Files









In this chapter, we cover the Java application programming interfaces (APIs) for input and output. 
You will learn how to access files and directories and how to read and write data in binary and text format. 
This chapter also shows you the object serialization mechanism that lets you store objects as easily as you can store text or numeric data. 
Next, we turn to several improvements that were made in the "new I/O" package
java.nio, introduced in Java SE 1.4. 
We finish the chapter with a discussion of regular expressions, even though they are not actually related to streams and files. 
We couldn't find a better place to handle that topic, and apparently neither could the Java team—the regular expression API specification was attached to the specification request for the "new I/O" features of Java SE 1.4.


In the Java API, an object from which we can read a sequence of bytes is called an
input stream. 
An object to which we can write a sequence of bytes is called an
output stream. 
These sources and destinations of byte sequences can be—and often are—files, but they can also be network connections and even blocks of memory. 
The abstract classes InputStream and OutputStream form the basis for a hierarchy of input/output (I/O) classes.
Because byte-oriented streams are inconvenient for processing information stored in Unicode (recall that Unicode uses multiple bytes per character), 
there is a separate hierarchy of classes for processing Unicode characters that inherit from the abstract
Reader and Writer classes. 
These classes have read and write operations that are based on two-byte Unicode code units rather than on single-byte characters.

Reading and Writing Bytes

The InputStream class has an abstract method:

abstract int read()

This method reads one byte and returns the byte that was read, or -1 if it encounters the end of the input source. 
The designer of a concrete input stream class overrides this method to provide useful functionality. For example, in the
FileInputStream class, 
this method reads one byte from a file. System.in is a predefined object of a subclass of
InputStream that allows you to read information from the keyboard.
The InputStream class also has nonabstract methods to read an array of bytes or to skip a number of bytes. 
These methods call the abstract read method, so subclasses need to override only one method.
Similarly, the OutputStream class defines the abstract method

abstract void write(int b)

which writes one byte to an output location.
Both the read and write methods
block until the bytes are actually read or written. 
This means that if the stream cannot immediately be accessed (usually because of a busy network connection), the current thread blocks. 
This gives other threads the chance to do useful work while the method is waiting for the stream to again become available.
The available method lets you check the number of bytes that are currently available for reading. This means a fragment like the following is unlikely to block:

int bytesAvailable = in.available();
if (bytesAvailable > 0)
byte[] data = new byte[bytesAvailable];

you have finished reading or writing to a stream, close it by calling the close method. 
This call frees up operating system resources that are in limited supply. 
If an application opens too many streams without closing them, system resources can become depleted. 
Closing an output stream also flushes the buffer used for the output stream: 
any characters that were temporarily placed in a buffer so that they could be delivered as a larger packet are sent off. 
In particular, if you do not close a file, the last packet of bytes might never be delivered. 
You can also manually flush the output with the flush method.
Even if a stream class provides concrete methods to work with the raw
read and write functions, application programmers rarely use them. 
The data that you are interested in probably contain numbers, strings, and objects, not raw bytes.
Java gives you many stream classes derived from the basic
InputStream and OutputStream classes that let you work with data in the forms that you usually use rather than at the byte level.


abstract int read()
reads a byte of data and returns the byte read. The
read method returns a -1 at the end of the stream.

int read(byte[] b)
reads into an array of bytes and returns the actual number of bytes read, or -1 at the end of the stream. The
read method reads at most b.length bytes.

int read(byte[] b, int off, int len)
reads into an array of bytes. The read method returns the actual number of bytes read, or -1 at the end of the stream.

Parameters:bThe array into which the data is read
 offThe offset into b where the first bytes should be placed
 lenThe maximum number of bytes to read
long skip(long n)
skips n bytes in the input stream. Returns the actual number of bytes skipped (which may be less than
n if the end of the stream was encountered).

int available()
returns the number of bytes available without blocking. (Recall that blocking means that the current thread loses its turn.)

void close()
closes the input stream.

mark(int readlimit)
puts a marker at the current position in the input stream. (Not all streams support this feature.) If more than
readlimit bytes have been read from the input stream, then the stream is allowed to forget the marker.

void reset()
returns to the last marker. Subsequent calls to
read reread the bytes. If there is no current marker, then the stream is not reset.

boolean markSupported()
returns true if the stream supports marking.


abstract void write(int n)
writes a byte of data.

void write(byte[] b)

void write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
writes all bytes or a range of bytes in the array

Parameters:bThe array from which to write the data
 offThe offset into b to the first byte that will be written
 lenThe number of bytes to write
void close()
flushes and closes the output stream.

void flush()
flushes the output stream; that is, sends any buffered data to its destination.

The Complete Stream Zoo

Unlike C, which gets by just fine with a single type
Let us divide the animals in the stream class zoo by how they are used. 
There are separate hierarchies for classes that process bytes and characters. 
As you saw, the InputStream and OutputStream classes let you read and write individual bytes and arrays of bytes. 
These classes form the basis of the hiearchy shown in
Figure 1-1. To read and write strings and numbers, you need more capable subclasses. 
For example, DataInputStream and DataOutputStream let you read and write all the primitive Java types in binary format. 
Finally, there are streams that do useful stuff; for example, the
ZipInputStream and ZipOutputStream that let you read and write files in the familiar ZIP compression format.
For Unicode text, on the other hand, you use subclasses of the abstract classes
Reader and Writer (see
Figure 1-2). 
The basic methods of the Reader and Writer classes are similar to the ones for
InputStream and OutputStream.

abstract int read()
abstract void write(int c)

The read method returns either a Unicode code unit (as an integer between 0 and 65535) or -1 when you have reached the end of the file. 
The write method is called with a Unicode code unit. (See Volume I, Chapter 3 for a discussion of Unicode code units.)
SE 5.0 introduced four additional interfaces: Closeable, Flushable,
Readable, and Appendable (see
Figure 1-3). 
The first two interfaces are very simple, with methods

void close() throws IOException


void flush()

respectively. The classes InputStream, OutputStream,
Reader, and Writer all implement the Closeable interface.
OutputStream and Writer implement the Flushable interface.

Figure 1-3. The Closeable, Flushable,
Readable, and Appendable interfaces

[View full size image]

Readable interface has a single method

int read(CharBuffer cb)

The CharBuffer class has methods for sequential and random read/write access. It represents an in-memory buffer or a memory-mapped file. (See "The Buffer
Data Structure" on page 72 for details.)
The Appendable interface has two methods for appending single characters and character sequences:

Appendable append(char c)
Appendable append(CharSequence s)

The CharSequence interface describes basic properties of a sequence of
char values. It is implemented by String, CharBuffer,
StringBuilder, and StringBuffer.
Of the stream zoo classes, only Writer implements


void close()
closes this Closeable. This method may throw an IOException.


void flush()
flushes this Flushable.


int read(CharBuffer cb)
attempts to read as many char values into cb as it can hold. Returns the number of values read, or -1 if no further values are available from this


Appendable append(char c)

Appendable append(CharSequence cs)
appends the given code unit, or all code units in the given sequence, to this
Appendable; returns this.


charAt(int index)
returns the code unit at the given index.

int length()
returns the number of code units in this sequence.

CharSequence subSequence(int startIndex, int endIndex)
returns a CharSequence consisting of the code units stored at index
startIndex to endIndex - 1.

String toString()
returns a string consisting of the code units of this sequence.

Combining Stream Filters

FileInputStream and FileOutputStream give you input and output streams attached to a disk file. 
You give the file name or full path name of the file in the constructor. For example,

FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("employee.dat");

looks in the user directory for a file named "employee.dat".


Because all the classes in java.io interpret relative path names as starting with the user's working directory, you may want to know this directory. You can get at this information by a call
to System.getProperty("user.dir").
Like the abstract InputStream and
OutputStream classes, these classes support only reading and writing on the byte level. 
That is, we can only read bytes and byte arrays from the object

byte b = (byte) fin.read();

As you will see in the next section, if we just had a
DataInputStream, then we could read numeric types:

DataInputStream din = . . .;
double s = din.readDouble();

But just as the FileInputStream has no methods to read numeric types, the
DataInputStream has no method to get data from a file.
Java uses a clever mechanism to separate two kinds of responsibilities. 
Some streams (such as the FileInputStream and the input stream returned by the
openStream method of the URL class) can retrieve bytes from files and other more exotic locations. 
Other streams (such as the DataInputStream and the
PrintWriter) can assemble bytes into more useful data types. 
The Java programmer has to combine the two. For example, to be able to read numbers from a file, first create a
FileInputStream and then pass it to the constructor of a

FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("employ
DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(fin);
double s = din.readDouble();

you look at Figure 1-1 again, you can see the classes
FilterInputStream and FilterOutputStream. The subclasses of these files are used to add capabilities to raw byte streams.
You can add multiple capabilities by nesting the filters. For example, by default, streams are not buffered. That is, every call to
read asks the operating system to dole out yet another byte. It is more efficient to request blocks of data instead and put them in a buffer. If you want buffering
and the data input methods for a file, you need to use the following rather monstrous sequence of constructors:

DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream("employee.dat")));

Notice that we put the DataInputStream
last in the chain of constructors because we want to use the
DataInputStream methods, 
and we want them to use the buffered
read method.
Sometimes you'll need to keep track of the intermediate streams when chaining them together. 
For example, when reading input, you often need to peek at the next byte to see if it is the value that you expect. Java provides the
PushbackInputStream for this purpose.

PushbackInputStream pbin = new PushbackInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream("employee.dat")));

Now you can speculatively read the next byte

int b = pbin.read();

and throw it back if it isn't what you wanted.

if (b != '<') pbin.unread(b);

But reading and unreading are the only methods that apply to the pushback input stream. 
If you want to look ahead and also read numbers, then you need both a pushback input stream and a data input stream reference.

DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(
pbin = new PushbackInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream("employee.dat"))));

Of course, in the stream libraries of other programming languages, niceties such as buffering and lookahead are automatically taken care of, 
so it is a bit of a hassle in Java that one has to resort to combining stream filters in these cases. 
But the ability to mix and match filter classes to construct truly useful sequences of streams does give you an immense amount of flexibility. 
For example, you can read numbers from a compressed ZIP file by using the following sequence of streams (see
Figure 1-4):

Code View:
ZipInputStream zin = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream("employee.zip"));
DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(zin);

Figure 1-4. uence of filtered streams

[View full size image



FileInputStream(File file)
creates a new file input stream, using the file whose path name is specified by the
name string or the file object. (The
File class is described at the end of this chapter.) Path names that are not absolute are resolved relative to the working directory that was set when the VM started.


FileOutputStream(String name)

FileOutputStream(String name, boolean append)

FileOutputStream(File file)

FileOutputStream(File file, boolean append)
creates a new file output stream specified by the
name string or the file object. (The
File class is described at the end of this chapter.) If the
append parameter is true, then data are added at the end of the file. An existing file with the same name will not be deleted. Otherwise, this method deletes any existing file with the same name.


BufferedInputStream(InputStream in)
creates a buffered stream. A buffered input stream reads characters from a stream without causing a device access every time. When the buffer is empty, a new block of data is read into the buffer.


creates a buffered stream. A buffered output stream collects characters to be written without causing a device access every time. When the buffer fills up or when the stream is flushed, the data
are written.


PushbackInputStream(InputStream in)

PushbackInputStream(InputStream in, int size)
constructs a stream with one-byte lookahead or a pushback buffer of specified size.

void unread(int b)
pushes back a byte, which is retrieved again by the next call to read.

Parameters:bThe byte to be read again
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