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自学--数据库笔记--第七篇--SQL sever2008更新数据

2016-12-05 15:25 337 查看

数据库笔记—7—SQL sever2008更新数据



插入数据 两种语句格式


insert into depart

insert into worker(wid,wname,wbirthdate,depid)  --指定字段

insert into salary(wid,totalsalary) --错误的,有两个主键,,需要全部不为空
values('010',2800) --数字类型不加引号

insert into salary(wid,sdate,totalsalary)
values('010','2011-01-04',2800) --数字类型不加引号

–insert…select语句 从某张张表中查询的数据,放到另外一张表中

create table worker_f
wid char(3) primary key,
wname varchar(10) not null,
wbirthdate date

insert into worker_f
select wid,wname,wbirthdate
from worker
where wsex='女'

修改数据 update

--修改worker表中的数据,将姓名为‘李飞龙’的职工的性别修改为‘男’  基于单表
update worker
set wsex='男'
where wname='李飞龙'
--将1975年以前出生的职工2011年1月份的totalsalary增加500元,actualsalary增加400元 基于多表

update salary
set totalsalary=totalsalary+500,actualsalary=actualsalary+400
from worker inner join salary on worker.wid=salary.wid
where YEAR(wbirthdate)<1975 and YEAR(sdate)=2011 and MONTH(sdate)=1

update salary
set totalsalary=totalsalary+500,actualsalary=actualsalary+400
where YEAR(sdate)=2011 and MONTH(sdate)=1 and wid in
select wid
from worker
where YEAR(wbirthdate)<1975

删除数据 delete from

delete from worker
where wname='李飞龙'


delete from salary
from worker inner join salary on worker.wid=salary.wid
where wname='余慧'

delete from salary
where wid=
select wid
from worker
where wname='孙华'



insert into student

insert into stu_course(sno,cno)

create table avg_sdept
sdept varchar(30) primary key,
avgage int

insert into avg_sdept
select sdept,AVG(YEAR(getdate())-YEAR(sbirth)) as 平均年龄
from student
group by sdept

update student
set sbirth='1997-09-01'
where sno='95001'

update stu_course
set grade=0
from student inner join stu_course on student.sno=stu_course.sno
where sdept = '计算机系'

update stu_course
set grade=0
where sno in
select sdept
from student
where sdept = '计算机系'

delete from avg_sdept

delete from student
where sno='95020'

delete from stu_course
from student inner join stu_course on student.sno=stu_course.sno
where sdept='计算机系'

delete from stu_course
where sno in
select sno
from student
where sdept='计算机系'
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标签:  数据库 sql 数据