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Export Binary Data with Low-Level I/O

2016-12-01 00:04 387 查看
Low-Level Functions for Exporting Data
Low-level file I/O functions allow the most direct control over reading or writing data to a file. However, these functions require that you specify more detailed information about your file than the easier-to-use
high-level functions. For a complete list of high-level functions and the file formats they support, see

Supported File Formats for Import and Export.

If the high-level functions cannot export your data, use one of the following:

, which writes formatted data to a text or ASCII file; that is, a file you can view in a text editor or import into a spreadsheet. For more information, see

Export to Text Data Files with Low-Level I/O.

, which writes a stream of binary data to a file. For more information, see

Write Binary Data to a File.

Note:   The low-level file I/O functions are based on functions in the ANSI® Standard C Library. However, MATLAB® includes
vectorized versions of the functions, to read and write data in an array with minimal control loops.

Write Binary Data to a File
Open Script

This example shows how to use the
function to export a stream of binary data to a file.

Create a file named
with the integers from 1 to 9. As with any of the low-level I/O functions, before writing, open or create a file with
and obtain a file identifier.

fileID = fopen('nine.bin','w');
fwrite(fileID, [1:9]);

By default,
writes values from an array in column order as 8-bit unsigned integers (

When you finish processing a file, close it with


Create a file with double-precision values. You must specify the precision of the values if the values in your matrix are not 8-bit unsigned integers.

mydata = [pi 42 1/3];

fileID = fopen('double.bin','w');

Overwrite or Append to an Existing Binary File
Open Script

This example shows how to overwrite a portion of an existing binary file and append values to the file.

By default,
opens files with read access. To change the type of file access, use the permission specifier in the call to
. Possible permission specifiers include:

for reading

for writing, discarding any existing contents of the file

for appending to the end of an existing file

To open a file for both reading and writing or appending, attach a plus sign to the permission, such as
. If you open a file for both reading and writing, you must call
between read and write operations.

Overwrite a Portion of an Existing File

Create a file named
, specifying permission to write and read.

fileID = fopen('magic4.bin','w+');

The original magic(4) matrix is:

16     2     3    13
5    11    10     8
9     7     6    12
4    14    15     1

The file contains 16 bytes, 1 for each value in the matrix.

Replace the values in the second column of the matrix with the vector,
[44 44 44 44]
. To do this, first seek to the fourth byte from the beginning of the file using


Write the vector
[44 44 44 44]

fwrite(fileID,[44 44 44 44]);

Read the results from the file into a 4-by-4 matrix.

newdata = fread(fileID,[4,4])

newdata =

16    44     3    13
5    44    10     8
9    44     6    12
4    44    15     1

Close the file.


Append Binary Data to Existing File

Append the values
[55 55 55 55]
. First. open the file with permission to append and read.

fileID = fopen('magic4.bin','a+');

Write values at end of file.

fwrite(fileID,[55 55 55 55]);

Read the results from the file into a 4-by-5 matrix.

appended = fread(fileID, [4,5])

appended =

16    44     3    13    55
5    44    10     8    55
9    44     6    12    55
4    44    15     1    55

Close the file.


Create a File for Use on a Different System
Different operating systems store information differently at the byte or bit level:

Big-endian systems store bytes starting with the largest address in memory (that is, they start with the big end).

Little-endian systems store bytes starting with the smallest address (the little end).

Windows® systems use little-endian byte ordering, and UNIX® systems use big-endian byte ordering.

To create a file for use on an opposite-endian system, specify the byte ordering for the target system. You can specify the ordering in the call to open the file, or in the call to write the file.

For example, to create a file named
on a big-endian system for use on a little-endian system, use one (or both) of the following commands:

Open the file with

fid = fopen('myfile.bin', 'w', 'l')

Write the file with

fwrite(fid, mydata, precision, 'l')

indicates little-endian ordering.

If you are not sure which byte ordering your system uses, call the

[cinfo, maxsize, ordering] = computer

The returned
for little-endian systems, or
for big-endian systems.

Open Files with Different Character Encodings
Encoding schemes support the characters required for particular alphabets, such as those for Japanese or European languages. Common encoding schemes include US-ASCII or UTF-8.

The encoding scheme determines the number of bytes required to read or write
values. For example, US-ASCII characters always use 1 byte, but UTF-8 characters use up to 4 bytes. MATLAB automatically processes the required number of bytes for each
value based on the specified encoding scheme. However, if you
specify a
precision, MATLAB processes each byte as
, regardless of the specified encoding.

If you do not specify an encoding scheme,
opens files for processing using the default encoding for your system. To determine the default, open a file, and call
again with the syntax:

[filename, permission, machineformat, encoding] = fopen(fid);

If you specify an encoding scheme when you open a file, the following functions apply that scheme:
, and

For a complete list of supported encoding schemes, and the syntax for specifying the encoding, see the
reference page.

Write and Read Complex Numbers
Open Script

This example shows how to write and read complex numbers in binary files.

The available precision values for
do not explicitly support complex numbers. To store complex numbers in a file, separate the real and imaginary components and write them separately to the file. There are two ways to do this:

Write all real components followed by all imaginary components

Interleave the components

Use the approach that allows you to read the data in your target application.

Separate Real and Imaginary Components

Create an array that contains complex values.

nrows = 5;
ncols = 5;
z = complex(rand(nrows, ncols), rand(nrows, ncols))

z =

Columns 1 through 4

0.8147 + 0.7577i   0.0975 + 0.7060i   0.1576 + 0.8235i   0.1419 + 0.4387i
0.9058 + 0.7431i   0.2785 + 0.0318i   0.9706 + 0.6948i   0.4218 + 0.3816i
0.1270 + 0.3922i   0.5469 + 0.2769i   0.9572 + 0.3171i   0.9157 + 0.7655i
0.9134 + 0.6555i   0.9575 + 0.0462i   0.4854 + 0.9502i   0.7922 + 0.7952i
0.6324 + 0.1712i   0.9649 + 0.0971i   0.8003 + 0.0344i   0.9595 + 0.1869i

Column 5

0.6557 + 0.4898i
0.0357 + 0.4456i
0.8491 + 0.6463i
0.9340 + 0.7094i
0.6787 + 0.7547i

Separate the complex values into real and imaginary components.

z_real = real(z);
z_imag = imag(z);

Write All Real Components Follwed By Imaginary Components

Write all the real components,
, followed by all the imaginary components,
, to a file named

adjacent = [z_real z_imag];

fileID = fopen('complex_adj.bin', 'w');

Read the values from the file using

fileID = fopen('complex_adj.bin');
same_real = fread(fileID, [nrows, ncols], 'double');
same_imag = fread(fileID, [nrows, ncols], 'double');

same_z = complex(same_real, same_imag);

Interleave Real and Imaginary Components

An alternative approach is to interleave the real and imaginary components for each value.
writes values in column order, so build an ar
ray that combines the real and imaginary parts by alternating rows.

First, preallocate the interleaved array.

interleaved = zeros(nrows*2, ncols);

Alternate real and imaginary data.

newrow = 1;
for row = 1:nrows
interleaved(newrow,:) = z_real(row,:);
interleaved(newrow + 1,:) = z_imag(row,:);
newrow = newrow + 2;

Write the interleaved values to a file named

fileID = fopen('complex_int.bin','w');
fwrite(fileID, interleaved, 'double');

Open the file for reading and read the real values from the file. The fourth input to
tells the function to skip the specified number of bytes after reading each value.

fileID = fopen('complex_int.bin');
same_real = fread(fileID, [nrows, ncols], 'double', 8);

Return to the first imaginary value in the file. Then, read all the imaginary data.

fseek(fileID, 8, 'bof');
same_imag = fread(fileID, [nrows, ncols], 'double', 8);

same_z = complex(same_real, same_imag);
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