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6 Gradle的优点?

2016-11-30 23:01 134 查看

1. 依赖管理


<project xmlns=”http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0″ xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xsi:schemaLocation=”http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd”>
















apply plugin: “java”

group = “com.mycompany.app”

archivesBaseName = “my-app”

version = “1.0-SNAPSHOT”

repositories {



dependencies {

testCompile “junit:junit:3.8.1″



2. Task



<?xml version=”1.0″?>

<project name=”foo”>

<target name=”hello”>

   <echo>Hello World</echo>





task hello << {

   println “Hello World”


 也许对于仅仅一行的“Hello World"而言,二者看起来差不多。不过试想一下,Ant是使用定义好的task来做要做的事情,而Gradle则是使用Groovy动态脚本来实现,只要你熟悉Groovy,就可以在构建脚本中做任何想做的事情。

3. 灵活性


task time << {
int hours = new Date().hours
switch (hours) {
case 0..11:

println ” Good Morning! It’s ${hours}am.”
case 12..17: // noon to 5pm
println ” Good Afternoon! It’s ${hours > 12 ? hours – 12 : hours}pm.”
default: // 6pm to 11pm
println “Good Evening! It’s ${hours – 12}pm. Shouldn’t you be going home?”



4. 扩展性


另外,Gradle也支持插件机制,目前已经有很多Gradle的可用插件,像Java, War, Jetty等,使用起来非常方便。

5. 社区支持


另外,Gradle的官方网站也提供了非常详细的文档和例子,很容易入门 。

6. 总结


Maven pros

  * Lots of third party plugins for tasks

  * Fairly robust IDE support (eclipse, netbeans, intellij)

  * Dependency management

  * Jetty plugin (you can run the web app off the compiled source with hot deployment)

 Maven cons

 * XML based configuration. which usually ends up being very verbose.

 * Writing simple and custom tasks (for instance copy a set of files somewhere) is tedious. 

   You have to write a plugin and testing + development  time for simple tasks may end up too long and time consuming. 

   For things to go smooth you usually will have to follow maven conventions and standard plugins.

 * Everything is a plugin. Even simple tasks like compile and running tests. 

   So for a fresh project, downloading all the plugins takes considerable time. 

   Plus there might be updates to the plugin which will be downloaded occasionally when you run the build.

 * Lots of maven plugins usually have problems and a general opinion is that it is hard to debug.

 * Building is slow compared to ant and gradle

 * Does not prepare the html unit test case report by default (but something called a surefire reports)

 Gradle (pros)

 * Based on groovy. Scripting tasks are quite coz it is in a programming language. 

 * Uses ivy dependency management (which uses maven repositories). Dependency downloads are quite fast.

 * Integrates ant tasks also.

 * Supports the standard directory layout. 

   So for compilation, testing and packaging no extra tasks need to be written as long    the files are in the layout.

 * Come bundles with a default set of plugins which are core to gradle. So it does not have to download/update plugins

 * Builds are quite fast.

 * Standard junit reports

 * Supports jetty server

  Gradle (cons)

 * IDE support or the lack of it. Eclipse does not come with good support for gradle or groovy. 

   Intellij idea and netbeans supports it (idea supports gradle projects) however.

 * Third party plugin support is not as good as maven


整体而言,Gradle的优势已经越来越明显。如果是新起的项目,不要犹豫,直接上Gradle吧,绝对有不一样的体验。 :)
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