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LeetCode 392. Is Subsequence

2016-11-30 14:13 330 查看
Given a string s and a string t, check if s is subsequence of t.

You may assume that there is only lower case English letters in both s and t. t is potentially a very long (length ~= 500,000) string, and s is a short string (<=100).

A subsequence of a string is a new string which is formed from the original string by deleting some (can be none) of the characters without disturbing the relative positions of the remaining characters. (ie,
is a subsequence of
is not).

Example 1:
s =
, t =


Example 2:
s =
, t =


Follow up:
If there are lots of incoming S, say S1, S2, ... , Sk where k >= 1B, and you want to check one by one to see if T has its subsequence. In this scenario, how would you change your code?





1 public class Solution {
2     public boolean isSubsequence(String s, String t) {
3         int sindex = 0, tindex = 0;
4         while(sindex < s.length() && tindex < t.length()) {
5             if(s.charAt(sindex) == t.charAt(tindex)) {
6                 sindex++;
7             }
8             tindex++;
9         }
10         if(sindex == s.length()) return true;
11         return false;
12     }
13 }


1 public class Solution {
2     public boolean isSubsequence(String s, String t) {
3         if(t.length() < s.length()) return false;
4         int prev = 0;
5         for(int i = 0; i < s.length();i++) {
6             char tempChar = s.charAt(i);
7             prev = t.indexOf(tempChar,prev);
8             if(prev == -1) return false;
9             prev++;
10         }
12         return true;
13     }
14 }

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