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开发ROS 程序包控制机械臂

2016-11-29 19:52 197 查看
ROS(Robot Operation System)是一个机器人软件平台,提供一些标准操作系统服务,例如硬件抽象,底层设备控制,常用功能实现,进程间消息以及数据包管理。ROS是基于一种图状架构,从而不同节点的进程能接受,发布,聚合各种信息(例如传感,控制,状态,规划等等)。目前ROS主要支持Ubuntu。ROS(低层)使用BSD许可证,所有都是开源软件,并能免费用于研究和商业用途。由于其强大的功能、全面的信息及方便快捷的开发,使得开源的ROS逐渐成为机器人开发者首选的开发工具和平台。更多学习内容详见网页 http://wiki.ros.org/cn





1) ros_uarm.cpp:

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <keyboard_resolve/uarm_keyboard.h>
#include "UF_ARM.h"
#include "serial/serial.h"
#define delta_increment 2;
#define rotate_delta_increment 1;
std::string port;
std::string keyboard_topic_;
int32_t baud;
serial::Serial ser;
struct motor_velocity
int16_t height;
int16_t stretch;
int16_t rotate;
int16_t hand;
motor_velocity arm_robot;
uint8_t SerialBuf[11];
void keyboardCallback(const keyboard_resolve::uarm_keyboard& omni_velocity)

if (omni_velocity.hand_catch)
SerialBuf[10] = 1;
if (omni_velocity.hand_release)
SerialBuf[10] = 2;
if (omni_velocity.height_down || omni_velocity.height_up)
if (omni_velocity.height_down)
arm_robot.height -= delta_increment;
if (omni_velocity.height_up)
arm_robot.height += delta_increment;
if (arm_robot.height < ARM_HEIGHT_MIN)
arm_robot.height = ARM_HEIGHT_MIN;

else if (arm_robot.height > ARM_HEIGHT_MAX)
arm_robot.height = ARM_HEIGHT_MAX;
SerialBuf[7] = arm_robot.height & 0xff;
SerialBuf[6] = (arm_robot.height >> 8) & 0xff;
if (omni_velocity.rotate_left || omni_velocity.rotate_right)
if (omni_velocity.rotate_left)
arm_robot.rotate -= rotate_delta_increment;
if (omni_velocity.rotate_right)
arm_robot.rotate += rotate_delta_increment;
if (arm_robot.rotate < ARM_ROTATION_MIN)
arm_robot.rotate = ARM_ROTATION_MIN;

else if (arm_robot.rotate > ARM_ROTATION_MAX)
arm_robot.rotate = ARM_ROTATION_MAX;
SerialBuf[3] = arm_robot.rotate & 0xff;
SerialBuf[2] = (arm_robot.rotate >> 8) & 0xff;
if (omni_velocity.stretch_back || omni_velocity.stretch_up)
if (omni_velocity.stretch_back)
arm_robot.stretch -= delta_increment;
if (omni_velocity.stretch_up)
arm_robot.stretch += delta_increment;
if (arm_robot.stretch < ARM_STRETCH_MIN)
arm_robot.stretch = ARM_STRETCH_MIN;

else if (arm_robot.stretch > ARM_STRETCH_MAX)
arm_robot.stretch = ARM_STRETCH_MAX;
SerialBuf[5] = arm_robot.stretch & 0xff;
SerialBuf[4] = (arm_robot.stretch >> 8) & 0xff;
if (omni_velocity.reset)
arm_robot.stretch = 0;
arm_robot.rotate = 0;
arm_robot.height = 0;
SerialBuf[0] = 0xFF;
SerialBuf[1] = 0xAA;
SerialBuf[3] = arm_robot.rotate & 0xff;
SerialBuf[2] = (arm_robot.rotate >> 8) & 0xff;
SerialBuf[5] = arm_robot.stretch & 0xff;
SerialBuf[4] = (arm_robot.stretch >> 8) & 0xff;
SerialBuf[7] = arm_robot.height & 0xff;
SerialBuf[6] = (arm_robot.height >> 8) & 0xff;
SerialBuf[8] = 0;
SerialBuf[9] = 0;
SerialBuf[10] = 0;
ser.write(SerialBuf, 11);
std::cout << omni_velocity << "\n";
int main(int argc, char** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "get_msg");
ros::NodeHandle node;
node.param<std::string>("keyboard_topic", keyboard_topic_, "uarm_keyboard");
node.param<std::string>("serial_port", port, "/dev/ttyUSB0");
serial::Timeout to = serial::Timeout(50, 50, 0, 50, 0);
if (ser.isOpen())
ros::Rate wait_serial(1);
int time_count = 0;
while (!ser.isOpen()&&ros:k())
catch (const std::exception& e)
ROS_ERROR("Unable to connect to port.");
ROS_INFO("wait for about %ds", time_count);
if (ser.isOpen())
ROS_INFO("Successfully connected to serial port.");

arm_robot.stretch = 0;
arm_robot.rotate = 0;
arm_robot.height = 0;
SerialBuf[0] = 0xFF;
SerialBuf[1] = 0xAA;
SerialBuf[3] = arm_robot.rotate & 0xff;
SerialBuf[2] = (arm_robot.rotate >> 8) & 0xff;
SerialBuf[5] = arm_robot.stretch & 0xff;
SerialBuf[4] = (arm_robot.stretch >> 8) & 0xff;
SerialBuf[7] = arm_robot.height & 0xff;
SerialBuf[6] = (arm_robot.height >> 8) & 0xff;
SerialBuf[8] = 0;
SerialBuf[9] = 0;
SerialBuf[10] = 0;
ser.write(SerialBuf, 11);
ros::Subscriber sub = node.subscribe(keyboard_topic_, 10, keyboardCallback);//subsribe the topic
arm_robot.stretch = 0;
arm_robot.rotate = 0;
arm_robot.height = 0;
SerialBuf[0] = 0xFF;
SerialBuf[1] = 0xAA;
SerialBuf[3] = arm_robot.rotate & 0xff;
SerialBuf[2] = (arm_robot.rotate >> 8) & 0xff;
SerialBuf[5] = arm_robot.stretch & 0xff;
SerialBuf[4] = (arm_robot.stretch >> 8) & 0xff;
SerialBuf[7] = arm_robot.height & 0xff;
SerialBuf[6] = (arm_robot.height >> 8) & 0xff;
SerialBuf[8] = 0;
SerialBuf[9] = 0;
SerialBuf[10] = 0;
ser.write(SerialBuf, 11);
return 0;

2) uarm_keyboard.msg:

bool rotate_left

bool rotate_right

bool stretch_up

bool stretch_back

bool height_up

bool height_down

bool hand_catch

bool hand_release

bool reset
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