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Git workflow

2016-11-19 14:08 225 查看

Sample Workflow

Here is a sample workflow using the commands discussed in the presentation:
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "user@jun.com"
git config --global core.editor emacs
git clone git@git-test.labs.jun.com:test-group1/g1p1.git

git pull                       // Get the latest code
git branch testbranch          // Create a branch
git branch                     // Look at existing branches
git checkout testbranch        // Switch to the branch
vi aFile.java                  // Edit some code
git diff                       // Look at what has changed
git status                     // Shows what branch you are on, what has changed, what is in the staging area, etc.
git add                        // Add a file to the staging area
git status                     // Look at the difference in the status
git commit                     // Create a commit using the changes in the staging area
git log                        // See that our commit has been added to the log
git checkout master            // Switch to the master branch
git pull                       // Get the latest code
git checkout testbranch        // Switch to testbranch
git rebase master              // Replay local commit on top of the latest code
git checkout master            // Switch to the master branch
git merge testbranch           // Merge changes with master
git push                       // Push your patch out for public consumption
git branch -d testbranch       // Delete the branch

Resolve a Conflict

git branch branch1                  // Create a branch
// Creating a conflict just for an example. You would not normally do this.
git branch branch2                  // Create another branch
git checkout branch1                // Check out the first branch
vi App.java                         // Edit a file - add a comment
git commit -a -m "Added a comment"  // Commit all changes and add comment
(Replaces 'git add <files>', 'git commit', add comment in editor
git checkout branch2                // Check out the second branch
vi App.java                         // Edit the file - add a conflicting comment
git commit -a -m "ADDED A COMMENT"  // Commit all changes and add comment
git log                             // Look at the log
git checkout master                 // Check out the master branch
git branch                          // Look at existing branches
git merge branch1                   // Merge changes from first branch to master
git log                             // Look at the log
// This is back to the normal workflow. At this point, you would have created a
// commit on branch2, then switched to the master branch and pulled the latest code.
// Then...
git checkout branch2                // Check out the second branch
git rebase master                   // Replay local commit on top of the lastest code
git status                          // Look at the status
vi App.java                         // Conflict is marked with <<<<<<<,=======,>>>>>>>
//  - Make appropriate changes
<<<<<<< HEAD
// add a comment here
git add App.java                    // Add the file to the staging area
git rebase --continue               // Continue the rebase
git diff HEAD^1 HEAD                // Look at what changed in the latest commit
git checkout master                 // Change to master branch
git merge branch2                   // Merge changes from second branch to master
git log                             // See that both changes are there

Interactive Rebase

git branch branch1                  // Create a branch
git checkout branch1                // Checkout the branch
vi App.java                         // Edit a file
git commit -a -m "Added a comment"  // Create a commit
git log                             // Look at the log
git diff HEAD^1 HEAD                // Look a what changed in the latest commit
vi App.java                         // Make another change to the file
git diff                            // Look at what has changed
git commit -a -m "add this"         // Create another commit
git log                             // Look at the log and see both commits
git rebase -i HEAD~4                // Run interactive rebase - brings up an editor
//  - The 4 says to use the last 4 commits. The
//    number doesn't matter much as long as you
//    get the commits you are interested in.
//  - Change "pick" to "fixup" or "squash"
pick 43b9ab5 ah, now greg committed and authored it. that's gotta be true, right?
pick c55d006 unsigned
pick c2efe89 Added a comment
fixup 95a3e56 add this

# Rebase d7bc4ca..95a3e56 onto d7bc4ca
# Commands:
#  p, pick = use commit
#  r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
#  e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
#  s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
#  f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
#  x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
# These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.
# Note that empty commits are commented out
git log
git diff HEAD^1 HEAD


git log                              // Look at the log to find commit id
git format-patch -1 <commmit_id>     // Create the patch

// Send the patch to someone
// Apply the patch in a sandbox
git apply <patch_file_name>          // Apply locally
git diff                             // Look at local changes
git log                              // Patch is not committed locally
// Push the patch
git apply --check <patch_file_name>  // Verify that the patch will apply
git apply –-stat <patch_file_name>   // Verify white spaces (but does not fix them)
git am –s <patch_file_name>          // Put your signature in the commit
git push                             // Push the patch

Restore a Lost Commit

git branch branch1                                    // Create a branch
git checkout branch1                                  // Check out the branch
vi App.java                                           // Edit a file
git diff                                              // Look at the changes
git commit -a -m "Added something really important"   // Commit changes and add commit comment
git log                                               // Look at the commit
git reset --hard <a_previous_commit>                  // Oops!
git log                                               // Commit is not there
vi App.java                                           // Changes are not in the file

// Go back in your window and find the commit id

git reset --hard <your_commit_id>                     // Reset to your commit
git log                                               // Commit is back
vi App.java                                           // Changes are back
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标签:  linux git gitlab