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Pepper SDK for Android Getting Started

2016-11-17 20:41 281 查看



To develop an Android robot application, you need to set up your development environment as follows.

Install Android Studio

Robot application runs on the built-in Android tablet of the robot and therefore to develop the application, Android Studio must be installed.
Android StudioVersion 1.5 or Higher
Java Development Kit (JDK)System Requirements of Android Studio
To install Android Studio, follow the installation guide available here:http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html

Get Android SDK and Build-Tools

To develop an Android application, you need to install Android SDK and its Build-Tools:
From Android Studio menu bar, click the SDK Manager 

The SDK Manager appears.

Download and install Android SDK version 5.1.1 (API 22, Lollipop).

Note: As backwards compatibility is supported, you can install SDK version 5.1.1(API 22) or lower.
Download and install SDK Build-Tools
SDK Build-tools such as Emulator/Android Debug Bridge are also required. Download and install the same version of SDK Build-tools as the installed Android SDK.

Note: The system image for Android Virtual Device (AVD) environment is described in Get
Robot SDK and tools section.

Get Pepper SDK Plugin

Reminder: before installing Pepper SDK Plugin, you should have downloaded and installed Android StudioJava Development Kit (JDK) and Android
This section shows how to install Pepper SDK Plugin in Android Studio for developing robot applications.
From Android Studio Settings, select Plugins sub-menu,
then click the Browse repositories… button.

Enter “Pepper” in the search bar, in order to find Pepper SDK.
Select Pepper SDK and click the Install plugin button.

Restart Android Studio.
Check the File > New menu: robot plugin menus should appear.

Get Robot SDK and tools

Once Pepper SDK Plugin is installed, your last step for setting up the environment is to download the tools for developing robot application.
From Android Studio menu bar, click the Robot SDK Manager 

Check the target API version you want to develop your robot application in and click the Apply button.

Robot SDK Content

AVD(Android Virtual Device):
AVD system image same as the robot tablet image. Provides x86 and armeabi architectures.
ToolsRobot Emulator and tools for developing robot application, such as Robot ViewerRobots BrowserTrajectory, etc.

You are ready!

It is now time to create
a robot application.
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