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2016-11-08 12:27 726 查看


1、  编写平面坐标处理的类,其中,需满足如下要求:

(1)   有“__eq__”方法(def __eq__(self, other):),若坐标被认为是平面上的同一个点则返回真(即有同样的x,y坐标)。

(2) 定义一个特殊方法__repr__(def __repr__(self):),能够输出形式如“Coordinate(1, 8)”的坐标。

(3) 完成如下操作:
* 创建一个坐标为(1,8)的对象
* 分别用str方法和repr方法显示该对象
* 再创建一个坐标为(1,8)的对象
* 判断这两个对象是否相等?

2、  创建一个新类表示整数集合

(1)   初始时集合为空

(2)   每个特定的整数只能在集合中出现一次(注:必须在方法中强制实现)

(3)   内部数据表示:用一个列表存储集合中的元素 

(4)   接口
* insert(e):若整数e不存在,则插入e到集合中
* member(e):若整数e在集合中返回True,否则返回False
* remove(e):从集合中删除整数e,若不存在则出错

(5)   定义一个方法intersect(self, other),返回一个新的intSet,包含同时出现在两个集合中的元素。换句话说,

(6)   增加一个特殊方法__len__(self),若调用len(s),将返回s中元素的个数。


1、  coordinate.py: 

<span style="font-size:14px;">'''
Author: WJT
Date: 11/4/2016

Function: deal with the coordinate of the points in a plane

# class Coordinate to deal with the coordinate of the point in a plane
class Coordinate(object):
# construction function
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y

# public function for getting the coordinate x
def getX(self):
return self.x

# public function for getting the coordinate y
def getY(self):
return self.y

# private function for specific format print
# overload of inner function "str"
def __str__(self):
return '<' + str(self.getX()) + ',' + str(self.getY()) + '>'

# private function for comparing two Coordinate objects
# called implicitly when comparing
def __eq__(self, other):
if ((self.x == other.x) and (self.y == other.y)):
return True
return False

# private function for specific format print
# overload of inner function "repr"
def __repr__(self):
return 'Coordinate<' + str(self.x) + ', ' +  str(self.y) + '>'

# test bench
if __name__ == '__main__':
obj1 = Coordinate(1, 8)
obj2 = Coordinate(1, 8)
print(obj1 == obj2)

2、  intSet.py:

Author: WJT
Date: 11/4/2016

Function: class for integer set

class intSet(object):
An intSet is a set of integers
The value is represented by a lis of ints, self.vals.
Each int in the set occurs in self.vals exactly once.

def __init__(self):
"""Create an empty set of integers"""
self.vals = []

def insert(self, e):
"""Assumes e is an integer and insert e into self.vals"""
if not e in self.vals:  # e not in self.vals

def member(self, e):
"""Assumes e is an integer
return True if e is in self and False otherwise"""

return e in self.vals

def remove(self, e):
"""Assumes e is an integer and remove e from self
Raise ValueError if e is not in self"""
# try-except statements to deal with error
raise ValueError(str(e) + 'not found')

def __str__(self):
"return a string representation of self"
return '{' + ','.join([str(e) for e in self.vals]) + '}'

def intersect(self, other):
newSet = intSet()
for i in self.vals:
if other.member(i):
return newSet

# private function for getting length
# overload of inner funtion "len"
def __len__(self):
return len(self.vals)

# test bench
if __name__ == '__main__':
obj_1 = intSet()
for i in range(0, 10):

obj_2 = intSet()
for i in range(0, 6):

# display length
print("length of obj_1: " + str(len(obj_1)))
print("length of obj_2: " + str(len(obj_2)))

# display intersection of two sets

1、  coordinate.py:

2、  intSet.py:

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