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>> rng(2,'v4')
>> a=rand(3,4)

a =

0.0258    0.1901    0.2319    0.0673
0.9210    0.8673    0.1562    0.3843
0.7008    0.4185    0.7385    0.9427

>> minmax(a)

ans =

0.0258    0.2319
0.1562    0.9210
0.4185    0.9427

>> x=nndata([1;2],3,4)

x =

[1x3 double]    [1x3 double]    [1x3 double]    [1x3 double]
[2x3 double]    [2x3 double]    [2x3 double]    [2x3 double]

>> mm=minmax(x)%计算细胞数字的max/min

mm =

[1x2 double]
[2x2 double]

>> mm{1}

ans =

0.0167    0.8921

>> mm{2}

ans =

0.0222    0.8808
0.0840    0.8560


function x = nndata(elements,samples,timesteps,value)
%NNDATA Create neural network data.
%  <a href="matlab:doc nndata">nndata</a> creates data in the cell array data format used by
%  Neural Network Toolbox software.
%  Neural network cell data consists of a cell array which has as many rows
%  as there are signals and as many columns as there are timesteps.
%  Each element {i,j} of the cell array is a matrix which has as many rows
%  as the ith signal has elements and as many columns as there are samples.
%  <a href="matlab:doc nndata">nndata</a>(N,Q,TS) returns random neural network data in cell array form.
%  It takes an M-element row vector N of element sizes for M signals,
%  the number of samples Q and number of timesteps TS.  If any of these
%  arguments are not provided their default value is 1.
%  The returned value is an MxTS cell array where each {i,ts} element
%  is an N(i)xQ matrix.
%  <a href="matlab:doc nndata">nndata</a>(N,Q,TS,V) returns neural network data consisting of the scalar
%  value V.
%  Here four samples of five timesteps, for a 2-element signal consisting
%  of zero values is created:
%    x = <a href="matlab:doc nndata">nndata</a>(2,4,5,0)
%  To create random data with the same dimensions:
%    x = <a href="matlab:doc nndata">nndata</a>(2,4,5)
%  Here static (1 timestep) data of 12 samples of 4 elements is created.
%    x = <a href="matlab:doc nndata">nndata</a>(4,12)
%  You can access subsets of neural network data with <a href="matlab:doc getelements">getelements</a>,
%  <a href="matlab:doc getsamples">getsamples</a>, <a href="matlab:doc gettimesteps">gettimesteps</a>, and <a href="matlab:doc getsignals">getsignals</a>.
%  You can set subsets of neural network data with <a href="matlab:doc setelements">setelements</a>,
%  <a href="matlab:doc setsamples">setsamples</a>, <a href="matlab:doc settimesteps">settimesteps</a>, and <a href="matlab:doc setsignals">setsignals</a>.
%  You can concatenate subsets of neural network data with <a href="matlab:doc catelements">catelements</a>,
%  <a href="matlab:doc catsamples">catsamples</a>, <a href="matlab:doc cattimesteps">cattimesteps</a>, and <a href="matlab:doc catsignals">catsignals</a>.

% Copyright 2010-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

if nargin < 1, elements = 1; end
if nargin < 2, samples = 1; end
if nargin < 3, timesteps = 1; end
nntype.pos_int_vector('check',elements,'Number of elements');
nntype.pos_int_scalar('check',samples,'Number of samples');
nntype.pos_int_scalar('check',timesteps,'Number of timesteps');

signals = length(elements);
if (nargin < 4) || isempty(value)
x = cell(signals,timesteps);
for i=1:signals
for j=1:timesteps
x{i,j} = rand(elements(i),samples);
x = cell(signals,1);
for i=1:signals
x{i,1} = value + zeros(elements(i),samples);
x = x(:,ones(1,timesteps));


<a href="matlab:doc nndata"> nndata </a>以所使用的单元格数组数据格式创建数据神经网络工具箱软件。


<a href="matlab:doc nndata"> nndata </a>(N,Q,TS)返回单元格数组形式的随机神经网络数据。它获取M个信号的元素尺寸的M元素行向量N,的样本数Q和时间步数TS。如果有这些


<a href="matlab:doc nndata"> nndata</a>(N,Q,TS,V)返回由标量组成的神经网络数据值V.


x = <a href="matlab:doc nndata">数据</a>(2,4,5,0)

x = <a href="matlab:doc nndata"> nndata </a>(2,4,5)
x = <a href="matlab:doc nndata"> nndata </a>(4,12)

您可以使用<a href="matlab:doc getelements">getelements </a>访问神经网络数据子集,
<a href="matlab:doc getsamples">取样</a>,<a href="matlab:doc gettimesteps"> gettimesteps </a>和<a href="matlab:doc getsignals">获取信息</ a>。

您可以使用<a href="matlab:doc setelements">setelements </a>设置神经网络数据子集,<a href="matlab:doc setsamples">样本</a>,<a href="matlab:doc settimesteps">设置步距</a>和<a href="matlab:doc setsignals"> setsignals </ a>。

您可以使用<a href="matlab:doccatelements">资源</a>连接神经网络数据子集,
<a href="matlab:doc catsamples"> catsamples </a>,<a href="matlab:doc cattimesteps"> cattimesteps </a>和<a href="matlab:doc catsignals"> catsignals </ span> a>。


版权所有2010-2012 The MathWorks,Inc.




1. M = max(A)

M = max(A,[],dim)

[M,I] = max(_)

C = max(A,B)



M = max(A) returns the largest elements of A.

If A is a vector, then max(A) returns the largest element of A.

If A is a matrix, then max(A) treats the columns of A as vectors and returns a row vector of largest elements.(在列向量里面找到max,然后列成行向量)

If A is a multidimensional array, then max(A) treats the values along the first array dimension whose size does not equal 1 as vectors and returns an array of maximum values. The size of this dimension becomes 1 while the sizes of all other dimensions remain the same.(则max(A)将大小不等于1的第一个数组维度的值视为向量,并返回最大值数组。此维度的大小变为1,而所有其他维度的大小保持不变。)


- M = max(A,[],dim) returns the largest elements along dimension dim. For example, if A is a matrix, then max(A,[],2) is a column vector containing the maximum value of each row.(包含每行的最大值的列向量)


[M,I] = max(_) finds the indices of the maximum values of A and returns them in output vector I, using any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes. If there are several identical maximum values, then max returns the index of the first one.



C = max(A,B) returns an array the same size as A and B with the largest elements taken from A or B. The dimensions of A and B must match, or one can be a scalar.(比较A和B相同位置元素的大小,返回是一个m*n的矩阵(A和B是同型矩阵),若B为标量,则标量扩展成与A同型的矩阵)




M = mean(A)

M = mean(A,dim)

M = mean(_,type)



==M = mean(A)== returns the mean value along the first array dimension of A whose size does not equal 1.(例如非空非向量矩阵则返回列向量的平均值组成的行向量)

If A is a vector, then mean(A) returns the mean of the elements.

If A is a nonempty, nonvector matrix, then mean(A) treats the columns of A as vectors and returns a row vector whose elements are the mean of each column.

If A is an empty 0-by-0 matrix, then mean(A) returns NaN.

If A is a multidimensional array, then mean(A) treats the values along the first array dimension whose size does not equal 1 as vectors and returns an array of row vectors. The size of this dimension becomes 1 while the sizes of all other dimensions remain the same.


M = mean(A,dim) returns the mean along dimension dim. For example, if A is a matrix, then mean(A,2) is a column vector containing the mean of each row.


- M = mean(_,type) returns the mean in the class specified by type, using any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes. type can be ‘double’, ‘native’, or ‘default’.

The type option does not support datetime arrays or duration arrays. A or B. The dimensions of A and B must match, or one can be a scalar.


b =

1.0644    1.0075   -0.8900   -0.9547
1.5076    0.5383   -1.9832   -0.7598
1.8966   -0.6168    0.9503    0.3192
1.2472   -1.2161    0.3468    0.6004

>> max(b)

ans =

1.8966    1.0075    0.9503    0.6004

>> min(b)

ans =

1.0644   -1.2161   -1.9832   -0.9547

>> mean(b)

ans =

1.4290   -0.0718   -0.3940   -0.1987

>> mean(b,1)

ans =

1.4290   -0.0718   -0.3940   -0.1987

>> mean(b,2)

ans =


>> max(b,1)

ans =

1.0644    1.0075    1.0000    1.0000
1.5076    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
1.8966    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
1.2472    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000

>> max(b,[],1)

ans =

1.8966    1.0075    0.9503    0.6004

>> max(b,[],2)

ans =


>> min(b,[],1)

ans =

1.0644   -1.2161   -1.9832   -0.9547

>> min(b,[],2)

ans =


>> [Y,I]=min(b)

Y =

1.0644   -1.2161   -1.9832   -0.9547

I =

1     4     2     1

>> [Y,I]=max(b)

Y =

1.8966    1.0075    0.9503    0.6004

I =

3     1     3     4

>> Y=max(b,2)

Y =

2     2     2     2
2     2     2     2
2     2     2     2
2     2     2     2

>> c=randi(4)

c =


>> c=randi(1,4)

c =

1     1     1     1
1     1     1     1
1     1     1     1
1     1     1     1

>> max(b,c)

ans =

1.0644    1.0075    1.0000    1.0000
1.5076    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
1.8966    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
1.2472    1.0000    1.0000    1.0000
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标签:  matlab 神经网络