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xcode 8使用技巧总结

2016-11-07 14:38 239 查看


在xcode7时代,大家都使用过一个非常好用的文档注释插件VVDocument,众所周知xcode 8已经取消了对之前的第三方插件的支持,因为它提供了一种新的第三方插件的开发模式,已经集成到了xcode8中。那么文档注释怎么办呢?这个功能已经被集成到了xcode8 

我将文档注释的快捷键修改为option + / , 因为cmd + /  已经和我的alfred的某一个快捷键冲突了

文档注释通常用于函数的注释, 在鼠标的焦点外于函数的当行,或上一行时,按option + / 快捷键时,自动添加文档注释, TAB或 CTRL+/ 切换不同的输入提示。

二、好用的xcode 8 编辑器插件收集

2.1 xcode 8 swift 代码格式化


2.2 xTextHandler


2.3 awesome-xcode-extensions 


这个项目记录当前好用的xocde 8原生插件

Alignment -This Xcode source editor extension align
your assignment statement.
CleanClosureXcode - An Xcode Source Editor extension
to clean the closure syntax.
xTextHandler - Xcode Source Editor Extension based tools
to improve the text editing experience of Xcode 8 and provide extensions with simple code.
Xcode-Search - A Xcode Source Editor Extension that searches
external sources
SwiftLintForXcode - SwiftLint for Xcode is a Xcode
Extension that was created to run SwiftLint.
XcodeCComment - Xcode Source Editor Extension for C Style Comment
Duplicate Line - Xcode's source editor extension to duplicate
selected line or lines.
Dotify - Convert [[AnObject method1] method2] to AnObject.method1.method2
with Xcode Extension
XcodeEditorPlus - Bring some convenient editor shortcuts
to Xcode using Xcode Source Editor Extension, inspired from AppCode.
XcodeWay - Navigate to many places from Xcode
strimmer - Strimmer is an Xcode 8 Source Code Extension that
quickly strips all trailing whitespace from the current file.
Jumpy - Jumpy is an Xcode source editor extension for jumping
across multiple lines of code.
SETools - Xcode 8 Extension - Figlet Font Titles
GenerateSwiftInit - Proof of concept for Xcode 8 source
extensions; generate a Swift init from current selection
XTExtension - Comment lines.
VS-Key-Bindings-For-Xcode - Visual Studio
Comment Selection and Uncomment Selection for Xcode 8 extension.
Localizer - It then breaks apart any String declarations it founds
by splitting the selection based off " and then wrap the resulting String inside NSLocalizedString.
EmojifySourceEditorExtension - A Proof-Of-Concept
implementation of the new Xcode Source Editor Extension
EmojifyApplication - Same as abowe.
xcsort - Sort text or code lines from a text selection. An Xcode extension
by @battlmonstr.
SwiftLintXcodePlugin - Xcode source extension to help
with some SwiftLint rules
BDDShortcuts - BDD Shortcuts is an Xcode 8+ plugin that adds
handy shortcuts for Swift and BDD frameworks such as Cedar, Quick, Kiwi or Specta.
Jump - XCode source editor extension for quick navigating
XcodeTopComment - Xcode Source Editor Extension to remove
or modify the top comment of a file
PAXcodePlugin - Example of Xcode Source Editor Extension
XcodeExtension-TotsuzenNoShi - A small "sudden"
example of Xcode source code extension
ClangFormatter - Xcode Source Editor Extension for clang-format
CwlWhitespace - The first command uses multiple selections
to select every text range in your file that it believes is violating a whitespace rule. If a line contains a zero-length problem (missing whitespace or missing indent) then the whole line will be selected.
DemoXcodeExtension - Select the current scope / block.
TestXcodeSourceExtensions - Replace entire
files with literals
Swimat - An Xcode formatter plug-in to format your swift code
FastCommentLine - Moves cursor to next line after commenting/uncommenting
current line (like AppCode).
SwiftInitializerGenerator - This Xcode 8 Source
Code Extension will generate a Swift initializer based on the lines you've selected.
Import☝️ - Add imports from anywhere in the code.
XcodeEquatableGenerator - Xcode 8 Source Code Extension
will generate conformance to Swift Equatable protocol based on type and fields selection.
Mark - Generates MARK comments from protocol conformance in class declaration.
Propertizer - Autocompletes @property statements with desired
Eric’s Mark - Identifies IBOutlets, IBActions, Super Classes,
Properties (and more) and MARK them.
Quick Add - A Xcode Source Editor Extension to quickly add
a method implementation with comment from selected text
CleanHeaders-Xcode - A Xcode Source Editor Extension
to sort your header imports and remove duplicates, similar to iSort. .
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