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2016-11-06 22:30 232 查看





protected void layout(int mLeft, int mTop, int mRight, int mBottom);


* Assign a size and position to a view and all of its
* descendants
* <p>This is the second phase of the layout mechanism.
* (The first is measuring). In this phase, each parent calls
* layout on all of its children to position them.
* This is typically done using the child measurements
* that were stored in the measure pass().
* Derived classes with children should override
* onLayout. In that method, they should
* call layout on each of their their children.
* @param l Left position, relative to parent
* @param t Top position, relative to parent
* @param r Right position, relative to parent
* @param b Bottom position, relative to parent
public final void layout(int l, int t, int r, int b) {
int oldL = mLeft;
int oldT = mTop;
int oldB = mBottom;
int oldR = mRight;
boolean changed = setFrame(l, t, r, b);
if (changed || (mPrivateFlags & LAYOUT_REQUIRED) == LAYOUT_REQUIRED) {
if (ViewDebug.TRACE_HIERARCHY) {
ViewDebug.trace(this, ViewDebug.HierarchyTraceType.ON_LAYOUT);
onLayout(changed, l, t, r, b);
mPrivateFlags &= ~LAYOUT_REQUIRED;
if (mOnLayoutChangeListeners != null) {
ArrayList<OnLayoutChangeListener> listenersCopy =
(ArrayList<OnLayoutChangeListener>) mOnLayoutChangeListeners.clone();
int numListeners = listenersCopy.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numListeners; ++i) {
listenersCopy.get(i).onLayoutChange(this, l, t, r, b, oldL, oldT, oldR, oldB);
mPrivateFlags &= ~FORCE_LAYOUT;



通过调用setFrame()方法判断当前View的大小是否发生过变化,以确定有没有必要对当前视图进行重绘,并且将(l, t, r, b)四个参数保存在View内部的变量(mLeft, mTop, mRight, mBottom)中。保存完变量前,会对比这些参数是否和原来的参数相同,如果相同,则什么都不做,如果不同则进行重新赋值,并在赋值前给mPrivateFlags添加DRAWN标志,同时调用invalidate()通知系统原来占用的位置需要重绘,setFrame()部分的代码如下:

protected boolean setFrame(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
boolean changed = false;
if (DBG) {
Log.d("View", this + " View.setFrame(" + left + "," + top + ","  + right + "," + bottom + ")");
if (mLeft != left || mRight != right || mTop != top || mBottom != bottom) {
changed = true;
// Remember our drawn bit
int drawn = mPrivateFlags & DRAWN;
// Invalidate our old position
int oldWidth = mRight - mLeft;
int oldHeight = mBottom - mTop;
mLeft = left;
mTop = top;
mRight = right;
mBottom = bottom;
mPrivateFlags |= HAS_BOUNDS;
int newWidth = right - left;
int newHeight = bottom - top;
if (newWidth != oldWidth || newHeight != oldHeight) {
onSizeChanged(newWidth, newHeight, oldWidth, oldHeight);
if ((mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK) == VISIBLE) {
// If we are visible, force the DRAWN bit to on so that
// this invalidate will go through (at least to our parent).
// This is because someone may have invalidated this view
// before this call to setFrame came in, therby clearing
// the DRAWN bit.
mPrivateFlags |= DRAWN;
// Reset drawn bit to original value (invalidate turns it off)
mPrivateFlags |= drawn;
mBackgroundSizeChanged = true;
return changed;


protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom);



protected abstract void onLayout(boolean changed, int l , int t, int r, int b);


protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
layoutVertical(l, t, r, b);
} else {
layoutHorizontal(l, t, r, b);

可以看到,在LinearLayout的onLayout()方法中,通过判断orientation,来执行不同的操作,至于layoutVertical(l, t, r, b)和layoutHorizontal(l, t, r, b)的代码内容有兴趣的可以取参考相关源码。



public class SimpleLayout extends ViewGroup {
public SimpleLayout(Context context, AtrributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
if (getChildCount() > 0) {
View childView = getChildAt(0);
measureChild(childView, widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
if (getChildCount() > 0) {
View childView = getChildAt(0);
childView.layout(0, 0, childView.getMeasuredWidth(), childView.getMeasuredHeight());




在simpleLayout中的onLayout()方法中,我们给子视图的layout()方法传入的4个参数是0,0,childView.getMeasuredWidth()和childView.getMeasuredHeight(),这样getWidth()方法得到的值就是childView.getMeasuredHeight() - 0 = childView.getMeasuredHeight(),所以通常情况下getMeasuredWidth()的值和getWidth()的值是相等的,getMeasuredHeight()的值和getHeight()的值是相等的。




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标签:  android 布局