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构建Android 应用时一定要绕过的35个坑

2016-11-04 20:45 337 查看


7、要精简代码请使用Retrolambda (指lambda语法,个人认为不建议去学,代码是精简了,对于不会lanbda的人来说可读性不强)。
8、RxJava + Retrofit + Retrolambda ==无敌
18、去听Fragmented podcast吧,成就一个牛逼的你。
22、关注最新的 libraries(使用dryrun 来快速查看它们的的效果)。
26、不要自己去跑一个CI服务器,维护服务器非常耗时,因为磁盘空间/安全问题/更新服务器防范SSL攻击等。使用 circleci, travis或者shippable。便宜且省心。
29、不要使用多于实际需要的module。如果模块并非经常修改,重新编译一个module或者仅仅是检查上个module是否最新所需要的时间几乎是加载 binary 、jar/、aar依赖的4倍以上;
30、考虑用SVG来替代PNG ;
31、使库中的类抽象化,这样在你需要的时候可以很容易的转换成一个新的库(比如AppLogger.d(“message”) 能包含 Log.d(TAG, message) ,并且随后实现 Timber.d(message) 也是一个好选择)。


Building Android Apps — 30 things that experience made me learn the hard way

There are two kinds of people — those who learn the hard way and those who learn by taking someone’s advice. Here are some of the things I’ve learned along the way that I want to share with you:

1.Think twice before adding any third party library, it’s a really serious commitment;

2.If the user can’t see it, don’t draw it !;

3.Don’t use a database unless you really need to;

4.Hitting the 65k method count mark is gonna happen fast, I mean really fast! And multidexing can save you ;

5.RxJava is the best alternative to AsyncTasks and so much more ;

6.Retrofit is the best networking library there is;

7.Shorten your code with Retrolambda ;

8.Combine RxJava with Retrofit and Retrolambda for maximum awesomeness!;

9.I use EventBus and it’s great, but I don’t use it too much because the codebase would get really messy;

10.Package by Feature, not layers ;

11.Move everything off the application thread;

12.lint your views to help you optimize the layouts and layout hierarchies so you can identify redundant views that could perhaps be removed;

13.If you’re using gradle , speed it up anyway youcan;

14.Doprofile reports of your builds to see what is taking the build time;

15.Use a well known architecture;

16.Testing takes time but it’s faster and more robust than coding without tests once you’ve got the hang of it ;

17.Use dependency injection to make your app more modular and therefore easier to test;

18.Listening to fragmented podcast will be great for you;

19.Never use your personal email for your android market publisher account ;

20.Always use appropriate input types;

21.Use analytics to find usage patterns and isolate bugs;

22.Stay on top of new libraries (use dryrun to test them out faster);

23.Your services should do what they need to do and die as quickly as possible;

24.Use the Account Manager to suggest login usernames and email addresses;

25.Use CI (Continuous Integration) to build and distribute your beta and production .apk’s;

26.Don’t run your own CI server, maintaining the server is time consuming because of disk space/security issues/updating the server to protect from SSL attacks, etc. Use circleci, travis or shippable, they’re cheap and it’s one less thing to worry about;

27.Automate your deployments to the playstore;

28.If a library is massive and you are only using a small subset of its functions you should find an alternative smaller option (rely on proguard for instance);

29.Don’t use more modules than you actually need. If that modules are not constantly modified, it’s important to have into consideration that the time needed to compile them from scratch ( CI builds are a good example), or even to check if the previous individual
module build is up-to-date, can be up to almost 4x greater than to simply load that dependency as a binary .jar/.aar.

30.Start thinking about ditching PNGs for SVGs ;

31.Make library abstraction classes, it’ll be way easier to switch to a new library if you only need to switch in one place (e.g. AppLogger.d(“message”) can contain Log.d(TAG, message) and later realise that Timber.d(message) is a better option);

32.Monitor connectivity and type of connection ( more data updates while on wifi ?);

33.Monitor power source and battery ( more data updates while charging ? Suspend updates when battery is low ?);

34.A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good;

35.Tests are great for performance: Write slow (but correct) implementation then verify optimizations don’t break anything with tests .
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