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2016-10-21 23:41 381 查看

1. 自动类型推断


#include <vector>
/#include <map>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *env[])
//  auto a;                 // 错误,没有初始化表达式,无法推断出a的类型
//  auto int a = 10;        // 错误,auto临时变量的语义在C++11中已不存在, 这是旧标准的用法。

// 1. 自动帮助推导类型
auto a = 10;
auto c = 'A';
auto s("hello");

// 2. 类型冗长
map<int, map<int,int> > map_;
map<int, map<int,int>>::const_iterator itr1 = map_.begin();
const auto itr2 = map_.begin();
auto ptr = []()
std::cout << "hello world" << std::endl;

return 0;

// 3. 使用模板技术时,如果某个变量的类型依赖于模板参数,
// 不使用auto将很难确定变量的类型(使用auto后,将由编译器自动进行确定)。
template <class T, class U>
void Multiply(T t, U u)
auto v = t * u;

2. 返回值占位

template <typename T1, typename T2>
auto compose(T1 t1, T2 t2) -> decltype(t1 + t2)
return t1+t2;
auto v = compose(2, 3.14); // v's type is double


①我们可以使用valatile,pointer(*),reference(&),rvalue reference(&&) 来修饰auto

auto k = 5;
auto* pK = new auto(k);
auto** ppK = new auto(&k);
const auto n = 6;

auto m; // m should be intialized

auto int p; // 这是旧auto的做法。

void MyFunction(auto parameter){} // no auto as method argument

template<auto T> // utter nonsense - not allowed
void Fun(T t){}

int* p = new auto(0); //fine
int* pp = new auto(); // should be initialized

auto x = new auto(); // Hmmm ... no intializer

auto* y = new auto(9); // Fine. Here y is a int*
auto z = new auto(9); //Fine. Here z is a int* (It is not just an int)

int value = 123;
auto x2 = (auto)value; // no casting using auto

auto x3 = static_cast<auto>(value); // same as above

auto x1 = 5, x2 = 5.0, x3='r';  // This is too much....we cannot combine like this
⑧auto不能自动推导成CV-qualifiers(constant & volatile qualifiers),除非被声明为引用类型

const int i = 99;
auto j = i;       // j is int, rather than const int
j = 100           // Fine. As j is not constant

// Now let us try to have reference
auto& k = i;      // Now k is const int&
k = 100;          // Error. k is constant

// Similarly with volatile qualifer

int a[9];
auto j = a;
cout<<typeid(j).name()<<endl; // This will print int*

auto& k = a;
cout<<typeid(k).name()<<endl; // This will print int [9]
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标签:  C++ auto