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2016-10-11 13:44 465 查看

#include <stdio.h>
#include "cJSON.h"

char * makeJson()
cJSON * pJsonRoot = NULL;
pJsonRoot = cJSON_CreateObject(); //新建一个JSON项目:pSubJson
if(NULL == pJsonRoot)
//error happend here
return NULL;
//add 字符串、数字和bool变量
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pJsonRoot, "hello", "hello world");
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(pJsonRoot, "number", 10010);
cJSON_AddBoolToObject(pJsonRoot, "bool", 1);
cJSON * pSubJson = NULL;  //新建一个JSON项目:pSubJson。
pSubJson = cJSON_CreateObject();
if(NULL == pSubJson)
// create object faild, exit
return NULL;
// pSubJson项目上添加字符串。
cJSON_AddStringToObject(pSubJson, "subjsonobj", "a sub json string");
// 新项目添加到最初的项目pJsonRoot上
cJSON_AddItemToObject(pJsonRoot, "subobj", pSubJson);

char * p = cJSON_Print(pJsonRoot);
// else use :
// char * p = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(pJsonRoot);
if(NULL == p)
//convert json list to string faild, exit
//because sub json pSubJson han been add to pJsonRoot, so just delete pJsonRoot, if you also delete pSubJson, it will coredump, and error is : double free
return NULL;


return p;

void parseJson(char * pMsg)
if(NULL == pMsg)
cJSON * pJson = cJSON_Parse(pMsg);
if(NULL == pJson)
// parse faild, return
return ;

// get string from json
cJSON * pSub = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "hello");
if(NULL == pSub)
//get object named "hello" faild
printf("obj_1 : %s\n", pSub->valuestring);

// get number from json
pSub = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "number");
if(NULL == pSub)
//get number from json faild
printf("obj_2 : %d\n", pSub->valueint);

// get bool from json
pSub = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "bool");
if(NULL == pSub)
// get bool from json faild
printf("obj_3 : %d\n", pSub->valueint);

// get sub object
pSub = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pJson, "subobj");
if(NULL == pSub)
// get sub object faild
cJSON * pSubSub = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pSub, "subjsonobj");
if(NULL == pSubSub)
// get object from subject object faild
printf("sub_obj_1 : %s\n", pSubSub->valuestring);


int main()
char * p = makeJson();
if(NULL == p)
return 0;
printf("%s\n", p);
  free(p);  //千万不要忘记释放内存呀,cJSON_Print()函数或者cJSON_PrintUnformatted()产生的内存,使用free(char *)进行释放
return 0;


// 创建的JSon字符串


“hello”: “hello world”,

“number”: 10010,

“bool”: true,

“subobj”: {

“subjsonobj”: “a sub json string”



// 从Json解析得到的数据

obj_1 : hello world

obj_2 : 10010

obj_3 : 1

sub_obj_1 : a sub json string


char * makeArray(int iSize)
cJSON * root =  cJSON_CreateArray();
if(NULL == root)
printf("create json array faild\n");
return NULL;
int i = 0;

for(i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(root, "hehe", i);
char * out = cJSON_Print(root);

return out;

void parseArray(char * pJson)
if(NULL == pJson)
return ;
cJSON * root = NULL;
if((root = cJSON_Parse(pJson)) == NULL)
return ;
int iSize = cJSON_GetArraySize(root);
for(int iCnt = 0; iCnt < iSize; iCnt++)
cJSON * pSub = cJSON_GetArrayItem(root, iCnt);
if(NULL == pSub)
int iValue = pSub->valueint;
printf("value[%2d] : [%d]\n", iCnt, iValue);
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标签:  json