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Oracle高级 同义词 索引 序列

2016-10-05 16:05 246 查看
CREATE [OR REPLACE] [PUBLIC] SYNONYM [schema .] synonym 
FOR [schema .] object [@ dblink];
--查询emp表,但是不想让人知道查询的表的真实的名字  grant create synonym to scott ;      create synonym ep for emp;--数据字典查看同义词是否创建select * from user_synonyms;select * from ep;--创建一个dept表的同义词 dpcreate or replace synonym dp for dept;select * from user_synonyms;select * from dp;grant create public synonym to scott ;--为emp表创建一个公有的同义词 epcreate or replace public synonym ep for emp;--赋予权限创建同义词grant create [public] synonym to scott ;--同义词执行DMLinsert into dp values(58,'销售','衡阳');--删除同义词的权限grant drop public synonym to scott;--删除同义词drop public synonym ep;
create table student(       sid number,       sname varchar2(20))
create sequence seq_stu;
--批量插入insert into tableName 子查询;
--生成一条数据select seq_stu.nextval,dbms_random.string('1',10) from dual connect by level <=1;
--生成20条数据select seq_stu.nextval,dbms_random.string('1',10) from dual connect by level <=20;
--生成100W条数据insert into student select seq_stu.nextval,dbms_random.string('1',10) from dual connect by level <=1000000;
select count(1) from student;
--查询id为999999的数据select * from student s where s.sid=999999;--0.156s
--创建索引create index ind_sid on student(sid);
select * from student s where s.sid=999999;--0.141s--数据字典查看索引
select * from user_indexes;
--查看DBA 用户下的索引
select * from dba_indexes where owner='SCOTT';
select * from dba_sequences;
/*CREATE SEQUENCE [schema .] sequence[{ { INCREMENT BY | START WITH } 
integer | { MAXVALUE integer | NOMAXVALUE } | { MINVALUE integer | NOMINVALUE } | { CYCLE | NOCYCLE } | { CACHE integer | NOCACHE } | { ORDER | NOORDER } }  [ { INCREMENT BY | START WITH } integer | { MAXVALUE integer | NOMAXVALUE } | { MINVALUE integer | NOMINVALUE } | { CYCLE | NOCYCLE } | { CACHE integer | NOCACHE } | { ORDER | NOORDER }  ]...];*/
--创建一个序列  seq_test  起始值为1000   最大值为1004 步长为1的 不循环 缓存为20 的序列
create sequence seq_test start with 1000  maxvalue 1004 increment by 1 nocycle cache 20;
select * from user_sequences;
select seq_test.nextval from dual;
select seq_test.currval from dual;--序列当前值
create sequence seq_test1 start with 1000  maxvalue 1004 increment by 1 cycle cache 20;select seq_test1.nextval from dual;
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标签:  同义词 序列 索引