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2016-09-20 18:29 387 查看




利用case class, 将RDD转换成为RDD[case class]的形式, 然后通过.toDF的Func, 来实现将RDD转换为DF

从原始的RDD转换为RDD[Row], 创建一个StructType,里面通过StructField标明各个属性. 最后通过sqlContext的createDataFrame方法,将RDD[Row]和StructType合并为一个DF.

这里存在的问题是, case class在scala 2.10.* 中存在长度为22的limit,这一limit在2.11.*中被修正了.

如果报错”value toDF is not a member of org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD” 则是因为没有 import sqlContext.implicits._

Stackoverflow上有个解答, How to load dataframe directly to hive in spark, 里面的Vinay Kumar解答很正确.

If you are using saveAsTable(its more like persisting your dataframe) , you have to make sure that you have enough memory allocated to your spark application. For Large datasets, you can create a temp table and dump them in hive table.

You can use sqlContext object available in spark.

Lets say your data frame is myDf. You can create one temporary table.


Then you can use simple hive statement to create table and dump the data from your temp table.

sqlContext.sql("create table mytable as select * from mytempTable");

翻译过来的意思就是,如果直接使用saveAsTable的话, 会更像是将DF进行persist,那么就需要你有足够的内存存入所有的数据. 对于大数据集来说, 你可以创建一个tempTable, 然后将它们dump进hive table中.

那么存在的问题就是, 依据上面的解释, 只能create 而好像不能追加进已有的数据库中. 也许是sql中有其他的语法可以实现.

Banias H 这里给出了他自己的问题.

For example, I was able to run the following in Hive:

INSERT INTO TABLE target_table PARTITION (partition_field) select field1, field2, partition_field FROM source_table DISTRIBUTE BY field1 SORT BY field2

But when I tried running it in spark-sql, it gave me the following error:


Unsupported language features in query: INSERT INTO TABLE ...

I also tried the following Java code and I saw the same error:

SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Example");
JavaSparkContext ctx = new JavaSparkContext(sparkConf);
JavaHiveContext hiveCtx = new JavaHiveContext(ctx);
JavaSchemaRDD rdd = hiveCtx.sql("INSERT INTO TABLE target_table PARTITION (partition_field) select field1, field2, partition_field FROM source_table DISTRIBUTE BY field1 SORT BY field2");
rdd.count(); //Just for running the query

If I take out “INSERT INTO TABLE target_table PARTITION (partition_field)” from the sql statement and run that in hiveCtx.sql(), I got a RDD but I only seem to do rdd.saveAsParquetFile(target_table_location). But that is not partitioned correctly.


I got tipped by an expert that the error of “Unsupported language features in query” that I had was due to the fact that SparkSQL does not support dynamic partitions, and I can do saveAsParquetFile() for each partition.

My inefficient implementation is to:

run the query without

JavaSchemaRDD rawRdd = hiveCtx.sql("INSERT INTO TABLE target_table PARTITION (partition_field) select field1, field2, partition_field FROM source_table");

Get a list of unique partition_field values

JavaSchemaRDD partFieldsRdd = hiveCtx.sql("SELECT DISTINCT partition_field FROM temp");

Iterate each partition_field value. Run a query to get JavaSchemaRDD. Then save the result as ParquetFile

for (Row row : partFieldsRdd.toArray()) {
String partitionVal = row.toString(0);
hiveCtx.sql("SELECT * FROM temp WHERE partition_field="+partitionVal).saveAsParquetFile("partition_field="+partitionVal);

It ran and produced the desired output. However Hive runs orders of magnitude faster than the code above. Anyone who can shed some lights on a more efficient implementation is much appreciated. Many thanks.
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标签:  spark hive