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2016-09-16 23:08 459 查看
https://www.firebase.com/ 变为 https://firebase.google.com/

Google为移动应用开发者们提供了大量的云服务,而该公司于2014年收购的Firebase,也变成了面向移动开发者的一体化平台。此前,Firebase就已经为移动应用开发者们提供了特定的平台和SDK。不过现在,这项服务已经极大地扩展、带来了一众全新的功能、并与其它工具实现了更深入的云集成——Google在今日召开的I/O 2016大会上宣布了全新的Firebase。


Obviously it takes more than client side code to build a true web app. You’ll need a backend that handles a database, authentication, ajax, an accessible api, and you’ll need somewhere to host that backend. There are many things that make backend development easier like Ruby on Rails, or services like Heroku but there is still a lot of development time that goes into building these. Firebase takes care of most of the backend concerns and is dubbed a Backend as a Service (BaaS).

Firebase is also a realtime api utilizing web sockets for pushing state to your application. This means that an interactive app can be even more interactive as you don’t need to refresh the browser to get updates; they are pushed in real-time.


AdMob – integration with Google AdMob

AdMob —— 集成了谷歌 AdMob

AdWords – integration with Google AdWords

AdWords —— 集成了谷歌 AdWords

Analytics – a dashboard for monitoring user behavior, demographic segmentation, and campaign performance

统计分析(Analytics) —— 用于监控用户行为、人群特征细分、活动效果分析

Authentication – support for user authentication via email, Facebook, GitHub, Google Sign-In, and Twitter

认证(Authentication) —— 支持通过邮箱、脸书、github, 谷歌、特推等用户验证。

Crash Reporting – monitoring application’s errors across all devices. It is integrated with Analytics to evaluate user behavior upon application crash.

崩溃报告(Crash Reporting) —— 监控各类设备上应用的错误。与统计分析特性集成,评估应用崩溃时的用户行为

Database – a NoSQL database used to store JSON data

数据库 —— 用于存储 JSON 数据的 NoSQL 数据库

Dynamic Links – deep links taking an user to the desired page within an application动态链接(Dynamic Links) —— 将用户带至应用内预期页面的深度链接(deep links)

Hosting – a globally distributed CDN for web applications

托管(Hosting) —— 针对 Web 应用的全球 CDN

Indexing – used to index an application for Google Search

索引(Indexing) —— 对应用进行索引,用于谷歌搜索

Invites – enables users to share information about an application with other users

邀请(Invites) —— 支持用户与其他用户分享有关应用的信息

Messaging – this is the former Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) service that has been rebranded as Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

消息(Messaging) —— 即此前的 Google Cloud Messaging,后来被重新命名为 Firebase Cloud Messaging

Notifications – managing notifications sent to users

通知(Notifications) —— 管理发给用户的通知

Offline – enables applications to store data in a local cache so they can keep running while offline

离线(Offline) —— 支持应用在本地缓存中存储数据,这样可以在离线时保持运行

Real time – data is saved to the cloud database in real time

实时(Real Time) —— 数据实时保存至云数据库

Remote Config – enables developers to modify the behavior or appearance of an application without requiring users to download a new version of the app. This feature is used to change the application’s visual theme, address different user demographics, running A/B tests, etc.

远程配置(Remote Config) —— 支持开发者在不要求用户下载新版本 app 的情况下,修改应用的行为和外观。该特性用于修改应用的视觉主题,满足不同用户群组的需求,运行 A/B 测试等。

Storage – storing user audio, pictures and video

存储(Storage) —— 存储用户的语音、图片和视频

Synchronization – when data changes on a device, it is pushed to Firebase, then back to all related devices. Also, a device is automatically updated with the latest snapshot when coming online after being offline

同步(Synchronization) —— 当设备上的数据变动时,将会推送至 Firebase,然后再推回到所有相关联的设备。另外,离线后重新在线使用时,设备将自动更新至最近的快照

Test Lab – testing an application on real devices

测试实验室(Test Lab) —— 在真实设备上测试应用


The Firebase SDK supports programming in C++, Java, JavaScript, JavaScript/Node.js, Objective-C, and Swift. Angular, Backbone, Ember and React are supported through bindings to the database. Google added a number of helper libraries: FirebaseUI, Geofire, Firebase Queue, FirebaseJobDispatcher. Their name indicates what their purpose is. Firebase also supports importing large JSON data sets and integration with ElasticSearch.


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