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所有提到的文件都可以在安装文件目录:<SUMO_HOME>/docs/tutorial/quickstart 下找到,最新版本的可以在目录:<SUMO_HOME>/tests/complex/tutorial/quickstart/data/



Fig.1.1: Network layout

Table 1.1 Vehicle types and vehicularcharacteristics in the example network



Fig.1.2: Layout of the node-link based example network

Table1.2 Coordination data of the example network

Fig.1.3: The required input files for the example network in SUMO
(*)链接的几何数据(Link geometry data)也可以定义在quickstart.edg.xml中。





给定的xy坐标值分别被编码为1-6和91-94. 虽然没有存在各自的交集, 由于车道节点的数量的变化需要添加1,2,4和5.虚拟节点911-914在分析网络上的交通进出表现时是需要的。如果需要的话(比如需要准确地几何定位或者检测器位置的规范),可以设置更多的虚拟节点。


(a) id:the ID name of the node, defined by users with numbers, word strings or both.
(b) x:the x-coordinate location of the defined node (in meters)
(c) y:the y-coordinate location of the defined node (in meters)
(d) type:the signal control type of the defined node. It is an optional attribute anddefined
withpriority and traffic_light forunsignalized and signalized intersections respectively.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<nodes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<node id="91" x="-1000.0" y="1000.0" />
<node id="92" x="-1000.0" y="0.0" />
<node id="93" x="3000.0" y="0.0" />
<node id="94" x="+3000.0" y="+1000.0" />
<node id="911" x="-500.0" y="+1000.0" />
<node id="912" x="-500.0" y="0.0" />
<node id="913" x="+2500.0" y="0.0" />
<node id="914" x="2500.0" y="+1000.0" />
<node id="1" x="0.0" y="+1000.0" />
<node id="2" x="0.0" y="0.0" />
<node id="3" x="+1000.0" y="0.0" />
<node id="4" x="+2000.0" y="0.0" />
<node id="5" x="+2000.0" y="+1000.0" />
<node id="6" x="+1000.0" y="+1000.0" />

Listing 1.1 Formatof the node file of the example network (quickstart.nod.xml)


就像其他交通仿真软件一样,在SUMO中道路表示为连接。为了定义link的铁证id,每一个link都被定义了一个数值、字符串或者两者。上游节点、下游节点和link类型存储在后缀为.edg.xml的文件中。每个link类型的信息也可以定义在后缀为.typ.xml和.edg.xml文件中。列表1.2展示了在实例中用到的link type文件还有其四个参数:

(a) id: defined by users withnumbers, word strings or both.
(b) priority: driving prioritybased on traffic regulations and is defined with numbers. The higher thenumber, the higher the priority for the respective road. The priorityinformation will override information from the node file,
if both of themexist.
(c) numLanes: number of laneson the respective road.
(d) speed: maximum allowedlink speed.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<type id="a" priority="3" numLanes="3" speed="13.889"/>
<type id="b" priority="3" numLanes="2" speed="13.889"/>
<type id="c" priority="2" numLanes="3" speed="13.889"/>

Listing1.2 Link type file of the example network (quickstart.typ.xml)
随着(link type)链接类型文件的使用,实例网络的连接文件生成。如列表1.3,定义的参数包括:

(a) id: link ID, defined byusers with numbers, word strings or both.
(b) from: ID of the upstreamnode of the respective link.
(c) to: ID of the downstreamnode of the respective link.
(d) type: ID of the link type,defined in the link type file.
(e) allow/disallow: ID of thevehicle group which is defined in the SUMO and might not be identical with thevehicle types defined by users. More information on the application of thisattribute is available in Section 4.2.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<edges xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<edge id="D1" from="911" to="91" type="a"/>
<edge id="D2" from="91" to="911" type="b"/>
<edge id="D3" from="912" to="92" type="a"/>
<edge id="D4" from="92" to="912" type="b"/>
<edge id="D5" from="913" to="93" type="a"/>
<edge id="D6" from="93" to="913" type="b"/>
<edge id="D7" from="914" to="94" type="a"/>
<edge id="D8" from="94" to="914" type="b"/>
<edge id="L1" from="1" to="911" type="a"/>
<edge id="L2" from="911" to="1" type="b"/>
<edge id="L3" from="2" to="912" type="a"/>
<edge id="L4" from="912" to="2" type="b"/>
<edge id="L5" from="4" to="913" type="a"/>
<edge id="L6" from="913" to="4" type="b"/>
<edge id="L7" from="5" to="914" type="a"/>
<edge id="L8" from="914" to="5" type="b"/>
<edge id="L9" from="5" to="6" type="a"/>
<edge id="L10" from="6" to="5" type="a"/>
<edge id="L11" from="6" to="1" type="a"/>
<edge id="L12" from="1" to="6" type="a"/>
<edge id="L13" from="3" to="2" type="a"/>
<edge id="L14" from="2" to="3" type="a"/>
<edge id="L15" from="6" to="3" type="c"/>
<edge id="L16" from="3" to="6" type="c"/>
<edge id="L17" from="4" to="3" type="a"/>
<edge id="L18" from="3" to="4" type="a"/>

Listing1.3 Link file of the example network (quickstart.edg.xml)



(a) from: ID of the link whichthe traffic movements will be specified.
(b) to: ID of the link whichis the downstream link of the above defined link.
(c) fromLane/toLane:lane number of the defined link in (a) and the lane number of the link in (b),which are connected.
例如,第一行<connection from="L2" to="L12"fromLane="0" toLane="0"/>和第二行<connection from="L2" to="L12"fromLane="0"
toLane="1"/>意味着Link L2的Lane 0只使用Link
L12的Lane 0和1(看图1.4).【貌似这里原文有错】



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<connections xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<connection from="L2" to="L12" fromLane="0" toLane="0"/>
<connection from="L2" to="L12" fromLane="0" toLane="1"/>
<connection from="L2" to="L12" fromLane="1" toLane="2"/>
<connection from="L4" to="L14" fromLane="0" toLane="0"/>
<connection from="L4" to="L14" fromLane="1" toLane="1"/>
<connection from="L4" to="L14" fromLane="1" toLane="2"/>
<connection from="L9" to="L11" fromLane="0" toLane="0"/>
<connection from="L9" to="L11" fromLane="1" toLane="1"/>
<connection from="L9" to="L11" fromLane="1" toLane="2"/>
<connection from="L9" to="L15" fromLane="1" toLane="1"/>
<connection from="L9" to="L15" fromLane="2" toLane="2"/>
<connection from="L16" to="L10" fromLane="0" toLane="0"/>
<connection from="L16" to="L10" fromLane="1" toLane="1"/>
<connection from="L16" to="L10" fromLane="1" toLane="2"/>
<connection from="L16" to="L11" fromLane="2" toLane="2"/>
<connection from="L12" to="L15" fromLane="0" toLane="0"/>
<connection from="L12" to="L15" fromLane="1" toLane="1"/>
<connection from="L12" to="L10" fromLane="1" toLane="0"/>
<connection from="L12" to="L10" fromLane="1" toLane="1"/>
<connection from="L12" to="L10" fromLane="2" toLane="2"/>
<connection from="L14" to="L16" fromLane="1" toLane="1"/>
<connection from="L14" to="L16" fromLane="1" toLane="0"/>
<connection from="L14" to="L16" fromLane="2" toLane="2"/>
<connection from="L14" to="L18" fromLane="0" toLane="0"/>
<connection from="L14" to="L18" fromLane="1" toLane="1"/>
<connection from="L14" to="L18" fromLane="1" toLane="2"/>
<connection from="L17" to="L16" fromLane="0" toLane="0"/>
<connection from="L17" to="L16" fromLane="1" toLane="1"/>
<connection from="L17" to="L16" fromLane="1" toLane="2"/>
<connection from="L17" to="L13" fromLane="1" toLane="0"/>
<connection from="L17" to="L13" fromLane="1" toLane="1"/>
<connection from="L17" to="L13" fromLane="2" toLane="2"/>

Listing 1.4 Specification of traffic movements (quickstart.con.xml)

Fig. 1.4: Allowed traffic movements from Link L2 to Link L12 (with thespecified lane connection setting)

Fig. 1.5: Allowed traffic movements from Link L8 to Link L9 and fromLink L10 to Link L7 (default setting)

Fig. 1.6: The allowed traffic movements at Node 6



<edge-files value="quickstart.edg.xml"/>
<node-files value="quickstart.nod.xml"/>
<type-files value="quickstart.typ.xml"/>
<connection-files value="quickstart.con.xml"/>
<output-file value="quickstart.net.xml"/>
<no-turnarounds value="true"/>

Listing1.6 Configuration file for generating the network file (quickstart.netc.cfg)

netconvert –c quickstart.netccfg


Fig.1.7: The allowed traffic movements at Node 2 (with U-turn prohibition)





(a) id: ID of the vehicle type, defined byusers with numbers, word strings or both;
(b) accel: maximum acceleration of therespective vehicle type (in m/s2);
(c) decal: maximum deceleration of therespective vehicle type (in m/s2);
(d) sigma: drivers’ imperfection indriving (between 0 and 1);
(e) length: vehicle length (in meters);
(f) maxSpeed: maximum vehicular velocity(in m/s);
(g) color: color of the vehicle type. Itis defined with 3 numbers (between 0 and 1) for red, green and bluerespectively. Values are separated by comma and in quotes with no space betweenthe values. For example, 1,0,0 represents the
red color, 0,1,0 representsgreen color and 0,0,1 represents blue color.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vType accel="3.0" decel="6.0" id="CarA" length="5.0" minGap="2.5" maxSpeed="50.0" sigma="0.5" />
<vType accel="2.0" decel="6.0" id="CarB" length="7.5" minGap="2.5" maxSpeed="50.0" sigma="0.5" />
<vType accel="1.0" decel="5.0" id="CarC" length="5.0" minGap="2.5" maxSpeed="40.0" sigma="0.5" />
<vType accel="1.0" decel="5.0" id="CarD" length="7.5" minGap="2.5" maxSpeed="30.0" sigma="0.5" />
<route id="route01" edges="D2 L2 L12 L10 L7 D7"/>
<route id="route02" edges="D2 L2 L12 L15 L18 L5 D5"/>
<route id="route03" edges="D2 L2 L12 L15 L13 L3 D3"/>
<route id="route04" edges="D4 L4 L14 L18 L5 D5"/>
<route id="route05" edges="D4 L4 L14 L16 L10 L7 D7"/>
<route id="route06" edges="D4 L4 L14 L16 L11 L1 D1"/>
<route id="route07" edges="D6 L6 L17 L13 L3 D3"/>
<route id="route08" edges="D6 L6 L17 L16 L11 L1 D1"/>
<route id="route09" edges="D6 L6 L17 L16 L10 L7 D7"/>
<route id="route10" edges="D8 L8 L9 L11 L1 D1"/>
<route id="route11" edges="D8 L8 L9 L15 L13 L3 D3"/>
<route id="route12" edges="D8 L8 L9 L15 L18 L5 D5"/>
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh0" route="route01" type="CarA" color="1,0,0" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh1" route="route02" type="CarA" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh2" route="route03" type="CarA" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh3" route="route04" type="CarA" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh4" route="route05" type="CarA" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh5" route="route06" type="CarA" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh6" route="route07" type="CarA" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh7" route="route08" type="CarA" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh8" route="route09" type="CarA" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh9" route="route10" type="CarA" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh10" route="route11" type="CarA" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh11" route="route12" type="CarA" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh12" route="route01" type="CarB" color="1,0,0" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh13" route="route02" type="CarB" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh14" route="route03" type="CarB" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh15" route="route04" type="CarB" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh16" route="route05" type="CarB" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh17" route="route06" type="CarB" />
<vehicle depart="54000" id="veh18" route="route07" type="CarB" />

Listing 1.5 Traffic demand and route data(quickstart.rou.xml)



(a) id: ID of a certain routeand defined by users with numbers, word strings or both.
(b) edges: The sequence of thenames of the links, composing the defined route.



(a) depart: departure time ofa certain vehicle.
(b) id: ID of a certainvehicle and defined by users with numbers, word strings or both.
(c) route: the route used bythe defined vehicle;
(d) type: ID of the definedvehicle type.



Fig.1.8: Overview of traffic simulation process



sumo –c quickstart.sumocfg


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<net-file value="quickstart.net.xml"/>
<route-files value="quickstart.rou.xml"/>
<begin value="54000"/>
<end value="54900"/>
<time-to-teleport value="-1"/>

Listing 1.7 Configuration file for thetraffic simulation of the example network (quickstart.sumo.cfg)

我们使用命令<time-to-teleport value="-1"/>,去禁止在交叉口等待多时的车辆自动擦除。


SUMO-GUi是另一种运行交通仿真的方式。执行过程中,车辆运动和交通处理过程都能够直观的观察到,可能的瓶颈问题也可以及时发现。执行动作所需的配置文件如Table 1.9是需要的。书记SUMO-gui.exe就能激活程序。通过打开配置文件既可以激活程序,通过点击绿色三角按钮运行。用户可以随时点击红色方块按钮停止程序。只要程序没有运行完,就可以接着运行。插图例子如图1.9所示。

Fig.1.9: Illustration of the example network in SUMO-GUI

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息