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2-5 Linux编程规范

2016-09-09 09:34 134 查看

1.  文件头,如


*  文件名:    addr.c                            *

*  创建者:    xyz                                  *

*  创建时间:20150606                    *

*  程序说明:打印变量地址               *


2.  函数头,如


*  函数名:    add                                *

*  参数:     int a, int b                     *

*  输入:     int a, int b                     *

*  返回:     int c                                  *

*  函数功能:  执行加法运算            *


3.  一些该注意的地方:

    3.1  加注释时,应使用/*  .............  */ ,而尽量避免使用  //.........

    3.2  注意缩进,使用4个空格,而避免直接使用tab键

    3.3  括号必须对齐(当然,不对齐的话,编辑器一般会有提示)

4.  最近比较常用的注释框架:

    4.1  HeadFileDescription


*   Header File


*   File Name               :   FN_FileName.c/ FN_FileName.h

*   Copyright               :   2016 ~ 2020 Elvin Corporation, All rights Reserved.

*   Module Name             :   Display


*   CPU                     :   X86

*   RTOS                    :   windows7 32bit


*   Create Date             :   2016/04/21

*   Author/Corporation      :   Elvin/ESYS Company


*   Abstract Description    :   some function about seqlist.


*------------------------Revision History------------------------------------------------

*   No     Version     Date          Revised By   Item          Description     

*   1      0.02        2016/04/21    Elvin        Seqlist       Just a test



*   Muti-Include-Prevent Section


#ifndef _FN_FILENAME_H

#define _FN_FILENAME_H


*   Debug switch Section




*   Include File Section


/*  Perhaps there are some file will be Included  */

/*  No file will be Included  */

#include "IncFile.h"


*   Macro Define Section


/*  Perhaps there are some Macro will be defined  */

/*  No Macro will be defined  */



*   Struct Define Section


/*  Perhaps there are some Struct be defined  */

/*  No Struct will be defined  */

typedef struct Seqlist

int capacity;
int length;

}Seqlist_st, * Seqlist_pst;


*   Protoryppe Declare Section


Seqlist_pst SeqlistCreate(int capacity);


    4.2  SourceFileDescription


*   Source File


*   File Name               :   FN_FileName.c

*   Copyright               :   2016 ~ 2020 Elvin Corporation, All rights Reserved.

*   Module Name             :   Display


*   CPU                     :   X86

*   RTOS                    :   windows7 32bit


*   Create Date             :   2016/04/21

*   Author/Corporation      :   Elvin/ESYS Company


*   Abstract Description    :   some function about seqlist.


*------------------------Revision History------------------------------------------------

*   No     Version     Date          Revised By   Item          Description     

*   1      0.02        2016/04/21    Elvin        Seqlist       Just a test



*   Debug switch Section




*   Include File Section


/*  Perhaps there are some file will be Included  */

/*  No file will be Included  */

#include "IncFile.h"


*   Macro Define Section


/*  Perhaps there are some Macro will be defined  */

/*  No Macro will be defined  */



*   Struct Define Section


/*  Perhaps there are some Struct be defined  */

/*  No Struct will be defined  */

typedef struct Seqlist


    int capacity;

    int length;

}Seqlist_st, * Seqlist_pst;


*   Prototype Declare Section


Seqlist_pst SeqlistCreate(int capacity);


*   Global Variable Declare Section


/*  Perhaps there are some Global Variable be defined  */

/*  No Global Variable will be defined  */

extern unsigned int SeqlistNode;


*   File Static Variable Declare Section


Perhaps there are some Static Variable be defined  */

/*  No Static Variable will be defined  */

static unsigned int SeqlistStatus;


*   Function Declare Section


Seqlist_pst SeqlistCreate(int capacity)


    Seqlist_pst slist = NULL;

    return slist;

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标签:  编程规范