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[美剧赏析] 权力的游戏<Game of Thrones>完全赏析 (57-58)

2016-09-04 14:01 393 查看



That's it. Get it right to the top. Steady. Steady. Up she goes. Hey, come on. Put your back into it, huh? Here you are, son. - Oh, gentlemen, please. - To my right. And you lot, come on. Come on, get it moving. Come on, come
on. In all my days I've never seen a man swing an ax like that. How many men did it take to cut you down? Just one. He must have been some kind of monster. He was a woman. I think some of the men are a bit afraid of you. I'm used to it. When I found you, I
thought you'd been dead for days. The way you were stinking already and you had bugs all over you and bone was coming through right there. I was gonna give you a proper burial and then you coughed. Oh, nearly shit myself. I reckoned you were gonna die by the
time I loaded you on the wagon, but you didn't. Now, I reckoned you'd die a dozen more times over the next few days, but you didn't. What kept you going? Hate. No, there's a reason you're still here. Aye, there's a reason. I'm a big fucker and I'm tough to
kill. No, a reason. Gods aren't done with you yet. I've heard that before. Man was talking about a different god, though. Well, maybe he was right. I don't know much about the gods. You're in the wrong line of work. Oh, there's plenty of pious sons of bitches
who think they know the word of god or gods. I don't. I don't even know their real names. Maybe it is the Seven. Or maybe it's the old gods. Or maybe it's the Lord of Light. Or maybe they're all the same fucking thing. I don't know. What matters, I believe,
is that there's something greater than us. And whatever it is, it's got plans for Sandor Clegane. You didn't know me back in my time. You don't know the things I've done. I've heard stories. If the gods are real... why haven't they punished me? They have.
Your Grace. What are we reading today? The Book of the Mother, Your Holiness. Chapter three, verse 12. "As water rounds the stones, smoothing--" "Smoothing what was jagged, so does a woman's love calm a man's brute nature. A wife salves her husband's wounds,
a mother sings her son to sleep." You learn quickly. There are some who know every verse of the sacred text, but don't have a drop of the Mother's mercy in their blood and savages who can't read at all who understand the Father's wisdom. For years I pretended
to love the poor, the afflicted. I had pity for them, but I never loved them. They disgusted me. They are hard to love. The poor disgust us because they are us, shorn of our illusions. They show us what we'd look like without our fine clothes. How'd we smell
without perfume. Can I ask you about a personal matter? Of course. The king mentioned that since your reunion, you haven't joined him in the marriage bed. No. You have a duty, Your Grace. To your husband, your king, your country, to the gods themselves. It's
just... the desires that once drove me no longer do. Congress does not require desire on the woman's part, only patience. The king must have an heir if we are to continue our good work. Forgive me. Sometimes the true path is hard to find. Hard to find and
harder still to walk upon. But you've made great progress. I only pray your grandmother follows your lead. My grandmother? Yes. The Queen of Thorns is a remarkable woman, a strong woman, and an unrepentant sinner. You must teach her the new way as she taught
you the old. Or I fear for her safety, body and soul. Does it move or talk? I want to speak with you alone. Septa Unella has been my true friend and counselor. Oh, this is madness! You're not in your sanctuary now, my dear. All I have to do is whistle and
my men will stroll in here and bash you about... - Grandmother. - ...until I tell them to stop. If I tell them to stop. - You could use a good bashing. - Grandmother, please. What have they done to you? You marched against the High Sparrow, - against the Faith.
- We marched for you. The gods could have punished you and Father, but they didn't. - They showed mercy. - And what about your brother? What mercy did they show him? Loras's only hope is to confess his crimes and repent. If he does, the Faith will allow him
to return to Highgarden. He'll have to renounce his name and title... - Have you lost your mind? - ...and live his life as a penitent. He is the heir to Highgarden, the future of House Tyrell. He can begin again. As a mindless fanatic. As a free man. You will
leave for Highgarden today. There is no law that says you must stay here. I am the queen. It is my duty to serve my husband the king. But you should leave, Grandmother. Your place is at home. I will never leave you. Never. You must. Go home. Find comfort in
prayer and good works. The Mother watches over us all. I'll see you soon, my dear. Seven blessings to you, Grandmother. Shall we pray? We said we'd fight with you, King Crow, when the time comes and we meant it, but this isn't what we agreed to. These aren't
white walkers. This isn't an army of the dead. This isn't our fight. If it weren't for him, none of us would be here. All of you would be meat in the Night King's army. And I'd be a pile of charred bones just like Mance. Remember Mance's camp? It stretched
all the way to the horizon. And look at us now. Look what's left of us. And if we lose this, we're gone. Dozens of tribes, hundreds of generations. Be like we were never there at all. We'll be the last of the free folk. That's what'll happen to you if we lose.
The Boltons, the Karstarks, the Umbers, they know you're here. They know that more than half of you are women and children. After they finish with me, they'll come for you. You're right. This isn't your fight. You shouldn't have to come to Winterfell with
me. I shouldn't be asking you. It's not the deal we made. I need you with me if we're going to beat them, and we need to beat them if you're going to survive. The crows killed him because he spoke for the free folk when no other southerners would. He died
for us. If we are not willing to do the same for him, we're cowards. And if that's what we are, we deserve to be the last of the free folk. Snow. Are you sure they'll come? We're not clever like you southerners. When we say we'll do something, we do it. I
heard you were leaving King's Landing. That is hardly your concern. Your grandson is still a prisoner. You'll leave him rotting in a cell? Loras rots in a cell because of you. The High Sparrow rules this city because of you. Our two ancient houses face collapse
because of you and your stupidity. You're right. I made a terrible mistake. I carry it with me every single day. Good. I delivered an army of fanatics onto our doorstep. And now we must fight them together. We need each other. I wonder if you're the worst
person I've ever met. At a certain age, it's hard to recall. But the truly vile do stand out through the years. Do you remember the way you smirked at me when my grandson and granddaughter were dragged off to their cells? I do. I'll never forget it. You love
your granddaughter. I love my son. It's the only truth I know. We must defend them. I'm leaving this wretched city as fast as I can before that shoeless zealot throws me into one of his cells. If you're half as bright as you think you are, you'll find a way
out of here, too. Never. I'll never leave my son. What'll you do, then? You have no support. Not anymore. Your brother's gone. The High Sparrow saw to that. The rest of your family have abandoned you. The people despise you. You're surrounded by enemies, thousands
of them. You're going to kill them all by yourself? You've lost, Cersei. It's the only joy I can find in all this misery. Pick the pace up. Keep going. Keep it moving! Now, that is a sorry attempt at a siege. Someone needs to teach those sad twats how to dig
trenches. Someone certainly does. Oh, no. Not me. I'm just an upjumped sellsword. You're an anointed knight. There's quite a difference. Aye, knights don't get paid. You have better instincts than any officer in the Lannister army. That's like saying I have
a bigger cock than anyone in the Unsullied army. I expect to command all the Lannister forces before long. You can be the right hand I lost. You promised me a lordship and a castle and a highborn beauty for a wife. And you'll get all three. A Lannister always--
Don't say it. Don't fucking say it. Come out and fight us, Blackfish. We have Lord Edmure. Yield the castle or we'll hang him. This is your last warning. Yield the castle. You think I won't do it, old man? I sliced your niece's throat from ear to ear. And
where were you? Running and hiding like a fucking coward. Yield the castle or I cut his throat. Go on, then. Cut his throat. Lothar, is it? Ser Jaime. We didn't know you were coming. 'Cause you didn't set a proper perimeter. You just allowed 8,000 men to approach
unchallenged. Good thing we're friends or we'd be fucking you in the ass right now. Have Lord Edmure bathed and fed. Walder. Edmure is a prisoner of House Frey. Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out. Now let's say I threatened to hit you
unless you shut your mouth, but you kept talking. - What do you think I'd do? - I don't give a rat's-- I'm here by the king's command to take back this castle. Have him bathed and fed. Unless you'd like to take his place. Apologies, Ser Jaime. Do as he says.
The siege is now under my command. The next time the Blackfish looks out from those ramparts, he'll see an army at his gates, not whatever this is. Have your lads start digging perimeter trenches. Set pickets every hundred yards. And work double-time on those
siege towers and trebuchets. Those are our siege towers-- As I said, the siege is under my command. If that's not to your liking, go home. Get word to the Blackfish. I want a parley. A parley or a fight? He's an old man. You've got one hand. My money's on
the old boy. Lady Mormont. Welcome to Bear Island. I remember when you were born, my lady. You were named for my Aunt Lyanna. It was said she was a great beauty. I'm sure you will be, too. I doubt it. My mother wasn't a great beauty or any other kind of beauty.
She was a great warrior, though. She died fighting for your brother Robb. I served under your uncle at Castle Black, Lady Lyanna. He was also a great warrior and an honorable man. I was his steward. In fact-- I think we've had enough small talk. Why are you
here? Stannis Baratheon garrisoned at Castle Black before he marched on Winterfell and was killed. He showed me the letter you wrote to him when he petitioned for men. - It said-- - I remember what it said. Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North
whose name is Stark. Robb is gone, but House Stark is not. And it needs your support now more than ever. I've come with my sister to ask for House Mormont's allegiance. As far as I understand, you're a Snow and Lady Sansa is a Bolton. Or is she a Lannister?
I've heard conflicting reports. I did what I had to do to survive, my lady. But I am a Stark. I will always be a Stark. If you say so. In any case, you don't just want my allegiance. You want my fighting men. Ramsay Bolton cannot be allowed to keep Winterfell,
my lady. It is our duty to stop him. Even more so because he holds our brother Rickon Stark as prisoner. What you have to understand, my lady, is that-- I understand that I'm responsible for Bear Island and all who live here. So why should I sacrifice one
more Mormont life for someone else's war? If it please, my lady, I understand how you feel. I don't know you, Ser...? Davos, my lady, of House Seaworth. You needn't ask your maester about my house. It's rather new. All right, Ser Davos of House Seaworth. How
is it you understand how I feel? You never thought you'd find yourself in your position. Being responsible for so many lives at such a young age. I never thought I'd be in my position. I was a crabber's son, then I was a smuggler. And now I find myself addressing
the lady of a great house in time of war. But I'm here because this isn't someone else's war. It's our war. Go on, Ser Davos. Your uncle, Lord Commander Mormont, made that man his steward. He chose Jon to be his successor because he knew he had the courage
to do what was right, even if it meant giving his life. Because Jeor Mormont and Jon Snow both understood that the real war isn't between a few squabbling houses. It's between the living and the dead. And make no mistake, my lady, the dead are coming. Is this
true? Your uncle fought them at the Fist of the First Men. I fought them at Hardhome. We both lost. As long as the Boltons hold Winterfell, the North is divided. And a divided North won't stand a chance against the Night King. You want to protect your people,
my lady. I understand. But there's no hiding from this. We have to fight and we need to do it together. House Mormont has kept faith with House Stark for 1,000 years. We will not break faith today. Thank you, my lady. How many fighting men can we expect? 62.
- 62? - We are not a large house, but we're a proud one. And every man from Bear Island fights with the strength of 10 mainlanders. If they're half as ferocious as their lady, the Boltons are doomed. Kingslayer. Blackfish. I assume you're here to fulfill the
vow you gave my niece. I don't see Sansa and Arya. - I don't have them. - Pity. Do you wish to resume your captivity? Then why are you here? You know why I'm here. This castle belongs to House Frey. You're trespassing. In the name of King Tommen, I order you
to surrender or-- Or you'll kill Edmure? My nephew's marked for death no matter what. Hang him and be done with it. It won't stop with Edmure. You'll force me to storm the castle. Hundreds will die. Hundreds of mine. Thousands of yours. If you can breach the
walls. We'll breach them and kill every last one of you. But if you surrender, I'll spare the lives of your men. On my honor. Your honor? Bargaining with oathbreakers is like building on quicksand. The war is over, ser. Why sacrifice living men to a lost cause?
As long as I'm standing, the war is not over. This is my home. I was born in this castle and I'm ready to die in it. So you can either attack or try to starve us out. We have enough provisions for two years. Do you have two years, Kingslayer? You clearly have
no intention of saving your men's lives. Why did you come treat with me? Sieges are dull. And I wanted to see you in person, get the measure of you. Well, now you have. Aye, now I have. I'm disappointed. The answer is no. - Lord Glover, if you could just hear
us out. - I've heard enough. We've only just taken back this castle from the ironborn. The Boltons helped us do it. Now you want me to fight against them? I could be skinned for even talking to you. The Boltons are traitors. Roose Bolton-- Have other northern
houses pledged to fight for you? House Mormont. And? We sent ravens to Houses Manderly-- I don't care about ravens. You're asking me to join your army. Who is fighting in this army? The bulk of the force is made up of wildlings. Then the rumors are true. I
didn't dare believe them. I received you out of respect for your father. Now I would like you to leave. House Glover will not abandon its ancestral home to fight alongside wildlings. - Lord Glover. - There's nothing else to say. I would remind you that House
Glover is pledged to House Stark. Sworn to answer when called upon. Yes, my family served House Stark for centuries. We wept when we heard of your father's death. When my brother was lord of this castle, he answered Robb's call and hailed him King in the North.
And where was King Robb when the Ironborn attacked this castle? When they threw my wife and children in prison and brutalized and killed our subjects? Taking up with a foreign whore. Getting himself and those who followed him killed. I served House Stark once,
but House Stark is dead. Why did we have to come here? Some of us still like it. Have a drink at least. I don't want one. Don't go far, love. I'll find you in a bit. Nothing on the Iron Islands has an ass like that. Doesn't interest you anymore? I'm sorry.
I won't joke about it. I'll never hurt you, little brother. Don't you know that? You think Uncle Euron's hunting for us? Of course he is. As long as we're alive, we're a threat. He'll find us. It's a great big world and we have fast ships. Drink. I don't want
any. I don't care what you want. Drink. Drink it all. You're Ironborn, Theon. I know you've had some bad years. Some bad years? But I'm tired of watching you cower like a beat dog. Drink the goddamn ale. Now listen to me. I need you. The real Theon Greyjoy,
not this rat shit pretender. Can you find him for me? Drink. You escaped. You hear me? You got away and you're never going back. We'll get justice for you. If I got justice, my burnt body would hang over the gates of Winterfell. Fuck justice, then. We'll get
revenge. Drink. Listen to me. If you're so broken that there's no coming back, take a knife and cut your wrists. End it. But if you're staying, Theon, I need you. We're gonna sail to Meereen. We're gonna make a pact with this Dragon Queen. And we're gonna
take back the Iron Islands. Are you with me? Are you really with me? Now, since it's my last night ashore for a long while, I'm gonna go fuck the tits off this one. Stannis camped here on his way to Winterfell. And that's a good thing? He was the most experienced
commander in Westeros. He chose this place for a reason. Those mountains are a natural fortification. There's a stream down there for the horses. We're not staying here long. Another storm could hit any day. Aye, the snows defeated Stannis as much as the Boltons
did. We have to march on Winterfell now while we still can. 2,000 wildlings, 200 Hornwoods, 143 Mazins-- 62 Mormonts. It's not what we'd hoped for. But we still have a chance if we're careful and smart. For fuck's sake. So he's your most trusted advisor now?
Because he secured 62 men from a 10-year-old? Ser Davos is the reason I'm standing here talking to you and he served Stannis for years. Stannis who lost the Blackwater, who murdered his own brother, who doesn't have a head? It's not enough. We need more men.
There's no time. If we went down to Castle Cerwyn, I know that Lord-- We fight with the army we have. Friends, this is not worth fighting over! This'll be it, now. Right, now we don't need to be fighting-- - Who the fuck are you? - Hold on. Yeah, who the fuck
are you? I was a soldier once. All my superiors thought I was brave. I wasn't. I mean, I never ran from a fight. Only because I was afraid my friends would see I was afraid. That's all I was, a coward. We followed orders no matter the orders. Burn that village.
Fine, I'm your arsonist. Steal that farmer's crops. Good, I'm your thief. Kill those young lads so they won't take up arms against us. I'm your murderer. I remember once a woman screaming at us, calling us animals as we dragged her son from their hut. But
we weren't animals. Animals are true to their nature and we had betrayed ours. I cut that young boy's throat myself as his mother screamed and my friends held her back. That night... I felt such shame. Shame was so heavy on me, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep.
All I could do was stare into that dark sky and listen to that mother screaming her son's name. I'll hear her screaming the rest of my life. Now, I know I can never bring that lad back. All I can do with time I've got left is bring a little goodness into the
world. That's all any of us can do, isn't it? Never too late to stop robbing people, to stop killing people. Start helping people. It's never too late to come back. And it's not about waiting for the gods to answer your prayers. It's not even about the gods.
It's about you. Learning you have to answer your prayers yourself. Seven save you, friends. How can we help you? What are you doing here? Well, we're talking about life. You? Protecting the people. Well, we thank you for your protection. Who are you protecting
us from? Do you have any horses? No horses. No gold. No steel. Food, then. Protecting the people is hungry work. I'm sure it is. You're welcome to stay for supper, but we have hungry mouths here. Stay safe. The night is dark and full of terrors. "Seven save
you, friends." I'm a fucking septon. What was I supposed to say? They don't believe in your Seven. They're from the Brotherhood. They follow the Red God. Aye, well, all are welcome here. Anyway, we got nothing for them. Sure, you do. You've got food, you've
got steel even if you say you don't. And you've got women. What do you want to do? Fight them? Kill them? It'd be you against all of them. I mean, these people don't know how to fight. You do. I'm done with fighting. Even if it's to protect yourself? Violence
is a disease. You don't cure a disease by spreading it to more people. You don't cure it by dying, either. You've done enough work for one day. Come on up for some supper. It's gonna be a cold night. We'll need firewood. I'll save you a bowl of stew. Might
even have some ale hidden away. He's not a lying man. He says the Iron Fleet's in Slaver's Bay. I'm inclined to believe him. I'm not going anywhere near those mad fuckers. You're Westerosi. What do you care? I want to book passage home. You? Can't afford it.
Where'd you steal this from? Why do you care? We leave in two days. You can have a hammock in steerage. I want a cabin. And we'll leave at dawn. See you at sunrise. Sweet girl. 


#本集共有单词数:58  总词数:8686

a = ['arsonist', 'bashing', 'brutalized', 'brute', 'bugs', 'camped', 'chapter', 'charred', 'conflicting', 'congress', 'coughed', 'counselor', 'disgusted', 'firewood', 'fortification', 'goddamn', 'goodness', 'hailed', 'hammock',
'hornwoods', 'inclined', 'intention', 'jagged', 'lothar', 'mainlanders', 'manderly', 'mazins', 'measure', 'needn', 'oathbreakers', 'officer', 'parley', 'penitent', 'petitioned', 'pickets', 'pretended', 'quicksand', 'resume', 'reunion', 'robbing', 'salves',
'sanctuary', 'shoeless', 'smirked', 'smoothing', 'squabbling', 'steerage', 'stretched', 'successor', 'throws', 'trebuchets', 'trenches', 'trespassing', 'unchallenged', 'unrepentant', 'upjumped', 'wrists', 'zealot']

My son. My firstborn son. My child king, hush. Listen to the gods, for you they sing. Fight no more, sweet child. Your wars are won. The wolves are buried and the false stag done. Shut your blue eyes, my love. Let the crown fall.
The Father above beckons you to his hall. In Seventh Heaven I'll see you once more. But now I seek vengeance on Sansa the whore and my brother the Imp who killed his own king. Born amongst lions, our curse from within. I will slay him, I swear. With noose
or with knife, though it take me a fortnight, a moon or my life. What is that I hear and smell? Someone I'll soon send to hell. It's time to see if truth they told who said Tywin Lannister shits gold. Get the wig! You beast, you beast. You killed my wife.
And now you've taken your father's life. No worse child ever stained this land. I curse the day I named you. My greatest crime! You're good at that. Where did you learn? I'm a jealous woman. I've always liked bad men and they've always liked me. They'd come
home wherever home was that night stinking of some whore's perfume. So we'd fight and I'd put a hole in them. And then I'd feel terrible, so I'd patch them up. I got good at patching them up. And good at putting holes in them. And that. What happened to the
actress? The one who wanted you dead. Bianca. She'll have a hard time finding work as an actress after what I did to her face. I never did learn to cook. But eat. Eat. You need it. The company is moving on to Pentos soon. You should come with us. - I can't.
- Why not? Got a feeling you'd be good at this sort of work. And besides, we need a new actress. I don't think I could remember all of the lines. Come with us. What's left for you here? You wouldn't be safe. Not while she's looking for me. Who? She doesn't
have a name. Where will you go? Essos is east and Westeros is west. But what's west of Westeros? I don't know. Nobody does. That's where all the maps stop. The edge of the world, maybe. I'd like to see that. - What's that? - Milk of the poppy. I don't want
any. Sleep is the only way you'll heal. Trust me, if my soup didn't kill you, nothing will. Thing about Gatins, right, is he used to be pretty. I was a famous kisser. You lads know how to kiss proper? Course we do. This is for masters, this technique. - You're
not ready. - I'm ready. He says he's ready. All right. Now, pay attention. You put your left hand on the back of the lady's head. Your right hand holds the small of the lady's back like so. Very romantic. Take your middle finger, yeah, and you jam it right
up her bunghole. So fucking close! Ah, it smells like pussy to me. Look at him. You get hard, boy? Fuck you! Disgusting old twats. Got off on that, did you, you old fuck? Where's the other one? - The one with the yellow cloak. - Fuck you! Those are your last
words, fuck you? Come on, you can do better. Cunt! You're shit at dying, you know that? I'd call that a successful gambit. - Would you? - Look around. The city has come back to life. You made a pact with fanatics. I did and it worked. If you shaved your beard
with a straight razor, you'd say the razor worked. That doesn't mean it won't cut your throat. Spoken like a man who has never had to shave. I'm going to miss you. I know. I hope you're right about this expedition of yours. If I don't return, you'll know I
was wrong. We need friends in Westeros. And we need ships. Most of all, we need our queen. She'll come back. She has to. My heart's been broken too many times already. I'll walk the rest of the way myself. I can't go off on a secret mission in the company
of the most famous dwarf in the city. Varys. The most famous dwarf in the world. Your Grace, several members of the Faith Militant have been permitted entry to the Red Keep. Have been permitted? That's rather a tortured way of putting it. They demand to see
you, Your Grace. Who permitted them inside the Red Keep? The king is aware of their presence? He is, Your Grace. He's currently in his chambers at prayer. Your Grace, His Holiness the High Septon wishes to speak with you at the Great Sept of Baelor. His Holiness
the High Septon is welcome to see me here in the Red Keep. Your Grace, this is not a request. It is a request, Cousin Lancel. You are asking me for something, I'm refusing. The High Septon commands you. Are you sure you want to refuse him? He promised me I
could stay in the Red Keep until my trial. He made no such promises. - If you refuse to come of your own free will-- - Get out. Move aside, ser. Order your man to step aside or there will be violence. I choose violence. Please tell His High Holiness he's always
welcome to visit. Looks like a siege, my lady. You have a keen military mind, Pod. My lady. My lady. Who goes there?! State your business! My name is Brienne of Tarth. Please inform Ser Jaime Lannister I've come to speak with him. Tell him I have his sword.
Getting a bit old to be a squire, aren't we? Podrick fucking Payne. I thought you'd be dead by now. Not yet. Are they in there? You think they're fucking? What? No. Why not? I'd fuck her. You'd fuck her, wouldn't you? I'm her squire. Well, he'd fuck her, that's
for sure. And she'd fuck him, don't you think? The way she looks at him. The way all women look at him is frankly irritating. I preferred working with the little brother on that account. Come on, you're the one with the magic cock. You must have shown it to
her by now. - She's training me to fight. - Is she? An hour in the morning, an hour at night. Every day. Then how come an old cunt like me can still sneak up and murder you? Well, that's a different sort of fighting. Now, that's the truth, isn't it? You want
to learn that sort of fighting? All right. All right, let's start with your footwork. Show me your stance. Now listen to me, Pod. See how your feet are about a yard apart? Lesson number one, assume everyone wants to hit you. 'Cause they do, Pod. Everyone wants
to hit a fucking squire. Do it again. Come on, don't sulk. I never thought you'd find her. I just assumed Sansa was dead. Why would you assume that? In my experience, girls like her don't live very long. I don't think you know many girls like her. Well, I'm
proud of you. I am. You fulfilled your oath to Catelyn Stark against all odds. Of course, my sister wants Sansa dead. The girl is still a suspect in Joffrey's murder, so there is that complication. What the hell are you doing here? I've come for the Blackfish.
You're welcome to have him. Lady Sansa desires to take her ancestral seat back from the Boltons and assume her rightful position as Lady of Winterfell. With what army does she plan on taking Winterfell? The Tully army. They're a bit occupied at the moment.
I was sent here to reclaim Riverrun currently defended by the Tully rebels, so you can see the conundrum. The Tullys are rebels because they're fighting for their home? Riverrun was granted to the Freys by royal decree. As a reward for betraying Robb Stark
and slaughtering his family. Exactly. We shouldn't argue about politics. You're a knight, Ser Jaime. I know there is honor in you. - I've seen it myself. - I'm a Lannister. Don't ask me to betray my own house. I do no such thing. Take Riverrun without bloodshed.
Ride south again with your mission complete and your army intact. What do you propose? Allow me to enter Riverrun under a flag of truce. Let me try to persuade the Blackfish to give up the castle. Why would he abandon his ancestral home? Because you'll allow
him to lead the Tully forces safely north. Have you ever met the Blackfish? - No. - He's even more stubborn than you are. All right. Try to talk some sense into the old goat. He won't listen, but his men might. Not everybody wants to die for someone else's
home. I need your word. If I persuade him to abandon the castle, you'll grant a safe passage north. You have my word. You have until nightfall. You gave it to me for a purpose. I've achieved that purpose. It's yours. It will always be yours. One last thing,
Ser Jaime. Yes, Lady Brienne? Should I fail to persuade the Blackfish to surrender and if you attack the castle, honor compels me to fight for Sansa's kin. Of course it does. To fight you. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. I've said no three times already.
I have a signed letter from your niece Sansa Stark. I haven't seen her since she was a child. I don't know her signature. I don't know you. And I will not surrender. Double the guards tonight. The Kingslayer wants to try us. I can feel it. As I have said,
my name is-- Yes, Brienne of Tarth. I know your father. - Good man. - He always spoke highly of you. And if he were here now, I'd tell him the same I'm telling you. If you think I'm abandoning my family's seat on the Kingslayer's word of honor, you're a bloody
fool. Riverrun cannot stand against the Lannisters and the Freys. We can stand longer than your one-handed friend thinks we can. - He's not my friend. - No? Who gave you permission to cross the siege line and enter the castle? Who gave you that sword with
the gold lion on the pommel? Ser Jaime kept his word to your niece Catelyn Stark. He sent me to find Sansa, to help her as Catelyn wanted. He gave me this sword to protect her. That is what I have done and I will continue to do until the day I die. She's exactly
like her mother. I don't have enough men to help her take Winterfell. You have more than she does. She wants her home back. I understand that. But this is my home. And if Jaime Lannister wants it, he can bloody well take it the way everyone else does. Find
the maester. We need to get a raven north to Sansa. What should I write? Tell her I failed. There's to be a royal announcement? There is. Why wasn't I informed? There is to be a royal announcement in the throne room at this very moment. Where are you going?
To stand by my son. Your place is in the gallery with the other ladies of the court. Your Grace... Lords and ladies, the Faith and the Crown are the two pillars that hold up this world. One collapses, so does the other. The Father judges us all. If you break
his laws... you will be punished. After conferring with His Holiness the High Septon, we have determined that Loras Tyrell and Cersei Lannister's trial will be held in the Great Sept of Baelor on the first day of the Festival of the Mother. Furthermore, after
much prayer and reflection, the Crown has decided that from this day forward, trial by combat will be forbidden throughout the Seven Kingdoms. The tradition is a brutish one, a scheme devised by corrupt rulers in order to avoid true judgment from the gods.
Cersei Lannister and Loras Tyrell will stand trial before seven septons as it was in the earliest days of the Faith. Seven blessings to all. Seven blessings. Your Grace... that old rumor you told me about. My little birds investigated. And? Was it just a rumor
or something more? More. Much more. You seem happy. I am happy. You should both be happy as well. Not so long ago, this city was ready to devour itself. Now it's like a man reborn. I will be happy when our queen returns. Why don't you drink? Why don't either
of you ever drink? Unsullied never drink. - Why not? - Rules. And who made these rules? Your former masters? Those miserable old shits didn't want you to be human. Have a drink with me. And you? What's your excuse? I have tried wine before. It made me feel
funny. That's how you know it's working. Here's to our queen. Anyone not drinking is disrespecting our queen. To Daenerys Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, long may she reign. - Long may she reign. - Long may she reign. Do you like it? Tastes
like it has turned. Yes, yes. Fermentation. One day, after our queen has taken the Seven Kingdoms... I'd like to have my own vineyard. Make my own wine. The Imp's Delight. Only my close friends could drink it. Tell me a joke, Missandei of Naath. I do not know
any jokes. Grey Worm? Right. Three lords walk into a tavern-- a Stark, a Martell, and a Lannister. They order ale, but when the barkeep brings them over, each of them finds a fly in his cup. The Lannister, outraged, shoves the cup aside and demands another.
The Martell plucks the fly out and swallows it whole. The Stark reaches into his cup, pulls out the fly and shouts, "Spit it out, you wee shit. Spit it out." It's funnier in Westeros. The Starks and the Lannisters, I thought these were enemies. Yes. A joke
is like a story, Torgo Nudho. Not a true story, necessarily. A story that's supposed to make you laugh ideally. Not at the moment, perhaps. Missandei, do you like the wine? I do. Tell a joke. Two translators are on a sinking ship. The first says, "Do you know
how to swim?" The second says, "No, but I can shout for help in 19 languages." That is the worst joke I ever heard. You don't even know what a joke is. I am soldier all my life. You think I never hear joke? You lied to us. I make joke. More jokes. I once walked
into a brothel with a honeycomb and a jackass. The madam says-- The Masters have come for their property. Lord Edmure. I apologize for the way the Freys treated you. A man of your birth deserves better. You have my word you'll be properly fed and clothed from
now on. I have your word? Oh, good. Good, that's-- that's a fine thing. My uncle will never surrender the castle, ser. Whatever game you're playing. The Blackfish is an old man. A good death is all he can hope for. But you, you have a child now, I've heard.
A son you sired on your wedding night. You're a potent man. A son I've never met born of a wife that I haven't seen since our first night together. You should be with them both. I can arrange that, you realize? Comfortable rooms for you at Casterly Rock. A
tutor for your boy, knights to train him to fight and to ride. And when he comes of age, he'll have a keep of his own. Do you imagine yourself a decent person? Is that it? After you've massacred my family. Kept me in a cell for years. Stolen our lands. I'll
remind you that our houses are at war. I'm sorry if this conflict has inconvenienced you, but rebelling against the Crown does have consequences. Says the man who shoved his sword through his king's back. Did I give you the impression that this was a negotiation?
It's not. You understand. On some level you understand that you're an evil man. I'll leave the judgments to the gods. Well, that is convenient for you. You're a fine-looking fellow, aren't you? Your square jaw, your golden armor. Tell me, I want to know. I
truly do. How do you live with yourself? All of us have to believe that we're decent, don't we? You have to sleep at night. How do you tell yourself that you're decent after everything that you've done? I was your sister's prisoner once. She hit me on the
head with a rock if I remember correctly. Yeah. She should have killed you. Perhaps, but she didn't. Catelyn Stark hated me just like you hate me. But I didn't hate her. I admired her. Far more than her husband or her son. Do you think I care whom you admire
and whom you don't? No, I don't, but I'm telling you anyway because you're my prisoner. You don't have a choice. The love she had for her children, I was a little awed by it. Reminded me of my sister. Oh. Oh, I see. You're a madman. I'm not here to trade insults.
- Your sister was a strong-- - Don't talk about Cat! I'll talk about whomever I want. She loved her children. I suppose all mothers do, but Catelyn and Cersei, there's a fierceness you don't often see. They'd do anything to protect their babies. Start a war.
Burn cities to ash. Free their worst enemies. The things we do for love. You didn't come here to talk about our sisters. That's exactly why I came here. I love Cersei. You can laugh at that if you want. You can sneer. Doesn't matter. She needs me. And to get
back to her, I have to take Riverrun. I'll send for your baby boy. And I'll launch him into Riverrun with a catapult. Because you don't matter to me, Lord Edmure. Your son doesn't matter to me. The people in the castle don't matter to me. Only Cersei. And
if I have to slaughter every Tully who ever lived to get back to her, that's what I'll do. Who goes there? Edmure Tully, son of Hoster Tully and the rightful Lord of Riverrun. I demand entry. Don't let him in. He's the Lord of Riverrun. I have to obey his
commands. He's been their captive ever since they murdered his king at the Red Wedding. Why do you think the people who murdered his king at the Red Wedding would decide to let him come home? Because it's a trap, you idiot. Don't let him in. He's my lord,
my lord. I've sworn to serve the Lord of Riverrun and obey his commands. You're not obeying Edmure's commands. You're obeying the fucking Kingslayer's commands. I demand entry. My lord has given an order. With a knife to his throat. That is not a valid order.
Lower the drawbridge and open the gate for Lord Ed... Aye, ser. I'll have your head before I surrender Riverrun. You are not lord of this castle, my lord. - Lower the drawbridge. - Aye, ser! If you're wrong, we've just surrendered our most valuable prisoner.
Welcome home, my lord. Command all the forces within the castle to lay down their arms. Open the gates. - My lord... - Your lord has given a command. Infantry, advance! Find the Blackfish. Put him in irons and hand him over to the Freys. Find him. Go on. Come
with us. I've run before from the Red Wedding. I'm not running again. This is my family home. Your family is in the North. Come with us. Don't die for pride when you can fight for your blood. You'll serve Sansa far better than I ever could. All the way down!
- Check that out! - Go on, now. I haven't had a proper sword fight in years. I expect I'll make a damn fool of myself. We found the Blackfish, my lord. Good. Bring him to me. He died fighting, my lord. - I was wrong. I admit it. - That changes nothing. The
Unsullied could mount a defense off the beachhead. - If the slavers' forces-- - No more talking from you. Your talking gave us this. And I have acknowledged that. I'm trying-- You're trying to tell me what the army should do. You do not know what the army
should do. All right, what should the army do? We'll not go to the beach. If we go to the beach, the Masters will take the pyramid. The pyramid is the only place in the city we can defend. - We stay here. - And then? We wait for them to come to us. Then we
fight them. Clegane. What the fuck you doing here? Chasing them. You? Hanging them. Any particular reason? They're our men. Or they were. They attacked a nearby sept and murdered the villagers. Why do you want them? Same reason. I was helping build it. They
killed a friend of mine. You've got friends? Not anymore. They're mine. It's the Brotherhood's good name they've dragged through the dirt. Fuck your name. They're mine. I killed you once before, Dondarrion. Happy to do it again. Drop that arrow, you bloody
girl. Tougher girls than you have tried to kill me. You can have one of them. Two. No, no, no. We're not butchers. We hang them. Hanging? All over in an instant. Where's the punishment in that? - They die. - We all bloody die. Except this one here. I'll only
gut one of them. No. I'll chop off one hand. We gave you two of the three out of respect for your loss. That's generous. Bunch of nancies. There was a time I would have killed all seven of you just to gut these three. You're getting old, Clegane. He's not.
Please don't. I'll give you anything. Got anything to eat? Enjoying yourself? I prefer chicken. You ought to join us. We could use you. I tried joining. Didn't work out for me. Clegane, we're here for a reason. The Lord of Light is keeping Beric alive for
a reason. He gave a failed, drunk priest the power to bring him back for a reason. We are part of something larger than ourselves. Lots of horrible shit in this world gets done for something larger than ourselves. Cold winds are rising in the North. And you're
going to go stop them? We need good men to help us. Last time you saw me, you wanted to execute me. True enough. But the Lord of Light gave you the power to defeat me. Why? I beat you because I'm better than you, Beric. I was better than you before you started
yammering on about the Lord and I'm better than you now. Aye, you're probably right. You're a fighter. You were born a fighter. You walked away from the fight. How did that go? Good and bad, young and old, the things we're fighting will destroy them all alike.
You can still help a lot more than you've harmed, Clegane. It's not too late for you. Lady Crane? Lady Crane? If you'd have done your job, she would have died painlessly. Instead... The Many-Faced God was promised a name. He must always receive what is his.
You can't change that. I can't change that. No one can. And now he's been promised another name. - Hey! - Get out! My basket! It will all be over soon. On your knees or on your feet? Haven't we been through this already? That won't help you. You told her to
kill me. Yes. But here you are. And there she is. Finally a girl is no one. A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell and I'm going home. 


#本集共有单词数:63  总词数:8749

a = ['achieved', 'acknowledged', 'advance', 'awed', 'barkeep', 'basket', 'beachhead', 'beckons', 'catapult', 'clothed', 'compels', 'conferring', 'conundrum', 'corrupt', 'devised', 'disrespecting', 'earliest', 'ed', 'entry', 'fermentation',
'festival', 'fierceness', 'footwork', 'frankly', 'fulfilled', 'funnier', 'furthermore', 'gallery', 'gambit', 'gatins', 'impression', 'inconvenienced', 'investigated', 'irritating', 'judgments', 'kisser', 'level', 'madam', 'maps', 'nancies', 'necessarily',
'negotiation', 'outraged', 'painlessly', 'patch', 'patching', 'permitted', 'plucks', 'potent', 'reaches', 'reclaim', 'shoves', 'signature', 'sinking', 'sired', 'stance', 'swallows', 'technique', 'translators', 'vineyard', 'wee', 'wig', 'yammering']

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