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2016-09-01 20:20 302 查看

Supporting Different Devices

Android devices come in many shapes and sizes all around the world. With a wide range of device types, you have an opportunity to reach a huge audience with your app. In order to be as successful as possible on Android, your app needs to adapt to various device configurations. Some of the important variations that you should consider include different languages, screen sizes, and versions of the Android platform.

This class teaches you how to use basic platform features that leverage alternative resources and other features so your app can provide an optimized user experience on a variety of Android-compatible devices, using a single application package (APK).



Supporting Different Languages

It’s always a good practice to extract UI strings from your app code and keep them in an external file. Android makes this easy with a resources directory in each Android project.

If you created your project using the Android SDK Tools (read Creating an Android Project), the tools create a res/ directory in the top level of the project. Within this res/ directory are subdirectories for various resource types. There are also a few default files such as res/values/strings.xml, which holds your string values.


如果你是用Android SDK工具创建的Android项目,工具会在项目的顶层目录创建一个res/目录。在这个res/values/string.xml的文件中,会存放你的String的值。

Create Locale Directories and String Files

To add support for more languages, create additional values directories inside res/ that include a hyphen and the ISO language code at the end of the directory name. For example, values-es/ is the directory containing simple resources for the Locales with the language code “es”. Android loads the appropriate resources according to the locale settings of the device at run time. For more information, see Providing Alternative Resources.

为了支持更多的语言,在res/创建一个额外的目录包含values加一个连字符并以ISO(国际标准化组织)语言码结尾。如:values-es/ 是为了语言码是es的区域建立的包含简单资源的目录

Once you’ve decided on the languages you will support, create the resource subdirectories and string resource files. For example:



Add the string values for each locale into the appropriate file.


At runtime, the Android system uses the appropriate set of string resources based on the locale currently set for the user’s device.


For example, the following are some different string resource files for different languages.


English (default locale), /values/strings.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="title">My Application</string>
<string name="hello_world">Hello World!</string>

Spanish, /values-es/strings.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="title">Mi Aplicación</string>
<string name="hello_world">Hola Mundo!</string>

French, /values-fr/strings.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="title">Mon Application</string>
<string name="hello_world">Bonjour le monde !</string>

Note: You can use the locale qualifier (or any configuration qualifer) on any resource type, such as if you want to provide localized versions of your bitmap drawable. For more information, see Localization


Use the String Resources

You can reference your string resources in your source code and other XML files using the resource name defined by the
element’s name attribute.


In your source code, you can refer to a string resource with the syntax R.string.. There are a variety of methods that accept a string resource this way.


For example:

// Get a string resource from your app's Resources
String hello = getResources().getString(R.string.hello_world);

// Or supply a string resource to a method that requires a string
TextView textView = new TextView(this);

In other XML files, you can refer to a string resource with the syntax
whenever the XML attribute accepts a string value.


For example:

android:text="@string/hello_world" />

Supporting Different Screens

Android categorizes device screens using two general properties: size and density. You should expect that your app will be installed on devices with screens that range in both size and density. As such, you should include some alternative resources that optimize your app’s appearance for different screen sizes and densities.


There are four generalized sizes: small, normal, large, xlarge

And four generalized densities: low (ldpi), medium (mdpi), high

(hdpi), extra high (xhdpi)

屏幕大小大致分:小 正常 大 超大

大致有四种像素:低像素 中等像素 高像素 超高像素

To declare different layouts and bitmaps you’d like to use for different screens, you must place these alternative resources in separate directories, similar to how you do for different language strings.


Also be aware that the screens orientation (landscape or portrait) is considered a variation of screen size, so many apps should revise the layout to optimize the user experience in each orientation.


Create Different Layouts

To optimize your user experience on different screen sizes, you should create a unique layout XML file for each screen size you want to support. Each layout should be saved into the appropriate resources directory, named with a
suffix. For example, a unique layout for large screens should be saved under


Note: Android automatically scales your layout in order to properly fit the screen. Thus, your layouts for different screen sizes don’t need to worry about the absolute size of UI elements but instead focus on the layout structure that affects the user experience (such as the size or position of important views relative to sibling views).


For example, this project includes a default layout and an alternative layout for large screens:



The file names must be exactly the same, but their contents are different in order to provide an optimized UI for the corresponding screen size.


Simply reference the layout file in your app as usual:


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

The system loads the layout file from the appropriate layout directory based on screen size of the device on which your app is running. More information about how Android selects the appropriate resource is available in the Providing Resources guide.

系统会基于运行你app的设备的屏幕尺寸加载适当目录的布局文件。关于Android系统如何选择适当的资源的更多信息在Providing Resources指南。

As another example, here’s a project with an alternative layout for landscape orientation:



By default, the layout/main.xml file is used for portrait orientation.


If you want to provide a special layout for landscape, including while on large screens, then you need to use both the large and land qualifier:


layout/              # default (portrait)
layout-land/         # landscape
layout-large/        # large (portrait)
layout-large-land/   # large landscape

Note: Android 3.2 and above supports an advanced method of defining screen sizes that allows you to specify resources for screen sizes based on the minimum width and height in terms of density-independent pixels. This lesson does not cover this new technique. For more information, read Designing for Multiple Screens

注意:Android 3.2及以上版本支持定义屏幕尺寸的高级方法,可以让你根据密度独立像素方面的最小宽度和高度指定屏幕尺寸的资源。本课程不涉及这种新技术。欲了解更多信息,请阅读设计适配多屏幕。

Create Different Bitmaps

You should always provide bitmap resources that are properly scaled to each of the generalized density buckets: low, medium, high and extra-high density. This helps you achieve good graphical quality and performance on all screen densities.

你应该为普遍的不同像素的设备(低 中 高 超高像素)提供可以适当缩放的位图资源。这会帮助提高你的app在各个像素屏幕的性能和图形质量。

To generate these images, you should start with your raw resource in vector format and generate the images for each density using the following size scale:


xhdpi: 2.0

hdpi: 1.5

mdpi: 1.0 (baseline)

ldpi: 0.75

This means that if you generate a 200x200 image for xhdpi devices, you should generate the same resource in 150x150 for hdpi, 100x100 for mdpi, and 75x75 for ldpi devices.

这意味着如果你为xhdpi生成200X200的图片,那么为hdpi mdpi ldpi的设备,你应该生成150x150 100x100 75x75的图片

Then, place the files in the appropriate drawable resource directory:



Any time you reference @drawable/awesomeimage, the system selects the appropriate bitmap based on the screen’s density.


Note: Low-density (ldpi) resources aren’t always necessary. When you provide hdpi assets, the system scales them down by one half to properly fit ldpi screens.


For more tips and guidelines about creating icon assets for your app, see the Iconography design guide.

有关为你的app创建图标图片等,欲了解更多的技巧和指南 ,请参阅Iconography设计指南。

Supporting Different Platform Versions

While the latest versions of Android often provide great APIs for your app, you should continue to support older versions of Android until more devices get updated. This lesson shows you how to take advantage of the latest APIs while continuing to support older versions as well.


The dashboard for Platform Versions is updated regularly to show the distribution of active devices running each version of Android, based on the number of devices that visit the Google Play Store. Generally, it’s a good practice to support about 90% of the active devices, while targeting your app to the latest version.

PlatForm版本的表格会定期更新以展示活跃的设备烦人Android版本的分布(基于访问Google Play应用商店的设备数)。总之,适配90%的设备是好的吧,targeting your app to the latest version.。

Tip: In order to provide the best features and functionality across several Android versions, you should use the Android Support Library in your app, which allows you to use several recent platform APIs on older versions


Specify Minimum and Target API Levels

The AndroidManifest.xml file describes details about your app and identifies which versions of Android it supports. Specifically, the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes for the
element identify the lowest API level with which your app is compatible and the highest API level against which you’ve designed and tested your app.

元素里面minSdkVersion和 targetSdkVersion 属性指定了app编译的最低API级别和以及最高API级别(你测试app的级别)

For example:


<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" ... >
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" android:targetSdkVersion="15" />

As new versions of Android are released, some style and behaviors may change. To allow your app to take advantage of these changes and ensure that your app fits the style of each user’s device, you should set the targetSdkVersion value to match the latest Android version available.


Check System Version at Runtime

Android provides a unique code for each platform version in the Build constants class. Use these codes within your app to build conditions that ensure the code that depends on higher API levels is executed only when those APIs are available on the system.


private void setUpActionBar() {
// Make sure we're running on Honeycomb or higher to use ActionBar APIs
ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();

Note: When parsing XML resources, Android ignores XML attributes that aren’t supported by the current device. So you can safely use XML attributes that are only supported by newer versions without worrying about older versions breaking when they encounter that code. For example, if you set the targetSdkVersion=”11”, your app includes the ActionBar by default on Android 3.0 and higher. To then add menu items to the action bar, you need to set android:showAsAction=”ifRoom” in your menu resource XML. It’s safe to do this in a cross-version XML file, because the older versions of Android simply ignore the showAsAction attribute (that is, you do not need a separate version in res/menu-v11/)

注意:解析XML文件时,Android会忽略当前设备不支持的Android XML属性。所以你尽可以放心的使用只有更新版本才支持的XML属性而不用担心旧版的设备跑到这里会挂掉。举个例子,如果你设置targetSdkVersion=“11”,你的App默认包含了 Android 3.0及以上版本所支持的ActionBar。为了在action bar添加菜单选项,你需要在你的菜单资源文件中设置android:showAsAction=”ifRoom”属性。这样做在跨版本时是安全的,因为低版本的Android会直接忽略showAsAction属性(也就是说,你不需要单独建一个文件为res/menu-v11/)

Use Platform Styles and Themes

Android provides user experience themes that give apps the look and feel of the underlying operating system. These themes can be applied to your app within the manifest file. By using these built in styles and themes, your app will naturally follow the latest look and feel of Android with each new release.

通过使用这些style和theme,你的app风格将跟随最新的Android Release。

To make your activity look like a dialog box:


<activity android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog">

To make your activity have a transparent background:


<activity android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent">

To apply your own custom theme defined in /res/values/styles.xml:


<activity android:theme="@style/CustomTheme">

To apply a theme to your entire app (all activities), add the android:theme attribute to the


<application android:theme="@style/CustomTheme">

For more about creating and using themes, read the Styles and Themes guide.

更多创建和使用主题,参见Styles and Themes指南。
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