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[美剧赏析] 权力的游戏<Game of Thrones>完全赏析 (47-48)

2016-09-01 17:46 399 查看



First Ranger, you have command of Castle Black. Lord Commander, it is my duty to tell you I believe this mission to be reckless, foolhardy, and an insult to all the brothers who have died fighting the wildlings. As always, thank
you for your honesty. Safe travels, Lord Commander. Thank you, Sam. Oh, um... It's dragonglass. It's what I used to kill the white walker. I hope you don't need them. Me, too. Yah. There he is. That laugh. Egg. Egg laughed like that. One of the first things
I remember. His little brother Aegon. He became king. And before that, he was a jolly fellow, like this one. Get him south, Gillyflower. Before it's too late. Theon, wait. Not Theon, my lady. Reek. Help me. You're his wife now. Theon. Do what he says. Do what
he says or he'll hurt you. He already hurts me every night. All day I'm locked in this room and every night he comes... It can't be any worse. It can. It can always be worse. - What did he do to you? - Please. - You betrayed my family! - I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
You have to help me. Theon, help me. He'll see us. You don't know him. My family still has friends in the North. All I need to do is give a signal and they'll rescue me. Climb to the top of the broken tower. Light this candle and put it in the window. - Promise
me, Theon. - Reek! My name is Reek. Your name is Theon Greyjoy. Last surviving son of Balon Greyjoy, Lord of the Iron Islands. Do you hear me? Theon... promise me. Yes, Reek? Egg. Egg. Mother's looking for you. Egg. Get some sleep, Sam. You'll have to speak
for him tomorrow. You don't know that. Get some sleep. I'll watch over him. I'm staying, too. He's always been good to me. I can't leave him now. Egg! Egg. I dreamed... that I was old. His name was Aemon Targaryen. He came to us from King's Landing. A maester
of the Citadel, chained and sworn, and sworn brother of the Night's Watch, ever faithful. No man was wiser or gentler or kinder. At the Wall, a dozen lord commanders came and went during his years of service, but he was always there to counsel them. He was
the blood of the dragon... but now his fire has gone out. And now his watch is ended. And now his watch is ended. You're losing all your friends, Tarly. My beautiful wife. When my father told me we were marrying, I half expected a fat, bearded beast. Do you
know how pleased I was when I saw you? You've made me very happy. Our scouts report that Stannis Baratheon rides for Winterfell. He's a respected commander. His troops are loyal and battle-tested. He's hired thousands of foreign sellswords to bolster his army.
But this storm is a stroke of luck for us northerners. Our people are used to fighting in the frost. His army is out there now suffering in the snow. One day I'll be Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. You'll be my lady and Wardeness. But isn't your
stepmother pregnant? What of it? What happens if she has a boy? Then I'll have a baby brother. But he'll be the heir. I'm Lord Bolton's eldest son. But you're a bastard. A trueborn will always have the stronger claim. I've been naturalized by a royal decree
from-- Tommen Baratheon? Another bastard. Bastards can rise high in the world. Like your half-brother Jon Snow. Born the bastard of Winterfell, now the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. You didn't know? Yes, he's done very well for himself. Oh. I nearly
forgot why I asked you to join me. Come, my lady. Your northern friend. Reek told me you wanted to leave. Why? Winterfell is your home and I am your husband. Tough old bird. Everyone talks when I start peeling them. But this one, her heart gave out before
I even got to her face. We do breed them tough in the North. Bring my wife back to her chamber. It's far too cold out here for a lady. You should hold on to your candles. The nights are so long now. 40 horses died in the night. We'll lose more come sunset.
We're running out of food. We can't open the supply line until the snow clears. What else? The Stormcrows rode off last night. 500 men. Sellswords. Loyal to nothing but gold. We still have a hard march to Winterfell and we won't be marching anywhere in this
weather. And? This isn't our time. We should head back to Castle Black when the snow clears. I retreated from King's Landing, Ser Davos. If I retreat again, I'll become the King Who Ran. - Your Grace-- - Winter is coming. Those aren't just the Stark words.
It's a fact. If we march back to Castle Black, we winter at Castle Black. And who can say how many years this winter will last? It's better to wait for the right time than risk everything. This is the right time and I will risk everything. Because if I don't,
we've lost. We march to victory or we march to defeat. But we go forward. Only forward. Your Grace. I've trusted in your visions and your prophecies for years. You saw it yourself, my king, when you stared into the flames. A great battle in the snow. - I don't
know what I saw. - You do know. Trust yourself. And you? Do you trust yourself? I trust in the Lord. Are you sure? I have seen myself walk along the battlements of Winterfell. I have seen the flayed man banners lowered to the ground. But sometimes sacrifices
must be made to ensure victory. I have shown you the power of king's blood. The usurper Robb Stark. The usurper Joffrey Baratheon. We don't have Robert's bastard here. No, we have someone better. And your blood runs through her veins. Have you lost your mind?
Do you doubt me? Still? After all that you've seen. There must be another way. - Leeches or-- - There is only one way. You must become king before the Long Night begins. Only you can lead the living against the dead. All your life has led us to this moment.
- To this decision. - She's my daughter. Get out. There's always some sort of grub on. A bit of mutton would be nice. A beauty from beyond the Wall. Where you going, love? Aren't we better-looking than the fat man? No, the question is is she pretty down south
in the real world or is she pretty 'cause she's the only girl here? Even in White Harbor, I'd want a kiss. Come on, love, give us a kiss. Leave me alone. Oh, if you were my girl, I wouldn't leave you alone. - One little kiss. - Come on, give him a kiss. A
man gets lonely guarding the Wall. There's no need to be rude. We just want a little affection. Ooh. Get your hands off her. Brother Derek, Brother Brant, I believe you both have guard duty tonight. Sam the Slayer. You gonna slay me with that sword? Look at
his hand shake. Gilly, go on. Get back to your room, lock the door. - I'm warning you. - Come on. Come on. Sam! You lying sack of shit. Killed a white walker, eh? You fat-ass fuck. Come on, get up. -No! - This your hero? This hog? Leave him alone! Stubborn
little wildling bitch, aren't you? - Come on! - No! - Sam! Sam! Sam! - Come on! - Sam! Sam! - Come on. Right. I'll deal with this. - Turn her over. - All right. I said get your hands off her. You're gonna get yourself killed. Your lover Jon Snow's not here
to save you. I killed a white walker, I killed a Thenn. I'll take my chances with you. Sam! - I'm all right. - You're not. Just a bit woozy. The next time you see something like that, you leave it alone. I will not. They would have-- I don't know what they
would have done. I know they would have killed you if Ghost hadn't come. No. No, no. They were tiring out. I had them in the palm of my hand. Don't be stupid, Sam. You're not a fighter. What kind of man would I be if I ran away when I saw someone hurting you?
Just promise me whatever happens, you'll take care of Little Sam. But of course I will. And... I'll take care of you, too. I need more water. Stay. Please? Am I hurting you? Are you sure? Oh, my! A rare find for the fighting pits, my friends. Not your usual
street tough or drunken pirate. This one's a Westerosi knight from an ancient house trained in sword and lance. He fought beside the stag king Robert on the far side of the Narrow Sea. He was first through the breach during the Siege of Spike, slaughtering
50 men with his flaming sword. He killed the great Khal Drogo in single combat. Betrayed by his woman, he sold himself into slavery to repay his debts. Bidding begins at 12 gold honors. 13. Do I have 14? 15? 15 gold honors. Do I hear 16? 16? 20. Sold. Wait!
You have to buy me as well. Why? We're a team. I'm a great fighter, too. He's funny. You have to give him that. You're right, he's funny. Thank you, my lord. Thank you. Yes. My lord, if I may. I've heard Meereen has become a free city. You might run into trouble
if you try to fight slaves in the fighting pits. Now, if you were to fight freed men who'd be paid a wage-- There's your wages, funny man. Should last the rest of your life. These are warrior hands, not a serving girl's. 5, going once... How long before the
King of Meereen comes to claim my pillow? Don't be ridiculous. My marriage to Hizdahr is political. I think he's smart enough to understand that. I think the Sons of the Harpy have stopped killing because their leader was made king. Are you jealous? You think
I'm petty enough to speak ill of a man just because he represents competition? I do. You're right. My motivations are entirely impure. Doesn't make me wrong. You told me yourself I can't fight enemies within and without. So when enemies without come knocking,
I need the city of Meereen behind me. I have no choice. Everyone has a choice. Even slaves have a choice-- death or slavery. So what else can I do, hmm? Marry me instead. Even if I wanted to do such an inadvisable thing, I couldn't. Why not? You are queen.
You can do what you like. No, I can't. Then you are the only person in Meereen who's not free. And I know I'm here to serve my queen and not give advice, but can I make one more suggestion? Of course. On the day of the great games, gather all the Great Masters
and Wise Masters and Worthy Masters you can find and slaughter them all. I am a queen, not a butcher. All rulers are either butchers or meat. You there. Where would I find the High Septon or High Sparrow or whatever bloody fool name he's got? It's not as good
a name as Queen of Thorns, I'll admit. You should have the decency to stand when you speak to a lady. You should have the decency to kneel before the gods. Don't spar with me, little fellow. For me, it's the knees. - You? - Hips. Ah. A man of the people. Is
that your game? It's an old game. Dull and unconvincing. A man of the people who does Cersei's dirty work for her. The people always do the dirty work. Spare me the homilies. I can smell a fraud from a mile away. Useful talent. I'm here for my grandson and
granddaughter. Your grandson and granddaughter swore sacred vows and lied. The Father judges us all. Sons of high lords, sons of fishermen. If you break his laws, you will be punished. Don't you walk away from me. You don't give commands here, Lady Olenna.
What is it you want? Gold? I'll make you the richest septon who ever lived. What, then? I imagine this is strange for you. Everyone you meet has a hidden motive and you pride yourself on sniffing it out. But I'm telling you a simple truth. I serve the gods.
The gods demand justice How do they communicate their demands? By raven or horse? By the holy text, "The Seven-Pointed Star." If you don't have one in your library, I'll give you my own. I've read "The Seven-Pointed Star." Then you'll remember the passages
concerning buggery and perjury. Your grandchildren will be punished in the same manner as anyone who breaks the sacred laws. Half the men, women, and children in this foul city break the sacred laws. You live among murderers, thieves, and rapists, and yet
you punish Loras for shagging some perfumed ponce and Margaery for defending her brother? Yes. The gods' laws must be applied to all equally. If it's equality you want, so be it. When House Tyrell stops sending our crops to the capital, everyone here will
starve. And I'll make sure the hungry know who's to blame. Have you ever sowed the field, Lady Olenna? Have you ever reaped the grain? Has anyone in House Tyrell? A lifetime of wealth and power has left you blind in one eye. You are the few, we are the many.
And when the many stop fearing the few... Lady Olenna. Starving yourself won't make things any better for her, my love. She's in a prison cell and there is nothing I can do. I am the king! The queen is in prison and there is nothing I can do! No matter who
you are, no matter how strong you are, sooner or later, you'll face circumstances beyond your control. Events you couldn't possibly have anticipated or prevented even if you had. You cannot blame yourself for fate. Your father, your brother, your grandfather--
I was Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and what could I do? Hold them as they left this world. Kissed their heads after they'd gone. I'll call in the army. I'll take back the sept and kill every last one of them. I'll start a war if I have to. You know as well
as I do who the first casualty of that war would be. I love her. I love her... and I can't help her. We must be strong for those we love. We cannot give in to despair. I will speak with the High Sparrow. There must be something he-- Let me talk to him on your
behalf. The king cannot sully himself negotiating with an unwashed fanatic. You will try to help her? I'll do everything I can to win her freedom and her brother's. Your happiness is all I want in this world. - I know. - No, you don't. You can't possibly.
Not until you have children of your own. I would do anything for you. Anything to keep you from harm. I would burn cities to the ground. You are all that matters. You and your sister. From the moment you came into this world. My boy. My only boy. Prince Doran
hopes this satisfies your concerns about the princess's well-being. You looked different when I left. You had more hair. And more hands. - How's Trystane? - He'll be all right. I'm sorry for that. It wasn't supposed to happen that way. Why is it happening
at all? Your mother's worried about you. Threats have been made. Dorne's too dangerous for you. - I've come to take you home. - This is my home. This has been my home for years. I didn't want to come here, but she told me to. I did what she said. I did my
duty and now she's forcing me to go back? It's for your own good. These are complicated matters. No, it's not complicated at all. It's simple. I love Trystane, I'm going to marry him, and we're staying right here. - I don't understand. - Of course you don't.
You don't know me. Brothers, O brothers, my days here are done The Dornishman's taken my life But what does it matter For all men must die And I've tasted the Dornishman's wife I have, I've tasted the Dornishman's wife. He's got a good voice. We're lucky he's
a singer. If he were a fighter, we might have been in trouble. It's against my code to hurt a woman. It's amazing how many men we beat seem to have this code. I wouldn't say you beat me. How's your arm? Wonderful. Wouldn't feel right to leave Dorne without
a new scar. You think you're leaving Dorne? No great hurry. Dornish women are the most beautiful women in the world. Thank you. I said Dornish women. I didn't say you. I'm not the most beautiful woman you've ever seen? I've seen quite a few women in all the
Seven Kingdoms. Name one more beautiful than I am. Well, now, in King's Landing, there was an absolutely gorgeous... There was a what? In King's Landing, you were saying? Was I? There was a woman more beautiful than I am. Was there? My memory's not what it
was earlier. How's your arm now? You seem concerned with it. You must really like me. And how about your head? My head? My head? You don't even want to know what's going on in-- Your nose is bleeding. It's nothing. It's the dry air. My dagger was coated with
a special ointment from Asshai. They call it the Long Farewell. It takes time to work, but if a single drop makes contact with the skin, death. The only antidote. Who's the most beautiful woman in the world? You. Sorry? Who? You. Don't drop it. I think you're
very handsome as well. - I'm sorry about the locale. - No, you're not. It felt like the safest place. Not for your clientele, clearly. It was an establishment like no other. The sheer range of appetites catered to. Desires that didn't even exist until we invented
them. You've always been rather impressed with yourself, haven't you? The past is the past. The future is all that's worth discussing. The future of House Tyrell. Don't pretend to have any concern for my house, my grandchildren or me. I should have known you'd
return to the capital as soon as things started to go wrong. - I promise you-- - I promise you, Lord Baelish, that our fates are joined. Together we murdered a king. If my house should fall, I will have nothing to hide. And if I should meet with some accident
here at your broken little flesh market, they'll never even find what's left of you. So... do you deny a part in all this? Cersei summoned me to King's Landing. I dared not refuse her. And what did she want? A piece of information she knew that I had. Neither
silence nor lies were an option. But I have other information of which she is unaware. And as you say, our interests are aligned. I have a gift for you. What kind of gift? The same kind I gave Cersei. A handsome young man. Many worthy fighters have died trying
to make it to the great games. When most of you worthless scum join them in death this afternoon, it will represent a significant rise in your station. But if you do happen to triumph here, you will fight at the Great Pit of Daznak itself in front of the queen.
So whatever happens, the gods have smiled upon you today. This is the day your lives actually start to mean something. You and you. You. You two. You, you, and you. Up. Prepare yourselves. Sitting through the great games will be bad enough. For generations
in the days leading up to the great games, it has been customary for our ruler to make the rounds of the lower pits to pay the fighters there the honor of her presence. Move yourselves. Your Grace. Your future Grace. You honor us all. Stand there. Stand straight.
That's the fucking queen. We fight and die for your glory, O glorious queen. We fight and die for your glory, O glorious queen. Fight! I think I've seen enough. Your Grace, it is a tradition for the queen to stay until the victor has emerged. I've sacrificed
more than enough for your traditions. What are you doing? Wait your turn, you piece of fucking filth. Get him out of my sight. Khaleesi, please. I just need a moment of your time. I brought you a gift. It's true. He has. Who are you? I am the gift. It's a
pleasure to meet you, Your Grace. My name is Tyrion Lannister. This is horrible. Unacceptable. Are they feeding you enough at least? I brought you this. Venison. It's quite good. I had it myself for supper only last night. We did everything we could from the
moment they took your brother. Tommen even went to the sept himself to confront the High Sparrow. But I fear the Faith has left reason behind. I know you did this. We are making every effort on your behalf. I swear to you by all the seven gods. Lies come easily
to you. Everyone knows that. But innocence, decency, concern, you're not very good at those, I'm afraid. Perhaps that's why your son was so eager to cast you aside for me. You're upset. You're not thinking clearly. I'll visit again when you've had a chance
to calm down. I don't want to see you again. I do hope you change your mind about that. I've been told men often go mad in the Black Cells beneath the Red Keep. Though I suppose your isolation will end when your trial begins. Leave. Yes. I'm afraid I must.
My son needs me now more than ever. Get out, you hateful bitch! Sleep well, sister. Thank you, Boake. - You saw her? - Yes. - And? - Her accommodations seem sufficient. What happens to her now? Well, she and her brother are both being held under fair suspicion.
A trial will be held for each of them to determine if they're guilty of any acts that might constitute a violation of the tenets of the faith. Who will stand judge? Seven septons as it was in all trials before the Targaryens. Will you be one of them? I will.
If one or both of them were to confess before the trial... Then they will be shown the Mother's mercy. And what does the Mother's mercy entail? It depends upon the situation. The acts themselves, the degree of contrition. Thank you, High Septon, for bringing
them whatever justice they deserve in the eyes of the Seven. Did you know this chapel is one of the oldest structures in King's Landing? I think I may have heard at one point. Baelor built his sept around it. But men worshipped here long before him. Who carved
this altar? - Do you know? - I'm afraid I don't. No one does. There's no name on it or anywhere else in the chapel. No, the people who built this place didn't inflict their vanity on those who came after them the way Baelor did with that great gilded monstrosity
up there. Hmm. Their faith was clean. Strip away the gold and the ornaments, knock down the statues and the pillars, and this is what remains. Something simple... and solid and true. The Tyrells' finery will be stripped away. Their lies knocked down. Their
true hearts laid bare for all to see. And so it will be for all of us. High and low alike. What will we find when we strip away your finery? A young man came to us not long ago. Broken in body and spirit. He had so much to strip away. So much weighing him
down. But piece by piece, he unburdened himself. Let go of vanity, pride, sin. Now his soul is so light, he will float through the Seven Heavens like a bird. Hmm. And he has much to say about you. Move. Let me go immediately. You will order her to let me go.
I am the queen! I am the queen! Have you lost your mind? Let me go! Get your filthy hands off me! Have you lost your mind? I am the queen! Let me go! Look at me. Look at my face. It's the last thing you'll see before you die.


#本集共有单词数:76  总词数:8181

a = ['aligned', 'altar', 'amazing', 'antidote', 'appetites', 'applied', 'boake', 'bolster', 'brant', 'butchers', 'casualty', 'catered', 'chapel', 'clientele', 'coated', 'commanders', 'communicate', 'constitute', 'contact', 'contrition',
'daznak', 'derek', 'emerged', 'ensure', 'entail', 'equality', 'faithful', 'finery', 'float', 'foolhardy', 'fraud', 'grain', 'hips', 'homilies', 'impure', 'inadvisable', 'inflict', 'isolation', 'leeches', 'lowered', 'monstrosity', 'naturalized', 'negotiating',
'ointment', 'ornaments', 'palm', 'passages', 'perjury', 'petty', 'political', 'ponce', 'reaped', 'represents', 'retreat', 'retreated', 'sacrificed', 'satisfies', 'shagging', 'sowed', 'stared', 'statues', 'stormcrows', 'structures', 'suffering', 'sully', 'suspicion',
'team', 'tenets', 'text', 'trials', 'unaware', 'unburdened', 'unconvincing', 'wage', 'weighing', 'woozy']

Hardhome Your Grace, I want to say You will not speak. How do I know you are who you say you are? If only I were otherwise. If you are Tyrion Lannister, why shouldn't I kill you to pay your family back for what it did to mine?
You want revenge against the Lannisters? I killed my mother Joanna Lannister on the day I was born. I killed my father Tywin Lannister with a bolt to the heart. I am the greatest Lannister killer of our time. So I should welcome you into my service because
you murdered members of your own family? Into your service? Your Grace, we have only just met. It's too soon to know if you deserve my service. If you'd rather return to the fighting pits, just say the word. When I was a young man, I heard a story about a
baby born during the worst storm in living memory. She had no wealth, no lands, no army, only a name and a handful of supporters, most of whom probably thought they could use that name to benefit themselves. They kept her alive, moving her from place to place,
often hours ahead of the men who'd been sent to kill her. She was eventually sold off to some warlord on the edge of the world and that appeared to be that. And then a few years later, the most well- informed person I knew told me that this girl without wealth,
lands, or armies had somehow acquired all three in a very short span of time, along with three dragons. He thought she was our best, last chance to build a better world. I thought you were worth meeting at the very least. And why are you worth meeting? Why
should I spend my time listening to you? Because you cannot build a better world on your own. You have no one at your side who understands the land you want to rule. The strengths and weaknesses of the houses that will either join or oppose you. I will have
a very large army and very large dragons. Killing and politics aren't always the same thing. When I served as Hand of the King, I did quite well with the latter considering the king in question preferred torturing animals to leading his people. I could do
an even better job advising a ruler worth the name. If that is indeed what you are. So you want to advise me? Very well. What would you have me do with him? I swore I would kill him if he ever returned. I know. Why should the people trust a queen who can't
keep her promises? Whomever Ser Jorah was when he started informing on you, he is no longer that man. I can't remember ever seeing a sane man as devoted to anything as he is to serving you. He claims he would kill for you and die for you and nothing I ever
witnessed gives me reason to doubt him. And yet he did betray you. Did he have an opportunity to confess his betrayal? Yes. Many opportunities. And did he? No, not until forced to do so. He worships you. He is in love with you, I think. But he did not trust
you with the truth. An unpleasant truth to be sure, but one of great significance to you. He did not trust that you would be wise enough to forgive him. So I should kill him? A ruler who kills those devoted to her is not a ruler who inspires devotion. And
you're going to need to inspire devotion, a lot of it, if you're ever going to rule across the Narrow Sea. But you cannot have him by your side when you do. Remove Ser Jorah from the city. Confess. My son. Let me speak to- - Confess. I meant it. My face will
be the last thing you see- - My name is Lanna. I'm an orphan. When I was eight, I begged enough money to buy my first bucket of oysters. I sold that bucket and made enough money to buy two more. It took a while, but I finally saved enough to buy myself an
oyster cart. Now every morning, I make my way down to the canals. I pass the fish mongers and the bakers. I usually see Lhara, my first customer of the day on her way home. Then I turn left onto Moonsinger Lane- - Turn left onto Ragman Lane where I do most
of my trade. Lanna is very impressive. Very industrious. She will make a fine servant for the Many- Faced God. How will she serve him? She will no longer turn left onto Ragman Lane. She will turn right and go to Ragman Harbor. What will she do there? She will
see. See what? How can a man tell a girl this? If he knew what she would see, there would be no reason to send her. Oysters, clams, and cockles! Oysters, clams, and cockles! Oysters, clams, and cockles! Your oysters fresh? Best in the city. You wouldn't lie
to an old man, would you? Mm. Very nice. Give me four with vinegar. It's my 18th voyage. Returned from all of them without a scratch on me. Can't do it. Please, I've three children. Without me... Here, take it. You have to. I've three children. - What will
they do? - Come on. They've nothing without me. Please, you have to! Please, you don't understand! Please! The man is a gambler. He wages that a sailor's ship will make it to its destination. It is a strange wager for the captain. He only wins if he loses
his life. So why would a captain make the wager in the first place? A girl tells a man that she has seen. If the captain dies, the thin man pays his family a lot of money. But perhaps the gambler loses his bet and decides he does not have to pay after all.
A destitute woman and her small child, what can they do to such a man if he keeps their money for himself? To whom can they turn for recourse? The Many- Faced God. You said you didn't know what I would see at the docks. A man had no idea what a girl would
see and what she would not. A girl named Lanna will return to the docks. She will watch the gambler. She will come to know as much about him as she knows about herself. And then what? A gift for the thin man. She's not ready. Perhaps she is, perhaps she's
not. And if she's not? It is all the same to the Many- Faced God. The trial will take place soon. The High Sparrow will be presenting a substantial case against you. The charges? Fornication, treason, incest, the murder of King Robert. All lies. Of course,
Your Grace. My concern is that the Faith does not adhere to the same standards of proof as the crown. I hope you'll excuse me for saying it, but belief is so often the death of reason. I wish you had said it sooner. Is there any word from Jaime? No, I'm afraid
not. Your Grace, Grand Maester Pycelle has summoned your Uncle Kevan back from Casterly Rock to serve as Hand of the King. He now presides over the small council. Tell him I need to speak to him. I implored him to visit you, but he would not. What about my
son, the king? If you can visit me, then surely the king... Your arrest and Queen Margaery's arrest, the king has not taken them well. He remains in his chambers. His servants often find his food in the hall left untouched. You need to talk to him. You need
to talk to my son and tell him to come and see me, come and see his mother. He- - I tried, Your Grace. He wouldn't see me. He won't see anyone. I can't stay here. There is a way, Your Grace. A way out. Confess? To the High Sparrow? I won't. I made him. I rose
him up from nothing. I will not kneel before some barefooted commoner and beg his forgiveness. Good- bye, my queen. The work continues. Why? Why, Theon? I'm not Theon. There is no Theon. - Reek. - Reek. Why did you tell him, Reek? I was helping you. You wanted
to escape. There is no escape. Not ever. Theon Greyjoy tried to escape. The master knew. He knows everything. He hunted him and caught him and strapped him to a cross and cut away piece after piece until there was no Theon left. Good. If it weren't for you,
I'd still have a family. If I could do what Ramsay did to you right here, right now, I would. I deserved everything. I deserve to be Reek. I did terrible things. Turned on Robb. Captured Winterfell. - Killed those boys. - They weren't "those boys." They were
Bran and Rickon. They were your brothers. You've known them since they were born. They weren't. They were only- - Only what? - I can't. - Tell me. I can't, not unless the master says. - Tell me. They weren't what? - They weren't- - Tell me why Bran and Rickon
should be gone while you still breathe the air. Tell me to my face, Theon. Tell me that they weren't your brothers! They weren't Bran and Rickon! I couldn't find them. It was two farm boys. I killed them and burned them so no one would know. You didn't? Do
you know where they went, Bran and Rickon? I can't talk to you anymore. Theon, you have to tell me. Do you have any idea where- - Not Theon! Reek! Our scouts tell us he's got no more than 6,000 men. More than half of those are mounted, however. And how high
do Stannis's horses jump? Our walls have been fully repaired. The gates have been reinforced. We have enough food for six months. We are more prepared for a siege than they could ever be. All we have to do is wait for them to freeze, starve, and mutiny. You
disagree? Stannis isn't from the North. You are, Father. I think you're missing an opportunity to show the people of the North how House Bolton treats southern invaders. And what do you recommend? That we not sit and wait for Stannis to decide what sort of
fight this is going to be. That we hit first and hit hard and leave a feast for the crows. A smart commander does not abandon a defensive advantage. As long as we stay behind these walls, they can't touch us. Not to mention that the snow is so deep, we couldn't
get an army through to engage them even if we wanted to. I don't need an army. I need 20 good men. So, have you decided yet? Whether I'm worthy of your service? Have you decided yet whether you're going to have me killed? It's probably my safest option. I
can see why you would think so. It's what your father would have done. And what would your father have done? My father, who publically sentenced me to death? I'd say his thoughts on having me killed were abundantly clear. Is that why you killed him? Someday,
if you decide not to execute me, I'll tell you all about why I killed my father. And on that day, should it ever come, we'll need more wine than this. I know what my father was. What he did. I know the Mad King earned his name. So, here we sit. Two terrible
children of two terrible fathers. I'm terrible? I've heard stories. Why did you travel to the far side of the world to meet someone terrible? - To see if you were the right kind of terrible. - Which kind is that? The kind that prevents your people from being
even more so. Well, I did reopen the fighting pits. Under my rule, murder will once again become entertainment. Yes, that was wise. And you agreed to marry someone you loathe for the greater good. Very impressive. My own sister married someone she loathed
as well, though not by choice and certainly not for the greater good, gods forbid. She ended up having him killed. Perhaps it won't come to that. It's not impossible that Varys was right about you after all. Varys? King Robert's spymaster? Yes, he's the one
who convinced me to come find you. He was my travelling companion before Ser Jorah seized that role for himself. Jorah sent my secrets to Varys. For 20 years the Spider oversaw the campaign to find and kill me. He did what he had to do to survive. He did a
lot of other things as well, things he didn't have to do. I suspect he's the main reason you weren't slaughtered in your crib. But you trust him? Yes, oddly. He may be the only person in the world I trust. Except my brother. The brother who killed my father?
That's the one. Perhaps I will have you killed after all. Your queenly prerogative. I had given up on life until Varys convinced me you might be worth living for. If you chop off my head, well, my final days were interesting. I'm not going to kill you. No?
Banish me? No. So if I'm not going to be murdered and I'm not going to be banished- - You're going to advise me. While you can still speak in complete sentences. Advise you on what? How to get what I want. The Iron Throne. Perhaps you should try wanting something
else. If I want jokes, I'll get myself a proper fool. I'm not entirely joking. There's more to the world than Westeros after all. How many hundreds of thousands of lives have you changed for the better here? Perhaps this is where you belong, where you can
do the most good. I fought so that no child born into Slaver's Bay would ever know what it meant to be bought or sold. I will continue that fight here and beyond. But this is not my home. When you get back to your home, who supports you? The common people.
Let's be generous and assume that's going to happen. Here in Slaver's Bay, you had the support of the common people and only the common people. What was that like? Ruling without the rich? House Targaryen is gone. Not a single person who shares your blood
is alive to support you. The Starks are gone as well. Our two terrible fathers saw to that. The remaining members of House Lannister will never back you, not ever. Stannis Baratheon won't back you, either. His entire claim to the throne rests on the illegitimacy
of yours. That leaves the Tyrells. Not impossible, not enough. Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell. They're all just spokes on a wheel. This one's on top, then that one's on top. And on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground. It's a beautiful
dream, stopping the wheel. You're not the first person who's ever dreamt it. I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to break the wheel. You said whoever wins will fight at the Great Pit in front of the queen. I won. - You struck me. - Have me flogged if
it makes you happy. But I'm the best you've got. If I win at the Great Pit, how much can you sell me for? You're a free man. You could have gone anywhere. Why did you come back? Let me fight for her and I belong to you. Thirsty? Confess. I'll get out of here,
you realize, before long. Confess. I can make you a wealthy woman. A lady of the court. Confess. Or I can make sure you die in the most hideous way imaginable. And all I do is sit here imagining hideous ways for you to die. Does it hurt? No. Good. How are
you? I'm not the one who got punched and kicked in the face. You know what I mean. I'm good. - Are you scared? - A little. Me, too. - Who's there? - Olly. Oh. Come in. I heard what happened. Oh, not to worry. Men brawl from time to time. It's only natural.
Figured you were hungry. Oh, you're a good lad. Wanted to ask you something if you've got the time. I need to check on baby Sam. Now then, how can I help? - It's about the Lord Commander. - Yes? He's going up to Hardhome to save all them wildlings. Wildlings
killed my mom and dad. They killed everyone in my village. We've been fighting them for years. This wasn't a fight. We were farmers and they slaughtered us. So why is he saving them? Wildlings are people. Just like us, there are good ones and bad ones. The
one he's travelling with, the one with the red beard, he led the raid on my village. - Oh, Olly. - How can he trust him? I've seen the army of the dead. I've seen the white walkers. And they're coming for us, for all the living. And when it's time, we'll need
every last man we can find. But what if we let the wildlings through the gates and they cut our throats while we sleep? Jon's taking a risk, but he has to. We don't stand a chance otherwise. Sometimes a man has to make hard choices, choices that might look
wrong to others, but you know are right in the long run. You believe that? With all my heart. Try not to worry, Olly. I've been worrying about Jon for years. He always comes back. Turn us about! You trust me, Jon Snow? Does that make me a fool? We're fools
together now. Lord of Bones. Been a long time. Last time I saw you, the little crow was your prisoner. The other way around now. What happened? War. War? You call that a war? The greatest army the North has ever seen cut to pieces by some southern king. We
should gather the elders, find somewhere quiet to talk. You don't give the orders here. I'm not giving an order. Why aren't you in chains? He's not my prisoner. No? What is he? We're allies. You fucking traitor. You fight for the crows now? I don't fight for
the crows. We're not here to fight. We're here to talk. Is that right? You and the pretty crow do a lot of talking, Tormund? And when you're done talking, do you get down on your knees and suck his cock? Gather the elders and let's talk. My name's Jon Snow.
I'm Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. We're not friends. We've never been friends. We won't become friends today. This isn't about friendship. This is about survival. This is about putting a 700- foot wall between you and what's out there. You built that
wall to keep us out. Since when do the crows give two shits if we live? In normal times we wouldn't. But these aren't normal times. The white walkers don't care if a man's free folk or crow. We're all the same to them, meat for their army. But together we
can beat them. Beat the white walkers? Good luck with that. Run from them, maybe. It's not a trick. It's a gift for those who join us. Dragonglass. A man of the Night's Watch used one of these daggers to kill a walker. - You saw this? - No. But I trust the
man. There are old stories about dragonglass. There are old stories about ice spiders as big as hounds. And with the things we've seen, you don't believe them? Come with me and I'll share these weapons. Come with you where? There are good lands south of the
Wall. The Night's Watch will let you through the tunnel and allow your people to farm those lands. I knew Mance Rayder. He never wanted a war with the Night's Watch. He wanted a new life for his people, for you. We're prepared to give you that new life. If?
If you swear you'll join us when the real war begins. Where is Mance? - He died. - How? I put an arrow through his heart. Hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey. I say we send the Lord Commander back to Castle Black with no eyes. Hey, none of you
saw Mance die. I did. The southern king who broke our army, Stannis, wanted to burn him alive to send us a message. Jon Snow defied that cunt's orders. His arrow was mercy. What he did took courage. And that's what we need today, the courage to make peace
with men we've been killing for generations. I lost my father, my uncle, and two brothers fighting the damn crows. I'm not asking you to forget your dead. I'll never forget mine. I lost 50 brothers the night that Mance attacked the Wall. But I'm asking you
to think about your children now. They'll never have children of their own if we don't band together. The Long Night is coming and the dead come with it. No clan can stop them. The free folk can't stop them. The Night's Watch can't stop them. And all the southern
kings can't stop them. Only together, all of us. And even then it may not be enough, but at least we'll give the fuckers a fight. You vouch for this man, Tormund? He's prettier than both my daughters, but he knows how to fight. He's young, but he knows how
to lead. He didn't have to come to Hardhome. He came because he needs us and we need him. My ancestors would spit on me if I broke bread with a crow. So would mine, but fuck 'em, they're dead. I'll never trust a man in black. But I trust you, Tormund. If you
say this is the way, we're with you. This is the way. I'm with Tormund. We stay here, we're dead men. At least with King Crow, there's a chance. Tormund. Keep that new life you want to give us. And keep your glass, King Crow. As soon as you get on his ships,
they're gonna slit your throats and dump your bodies to the bottom of the Shivering Sea. That's our enemy. That has always been our enemy. I fucking hate Thenns. - Move it. - Be careful. - Move 'em along, now. - Cast- off time. That's it, come on. How many
are with us? 5,000? I'm not good at counting. We're leaving too many behind. The free folk are stubborn. You know how long it took Mance to band them together? 20 fucking years. And he knew them better than I ever will. They're running out of food and there's
nothing to hunt. They'll come around. - Get yourselves ready. - Aye! Johnna is gonna look after you. She's in charge. You listen to her. Take her. There you are. I want to go with you. I need to get the old folks on the boats. I'm right behind you. I promise.
Go on. Another one. Keep moving. We'll meet you out there. Won't be able to take that on the boat. It's too big. - That's the last one! - Three more! Move on! There's more dragonglass everywhere. I've got some more daggers over here. Put that dagger in his
bag. Uh... Steady! Shut the gates. Close the gates! Shut the gates! Wait! - Open the gate! - Let us in! Help us! Please open it! Open the gate! Ready your arrows! - Wait! Wait! - Keep in line! Keep in line! Get in line! Get to the front! Go on, shoot it! -
Wait, wait! - Duncan, hold the line! Hold the line! Lord Commander! Get them to the ship and come back for me! - But you'll never make- - - Now! - Let me on! - Let me on! - Bloody fucking move! - Let go! You should be on one of those boats. So should you.
My little girls got on. They're gonna let them pass the Wall even if you're not there? You have my word. I've given orders. Don't think you're gonna be there to enforce those orders. If they get through, everyone dies. Night's Watch, with me! Move! Move! Move!
No, no! - Tormund, the sleigh! - Okay, okay! The dragonglass. You and me, then! Go! Get the glass. Come on! The dragonglass. Fuck the glass! We are gonna die here! Oh, fuck! Tormund, run! Wun Wun, to the sea. Quickly! - Faster, faster! - Run, run! Quickly!
- Quickly, row! Row! - Go, go, come on! Let's go! Now, now! Come on, row! 


#本集共有单词数:58  总词数:8239

a = ['abundantly', 'adhere', 'appeared', 'banish', 'banished', 'barefooted', 'bucket', 'canals', 'clams', 'cockles', 'considering', 'dad', 'defensive', 'defied', 'destitute', 'glass', 'handful', 'hideous', 'illegitimacy', 'imaginable',
'imagining', 'implored', 'industrious', 'joanna', 'johnna', 'lane', 'lanna', 'loathed', 'members', 'mongers', 'moonsinger', 'oyster', 'oysters', 'presenting', 'presides', 'prevents', 'punched', 'queenly', 'ragman', 'recommend', 'recourse', 'reinforced', 'repaired',
'rests', 'sentences', 'significance', 'sleigh', 'span', 'spins', 'strapped', 'substantial', 'supporters', 'untouched', 'vinegar', 'wager', 'warlord', 'worships', 'wun']

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