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[美剧赏析] 权力的游戏<Game of Thrones>完全赏析 (45-46)

2016-09-01 17:42 387 查看



Kill the boy I'm so sorry, my queen. He was a good man. "Barristan the Bold" they called him. He crossed a continent to serve me. He was a loyal friend. And he died in an alley, butchered by cowards who hide behind masks. We
could pull back to the pyramid district, secure it, and use it as a base from which to operate. Then we clean the city out, neighborhood by neighborhood, street by street, until the rats have nowhere left to hide. I prefer your earlier suggestion. Round up
the leaders of each of Meereen's great families and bring them to me. But I'm the leader of my family. No, Your Grace! I had nothing to do with this. Your Grace! Don't want to overfeed them. Tomorrow perhaps. "And though Daenerys maintains her grip on Slaver's
Bay, forces rise against her from within and without. She refuses to leave until the freedom of the former slaves is secure." She sounds like quite a woman. And she's alone, under siege, no family to guide her or protect her. Her last relation thousands of
miles away, useless, dying. Don't say that, Maester Aemon. A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing. Maester Aemon. Lord Commander. Sam, I'd like to speak to the maester alone. How are you feeling? Oh, like a hundred-year-old man slowly freezing
to death. I need your advice. There's something I want to do, something I... have to do. But it'll divide the Night's Watch. Bitterly. Half the men will hate me the moment I give the order. Half the men hate you already, Lord Commander. Do it. But you don't
know what it is. That doesn't matter. You do. You will find little joy in your command. But with luck, you will find the strength to do what needs to be done. Kill the boy, Jon Snow. Winter is almost upon us. Kill the boy and let the man be born. Where are
the rest of the free folk now? Where have they gone? Who leads them? They followed Mance. They won't follow anyone else. What about you? Hard to lead when you're in chains. What if I unchained you? Why would you do that? Because you are not my enemy. And I'm
not yours. You sure seemed like my enemy when you were killing my friends. For 8,000 years the Night's Watch have sworn an oath to be the shield that guards the realms of men. And for 8,000 years we've fallen short of that oath. You belong to the realms of
men. All of you. And now everything is going to change? - It is. - Why now? Because now I am Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. What would you have me do, Lord Commander? I'd have you go north of the Wall. Gather the remaining free folk wherever they are
and bring them back here. I'll open the gates for them and let them through. I'll find them lands to settle south of the Wall. They won't kneel for you and neither will I. I don't want them to kneel for me. I want them to fight with me when the time comes.
The day I ask my people to fight with the crows is the day my people cut my guts from my belly and make me eat them. And how many of your people can't fight? The women, the children, the old, the sick-- what happens to them? You're condemning them to death.
Worse than death because you're too proud to make peace. Or maybe you're not proud. Maybe you're just a coward. Easy thing to say to a man in chains. Your people need a leader. And they need to get south of the Wall before it's too late. We don't have much
time and they have less. The walkers are coming and they'll hit your people first. I'm not asking you to make peace to save your skin. Make peace to save your people. Most of them are at Hardhome. You know where that is? Up on Storrold's Point. I can give
you 10 horses and nine other men. You can get there in a week. We'll need ships. I'll talk to King Stannis about lending you his fleet. All right, then. You're coming with me. You're the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. They need to hear it from you. They
need to know the ships they are boarding won't be torched in the middle of the sea. You come with me or I don't go. You'd bring wildlings here through our gates? Men, women, and children will die by the thousands if we do nothing. Let them die. We got our
own to worry about. Less enemies for us. Fewer. - What? - Nothing. Look, well, there is good farmland in the Gift. Land that no one uses now. A dozen abandoned villages. And why do you think the farmers abandoned those villages? Because the wildlings raided
them for years. Cut them down! Just like they did this boy's people. Aye! We've been fighting them for thousands of years. They've slaughtered villages. They've slaughtered our brothers. And we've slaughtered theirs. I will follow you anywhere, you know that.
- But they killed Grenn. - Yes. - And they killed Pyp. - Aye. They killed 50 of our brothers. I can't forget that. I can't forgive it. You were at the Fist of the First Men. If we abandon them, you know what they become. We can learn to live with the wildlings
or we can add them to the army of the dead. Whatever they are now, they're better than that. Thank you. Olly. If you have something you want to say to me, say it. It's all right. You don't mean it, do you? Telling the wildlings you want to make peace. You're
just doing it to trick them. It's not a trick. They burned my village. They put an arrow through my father's head right in front of me. They butchered my mother, everyone I ever knew. I know what it's like to lose the people you love. I know this is hard for
you. But winter is coming. We know what's coming with it. We can't face it alone. Will there be anything else you need, Lord Commander? No. She's far away from the Lannisters. This is her home. Maybe Lady Sansa is better off here. Better off with the Boltons
who murdered her mother and brother? Sansa's in danger even if she doesn't realize it. Thank you. You've lived here a long time? Aye. Did you know Lord Eddard? I knew him and his father before him. The Starks are gone now. Not all of them. I know who's inside
that castle. Everyone knows. The Boltons. I'm not talking about the Boltons. I need to get a message to her. To Sansa Stark. Who are you? Someone who swore to keep her safe. Swore to who? Her mother. Her mother's dead. That doesn't release me from an oath.
I served Lady Catelyn. I serve her still. Who do you serve? Come back here. Myranda. I saw you staring at her. I'm going to marry her. That will involve looking at her from time to time. You said you'd marry me. And I meant it. When I was a bastard named Snow.
But I'm a Bolton now. What I want is no longer the primary consideration. I'm furthering a dynasty. Do you think she's pretty? Of course I do. I'm not blind. You think she's pretty, too. I'm looking forward to our wedding night. But don't worry, I'll have
plenty of time for you. Perhaps I'll marry, too. You're the kennel master's daughter. Who are you going to marry, the stable keeper's son? You're mine. You're not going anywhere. Unless I have to listen to more of your jealousy. Jealousy bores me. You remember
what happens to people who bore me. You're not going to bore me, are you, Myranda? Never. Beg pardon, my lady. I've come to refill the wash basin. Oh, I don't need-- You still have friends in the North. If you're ever in trouble, light a candle in the highest
window of the broken tower. - But who-- - You're not alone. I like your dress. Who made it for you? I made it myself. Really? Who-- who are you? I'm Myranda, the kennel master's daughter. May I? Oh, wonderful. The stitching. - Who taught you? - My mother.
I'm sorry for what happened to her. Thank you. It's good that she taught you. It was a gift. Now every time you wear something you made, you can remember her. I'd rather have a mother. I know. It's not the same. Still, it's good to remember. Remember the way
things were. I almost forgot. There's something else to help you remember. Down there at the end. What is it? That would spoil the surprise. Go ahead, it's perfectly safe. You won't believe it when you see it. Theon? You shouldn't be here. You smell particularly
ripe this evening. Pour me some wine. Do you have something to tell me? No, my lord. Reek. She saw me. Who? Sansa. Lady Sansa. She came to the kennels. She saw you? Yes. I'm sorry, master. Forgive me. I didn't think-- Come here. You mustn't keep secrets from
me, Reek. Get on your knees. Give me your hand. I forgive you. I trust you find your chamber suitable, my lady. Yes, thank you, my lord. Allow me. Mother. Thank you, Ramsay. My lady, we are all a family, we northerners. Our blood ties go back thousands of
years. So I'd like to drink to our wedding. May our happiness spread from Moat Cailin to the Last Hearth. To your wedding. To your wedding. It must be difficult for you being in a strange place. This isn't a strange place. This is my home. It's the people
who are strange. You're right. Very strange. More wine, please. I heard you two had reunited. A fitting place for it. I like to imagine that the last time you spoke was in this very room. Are you still angry with him after he... what he did? Don't worry. The
North remembers. I punished him for it. He's not ironborn anymore. Not Theon Greyjoy anymore. He's a new man. A new person, anyway. Aren't you, Reek? Yes, master. That's his new name-- Reek. Why are you doing this? Because Reek has something to say to you.
Don't you, Reek? An apology. Apologize to Lady Sansa for what you did. Apologize for murding her two brothers. I'm sorry. Look at her, Reek. An apology doesn't mean anything if you're not looking the person in the eye. - I'm sorry. - Sorry about what? For
killing your brothers. There, over and done with. Doesn't everyone feel better? I do. That was getting very tense. Whew. You know what, my lady? What with him having murdered your brothers and the rest of your family gone... Reek here is the nearest thing
to living kin that you have left. Reek. You will give away the bride. Someone has to. What better person? Good? Good? Yes, yes, very good. Wonderful. Walda and I have some good news as well, since we're all together. We're going to have a baby. I'm very happy
for you. From the way she's carrying, Maester Wolkan says it looks like a boy. How can you be sure? Sure of what? That she's pregnant. I mean... how can you tell? Maester Wolkan has assured us beyond all doubt. So how did you manage it? Manage what? Getting
her pregnant. I imagine you're familiar with the procedure. Of course, but how did you... find it? You disgraced yourself at dinner parading that creature before the Stark girl. And if it's a boy? You're worried about your position. My position is quite clear.
I'm your son until a better alternative comes along. You've never asked me about your mother. Why would I? She had me, she died. And here we are. She was a peasant girl. Pretty in a common sort of way. She was the miller's wife. Apparently they had married
without my knowledge or consent. So I had him hanged and I took her beneath the tree where he was swaying. She fought me the whole time. She was lucky I didn't hang her, too. A year later she came to my gates with a squalling baby in her arms. A baby she claimed
was mine. I nearly had her whipped and the child thrown in the river. But then I looked at you and I saw then what I see now. You are my son. Stannis Baratheon has an army at Castle Black. But he won't stay for long. He wants the Iron Throne, and the road
to King's Landing comes right through Winterfell. He means to take the North. But the North is ours. It's yours and mine. Will you help me defeat him? Yes. Is this every book there is? Every book there is? - In the world. - Well, no. There are thousands and
thousands of books out there. This library is rather small, actually. Where you grew up, were there more books? My father's not the most literate man. They say the Citadel has the largest library in the world. Where's that? The Citadel? In Oldtown. I'm sorry
I don't know things. Gilly, look at me. You know how to do a hundred things I can never do. You can build a fire with wet wood. You can cook. You can stitch a wound. I can wash the linens. I can sweep the floor. - Well... - Why does the Citadel have the biggest
library? It's where they train the maesters. Like Maester Aemon? I wanted to be one when I was young. Instead, I became a man of the Night's Watch. Far more adventure up here anyway. I wouldn't have met you. Ah, Your Grace. You're Samwell Tarly? I am, Your
Grace. Your father is Randyll Tarly. He defeated my brother at the Battle of Ashford. Only battle Robert ever lost. I told him he shouldn't go so far west so soon, but he never listened. Fine soldier, your father. You don't look like a soldier. But I'm told
you killed a white walker. I did, Your Grace. How? With a dagger made of dragonglass. Dragonglass? What the maesters call obsidian. I know what it is. We have it in Dragonstone. Why would obsidian kill a walker? I don't know. I've been going through all the
old manuscripts hoping to find something, and all I've learned is that the children of the forest used to hunt with dragonglass. The Lady Melisandre told me that death marches on the Wall. I've seen it, Your Grace. Seen what? The army of the dead. - And when
they come-- - We have to know how to fight them. Keep reading, Samwell Tarly. It's time. Uh, Your Grace. Wouldn't it be better to wait? When Jon Snow returns with the wildlings, we could have thousands more men. If Jon Snow returns with the wildlings. We can't
wait that long. We have the advantage-- more men, more horses, all fed and rested. But every day we wait, the odds shift in Bolton's favor. This could turn to winter at any moment. We have to act now. Give the order. We march at sunrise. I'll choose a dozen
men to stay and guard the queen and the princess. No need. They're coming with us. It's a tough road ahead, Your Grace. - Won't they be safer-- - Here? Half these watchmen are killers and rapists. No, they march with us. As you wish, Your Grace. Do you think
Father will let me go down into the crypt? Beg your pardon? At Winterfell. All the Kings in the North are buried there. Bran the Builder and King Dorren and-- First things first. It's a long march ahead. And then we have to take the castle. Is there going
to be a battle? Aye, princess, but you won't be anywhere near-- That's enough talk of battle, Ser Davos. You'll scare the child. Yes, my queen. - I'm not scared. - Well, I am. When the battle comes, promise you'll protect me. I promise. I hope you know what
you're doing with these wildlings. I need those ships. You'll get them back, I swear it. Have a safe journey, Your Grace. And thank you. Mount up! Colors! No. You're still too weak. Ser Barristan? Are you ashamed? You were ambushed, outnumbered. There was
no way you could have known. This is not why. Wounded in war, there is no shame for this. I am ashamed because when the knife go in and I fall to the ground, I am afraid. All men fear death. No, not death. I fear I never again see Missandei from the Island
of Naath. Now you have given the Masters what they deserve. If I give everyone what they deserve, I'll have no one left to rule. Ser Barristan counseled mercy when I took this city right up to the morning he died. Daario Naharis thinks I should kill the former
Masters and let the rest of the city fend for itself. What do you think? Your Grace, I think that I am not fit to have an opinion on these matters. You are as fit as anyone I know. You know why I'm here. And you know who will suffer the most if this all falls
apart. So what do you think? I can only tell you what I have seen, Your Grace. I have seen you listen to your counselors. I have seen you lean on their experience when your own was lacking and weigh the choices they put before you. And I have seen you ignore
your counselors... because there was a better choice. One that only you could see. My-- my queen, please do not do this. What about "valar morghulis"? I did not want to die a coward. Apparently I do not want to die at all. It takes courage to admit fear. And
to admit a mistake. I came here to tell you that I was wrong. I was wrong and you were right. About tradition. About bringing the people of this city together. I will reopen the fighting pits. To free men only. Slavery will never return to Meereen, not while
I live. Yes, my queen. And in order to forge a lasting bond with the Meereenese people, I will marry the leader of an ancient family. Thankfully a suitor is already on his knees. Don't worry. I'll be fine. Nothing broken, I don't think. Where are we now? Not
the Rhoyne. Long, sullen silences and an occasional punch in the face. The Mormont way. Let's start over. I apologize for before. My mouth sometimes runs away from me. This doesn't have to be an unpleasant trip. We're going to be spending a lot of time together
on the way to Meereen. We are. What would make our time together truly enjoyable would be some wine. No wine. I am a person who drinks. People who drink need to keep drinking. Otherwise, they're not... I know where we are. You're taking us through Valyria.
I am. Have you sailed this route before? No. You're going to bring Daenerys a souvenir from her ancestral homeland in case I'm not enough? I think you'll be plenty. You know what they say. The Doom still rules Valyria. What about the demons and the flames?
Aren't you afraid of the Doom? No. But pirates are. Oh. The Smoking Sea. How many centuries before we learn how to build cities like this again? Thousands of years the Valyrians were the best in the world at almost everything. And then... And then they weren't.
And then they weren't. They held each other close and turned their backs upon the end. The hills that split asunder and the black that ate the skies; The flames that shot so high and hot that even dragons burned; Would never be the final sights that fell upon
their eyes. A fly upon a wall, the waves the sea wind whipped and churned--" The city of a thousand years, and all that men had learned; The Doom consumed it all alike, and neither of them turned." I would clap. I suppose this is it, then. This is what remains.
What was that? Stone Men! Don't let them touch you! Get behind! Mormont, cut me free! Mormont! Mormont! Mormont! Tyrion? Tyrion. Tyrion. Tyrion. You're all right. You're heavier than you look. Did any of them touch you? You? I've seen greyscale before, but
nothing like that. I suppose that's why they send them there. It'd be kinder to put daggers in their hearts and be done with it. Thank you for saving me. Of course, I wouldn't have needed saving if you hadn't kidnapped me in the first place. So what now? We
walk up the coast. With luck, we'll find a fishing village. Maybe another boat. Without luck? We've got a long walk ahead of us. I'll get some wood for a fire. Try to get some rest, huh? That's the best idea you've had all day. 


#本集共有单词数:57  总词数:8037

a = ['alternative', 'ambushed', 'ancestral', 'base', 'basin', 'bitterly', 'boarding', 'churned', 'clap', 'condemning', 'consideration', 'continent', 'daggers', 'district', 'dorren', 'enjoyable', 'farmland', 'fend', 'furthering',
'greyscale', 'hardhome', 'heavier', 'jealousy', 'kennel', 'lacking', 'lending', 'maintains', 'manuscripts', 'miller', 'murding', 'neighborhood', 'operate', 'overfeed', 'parading', 'procedure', 'raided', 'rapists', 'refill', 'relation', 'rested', 'route', 'sights',
'silences', 'smoking', 'souvenir', 'stitch', 'storrold', 'swaying', 'thankfully', 'ties', 'torched', 'unchained', 'uses', 'valyrians', 'weigh', 'whew', 'wolkan']

What are they doing with the bodies? Get back to work. No. I've been here for weeks. I'm not scrubbing one more corpse until you tell me why I'm doing it. You will know why. - When? - When it's time, not before. Get back to work.
When do I get to play the game? Game? The game. The Game of Faces. You tried already. You failed. I didn't even know I was playing. Who are you? No one. Get back to work. Who are you? What are you doing here? How did you get here? I'm from Westeros just like
you. Daughter of a lord just like you. Except I was an only child. Heir to his fortune. My mother died. My father remarried and his new wife gave birth to a girl. My stepmother didn't want any rivals for her precious daughter, so she tried to kill me with
poison. I found out. Sought help from the Faceless Men. And my father was widowed again. I've been serving them ever since. Was that true or a lie? What? Did you believe every word I said? Get back to work. Who are you? Who are you? Arya. And where did you
come from? Westeros. My family home is Winterfell. I'm the youngest daughter of a great lord, Eddard Stark. He died in battle. A lie. After he was executed, I fled the capital. Had to kill a stable boy. Drove my sword through his back. A lie. I stabbed him
in the gut. I tried to find my mother and brother, but I never did. They were murdered by Walder Frey. An outlaw kidnapped me, a man called Polliver. A man called the Hound. Sandor Clegane. He tried to sell me, but was wounded in a fight. He begged me to kill
him, but I wouldn't. I left him in the mountains to die. I wanted him to suffer. I hated him. I hated him. That's not a lie! A girl lies to me, to the Many-Faced God, to herself. Does she truly want to be no one? Yes. I'm not playing this stupid game anymore!
We never stop playing. So, those villages we were supposed to find? We can't live on berries and roots. I can. You're not hungry? Of course I'm hungry. You're an awful travelling companion, do you know that? Possibly the least charming man I've ever met. I'm
not your travelling companion. We are travelling together in each other's company, therefore-- Do you ever shut up? I sailed from King's Landing to Pentos in a crate without ever saying a word. Why? It never occurred to you to ask why until now? You never
wondered why Tyrion Lannister decided to visit a brothel in Volantis? I'm sure you visited many brothels in many cities. I killed my father. He wanted to execute me for a crime I didn't commit. And he was fucking the woman I loved. As miserable as you are,
Mormont, at least your father was a good man. What do you know about my father? I met him. I visited the Wall. When I asked him about his men, he knew all their stories, every one of them. He actually cared about the people under his command. How do they put
it in the Watch? "We shall never see his like again." Oh, you didn't know. I'm sorry. I am. How? I only know what I heard. How? He was leading an expedition beyond the Wall. There was a mutiny. He was murdered by his own men. We better keep moving. Valar morghulis.
Valar dohaeris. I have nowhere else to go. I've taken her to every healer in Braavos. I've spent every penny I had. She suffers every day of her life. I just want it to end. It hurts. I know. Don't be afraid. I used to be like you. I was sick. I was dying.
But my father never gave up on me. He loved me more than anything in the world, just like your father loves you. So he brought me here. My father prayed to the Many-Faced God. And I drank the water from his fountain. It healed me. I've devoted my life to him
now. You don't want to hurt anymore? Drink. To give up her ears, her nose, her tongue? Her hopes and dreams, her loves and hates? All that makes a girl who she is? Forever? No. A girl is not ready to become no one. But she is ready to become someone else.
Why Daenerys? Why is she worth all this? As I recall, the Mormonts fought against the Targaryens during Robert's Rebellion. Do you believe in anything? I believe in lots of things. In something greater than ourselves, I mean. The gods, destiny. Do you believe
there's a plan for this world? No. Neither did I. I was a cynic just like you. Then I saw a girl step into a great fire with three stone eggs. When the fire burned out, I thought I'd find her blackened bones. Instead, I saw her, Daenerys, alive and unhurt,
holding her baby dragons. Have you ever heard baby dragons singing? No. It's hard to be a cynic after that. Doesn't mean she's going to be a great queen. No, it doesn't. The Targaryens are famously insane. What if she conquers the world? Then what? 1,000 years
of peace and prosperity? First we have to conquer the world. We? All right, let's assume your dreams come true. She's ecstatic when you bring her this enemy dwarf. She hacks off my head and restores your position. You command her army, sail to Westeros, defeat
all your enemies and watch her climb those steps and sit on the Iron Throne. Hurrah. Long live the queen. Then what? Then she rules. So a woman who has not spent a single day of her adult life in Westeros becomes the ruler of Westeros? That's justice? - She's
the rightful heir. - Why? Because her father, who burned living men for amusement, was the king? - That's a slave ship. - Why are they anchored? They probably came ashore for-- Water. Got a lot of fight in you, huh? Salt mines? Yeah, that or a galley slave.
He looks strong enough. What about the dwarf? Worthless. Cut his throat. Wait. Wait. Wait, wait, wait! Let's discuss this. And then chop off his cock. We'll sell it for a fortune. A dwarf's cock has magic powers. Wait! Wait! Wait, wait, wait! You can't just
hand a dry cock to a merchant and expect him to pay for it. He has to know it came from a dwarf. And how could he know unless he sees the dwarf? It will be a dwarf-sized cock. Guess again. The dwarf lives until we find a cock merchant. Queen Daenerys has outlawed
slavery. We're bound for Volantis, not Slaver's Bay. Besides, she reopened the fighting pits. I've never heard of free men fighting in the pits. The fighting pits in Meereen? You're in luck, then. You're about to be rich. You are looking at one of the great
warriors in the Seven Kingdoms. Him. Him? He's got to be 60 years old. Sure, he's a bit long in the tooth, a bit withered, been in the sun too long. We can all see that. But he is a veteran of 100 battles. They wrote songs about him. That true? He won the
tournament at Lannisport. Unseating Ser Jaime Lannister himself. The Kingslayer. Jousting. You're talking about jousting. A fancy game for fancy lads. The men who fight in the pits of Meereen will swallow him whole. I killed a Dothraki bloodrider in single
combat. Liar. It's no lie. His name was Qotho. He was bloodrider to Khal Drogo. Take me to Slaver's Bay, put a sword in my hand, I'll prove my worth. For my children. Money. Lord Baelish. Yes? Lancel Lannister. Brother Lancel. We abandon our family names.
Quite a family to abandon. The city has changed since you were here last. We flooded the gutters with wine, smashed the false idols, and set the godless on the run. Well done. I'm here on urgent business for the Queen Mother. Should I send word that I'll be
delayed? Step carefully, Lord Baelish. You'll find there's little tolerance for flesh peddlers in the new King's Landing. We both peddle fantasies, Brother Lancel. Mine just happen to be entertaining. Do you think it's wise, Your Grace, arresting the heir
to Highgarden? The Faith arrested the heir to Highgarden. Of course, and the Faith were armed on your orders. The king's orders. Is the king to blame for Ser Loras's perversion? House Tyrell won't tolerate this insult. House Tyrell won't tolerate it? I'm the
insulted party, Lord Baelish. Ser Loras was promised to me. Instead he chose the company of boys. One's choice of companion is a curious thing. Most curious. Lysa Arryn, for instance. Thoroughly repellant woman. Forgive me. I know you're still in mourning.
Lysa was a good woman. A kind woman. She was neither of those things. We both know it. Still, I pity her son. How fortunate the young Lord of the Vale has a new father to counsel him. I know how hard it can be to lose both your parents at such a young age.
If war comes to Westeros, will the Knights of the Vale fight for their king? Young Lord Robin needs my advice. And I have always counseled loyalty to the throne. Good. If there's nothing else. There is another matter, Your Grace. Something so urgent I couldn't
trust the words to a raven. You once charged me with finding Arya Stark. To my shame, I failed you. But I have found Sansa Stark. Alive and well and home again living at Winterfell. That's not possible. My sources are well placed. They tell me Roose Bolton
plans to marry her to his son Ramsay, a bastard recently legitimized by King Tommen. Roose Bolton is Warden of the North by the grace of my father. Indeed, his reward for stabbing his own king in the heart. We were fools to trust a turncloak. Marrying his
son to the last of the Starks gives him more legitimacy in the North than an alliance with a hated southern house. I will skin him and his bastard like that wretch on their bloody sigil. I would counsel patience, Your Grace. Patience? Sansa helped murder my
son. Roose Bolton is a traitor. Stannis Baratheon is also a traitor, marching with his armyon Winterfell. Let Stannis and Roose battle. Let the enemies of thethrone slaughter each other. And when they're done, seize Winterfell from whichever thief survives.
Winterfell is 1,000 milesaway from here. The weather has already begun to turn. That is why it is critical to strike soon while the victor still licks his wounds. Surely your Uncle Kevan could muster a force. My Uncle Kevan has all the courage of a kitchen
mouse. Ser Jaime, then. Jaime's away on a sensitive diplomatic mission. I have no idea when he'll be back. Perhaps I can help. The Knights of the Vale are some of the best fighters in Westeros, trained to battle in the ice and the snow. Forgive me, Lord Baelish,
you have a reputation as a moneylender and a brothel keeper, not a military man. You wouldn't risk a single Lannister soldier or a single coin from the royal treasury. What do you have to lose? A brothel keeper? And if you succeed? Name me Warden of the North.
I'll speak to the king this evening, have him issue a royal decree. I'll not rest until the lion flies over Winterfell. And I'll know you're a man of your word when I see Sansa Stark's head on a spike. As I said... I live to serve. I'm going to ask him tomorrow.
- What if he says no? - He won't. We've waited long enough. I want you to be my wife. Now. What is it? Do you want to marry me because our families arranged it? We can't. Not yet. Why not? You know why not. Someone will see. You are going to be my wife. I
am going to be your husband. We're allowed to walk through the gardens together. How many other girls have you walked through these gardens? I like the way your eyes go squinty when you're jealous. They do not go squinty and you didn't answer the question.
They make a lovely couple. A Lannister and a Martell. They have no idea how dangerous that is. We must protect them. Yes, my prince. You haven't had to use that axe of yours in a long time. I hope you remember how. I remember how. The Dornishman's wife was
as fair as the sun And her kisses were warmer than spring The Dornishman's blade It was made of black steel And its kiss was a terrible thing The Dornishman's wife would sing as she bathed - In a voice that was sweet as a peach... - All right, that's enough.
I'm coming to the best part. We're trying to blend in. Don't want everyone in Dorne to hear your accent. This song really is all about the ending. It can wait. There. That's the Water Gardens. And once we've got the princess, then what? I like to improvise.
That explains the golden hand. Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken. For Oberyn. For Oberyn. Well, she's made herself at home. Myrcella. Uncle Jaime? I... I don't understand. What are you doing here? Let's speak in private. - I am Trystane Martell. - Trystane is my intended.
Excellent. Good to meet you. We weren't expecting you, Lord Jaime. Why don't you let them have some time alone, son? Let's not do something stupid. That was something stupid. We have to go, Myrcella, now. - You hurt him! - He'll be fine, I promise. But we
have to... Oh, for fuck's sake. Take her! You're coming with me. I don't want to. I wasn't asking, princess. Ah! Drop your weapons! I am Obara Sand. Daughter of Oberyn Martell. I fight for Dorne. Who do you fight for? Drop your weapons. When you were whole,
it would have been a good fight. You fight pretty good for a little girl. Halt! Oh, you can smell the shit from five miles away. Well, why have we stopped? Go on. Rumors and gossip, that's all they've got. It's theater, nothing more. If they arrested all the
pillow biters in King's Landing, there'd be no room left in the dungeons for anyone else. Everyone knew about him and Renly. Renly Baratheon shagged half the stable boys in the Seven Kingdoms. Everyone knew, no one cared. But he was the king's brother. And
Loras is the queen's brother. No, no, no, no. This is unacceptable. Cersei's behind it.Yeah, of course she is. She wants to drag our name through the dirt, put us in our place. Get some rest, dear. You look appalling. Let me deal with Cersei Lannister. Your
Grace, I have travelled a long way. You must be exhausted. Put the pen down, dear. We both know you're not writing anything. Ah, yes. The famously tart-tongued Queen of Thorns. And the famous tart Queen Cersei. I beg your pardon? I know you're behind this
absurd incarceration of my grandson. If you apologize for that comment, perhaps I'll-- You'll get your apology when I get Loras. I was as shocked as anyone when the Faith arrested Ser Loras. I have no love for these fanatics, but what can a Queen Mother do?
Has the crown suddenly stopped needing the troops, gold, and wheat my house supplies? I can assure you, our alliance with House Tyrell remains Do you expect the alliance to continue after you've thrown our future into prison? As I said, I didn't imprison anyone.
As for your veiled threats What veil? The Lannister-Tyrell alliance brought peace to a war-torn country. Do you really want to see the Seven Kingdoms slide back into warfare? I didn't trust your father. I didn't particularly like him. But I respected him.
He was no fool. He understood that sometimes we must work with our rivals rather than destroy them. House Lannister has no rival. The High Septon has called for an inquest, not a trial. Just a small hearing to determine whether the charges against Loras have
merit, which I'm sure they don't. Loras will be freed, our happy alliance will continue... and we'll forget this unfortunate conversation ever happened. Good day, Lady Olenna. You are aware of the rumors concerning you and Renly? I don't pay attention to rumors.
You were said to be despondent when he died. Witnesses state that you refused to leave his bedside even as Stannis's army closed in. He was my friend. He was my king. Wasn't Joffrey your king? He was anointed by the Seven, not Renly. I was wrong to support
Renly's claim, I know that. But I was forgiven by Joffrey. I fought for him at the Battle of Blackwater. Yes, wearing Renly's armor. Why does it matter what I wore? Do you deny all the charges against you? Fornication. Buggery.Blasphemy. Of course I deny them.
You never lay with Renly Baratheon? Never. Nor any other man? Never. That will be all, Ser Loras. Well, I think that's quite enough of that. The Faith calls Queen Margaery forward. You call me forward? Yes, we have some questions for you. - I am the queen.
- You are. And according to the law of the Seven, neither kings nor queens are exempt from testimony at a holy inquest. How do you respond to these charges against your brother? They are lies. - All of them? - All of them. Queen Margaery, in the presence of
the gods, do you swear that your brother is innocent of these charges against him to the best of your knowledge? Yes, I swear it. Thank you, Your Grace. Do you know this man? Yes, very well. He is Ser Loras Tyrell, heir to Highgarden. How did you come to meet?
I squired for him. He took a liking to me. He summoned me to his chamber the first day we met. And what occurred in his chamber? We engaged in intimate relations. You lay with him? That night and many others. Liar.He's a liar. Is there anyone else who can
support your claim? Yes. Yes, Queen Margaery. She walked in on us once not long ago. She didn't seem surprised. This testimony is an insult to a great house. Why should the Faith or anyone else take the word of a squire over the heir to Highgarden? He has
a birthmark, Your Grace. Quite high on his thigh. Wine-colored and roughly the shape of Dorne. No! Liar! What are you doing? Let us pass. The Faith is satisfied there is enough evidence to bring a formal trial for Ser Loras and Queen Margaery. What? Bearing
false witness before the gods is as grave a sin as any, my lady. Take her. No. Tommen. Tommen! You can't do this. I am the queen. Tommen! Tommen! I am your queen. How dare you? Take your hands off me! Tommen! What do you want? Lord Ramsay sent me to draw you
a bath, my lady. You want to be clean and fresh for your new husband, don't you? You're so beautiful, but you need to keep him happy. Ramsay gets bored easily. You don't want to end up like-- well, like the others. What others? I shouldn't gossip. Oh, it's
good to see the red again. No point hiding anymore. What others? Let's see, there was Kyra the blacksmith's daughter. She was tall like you,lovely figure. But she talked and talked and talked and Ramsay grew tired of that. Then there was Violet. She had gorgeous
blonde hair. But she got pregnant. And, well, that was boring. Then Tansy. Such a sweet girl. Of course, sweet girls get a bit dull after a while, don't they? Ramsay let me come with him on that hunt. Hunt? Mmm. Have you ever seen a body after the dogs have
been at it? Not so pretty. But, well, it's your wedding day. Why am I talking about such things? What was your name again? Myranda. And how long have you loved him, Myranda? Did you imagine that he would be with you forever, is that it? And I came along and
ruined it. I'm Sansa Stark of Winterfell. This is my home and you can't frighten me. Are you done with your bath, my lady? Go. I can finish on my own. Yes? I've come to escort you to the godswood, my lady. If you please, my lady, will you take my arm? No.
Lord Ramsay, he said I'm to take your arm. I'm not touching you. Please. He'll punish me. You think I care what he does to you? Who comes before the old gods this night? Sansa of the House Stark comes here to be wed. A woman grown trueborn and noble. She comes
to beg the blessings of the gods. Who comes to claim her? Ramsay of House Bolton. Heir to the Dreadfort and Winterfell. Who gives her? Theon of House Greyjoy, who was-- who was her father's ward. Lady Sansa, will you take this man? I take this man. Are you
pleased, my lady? Good. I want you to be happy. My father said you're still a virgin. - Uh, yes.- Why? Why are you still a virgin? Afraid of dwarves? Lord-- Lord Tyrion was kind. He was gentle. He never touched me. You're not lying to me? No, my lord. Lying
to your husband on his wedding night, that would be a bad way to start a marriage. We're man and wife now. We should be honest with each other. Don't you think? Yes. Good. Take off your clothes. Oh, no, no, no. You stay here, Reek. You watch. Do I need to
ask a second time? I hate asking a second time. Reek... I told you to watch. You've known Sansa since she was a girl. Now watch her become a woman. 


#本集共有单词数:68  总词数:8105

a = ['adult', 'anchored', 'appalling', 'armyon', 'arrested', 'bathed', 'berries', 'birthmark', 'biters', 'blasphemy', 'bloodrider', 'conquers', 'critical', 'cynic', 'delayed', 'despondent', 'entertaining', 'exempt', 'expedition',
'famously', 'fantasies', 'fornication', 'fountain', 'godless', 'gutters', 'hacks', 'improvise', 'incarceration', 'inquest', 'insane', 'kisses', 'kyra', 'legitimacy', 'legitimized', 'milesaway', 'mutiny', 'peach', 'peddle', 'peddlers', 'qotho', 'remarried',
'reopened', 'repellant', 'restores', 'rival', 'roughly', 'shagged', 'sources', 'spring', 'squinty', 'stepmother', 'suddenly', 'tart', 'therefore', 'thethrone', 'thigh', 'thorns', 'tolerate', 'tongued', 'travelling', 'trystane', 'turncloak', 'unseating', 'veil',
'veiled', 'victor', 'withered', 'wretch']

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