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2016-08-29 10:46 239 查看

0x00 tostring 耗时测试






List<String> tempList1 = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> tempList2 = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> tempList3 = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> tempList4 = new ArrayList<String>();
int num = 65536;
long time = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
long newTime = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
Log.e("consume", String.format("%s%d%s", "花费了", newTime - time, "ms"));
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
tempList2.add(num + "");
Log.e("consume", String.format("%s%d%s", "花费了", SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis() - newTime, "ms"));
newTime = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
tempList3.add(new Integer(num).toString());
Log.e("consume", String.format("%s%d%s", "花费了", SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis() - newTime, "ms"));
newTime = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
Log.e("consume", String.format("%s%d%s", "花费了", SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis() - newTime, "ms"));


08-29 10:39:28.852 23071-23071/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了69ms

08-29 10:39:28.962 23071-23071/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了106ms

08-29 10:39:29.042 23071-23071/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了76ms

08-29 10:39:29.112 23071-23071/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了56ms

08-29 10:39:34.672 23071-23071/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了54ms

08-29 10:39:34.762 23071-23071/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了82ms

08-29 10:39:34.842 23071-23071/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了81ms

08-29 10:39:34.902 23071-23071/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了57ms

08-29 10:42:02.852 23071-23071/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了67ms

08-29 10:42:02.962 23071-23071/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了103ms

08-29 10:42:03.052 23071-23071/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了87ms

08-29 10:42:03.132 23071-23071/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了58ms



Integer.toString = String.valueOf (本质就是Integer.toString)> new Integer().toString (考虑了new 对象的耗时) > +”“

0x01 String 拼接的耗时测试






List<String> tempList1 = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> tempList2 = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> tempList3 = new ArrayList<String>();
int textI = 123456;
double textD = 123.456;
String textS = "123456";
char textC = 'a';
long textL = 123456;
boolean textB = true;
long time = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
tempList1.add(String.format("%d%f%s%c%d%b", textI, textD, textS, textC, textL, textB));
long newTime = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
Log.e("consume", String.format("%s%d%s", "花费了", newTime - time, "ms"));
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
tempList2.add(textI + textD + textS + textC + textL + textB);
Log.e("consume", String.format("%s%d%s", "花费了", SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis() - newTime, "ms"));
newTime = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
StringBuilder sb;
for (int i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
sb = new StringBuilder();
Log.e("consume", String.format("%s%d%s", "花费了", SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis() - newTime, "ms"));


08-29 11:03:58.492 23028-23028/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了2574ms

08-29 11:03:58.822 23028-23028/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了311ms

08-29 11:03:59.122 23028-23028/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了293ms

08-29 11:05:20.742 23028-23028/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了2539

08-29 11:05:21.002 23028-23028/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了254ms

08-29 11:05:21.242 23028-23028/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了237ms

08-29 11:05:50.112 23028-23028/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了2535ms

08-29 11:05:50.362 23028-23028/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了248ms

08-29 11:05:50.612 23028-23028/com.tk.test E/consume: 花费了247ms

哎呦我去,经常用的format 简直可以淘汰了嘛,但是我都用了那么久,就给它个明明白白的死法吧,通过跳转源码可以看到

public static String format(Locale locale, String format, Object... args) {
if (format == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("format == null");
int bufferSize = format.length() + (args == null ? 0 : args.length * 10);
Formatter f = new Formatter(new StringBuilder(bufferSize), locale);
return f.format(format, args).toString();

敢情format 本质还是依赖与StringBuilder嘛,接着看具体实现的方法

private void doFormat(String format, Object... args) {

FormatSpecifierParser fsp = new FormatSpecifierParser(format);
int currentObjectIndex = 0;
Object lastArgument = null;
boolean hasLastArgumentSet = false;

int length = format.length();
int i = 0;
while (i < length) {
// Find the maximal plain-text sequence...
int plainTextStart = i;
int nextPercent = format.indexOf('%', i);
int plainTextEnd = (nextPercent == -1) ? length : nextPercent;
// ...and output it.
if (plainTextEnd > plainTextStart) {
outputCharSequence(format, plainTextStart, plainTextEnd);
i = plainTextEnd;
// Do we have a format specifier?
if (i < length) {
FormatToken token = fsp.parseFormatToken(i + 1);

Object argument = null;
if (token.requireArgument()) {
int index = token.getArgIndex() == FormatToken.UNSET ? currentObjectIndex++ : token.getArgIndex();
argument = getArgument(args, index, fsp, lastArgument, hasLastArgumentSet);
lastArgument = argument;
hasLastArgumentSet = true;

CharSequence substitution = transform(token, argument);
// The substitution is null if we called Formattable.formatTo.
if (substitution != null) {
outputCharSequence(substitution, 0, substitution.length());
i = fsp.i;


int nextPercent = format.indexOf(‘%’, i);


CharSequence substitution = transform(token, argument);


private CharSequence transform(FormatToken token, Object argument) {
this.formatToken = token;
this.arg = argument;

// There are only two format specifiers that matter: "%d" and "%s".
// Nothing else is common in the wild. We fast-path these two to
// avoid the heavyweight machinery needed to cope with flags, width,
// and precision.
if (token.isDefault()) {
switch (token.getConversionType()) {
case 's':
if (arg == null) {
return "null";
} else if (!(arg instanceof Formattable)) {
return arg.toString();
case 'd':
boolean needLocalizedDigits = (localeData.zeroDigit != '0');
if (out instanceof StringBuilder && !needLocalizedDigits) {
if (arg instanceof Integer || arg instanceof Short || arg instanceof Byte) {
IntegralToString.appendInt((StringBuilder) out, ((Number) arg).intValue());
return null;
} else if (arg instanceof Long) {
IntegralToString.appendLong((StringBuilder) out, ((Long) arg).longValue());
return null;
if (arg instanceof Integer || arg instanceof Long || arg instanceof Short || arg instanceof Byte) {
String result = arg.toString();
return needLocalizedDigits ? localizeDigits(result) : result;

CharSequence result;
switch (token.getConversionType()) {
case 'B': case 'b':
result = transformFromBoolean();
case 'H': case 'h':
result = transformFromHashCode();
case 'S': case 's':
result = transformFromString();
case 'C': case 'c':
result = transformFromCharacter();
case 'd': case 'o': case 'x': case 'X':
if (arg == null || arg instanceof BigInteger) {
result = transformFromBigInteger();
} else {
result = transformFromInteger();
case 'A': case 'a': case 'E': case 'e': case 'f': case 'G': case 'g':
result = transformFromFloat();
case '%':
result = transformFromPercent();
case 'n':
result = System.lineSeparator();
case 't': case 'T':
result = transformFromDateTime();
throw token.unknownFormatConversionException();

if (Character.isUpperCase(token.getConversionType())) {
if (result != null) {
result = result.toString().toUpperCase(locale);
return result;


0x02 split 的疑惑



String str1 = "test";
String str2 = "test:";
String str3 = ":test";
String str4 = "te:st";
String[] s1 = str1.split(":");
String[] s2 = str2.split(":");
String[] s3 = str3.split(":");
String[] s4 = str4.split(":");





public static String[] fastSplit(String re, String input, int limit) {
// Can we do it cheaply?
int len = re.length();
if (len == 0) {
return null;
char ch = re.charAt(0);
if (len == 1 && METACHARACTERS.indexOf(ch) == -1) {
// We're looking for a single non-metacharacter. Easy.
} else if (len == 2 && ch == '\\') {
// We're looking for a quoted character.
// Quoted metacharacters are effectively single non-metacharacters.
ch = re.charAt(1);
if (METACHARACTERS.indexOf(ch) == -1) {
return null;
} else {
return null;

// We can do this cheaply...

// Unlike Perl, which considers the result of splitting the empty string to be the empty
// array, Java returns an array containing the empty string.
if (input.isEmpty()) {
return new String[] { "" };

// Count separators
int separatorCount = 0;
int begin = 0;
int end;
while (separatorCount + 1 != limit && (end = input.indexOf(ch, begin)) != -1) {
begin = end + 1;
int lastPartEnd = input.length();
if (limit == 0 && begin == lastPartEnd) {
// Last part is empty for limit == 0, remove all trailing empty matches.
if (separatorCount == lastPartEnd) {
// Input contains only separators.
return EmptyArray.STRING;
// Find the beginning of trailing separators.
do {
} while (input.charAt(begin - 1) == ch);
// Reduce separatorCount and fix lastPartEnd.
separatorCount -= input.length() - begin;
lastPartEnd = begin;

// Collect the result parts.
String[] result = new String[separatorCount + 1];
begin = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != separatorCount; ++i) {
end = input.indexOf(ch, begin);
result[i] = input.substring(begin, end);
begin = end + 1;
// Add last part.
result[separatorCount] = input.substring(begin, lastPartEnd);
return result;


while (separatorCount + 1 != limit && (end = input.indexOf(ch, begin)) != -1) {
begin = end + 1;

当 reg 为test: 时,执行split(“:”),默认limit为0,会执行一次如上循环。

separatorCount 变成1

end 变成4

begin 变成 5


if (limit == 0 && begin == lastPartEnd) {
// Last part is empty for limit == 0, remove all trailing empty matches.
if (separatorCount == lastPartEnd) {
// Input contains only separators.
return EmptyArray.STRING;
// Find the beginning of trailing separators.
do {
} while (input.charAt(begin - 1) == ch);
// Reduce separatorCount and fix lastPartEnd.
separatorCount -= input.length() - begin;
lastPartEnd = begin;

begin 变成了4, 然后separatorCount 变成了0(有点迷),最后返回的result 长度等于separatorCount +1,所以返回了1位长度的result[] 也就是Test ,但是当我们传入 split(“:”,2)会怎么样呢?

while循环还是执行一次,separatorCount 还是变成了1,但是由于不满足这个条件

limit == 0 && begin == lastPartEnd

所以没有执行后续的do-while循环,separatorCount也没有发生变化,所以最后返回的result长度是2,也就是{“Test”,“”} 。


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