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[美剧赏析] 权力的游戏<Game of Thrones>完全赏析 (39-40)

2016-08-28 11:10 501 查看



What was she like? She... she had red hair. Oh? - How big were her feet? - What do you want me to say? I want you to tell me what it was like to have someone. To be with someone. To love someone and have them love you back. We're
all gonna die a lot sooner than I'd planned. You're the closest I'll ever get to knowing. So you and Gilly never? No. She just had a baby. And she never offered. But if she had, you would have? You'd have broken your vows? The interesting thing is, our vows
never specifically forbid intimate relations with women. What? "I shall take no wife," yes, that's in there. There's no denying that. "I shall father no children." It's very specific. But what do our vows have to say about other... activities is open to interpretation.
I don't think Ser Alliser cares much for interpretation. Anyway, there's nothing for him to interpret. We didn't. So what's it like? It's... there's this person, this whole other person. And you're wrapped up in them and they're wrapped up in you. And you--
for a little-- for a little while, you're more than just you. You're-- I don't know. I'm not a bleeding poet. No, you're really not. What did I get for it? An arrow six inches from my heart. There'll be arrows for all of us soon, I imagine. There will. They've
already done the worst thing to me they could ever do. Go get some sleep, Sam. I'll take this watch. Did I ever tell you about her? - My Sheila? - Yes. That was a night to remember. Of course, I'd had a good bit to drink. Her fangs were sharp, but she knew
how to use them. And she was nice and soft down below. No, she was no ordinary beast. Many is the man who-- I know you never fucked a bear. You know you never fucked a bear. Right now I don't want to think about the bear you never fucked. Right now all I want
to think about is each one of these arrows finding its way into a crow's heart. We could be waiting here a while. Good. The longer we wait, the more arrows I'll have. They came up here to our land and put up a big wall and said it was theirs. Then they started
hunting us down. This time, we're the ones doing the hunting. You've got a lot to say about killing. Even more words than arrows. Back in those villages, I killed just as many of them as you did. More, I reckon. Yes, but none of those were your crow lover.
I probably killed him already. So you've said. And if not, the only thing left of him is gonna be his fun bits hanging around my neck. More words. Know what I think you do when you see him? Serve him up a nice juicy slice of ginger minge. You been thinking
about that ginger minge? Wondering what it tastes like? Maybe I have. Jon Snow is mine. Anyone else tries to kill him, I'll have an arrow for them. And not one of your bald friends is fast enough to stop me. And what is it that couldn't wait until morning,
Tarly? Maester Aemon. - How did you know-- - That it was you? Who else but Samwell Tarly would be wasting candles to read in the middle of the night? - Let me help you. - Oh, no need. I know my way around this library better than any other place in Castle
Black. Thousands of books and no eyes to read them. Old age is a wonderful source of ironies if nothing else. But you didn't answer my question. What are you reading? Maester Faull. Ah, the wildlings. I can assure you that the closest Maester Faull ever got
to a wildling was this very library. But what he says about what they do, it's all true. It's exactly what the survivors of their raids report. Yes, imagine the stories wildlings tell about us. Love is the death of duty. I told that to your friend Jon Snow
once. He didn't listen and neither did you. Which is why you've abandoned your watch atop the Wall to come here and read about the terrible things that may have happened to the girl you love. I don't love her. - Yes, you do. - No. Yes, you do. Heard it in
your voice when you first brought her to me. I remember how it sounds. I was in love once. You were? You can imagine all manner of horrors befalling that poor girl and her child. Is it so difficult to imagine that an old person was once, more or less, like
you? I'm sorry, Maester. I didn't mean it like that. Do you know who I was before I came here? What I could have been if I'd only said the word? Of course you do. I met many girls when I was Aemon Targaryen. A future king always does. Some of them were quite
forward in their attempts to win my affections. One of them succeeded. I was very young. Who was she? Ah. I could tell you everything about her. Who she was, how we met, the color of her eyes, and the shape of her nose. I can see her right in front of me.
She's more real than you are. We could spend all night trading tales of lost loves. Nothing makes the past a sweeter place to visit than the prospect of imminent death. Go to bed, Tarly. Sorry, I can't open the gate for anybody. Orders. You don't understand.
They killed everyone. Everyone but me and my baby. They're out there. I saw them on my way here. They may have seen me. They may have followed me. Please. I'm sorry, I can't. If they find us out here, you don't know... Pyp! Open the gate. - I can't. - Sam,
is that you? Yes. Thorne gave me strict orders to not open the gate. Oh, Pyp, open the fucking gate! I never heard you curse before. Yes, well, best get used to it. Are you all right? Shh, you're all right. Of course you are, my brave little fella. - It was
horrible. - I'm so, so sorry. I didn't know until I got back. Don't let them send me away, Sam. - Never. - I know there's no women allowed. Anyone who tries to throw you out will be having words with me. From now on, wherever you go, I go, too. Get ready!
- Man the gate! - Ready yourselves! Make haste! - Prepare! - Up on the Wall! Quickly! Up! Up! How many? How many are there? Beyond the trees! It's time. Light them up! Light them all! Move! Pick up the pace! Come on, come on. Here we go, boys, there's one.
Let's go. There's two. Let's get the next load. That's the last of the oil, Ser Alliser. 100,000 you say? Yes, Ser. You can say it if you like. We should have sealed the tunnel while we had the chance, like you suggested. It was a difficult decision either
way, Ser. Do you know what leadership means, Lord Snow? It means that the person in charge gets second-guessed by every clever little twat with a mouth. But if he starts second-guessing himself, that's the end-- for him, for the clever little twats, for everyone.
This is not the end. Not for us. Not if you lot do your duty for however long it takes to beat them back. And then you get to go on hating me and I get to go on wishing your wildling whore had finished the job. You'll be safe down here. I'll check on you as
soon as I can. You're leaving me again? I'm not leaving you. You're going up there and we're staying down here. That's leaving. You said from now on we'd stay together. I didn't mean in the same room. What are you going to do out there? - Help my brothers.
- How? You're going to fight the free folk when they come? They'll kill you. In Mole's Town, they killed everyone. I can't just hide here with you while they're fighting out there. Why not? You won't matter up there. You will down here. I am a man of the Night's
Watch, Gilly. I made a promise to defend the Wall and I have to keep it because that's what men do. Promise me you won't die. I promise you I won't die. There's a lot more wildlings on the other side of the Wall than this side. We've got loads of weapons and
things. It's the perfect place for us to be. I've never thrown a spear before. I've never held a sword with a proper edge. This is no place for me to be. You're not afraid? Of course I'm afraid. There's a band of wildlings coming to kill us. If you're afraid
of a band of wildlings, how in seven hells did you manage to kill a white walker? I didn't know I was going to kill it. But I had to do something. I didn't have any choice. It was going to kill Gilly and take the baby. If someone had asked me my name right
then, I wouldn't have known. I wasn't Samwell Tarly anymore. I wasn't a steward in the Night's Watch or son of Randyll Tarly or any of that. I was nothing at all. And when you're nothing at all, there's no more reason to be afraid. But you're afraid now? Yes,
well... I'm not nothing anymore. Most of their men are up top. Didn't count more than 20 down here. Leftovers. They got a big fat one and a little bony one manning the front. How high are the walls? Well, we'll be up and over before they know what's happened.
Let's kill some crows! Come on! Come on, brothers! Archers nock. Everyone else hold. Grenn, no! I said nock and hold, you cunts! - Does nock mean draw? - No, Ser! - Does fucking hold mean fucking drop? - No, Ser! - You all plan to die here tonight? - No, Ser!
That's very good to hear. Draw! No, down below! Draw! Light them up. Come on, get up! They're attacking the southern gate! - Now? - Now. I'm going down there. Brother Slynt, you have the Wall. What? What are you fucking waiting for? Loose! You heard the man.
Loose! You, over there. - Did you get one? - No. Ah, shit, Pyp! Shit. - Sam. - Yeah? I think we're gonna die. If you keep missing, we will. Come on! Come on! Brothers! 100 generations have defended this castle. She's never fallen before. She will not fall
tonight. Those are Thenns at our walls. They eat the flesh of the men they kill. Do you want to fill the belly of a Thenn tonight? No! Tonight we fight. And when the sun rises, I promise you, Castle Black will stand! The Night's Watch will stand. With me now!
Now with me! No discipline. No training. Gang of thieves, that's all this is. I commanded the City Watch of King's Landing. Those men obeyed orders. We can't just let them attack the gate! The bars of those gates are four inches of cold-rolled steel. Those
are giants riding mammoths down there! Do you think your cold-rolled steel is gonna stop them? No such thing as giants. A story for the children. Brother Slynt. We just got word that Ser Alliser needs you below. You're the most experienced man he's got, Ser,
and he needs you. Needed below? Yes. Yes. Archers, nock your arrows! Nock arrows! Draw! Loose! They won't summit before dawn. How do you know that? Because I've made that climb. I think they're in a bigger hurry than you were. Hold the bridge! Hold, wait for
it! Come on with the rocks! Nock! Draw! Loose! Down! No! No! To the gate. Come on, let's move. It's gonna open. I got one right through the heart. He's dead. - Oh, is it over? - No. Well, then... You're all right. You're all right. I'll get help. Shh. Shh.
Maester Aemon is coming. He's gonna make it all right. Shh. Shh. - Now. - Now! The outer gate won't hold. Take five men, hold the inner gate. Aye. Hold the gate. If they make it through... They won't. Come on, Hill. And you, Cooper. You three, on me. Come
on, you lazy bastards. Oil. Oil on the ramp! Protect the gate! Get him inside. Hold the fucking gate! Hold it! We need more men down here. - We have to hold the gate. - But we need men here. Tell Jon. He's in command. Let's go. Get me to the top! You hear
me?! Your name's Olly, right? Listen to me, Olly. Get me to the top. And when we give the signal, bring us back down. You hear me? Find a weapon, Olly. Fight them. Clear the way! Let's go! - Out of the way! - Get out of here! Cut the rope! Wait! No! - We need
more archers. - Here I am. - Come on. - Quickly. What are you doing up here? The wildlings are over the walls. Ser Alliser's fallen. The castle won't stand much longer. Edd, you have the Wall. If they try the mammoths again, drop fire on them. If the climbers
get too high, drop the scythe on them. Come, brothers. Now fight with me! Might as well enjoy our last night, right, boys? Light the fuckers up! Nock! Draw! Loose! How are we gonna stop that? Shot 20 arrows in him already. You heard Jon. We hold the gate.
Jon Snow's not Lord Commander. We hold the gate! Mother, save me. Father, save me. The gods aren't down here. It's the six of us. You hear me? Night gathers and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father
no children. I shall wear no crown and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch for this night
and all the nights to come! I don't want you out there. You can't protect me forever. There won't be anywhere to hide if the castle falls. I need him more than I need you. We need you, boy. Ha! Jon Snow. Hush. Don't talk. Do you remember the cave? We should
have stayed in the cave. We'll go back there. You know nothing, Jon Snow. Drop the scythe, boys! - Hoist her up. - Hoist her up! They've had enough for one night. Don't cheer too loud. They still outnumber us 1,000 to one. Tormund. It's over. Let it end. This
is how a man ends. Put him in chains. We'll question him later. from the top of the Wall, boy! I should have thrown you Aye. You should have. Whoa, it's me. It's me. I promised you, didn't I? We held them off. For one night. This is a great victory. A great
victory? Mance was testing our defenses. He almost made it through. And he has more giants. He has more mammoths. He has 1,000 times as many men. They'll hit us again tonight. Maybe we can hold them off for a day or two, but we'll never beat them. Where are
we going? Going to find Mance. To fi--- you can't do that. No one gave you any orders. Who's left to give orders? The wildling army's only an army because of Mance. He united 100 warring tribes. Without Mance, they lose their leader. They lose their purpose.
They go back to fighting each other. Scatter back to their homes. Without Mance? You're going to kill him? I'm gonna try. They'll never let you within 100 yards of him. And even if they did, even if you managed to kill him-- They'll kill me? If I don't go,
they'll kill me anyway. They'll kill the rest of us, too. They won't just kill you. They'll boil you. They'll flay you. They'll make it last days. You're right. It's a bad plan. What's your plan? They held the gate. Get some brothers down here to help you.
We need to burn the bodies. Raise the outer gate. Then lower it again as soon as I'm out. What are you doing? I promised Mormont I'd never lose it again. In case I don't come back. Jon. Come back. 


#本集共有单词数:45  总词数:9092

a = ['Cooper', 'Faull', 'Gang', 'Hoist', 'Leftovers', 'Needed', 'Oil', 'Scatter', 'Shot', 'Wondering', 'befalling', 'boil', 'bony', 'cheer', 'fella', 'fi', 'generations', 'ginger', 'hating', 'horrors', 'imminent', 'inner', 'interpret',
'intimate', 'loads', 'lower', 'mammoths', 'manning', 'minge', 'nock', 'obeyed', 'outer', 'pace', 'raids', 'ramp', 'relations', 'scythe', 'strict', 'summit', 'sweeter', 'tastes', 'testing', 'twats', 'warring', 'wishing']

You're wearing a black cloak again. I've been sent to negotiate with you. It appears my trusting nature got the better of me. It's happened before. I was hoping your loyalty was real when you pledged yourself to us, Jon Snow.
Truly I was. The Halfhand ordered me to join your army and bring back whatever information I could to Castle Black. He made me kill him so you'd trust me. I was loyal... to him and to my Night's Watch vows. All your vows? She wasn't enough to turn you, eh?
Were you enough to turn her? She put three arrows in me when I escaped. Did you see her again at Castle Black? - Yes. - And? She's dead. - Your doing? - No. We'll drink to her. Of all the ways I'd kill you, poison would be the last. - Ygritte. - Ygritte. That's
not wine. No, it's a proper northern drink, Jon Snow. You did well. Fought hard. Killed some of our strongest men. One of our giants went into your tunnel and never came out again. Mag the Mighty. He's dead. He killed my friend Grenn. He was their king. The
last of a bloodline that stretches back before the First Men. Grenn came from a farm. - Mag and Grenn. - Grenn and Mag. Kullback, could I trouble you for something to eat? I don't imagine our guest has eaten anything for quite some time. So, you're here to
strike a bargain? Turn your army around and go home. You know I know you're low on arrows, you're low on oil, you're low on men. How many are left, 50? I told Tormund and Orell. We have more than 1,000 men. I showed you everything I had. The whole army, 100,000
strong. And what did you do? You fired on us with everything you had. It wasn't much. As soon as I saw that, I sent 400 men to climb the Wall, an unmanned stretch five miles west of here. A lot of them will die climbing, but most of them will be over by the
end of the day. It's me being honest with you, Jon Snow, which is more than you've ever done for me. My people have bled enough. We're not here to conquer. We're here to hide behind your Wall. Just like you. We need your tunnel. Now we both know that winter
is coming. And if my people aren't south of the Wall when it comes in earnest, we'll all end up worse than dead. You want to strike a bargain with me? Here's the bargain. You go back, you open the gates to us, and I swear to you that no one else will die.
Refuse, and we'll kill every last man at Castle Black. Ah! Oh, that's why you're here. I reckon you could do it before any of them could stop you. They'd kill you, of course. They'd kill you slow. But you knew that when you came in here. Are you capable of
that, Jon Snow? Killing a man in his own tent when he's just offered you peace? Is that what the Night's Watch is? Is that what you are? Riders coming! - Are you attacking us? - No. It's like you said, we don't have the men. Hold! To me! To me! Stand down!
I said my people have bled enough and I meant it. Round them up. Stay with the horses. You're the King-beyond-the-Wall? - Do you know who I am? - Never had the pleasure. This is Stannis Baratheon, the one true king of the Seven Kingdoms. We're not in the Seven
Kingdoms and you're not dressed for this weather. It is customary to kneel when surrendering to a king. We do not kneel. I'll have thousands of your men in chains by nightfall, have nowhere to put them, have nothing to feed them. I'm not here to slaughter
beat dogs. Their fate depends on their king. All the same, we do not kneel. Take these men away. What's a man of the Night's Watch doing in a wildling camp? I was sent to discuss terms with the King-beyond-the-Wall. You're speaking to the one true king, boy.
You will address him as Your Grace. I know he's the king. My father died for him. My name is Jon Snow, Your Grace. I'm Ned Stark's son. Your father was an honorable man. He was, Your Grace. What do you think he'd have done with him? I was this man's prisoner
once. He could have tortured me. He could have killed me. But he spared my life. I think my father would have taken him prisoner, listened to what he had to say. Very well, then. Take him. Your Grace. If my father had seen the things that I've seen, he'd also
tell you to burn the dead before nightfall. All of them. I would suggest milk of the poppy to ease his pain, but he is completely insensate. Bloody Martells. The cause appears to be manticore venom. It is. The Death's Head manticore. Yes, I've read a great
deal about it. It's a horrible poison. Usually Mantari in origin. Oh! Yes, yes. There's nothing to be done. Yes, there is. May I ask what you think you're doing? Saving him. Your Grace, I wish it were otherwise, but Ser Gregor is beyond saving. Well, well
beyond. This man is not even a maester, let alone Grand Maester. That's for the best. No maester knows how to save him. That is exactly the sort of arrogance that had him expelled from the Citadel, Your Grace. His curiosity was deemed dangerous and unnatural.
Rightly so, in my opinion. You're dismissed, Grand Maester. But, Your Grace, this is my laboratory. - Not anymore. - But I-- - You can save him? - Difficult to say, Your Grace. But if my past work is any guide... ...we stand a chance. Do everything you can.
Come to me for anything you need. Thank you, Your Grace. You should know, the process may change him... somewhat. Will it weaken him? Oh, no. Very well, then. Not another word. We've been over this. The matter's closed. I'm opening it again. You were betrothed
to Loras Tyrell. You're still betrothed to Loras Tyrell. And you will marry Loras Tyrell as soon as Tommen marries Margaery. I will not. Jaime cannot marry or inherit lands. Tyrion's sentence will be carried out tomorrow. You have on several occasions made
great claims about your commitment to this family's future. Your role in that future is more vital now than it ever was. I don't care. I will stay in King's Landing where I belong with my son the king. When you were nine years old, I was called to the capital.
I decided to take your brother with me and not you. You insisted that you would not be left at Casterly Rock under any circumstances. And if you recall-- I'm not interested in hearing another one of your smug stories about the time you won. This isn't going
to be one of those times. Do you think you'll be the first person dragged into a sept to be married against her will? When you marched into the throne room to tell me we'd won the Battle of Blackwater-- do you remember? I was sitting on the Iron Throne with
Tommen. I was about to give him essence of nightshade. That's how far I was willing to go when I thought someone awful had come to take my son away. Someone awful is coming to take him away. - No. - Joffrey is dead. Myrcella's been sold like livestock. And
now you want to ship me off to Highgarden and steal my boy. My last boy. Margaery will dig her claws in, you will dig your claws in and you'll fight over him like beasts until you rip him apart. I will burn our house to the ground before I let that happen.
And how will you do that? I'll tell everyone the truth. What truth would that be? You don't know, do you? You never believed it. How is that possible? What am I saying? Of course it's possible. How can someone so consumed by the idea of his family have any
conception what his actual family was doing? We were right there in front of you and you didn't see us. One look in the past 20 years, one real look at your own children and you would have known. Known what? Everything they say is true. - About Jaime and me.
- No. - Your legacy is a lie. - No, no, no, no. I don't believe you. Yes, you do. Jaime. You won. One fewer brother. Must be proud of yourself. There's really nothing you wouldn't do, is there? For my family, no, nothing. I would do things for my family you
couldn't imagine. - Tyrion is your family. - He's not. - You don't get to choose. - I do. So do you. You can choose the creature that killed our mother to come into this world-- Are you really mad enough to blame him for that? He didn't decide to kill her.
He was an infant. A disease doesn't decide to kill you. All the same, you cut it out before it does. What do you decide? What do you choose? The things I did to get back to you, to endure all that, only to find you-- I choose you. - Those are words. - Yes.
Like the ones I just said to Father. I told him. Told him what? I told him about us. You told him? I told him I won't marry Loras Tyrell. I told him I'm staying right here with Tommen, with you. You think he'll just accept that? Go and ask him. What did you
say? I don't want to talk about Tywin Lannister. I don't choose Tywin Lannister. I don't love Tywin Lannister. I love my brother. I love my lover. People will whisper, they'll make their jokes. Let them. They're all so small, I can't even see them. I only
see what matters. Someone will walk in. I don't care. I can speak the common tongue if you wish. You speak it very well. Before you freed me, I belonged to Master Mighdal. I was tutor to his children. I taught them languages and history. They know a great
deal about your family because of me. Little Calla is only seven, but she admires you very much. I hope I can prove worthy of her admiration. What can I do for you? When you took the city, the children begged me not to leave the house. But Master Mighdal and
I agreed that I must. So I lost my home. Now I live on the streets. I have outfitted mess halls to feed all former slaves and barracks to shelter them. I do not mean to offend, Your Grace. I went to one of these places. The young prey on the old. Take what
they want and beat us if we resist. My Unsullied will make them safe again in short order, my friend, this I promise you. Even if they are safe, who would I be there? What purpose would I serve? With my master, I was a teacher. I had the respect and love of
his children. What is it that you want from me? Your Grace, I ask you to let me sell myself back to Master Mighdal. You want to return to a man who owned you like a goat or a chair? Please, Your Grace. The young may rejoice in the new world you have built
for them, but for those of us too old to change, there is only fear and squalor. I am not alone. There are many outside waiting to beg the same of you. I did not take this city to preside over the injustice I fought to destroy. I took it to bring people freedom.
But freedom means making your own choices. I will allow you to sign a contract with your former master. It may not cover a period lasting longer than a year. Thank you, Your Grace. Thank you. The masters will take advantage of this situation. The men serving
them will be slaves in all but name. Approach, my friend. I have brought you-- He came from the sky. The black one. The winged shadow. He came from the sky and... My girl. My little girl. What was her name? Zala, Your Grace. - How old was she? - Three. Three.
They came to us from White Harbor and Barrowton, from Fairmarket and King's Landing, from north and south, from east and west. They died protecting men, women, and children who will never know their names. It is for us to remember them. Our brothers, we shall
never see their like again. And now their watch is ended. And now their watch is ended. Your old blind man patched me up. Why? He's sworn to treat all wounded men, friend or foe. You want me alive so you can torture me? No one's gonna torture you. So how do
we die? Hanging? Beheading? Drop us from the top of the Wall? I don't know what happens to the prisoners. Who decides? I suppose Stannis does. He your king now? I don't have a king. You spent too much time with us, Jon Snow. You can never be a kneeler again.
We're gonna burn the bodies of your dead. Do you want to say any words over them? Words? What kind of words? Funeral words. I don't know how the free folk do it. Do what? Say farewell. The dead can't hear us, boy. Snow. Did you love her? She loved you. She
told you? No. All she ever talked about was killing you. That's how I know. She belongs in the North. The real North. You understand me? We can stop. We can rest. We'll rest with the three-eyed raven. We're not going to make it. We're already here. Jojen.
Jojen. Look, Jojen. Look. Jojen! Come on! Help them! Now! Hold on to me! Hang on! - Hodor. - Help them! Hodor. Hodor! Hodor! Hodor. Hodor! Bran! Save yourself, now! Come with me, Brandon Stark. He is lost. Come with me or die with him. Go with them. They cannot
follow us. The power that moves them is powerless here. Who are you? The First Men called us the children, but we were born long before them. Come, he waits for you. You're the three-eyed raven? I've been many things. Now I am what you see. My brother, he
led us to you and now he-- He knew what would happen. From the moment he left, he knew and he went anyway. How do you know? I've been watching you. All of you. All of your lives. With 1,000 eyes and one. Now you've come to me at last, Brandon Stark. Though
the hour is late. I didn't want anyone to die for me. He died so you could find what you have lost. You're going to help me walk again? You will never walk again. But you will fly. Podrick. Podrick. Where are the horses? I hobbled them last night. What sort
of hobble? A figure eight like you taught me. If you did it like I taught you, then the horses would be here. Thieves, maybe? It's at least 30 miles to the Eyrie from here. You're carrying the saddlebags. People coming. You can shit later. There's people coming.
Morning. Morning. I like your sword. Are we getting close to the Bloody Gate? About 10 more miles. Did you hear that, Podrick? Only 10 more miles to the Bloody Gate. Are you a knight? No. But you know how to use that sword? I do. Does it have a name? Oathkeeper.
Mine's Needle. Good name. Who taught you how to fight? My father. Mine never wanted to. Said fighting was for boys. Mine said the same. But I kept fighting the boys anyway. Kept losing. Finally my father said, "If you're going to do it, you might as well do
it right." Seven blessings. I'm Brienne of Tarth. This is Podrick Payne. You want something? That's Sandor Clegane. The Hound. You're Arya Stark. I asked if you wanted something. I swore to your mother I would bring you home to her. My mother's dead. I know.
I wish I could have been there to protect her. You're not a northerner. No, but I swore a sacred vow to protect her. Why didn't you? She commanded me to bring Jaime Lannister back to King's Landing. You're paid by the Lannisters. You're here for the bounty
on me. I'm not paid by the Lannisters. No? Fancy sword you've got there. Where'd you get it? I've been looking at Lannister gold all my life. Go on, Brienne of fucking Tarth. Tell me that's not Lannister gold. Jaime Lannister gave me this sword. The Bloody
Gate is 10 miles. I swore to your mother by the old gods-- I don't care what you swore. - Arya! - You heard the girl. - She's not coming with you. - She is. You're not a good listener. That Valyrian steel? I always wanted some Valyrian steel. Come with me,
Arya. I'll take you to safety. Safety? Where the fuck's that? Her aunt in the Eyrie is dead. Her mother's dead. Her father's dead. Her brother's dead. Winterfell is a pile of rubble. There is no safety, you dumb bitch. You don't know that by now, you're the
wrong one to watch over her. And that's what you're doing? Watching over her? Aye, that's what I'm doing. I have no wish to kill you, Ser. I'm not a knight. Arya! Arya! Arya! - Where is she? - She was just here. Why weren't you watching her? I was watching
you. I thought you might need some help. Which way, Pod? Which way did she go? I think that way. Arya! Arya! You still here? Big bitch saved you. I don't need saving. No, not you. You're a real killer. With your water dancing and your Needle. You gonna die?
Unless there's a maester hiding behind that rock, aye, I'm done. I'd skin you alive for wine. Fuck water. Killed by a woman. I bet you like that. Go on, go after her. She'll help you. Going it alone, you won't last a day out there. I'll last longer than you.
You remember where the heart is? Fuck it. I'm ready. Go on, girl. Another name off your list. You kept promising me. I cut down your butcher's boy. The ginger. He was begging for mercy. "Please, Ser. Please don't kill me. Please, please." Bled all over my
horse. Saddle stunk of butcher's boy for weeks. And your sister. Your pretty sister. I should have taken her. That night the Blackwater burned. I should have fucked her bloody. At least I'd have one happy memory. Do I have to beg you? Do it. Do it. Do it.
Kill me. Kill me! Kill me! Kill me! Oh, get on with it, you son of a whore. Is that any way to speak about our mother? What are you doing? What do you think I'm doing? A galley's waiting in the bay bound for the Free Cities. - Who's helping you? - Varys. -
Varys? - You have more friends than you thought. There's a locked door at the top of the stairs. Knock on it twice, then twice again. Varys will open. I suppose this is good-bye, then. Farewell, little brother. Jaime. Thank you for my life. Quickly now. Tywin?
My lion. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Tyrion. Put down the crossbow. Who released you? Your brother, I expect. He always had a soft spot for you. Come, we'll go and talk in my chambers. This is how you want to speak to me, hmm? Shaming your father has always given
you pleasure. All my life you've wanted me dead. Yes. But you refused to die. I respect that. Even admire it. You fight for what's yours. I'd never let them execute you. Is that what you fear? I'll never let Ilyn Payne take your head. You're a Lannister. You're
my son. I loved her. Who? Shae. Oh, Tyrion. - Put down that crossbow. - I murdered her. With my own hands. - It doesn't matter. - Doesn't matter? She was a whore. - Say that word again... - And what? You'll kill your own father in the privy? No. You're my
son. Now, enough of this nonsense. I am your son and you sentenced me to die. You knew I didn't poison Joffrey, but you sentenced me all the same. - Why? - Enough. We'll go back to my chambers and speak with some dignity. I can't go back there. She's in there.
You're afraid of a dead whore? You shot me. You're no son of mine. I am your son. I have always been your son. What have you done? Quickly. Trust me, my friend. I brought you this far. I want to see the captain. You're seeing him. I want to go north to the
Wall. No, you don't. I can pay. There is nothing in the North but ice and war and pirates. I wouldn't need a cabin. Please. I could work scrubbing the floors. I'm not going north, child. I'm going home. - Where's home? - The Free City of Braavos. Wait. I have
something else. More silver won't make a difference. It's not silver. It's iron. This... How did you-- Valar morghulis. Valar dohaeris. Of course, you shall have a cabin. 


#本集共有单词数:56  总词数:9148

a = ['Bled', 'Calla', 'Difficult', 'Funeral', 'Head', 'Kept', 'Knock', 'Known', 'Kullback', 'Mag', 'Mantari', 'Mighdal', 'Mighty', 'Rightly', 'Saddle', 'Shaming', 'Thieves', 'Zala', 'admires', 'arrogance', 'betrothed', 'bloodline',
'commitment', 'conception', 'curiosity', 'deemed', 'earnest', 'endure', 'expelled', 'fired', 'foe', 'galley', 'hobble', 'hobbled', 'insensate', 'kneeler', 'laboratory', 'lasting', 'listener', 'manticore', 'opening', 'origin', 'outfitted', 'patched', 'process',
'saddlebags', 'somewhat', 'squalor', 'stretch', 'stretches', 'stunk', 'surrendering', 'tutor', 'unmanned', 'vital', 'winged']


<span style="font-size:18px;">#
b = ['aa', 'aaerys', 'aah', 'abandon', 'abandoned', 'abandoning', 'abate', '
abated', 'abducted', 'abetting', 'abiding', 'abilities', 'ablaze', 'able', '
abode', 'about', 'above', 'abreast', 'absence', 'absentee', 'absentminded',
'absolute', 'absolutely', 'abstract', 'absurd', 'absurdly', 'abundance', 'ab
use', 'abused', 'accent', 'accents', 'accept', 'accepting', 'accident', 'acc
ommodate', 'accommodations', 'accompany', 'accomplish', 'accomplished', 'acc
omplishment', 'accomplishments', 'accordance', 'according', 'accordingly', '
account', 'accountable', 'accounting', 'accounts', 'accusations', 'accuse',
'accused', 'accusing', 'acharoe', 'ache', 'achievement', 'acorn', 'acquainta
nce', 'acquire', 'acquired', 'acres', 'across', 'act', 'acted', 'acting', 'a
ction', 'actions', 'actively', 'activities', 'actor', 'actors', 'acts', 'act
ual', 'actually', 'add', 'addam', 'address', 'addressing', 'adjourn', 'admir
able', 'admiration', 'admire', 'admired', 'admirers', 'admires', 'admit', 'a
dmittedly', 'admitting', 'adoration', 'adore', 'adored', 'adores', 'adoringl
y', 'advantage', 'advantageous', 'adventure', 'adventures', 'advice', 'advis
e', 'advised', 'advising', 'advisor', 'advisors', 'aegon', 'aemon', 'aerion'
, 'aerys', 'afar', 'affair', 'affairs', 'affection', 'affections', 'affiliat
ion', 'affin', 'affinity', 'afflicted', 'affliction', 'afford', 'affords', '
afichak', 'afire', 'afloat', 'afraid', 'after', 'afternoon', 'afternoons', '
afterward', 'afterwards', 'again', 'against', 'age', 'ages', 'aggar', 'ago',
'agony', 'agree', 'agreed', 'agreement', 'agrees', 'ah', 'aha', 'ahead', 'a
hem', 'ahh', 'ahhazaan', 'ahhh', 'aid', 'aided', 'ails', 'aim', 'aiming', 'a
in', 'air', 'ajjalan', 'al', 'alanna', 'alarming', 'alas', 'alayne', 'alchem
ists', 'ale', 'aleena', 'alike', 'alive', 'all', 'allegations', 'allegiance'
, 'alley', 'alleyways', 'alliance', 'alliances', 'allies', 'alliser', 'allo'
, 'allow', 'allowed', 'allowing', 'allows', 'ally', 'almonds', 'almost', 'al
one', 'along', 'alongside', 'already', 'also', 'alterations', 'although', 'a
ltogether', 'alton', 'always', 'am', 'amaryllis', 'ambassador', 'ambition',
'ambitious', 'ambush', 'amends', 'amidst', 'ammeni', 'amnesty', 'among', 'am
ongst', 'amory', 'amount', 'amounts', 'amputate', 'amputations', 'amputee',
'amputees', 'amuse', 'amusement', 'amusing', 'an', 'ancestor', 'ancestors',
'ancient', 'and', 'andahli', 'andal', 'andals', 'anew', 'anger', 'angered',
'angrier', 'angry', 'anguy', 'anha', 'anhaan', 'animal', 'animals', 'annakha
s', 'anni', 'announced', 'announcement', 'annoy', 'annoyed', 'annoys', 'anoi
nted', 'another', 'answer', 'answered', 'answering', 'answers', 'anticipated
', 'anvil', 'any', 'anybody', 'anymore', 'anyone', 'anything', 'anyway', 'an
ywhere', 'apart', 'apartments', 'apologies', 'apologize', 'apologizing', 'ap
ology', 'apparently', 'appeal', 'appear', 'appearance', 'appears', 'applaude
d', 'applause', 'apple', 'apples', 'appointed', 'appointment', 'appointments
', 'appreciate', 'appreciated', 'appreciates', 'appreciation', 'apprentice',
'apprenticed', 'approach', 'approached', 'approaching', 'appropriate', 'app
ropriately', 'approval', 'approve', 'aqovi', 'arakh', 'arbor', 'archer', 'ar
chers', 'archery', 'archmaester', 'archonei', 'archways', 'are', 'area', 'ar
emca', 'aren', 'argue', 'arguing', 'arise', 'arises', 'arithmetic', 'arm', '
armed', 'armies', 'armor', 'armored', 'armorer', 'armory', 'arms', 'army', '
aron', 'around', 'arrange', 'arranged', 'arrangement', 'arrangements', 'arra
nging', 'arrest', 'arrival', 'arrive', 'arrived', 'arrives', 'arriving', 'ar
rogance', 'arrogant', 'arrow', 'arrows', 'arry', 'arryn', 'arse', 'art', 'ar
tery', 'arthur', 'artist', 'artists', 'arts', 'arwyen', 'arya', 'as', 'ascen
sion', 'ascertain', 'ash', 'ashamed', 'ashemark', 'ashes', 'ashore', 'aside'
, 'ask', 'asked', 'asking', 'asks', 'asleep', 'aspect', 'ass', 'assassin', '
assassinate', 'assassination', 'assassins', 'assemble', 'assembly', 'asses',
'assessment', 'asshai', 'asshole', 'assign', 'assigned', 'assignment', 'ass
ist', 'assistance', 'associate', 'assume', 'assurances', 'assure', 'assured'
, 'assures', 'astapor', 'astoundingly', 'asunder', 'at', 'ate', 'ath', 'athc
homar', 'athjahaka', 'athjahakar', 'atihi', 'atop', 'attack', 'attacked', 'a
ttacking', 'attacks', 'attaint', 'attempt', 'attempts', 'attend', 'attendant
', 'attended', 'attention', 'attractive', 'attracts', 'auction', 'audience',
'aunt', 'austerity', 'authority', 'auxiliary', 'avenge', 'avenging', 'avera
ge', 'averse', 'avoid', 'avoided', 'avoiding', 'aw', 'await', 'awaiting', 'a
waits', 'awake', 'aware', 'away', 'awful', 'awhile', 'awkward', 'ax', 'axe',
'axel', 'axes', 'aye', 'azisa', 'babe', 'babes', 'babies', 'baby', 'bachelo
r', 'back', 'backed', 'backing', 'backs', 'backside', 'backstabbings', 'baco
n', 'bad', 'badge', 'badly', 'baelish', 'baelor', 'bag', 'baked', 'baker', '
bakers', 'balance', 'balcony', 'bald', 'bale', 'balerion', 'balian', 'ball',
'ballad', 'balls', 'ballsack', 'balon', 'band', 'bandits', 'banging', 'bank
', 'bankrupt', 'bannen', 'banner', 'bannerman', 'bannermen', 'banners', 'ban
quet', 'bar', 'baratheon', 'baratheons', 'barbarians', 'bards', 'bare', 'bar
ely', 'bargain', 'bargained', 'bargaining', 'barges', 'bark', 'barking', 'ba
rks', 'barley', 'barn', 'barra', 'barracks', 'barred', 'barrel', 'barrels',
'barren', 'barristan', 'barrowton', 'bars', 'based', 'bash', 'basic', 'basil
isk', 'bastard', 'bastards', 'bat', 'bath', 'bathe', 'bathing', 'bathtub', '
batter', 'battle', 'battled', 'battlefield', 'battlements', 'battles', 'baub
le', 'baubles', 'bawdy', 'bawling', 'bay', 'baying', 'be', 'beach', 'beaches
', 'bear', 'beard', 'bearded', 'bearing', 'bears', 'beast', 'beasts', 'beat'
, 'beaten', 'beater', 'beating', 'beats', 'beauties', 'beautiful', 'beauty',
'became', 'because', 'becca', 'become', 'becomes', 'becoming', 'bed', 'bedc
hamber', 'bedded', 'bedding', 'bedroom', 'beds', 'bedside', 'beef', 'been',
'beer', 'beetle', 'beetles', 'befalling', 'before', 'befriending', 'beg', 'b
egan', 'beggar', 'beggars', 'begged', 'begging', 'begin', 'beginning', 'begi
ns', 'begs', 'begun', 'behalf', 'behave', 'behaved', 'behavior', 'behead', '
beheaded', 'beheading', 'behest', 'behind', 'behold', 'being', 'belief', 'be
lieve', 'believed', 'believer', 'believes', 'believing', 'bell', 'bellies',
'belligerence', 'bellows', 'bells', 'belly', 'bellyful', 'belong', 'belonged
', 'belongs', 'beloved', 'below', 'bend', 'beneath', 'benefit', 'benjen', 'b
ent', 'beric', 'bert', 'beside', 'besides', 'bessie', 'best', 'bested', 'bet
', 'betray', 'betrayal', 'betrayals', 'betrayed', 'betraying', 'betrays', 'b
etrothal', 'betrothed', 'better', 'betters', 'betting', 'between', 'beware',
'beyond', 'bickering', 'bid', 'bidding', 'bide', 'bids', 'big', 'bigger', '
biggest', 'billy', 'bind', 'binding', 'bird', 'birds', 'birth', 'birthday',
'birthing', 'birthright', 'bit', 'bitch', 'bitches', 'bite', 'biter', 'bitin
g', 'bits', 'bitten', 'bitter', 'black', 'blackberries', 'blackberry', 'blac
ken', 'blackened', 'blackfish', 'blackmont', 'blacksmith', 'blackstrap', 'bl
ackwater', 'blade', 'blades', 'blame', 'blamed', 'blames', 'blankets', 'blas
t', 'blasted', 'blasts', 'blathered', 'blazing', 'bled', 'bleed', 'bleeder',
'bleeding', 'bleeds', 'bless', 'blessed', 'blessing', 'blessings', 'blind',
'blink', 'blinked', 'blistered', 'blisters', 'bloated', 'block', 'blond', '
blonde', 'blondes', 'blood', 'bloodline', 'bloodlines', 'bloodmagic', 'blood
shed', 'bloodstained', 'bloody', 'blooming', 'blow', 'blower', 'blowing', 'b
lown', 'blue', 'bluer', 'bluffs', 'blunder', 'blunders', 'blurt', 'blushing'
, 'boar', 'board', 'boars', 'boat', 'boats', 'boded', 'bodies', 'bodkin', 'b
ody', 'bodyguard', 'boil', 'boiled', 'boiling', 'boils', 'bold', 'bolt', 'bo
lton', 'boltons', 'bolts', 'bond', 'bone', 'bones', 'bonfire', 'bony', 'book
', 'bookkeeper', 'books', 'boots', 'borba', 'borcas', 'bore', 'bored', 'bore
s', 'boring', 'born', 'boros', 'borrow', 'borrowed', 'borrowing', 'borther',
'botched', 'both', 'bother', 'bothering', 'bothers', 'bottle', 'bottom', 'b
ought', 'boulders', 'bouncing', 'bound', 'bounty', 'bouts', 'bow', 'bowed',
'bowels', 'bowen', 'bowing', 'bowl', 'bowls', 'box', 'boxes', 'boy', 'boys',
'braavos', 'braavosi', 'bracken', 'braid', 'braids', 'brain', 'brains', 'br
an', 'branches', 'branded', 'brandon', 'brave', 'bravely', 'braver', 'braver
y', 'bravest', 'bravo', 'brawl', 'brazen', 'brazier', 'breach', 'breached',
'breaches', 'bread', 'break', 'breaker', 'breakfast', 'breakfasting', 'break
ing', 'breaks', 'breast', 'breastplate', 'breath', 'breathe', 'breathing', '
breaths', 'bred', 'breeches', 'breed', 'breeding', 'breeds', 'bride', 'bride
s', 'bridge', 'brief', 'briefly', 'brienne', 'brigand', 'brigands', 'bright'
, 'brighter', 'brightflame', 'brilliant', 'brin', 'bring', 'bringing', 'brin
gs', 'britches', 'broadsword', 'brocade', 'broke', 'broken', 'broker', 'brok
ering', 'bronn', 'bronze', 'brooch', 'brood', 'broodmare', 'brothel', 'broth
els', 'brother', 'brotherhood', 'brotherly', 'brothers', 'brought', 'browbea
ten', 'brown', 'bruise', 'bruised', 'bruises', 'brune', 'bruni', 'brush', 'b
rutal', 'brutality', 'brutalizing', 'brutish', 'bryan', 'bugger', 'buggery',
'build', 'builder', 'builders', 'building', 'built', 'bull', 'bulls', 'bump
s', 'bunch', 'bundle', 'bunghole', 'burden', 'burdens', 'burial', 'burials',
'buried', 'burn', 'burned', 'burning', 'burns', 'burnt', 'bury', 'burying',
'bushels', 'business', 'busy', 'but', 'butcher', 'butchered', 'butchering',
'butchery', 'buy', 'buyers', 'buying', 'buys', 'buzzards', 'buzzing', 'by',
'bye', 'byes', 'bygones', 'ca', 'cabin', 'caches', 'cadavers', 'cage', 'cag
ing', 'cailin', 'cake', 'cakes', 'calculate', 'call', 'calla', 'called', 'ca
lling', 'calls', 'calm', 'calves', 'came', 'camp', 'campaign', 'campfires',
'camps', 'can', 'candied', 'candle', 'candles', 'cannibals', 'cannot', 'cano
py', 'capable', 'capital', 'captain', 'captains', 'captive', 'captives', 'ca
ptor', 'captors', 'capture', 'captured', 'captures', 'capturing', 'care', 'c
ared', 'careful', 'carefully', 'cares', 'cargo', 'carpenter', 'carriage', 'c
arried', 'carries', 'carrion', 'carrots', 'carry', 'carrying', 'cart', 'cart
ed', 'carts', 'carve', 'carved', 'carving', 'case', 'cask', 'cassel', 'cast'
, 'castamere', 'casterly', 'castle', 'castles', 'castrate', 'castrated', 'ca
stration', 'cat', 'catapults', 'catastrophe', 'catch', 'catches', 'categoric
ally', 'catelyn', 'cater', 'cats', 'cattle', 'caught', 'cause', 'causing', '
caution', 'cavalry', 'cave', 'caved', 'caves', 'cawing', 'celebrate', 'celeb
ration', 'celebrations', 'celibate', 'cell', 'cellar', 'cells', 'center', 'c
enterpiece', 'centuries', 'century', 'ceremony', 'cersei', 'certain', 'certa
inly', 'ch', 'chain', 'chained', 'chains', 'chair', 'chairs', 'challenge', '
challenged', 'challengers', 'chamber', 'chambers', 'champion', 'chance', 'ch
ances', 'change', 'changed', 'changes', 'chanting', 'chaos', 'character', 'c
hare', 'charge', 'charged', 'charges', 'charging', 'charitable', 'charlatan'
, 'charm', 'charmed', 'charmer', 'charming', 'charmless', 'charms', 'charwom
en', 'chase', 'chasing', 'chastise', 'chat', 'chatter', 'chattering', 'chatt
ing', 'cheap', 'cheat', 'cheated', 'cheating', 'check', 'cheek', 'cheekbones
', 'cheeks', 'cheer', 'cheering', 'cheese', 'cheesemongers', 'chella', 'cher
ries', 'chest', 'chevalteesh', 'chew', 'chewing', 'chewy', 'cheyk', 'chicken
', 'chickens', 'chieftain', 'child', 'childhood', 'children', 'chin', 'chins
', 'chip', 'chipped', 'chirp', 'chirping', 'chivalry', 'choice', 'choices',
'choked', 'choking', 'chomakaan', 'choose', 'choosing', 'chop', 'chopped', '
chopping', 'chops', 'chortles', 'chose', 'chosen', 'chuckle', 'chuckles', 'c
inda', 'circled', 'circles', 'circumstances', 'cisterns', 'citadel', 'cities
', 'citizens', 'city', 'civilization', 'civilized', 'clacking', 'claim', 'cl
aimants', 'claimed', 'claiming', 'claims', 'clamoring', 'clan', 'clang', 'cl
anging', 'clangs', 'clanks', 'clans', 'clash', 'class', 'clattering', 'clatt
ers', 'claw', 'clawing', 'claws', 'clean', 'cleaned', 'cleaner', 'cleaning',
'cleansed', 'clear', 'cleared', 'clearly', 'clears', 'cleaver', 'clegane',
'cleon', 'clever', 'clicks', 'cliff', 'cliffs', 'climate', 'climb', 'climbed
', 'climber', 'climbers', 'climbing', 'climbs', 'cling', 'clinks', 'clip', '
cloak', 'cloaks', 'clogged', 'close', 'closed', 'closely', 'closer', 'closes
', 'closest', 'closing', 'cloth', 'clothe', 'clothes', 'clothing', 'clouds',
'club', 'clubs', 'clue', 'clumsy', 'clutches', 'clutching', 'coals', 'coast
', 'coat', 'cock', 'cocks', 'cocksuckers', 'code', 'coin', 'coincidence', 'c
oins', 'cold', 'collapse', 'collapses', 'collar', 'collarbone', 'collaring',
'collars', 'colleague', 'collect', 'collection', 'collectively', 'color', '
colored', 'colors', 'column', 'combat', 'combats', 'combined', 'come', 'come
down', 'comes', 'comet', 'comfort', 'comfortable', 'comfortably', 'comforts'
, 'coming', 'comings', 'command', 'commanded', 'commander', 'commanding', 'c
ommands', 'commemorate', 'commences', 'comment', 'commissioned', 'commit', '
commitment', 'committed', 'common', 'commoner', 'commoners', 'commonly', 'co
mpanion', 'companions', 'company', 'compare', 'compared', 'compass', 'compel
', 'competition', 'competitors', 'complain', 'complained', 'complaining', 'c
omplected', 'complement', 'complete', 'completely', 'complicated', 'complica
tion', 'compliment', 'compliments', 'comprised', 'comrades', 'concealed', 'c
oncept', 'conception', 'concern', 'concerned', 'concerning', 'concerns', 'co
nclave', 'concluded', 'conclusion', 'concur', 'condemn', 'condemned', 'condi
tion', 'condolences', 'conduct', 'conducted', 'confess', 'confessed', 'confe
ssing', 'confidant', 'confidence', 'confident', 'confine', 'confined', 'conf
irm', 'conflict', 'confront', 'confronted', 'confuse', 'confused', 'confusin
g', 'congratulate', 'congratulations', 'conjuror', 'conquer', 'conquered', '
conquering', 'conqueror', 'conquerors', 'conquest', 'conquests', 'conscience
', 'consecrate', 'consent', 'consider', 'considered', 'consolation', 'consol
idated', 'consort', 'conspiracy', 'conspire', 'conspired', 'conspiring', 'co
nstant', 'constraint', 'constraints', 'consultation', 'consulted', 'consumed
', 'consumes', 'consuming', 'consummate', 'consummated', 'consummating', 'co
ntemplate', 'contemplates', 'content', 'contents', 'contest', 'continue', 'c
ontinues', 'contract', 'contrary', 'contribute', 'contributed', 'contributio
n', 'contributions', 'control', 'controls', 'convenient', 'conveniently', 'c
onversation', 'conversations', 'converse', 'convince', 'convinced', 'convinc
es', 'convincing', 'cook', 'cooked', 'cooking', 'cooks', 'cooped', 'cooper',
'cooperates', 'copies', 'copious', 'copper', 'coppers', 'corbray', 'corner'
, 'corners', 'corns', 'coronation', 'corpse', 'corpses', 'corpsey', 'correct
', 'correctly', 'corridors', 'corruption', 'cost', 'costly', 'costume', 'cos
tumes', 'cottage', 'cotter', 'coughing', 'coughs', 'could', 'couldn', 'counc
il', 'councilors', 'councils', 'counsel', 'counseled', 'counseling', 'counse
lors', 'count', 'counted', 'counter', 'counterparts', 'counting', 'countless
', 'country', 'countrymen', 'countryside', 'counts', 'couple', 'courage', 'c
ourageous', 'course', 'courses', 'court', 'courtesies', 'courtesy', 'courtsh
ip', 'courtyard', 'cousin', 'cousins', 'cover', 'covered', 'covering', 'cow'
, 'coward', 'cowardly', 'cowards', 'cower', 'cowering', 'coy', 'crabber', 'c
rabbers', 'crack', 'cracked', 'cracking', 'cradled', 'craft', 'craftsmanship
', 'crafty', 'crag', 'crakehall', 'cramped', 'crank', 'crash', 'crashing', '
craster', 'crate', 'crates', 'crave', 'cravens', 'craves', 'cravings', 'craw
l', 'crawled', 'crawling', 'crazed', 'crazy', 'creak', 'creaking', 'creaks',
'cream', 'create', 'created', 'creates', 'creature', 'creatures', 'credit',
'creeping', 'creepy', 'crescent', 'crevasse', 'crew', 'crib', 'cried', 'cri
es', 'crime', 'crimes', 'criminal', 'criminals', 'cripple', 'crippled', 'cri
pples', 'crisis', 'crisped', 'crone', 'crooked', 'crops', 'cross', 'crossbow
', 'crossbows', 'crossed', 'crosses', 'crossing', 'crossroads', 'crow', 'cro
wd', 'crowds', 'crown', 'crowned', 'crowns', 'crows', 'crucified', 'crucifyi
ng', 'cruel', 'crueler', 'cruelly', 'cruelty', 'crumble', 'crumbles', 'crunc
hing', 'crush', 'crushed', 'crushing', 'crust', 'cry', 'crying', 'crypt', 'c
rypts', 'cub', 'cum', 'cunning', 'cunt', 'cunts', 'cup', 'cupbearer', 'cups'
, 'cure', 'cured', 'curiosities', 'curiosity', 'curious', 'curls', 'curly',
'current', 'currently', 'curry', 'curse', 'cursed', 'curses', 'curtsy', 'cur
ved', 'custard', 'custody', 'custom', 'customary', 'customer', 'customs', 'c
ut', 'cuts', 'cutthroat', 'cutthroats', 'cutting', 'cynicism', 'daario', 'da
ddy', 'daenerys', 'daeron', 'dagger', 'dagmer', 'daily', 'daisy', 'dalt', 'd
amage', 'damn', 'damned', 'damon', 'dance', 'danced', 'dancer', 'dances', 'd
ancing', 'danger', 'dangerous', 'dangling', 'dany', 'dare', 'dared', 'dareon
', 'daresay', 'daring', 'dark', 'darkens', 'darker', 'darkest', 'darkness',
'darling', 'daughter', 'daughters', 'davos', 'dawn', 'daxos', 'day', 'daybre
ak', 'daylight', 'dayne', 'days', 'dead', 'deadly', 'deaf', 'deal', 'dealing
s', 'deals', 'dealt', 'dear', 'dearest', 'dearly', 'dears', 'death', 'deaths
', 'debating', 'debauched', 'debt', 'debts', 'decency', 'decent', 'deception
', 'deceptions', 'decide', 'decided', 'decides', 'deciding', 'decision', 'de
cisions', 'deck', 'declare', 'declared', 'decline', 'decorate', 'decorated',
'decorating', 'decreed', 'decrepit', 'decried', 'deed', 'deeds', 'deemed',
'deep', 'deeper', 'deepest', 'deeply', 'deepwood', 'deer', 'defeat', 'defeat
ed', 'defeats', 'defend', 'defended', 'defending', 'defense', 'defenses', 'd
efiled', 'definitely', 'deft', 'defy', 'degenerate', 'degree', 'delay', 'del
icate', 'delicious', 'delight', 'delighted', 'delights', 'deliver', 'deliver
ed', 'delivering', 'demand', 'demanded', 'demanding', 'demands', 'demented',
'demise', 'demolish', 'demon', 'demons', 'demonstration', 'denies', 'denoun
ce', 'dent', 'deny', 'denying', 'depart', 'departed', 'depend', 'depended',
'depending', 'depends', 'deplorable', 'depravity', 'depths', 'derwa', 'descr
ibe', 'describing', 'descriptions', 'descriptive', 'desert', 'deserted', 'de
serter', 'deserters', 'desertion', 'deserve', 'deserved', 'deserves', 'desig
n', 'designed', 'desirable', 'desire', 'desired', 'desires', 'desk', 'desmon
d', 'despair', 'desperately', 'despise', 'despised', 'despises', 'dessert',
'desserts', 'destination', 'destiny', 'destroy', 'destroyed', 'destroying',
'detail', 'detailing', 'details', 'detained', 'determine', 'determined', 'de
termines', 'deterred', 'detour', 'detrimental', 'develop', 'deviant', 'devil
', 'devise', 'devoted', 'devotion', 'devour', 'devouring', 'diamonds', 'dice
', 'dictates', 'did', 'didn', 'die', 'died', 'diein', 'dies', 'differ', 'dif
ference', 'differences', 'different', 'differently', 'difficult', 'dig', 'di
gging', 'dignitary', 'dignity', 'dilemmas', 'dim', 'diminish', 'dimpled', 'd
ine', 'dings', 'dinner', 'dinners', 'diplomacy', 'diplomat', 'dipping', 'dir
ection', 'directive', 'directly', 'direwolf', 'direwolves', 'dirt', 'dirty',
'disadvantage', 'disadvantages', 'disagree', 'disappear', 'disappearance',
'disappeared', 'disappears', 'disappoint', 'disappointed', 'disappointing',
'disappointment', 'disapprove', 'disarm', 'discard', 'discarded', 'disciplin
e', 'disciplined', 'discontent', 'discord', 'discovered', 'discovers', 'disc
reet', 'discreetly', 'discretion', 'discriminate', 'discuss', 'discussed', '
discussing', 'discussion', 'disdained', 'disease', 'disembowel', 'disgraced'
, 'disgraceful', 'disgusting', 'disgusts', 'dishonest', 'dishonesty', 'disho
nor', 'dismissal', 'dismissed', 'dismissing', 'disobeyed', 'disown', 'disown
ed', 'dispense', 'dispersed', 'display', 'displayed', 'disposal', 'dispute',
'disputes', 'disr', 'disregards', 'disrespect', 'disrespected', 'disrespect
ful', 'disse', 'dissension', 'distant', 'distasteful', 'distinction', 'disti
nctive', 'distinctly', 'distracted', 'distraction', 'distractions', 'distrus
t', 'distrusting', 'disturb', 'disturbing', 'ditch', 'ditches', 'divide', 'd
o', 'docks', 'dockworker', 'document', 'dodging', 'doe', 'does', 'doeskin',
'doesn', 'dog', 'dogs', 'dohaeris', 'doing', 'dolf', 'dollmaker', 'dolls', '
domain', 'dominion', 'don', 'dondarrion', 'done', 'donned', 'dontos', 'doom'
, 'doomed', 'dooming', 'door', 'doorcreaking', 'doors', 'doorstep', 'doran',
'doreah', 'dormand', 'dorne', 'dornish', 'dornishman', 'dornishmen', 'dotes
', 'doth', 'dothrae', 'dothrak', 'dothrakan', 'dothraki', 'double', 'doubled
', 'doubt', 'doubtless', 'doubts', 'doughy', 'dour', 'dove', 'down', 'downwa
rds', 'dowry', 'doze', 'dozen', 'dozgosores', 'dracarys', 'drag', 'dragged',
'dragging', 'dragon', 'dragonbone', 'dragonglass', 'dragons', 'dragonstone'
, 'drains', 'drama', 'drank', 'drastic', 'drastically', 'draw', 'drawbridge'
, 'drawing', 'drawn', 'dread', 'dreadfort', 'dreadful', 'dream', 'dreamed',
'dreaming', 'dreamless', 'dreams', 'dreamt', 'dress', 'dressed', 'dresses',
'dressmakers', 'drew', 'dried', 'drift', 'drifted', 'drill', 'drink', 'drink
ing', 'drinks', 'drive', 'drogo', 'droll', 'droned', 'drop', 'dropped', 'dro
ps', 'drove', 'droves', 'drown', 'drowned', 'drowning', 'drudgery', 'drummer
s', 'drums', 'drunk', 'drunken', 'drunks', 'dry', 'duck', 'due', 'duel', 'du
ll', 'dullest', 'dulls', 'dumb', 'dumber', 'dumbest', 'dump', 'dumped', 'dun
can', 'dung', 'dungeon', 'dungeons', 'during', 'dusk', 'dust', 'dustin', 'du
sty', 'duties', 'dutiful', 'duty', 'duur', 'dwarf', 'dwarves', 'dyer', 'dyin
g', 'dynasty', 'each', 'eager', 'eagle', 'ear', 'earlier', 'early', 'earn',
'earned', 'earnest', 'earns', 'ears', 'earth', 'ease', 'eases', 'easier', 'e
asily', 'east', 'eastern', 'easterners', 'eastwatch', 'easy', 'eat', 'eaten'
, 'eater', 'eating', 'eats', 'echiel', 'echo', 'edd', 'eddard', 'eddark', 'e
dge', 'edged', 'edmure', 'edric', 'educating', 'eel', 'effect', 'efficacious
', 'effort', 'efforts', 'egan', 'egg', 'eggs', 'eh', 'eight', 'eighth', 'eit
her', 'elbow', 'elbows', 'eldest', 'eldrick', 'elegant', 'elia', 'elite', 'e
llaria', 'else', 'elsewhere', 'elyo', 'embarrass', 'embarrassed', 'embarrass
ing', 'embarrassment', 'embroidered', 'embroidery', 'emerge', 'emperor', 'em
pire', 'empires', 'employ', 'employer', 'empty', 'en', 'encampment', 'encamp
ments', 'encounter', 'encountered', 'encumbrance', 'end', 'endanger', 'endan
gers', 'ended', 'ending', 'endless', 'ends', 'endure', 'endured', 'enduring'
, 'enemies', 'enemy', 'enforce', 'engage', 'engaged', 'engagement', 'engagem
ents', 'enhances', 'enigma', 'enjoy', 'enjoyed', 'enjoying', 'enjoyment', 'e
njoys', 'enog', 'enormously', 'enough', 'enslave', 'enslaving', 'ensuring',
'enter', 'entered', 'entering', 'entertain', 'entertainment', 'enthusiasm',
'entire', 'entirely', 'entirety', 'entrusts', 'envoy', 'envy', 'eo', 'equal'
, 'equally', 'equals', 'eradicated', 'eraz', 'erred', 'escan', 'escape', 'es
caped', 'escaping', 'escort', 'escorting', 'especially', 'essence', 'essos',
'essovius', 'establish', 'established', 'establishment', 'establishments',
'esteem', 'eternally', 'eternity', 'eunuch', 'eunuchs', 'evading', 'eve', 'e
ven', 'evening', 'evenings', 'event', 'events', 'eventually', 'ever', 'every
', 'everybody', 'everyone', 'everything', 'everywhere', 'evidence', 'evident
ly', 'evil', 'exact', 'exactly', 'exaggerated', 'exalted', 'examine', 'exami
ned', 'example', 'exceedingly', 'excellent', 'except', 'exception', 'excessi
ve', 'exchange', 'excited', 'excitement', 'exciting', 'exclusive', 'excuse',
'excused', 'excuses', 'execute', 'executed', 'executing', 'execution', 'exe
cutioner', 'exercise', 'exhausted', 'exhilarating', 'exile', 'exist', 'exist
ence', 'exotic', 'expect', 'expected', 'expecting', 'expects', 'expelled', '
expense', 'expenses', 'expensive', 'experience', 'experienced', 'experiment'
, 'experiments', 'expert', 'experts', 'explain', 'explained', 'explaining',
'explains', 'exquisite', 'extend', 'extended', 'extinguished', 'extra', 'ext
raordinary', 'extravagance', 'extravagant', 'extreme', 'extremely', 'extreme
s', 'extricating', 'eye', 'eyeballs', 'eyed', 'eyes', 'eyrie', 'fables', 'fa
bric', 'face', 'faced', 'facedown', 'faceless', 'faces', 'facets', 'facility
', 'facing', 'fact', 'facts', 'fade', 'faded', 'fading', 'fail', 'failed', '
fails', 'faint', 'faintest', 'fainting', 'fair', 'faircastle', 'fairly', 'fa
irmarket', 'faith', 'faithfully', 'fall', 'fallen', 'falling', 'falls', 'fal
se', 'falsehood', 'falseness', 'falyse', 'famed', 'familiar', 'families', 'f
amily', 'famished', 'famous', 'fanatic', 'fanatics', 'fancied', 'fancy', 'fa
nfare', 'fangs', 'far', 'farce', 'fare', 'fares', 'farewell', 'farlen', 'far
m', 'farmer', 'farmers', 'farmhouse', 'farms', 'farmwork', 'fart', 'farted',
'farther', 'farts', 'fascinating', 'fashion', 'fast', 'faster', 'fastest',
'fasting', 'fat', 'fatal', 'fate', 'fathead', 'father', 'fathered', 'fatherl
y', 'fathers', 'fati', 'faull', 'fault', 'favor', 'favorite', 'favorites', '
favors', 'fawning', 'fealty', 'fear', 'feared', 'fearing', 'fears', 'fearsom
e', 'feast', 'feasted', 'feasting', 'feasts', 'feather', 'featherbed', 'feat
herbeds', 'feathers', 'fed', 'fee', 'feed', 'feeding', 'feel', 'feeling', 'f
eelings', 'feels', 'feet', 'feldan', 'fell', 'fella', 'fellow', 'fellows', '
felt', 'fennel', 'ferocious', 'ferret', 'fertile', 'fertility', 'fester', 'f
estered', 'fetch', 'fever', 'few', 'fewer', 'fi', 'field', 'fields', 'fierce
', 'fiercely', 'fiery', 'fifth', 'fight', 'fighter', 'fighters', 'fighting',
'fights', 'figs', 'figure', 'figured', 'figures', 'filicide', 'fill', 'fill
ed', 'filling', 'filth', 'filthy', 'fin', 'final', 'finality', 'finally', 'f
inances', 'financial', 'find', 'finding', 'finds', 'fine', 'finer', 'finest'
, 'finger', 'fingernails', 'fingers', 'finish', 'finished', 'fire', 'fired',
'fires', 'firikhnharen', 'firm', 'firmly', 'first', 'firstborn', 'firsthand
', 'fish', 'fisherman', 'fishermen', 'fishing', 'fishwives', 'fist', 'fists'
, 'fit', 'fitting', 'five', 'fixing', 'flag', 'flagon', 'flame', 'flames', '
flaming', 'flaps', 'flat', 'flattered', 'flattering', 'flattery', 'flavor',
'flay', 'flayed', 'flaying', 'flea', 'fleabite', 'fled', 'flee', 'fleeing',
'fleet', 'fleets', 'flesh', 'flew', 'flies', 'fling', 'flinging', 'flip', 'f
lit', 'floating', 'flock', 'flocking', 'flogged', 'flood', 'flooded', 'flood
ing', 'floor', 'floors', 'flop', 'florent', 'flour', 'flow', 'flowed', 'flow
er', 'flowered', 'flowers', 'flowery', 'flowing', 'flown', 'flows', 'flung',
'flutter', 'fly', 'flying', 'foe', 'foes', 'fold', 'folded', 'folk', 'folks
', 'follow', 'followed', 'following', 'follows', 'fond', 'fondle', 'fondness
', 'font', 'food', 'fool', 'fooling', 'foolish', 'fools', 'foot', 'footed',
'footsteps', 'for', 'foray', 'forbade', 'forbid', 'forbidden', 'force', 'for
ced', 'forces', 'forcing', 'ford', 'forebearers', 'foreign', 'foreigner', 'f
oreigners', 'forel', 'forest', 'forests', 'forever', 'forge', 'forged', 'for
get', 'forgetful', 'forgets', 'forgetting', 'forgive', 'forgiven', 'forgiven
ess', 'forgiving', 'forgot', 'forgotten', 'fork', 'forlorn', 'form', 'formal
', 'former', 'formidable', 'fornicates', 'forsake', 'forsaken', 'forsaking',
'forth', 'fortnight', 'fortress', 'fortresses', 'fortunate', 'fortune', 'fo
rward', 'fought', 'foul', 'fouls', 'found', 'four', 'fourth', 'foxes', 'frai
l', 'frailty', 'fratricide', 'fray', 'freak', 'freakish', 'free', 'freed', '
freedmen', 'freedom', 'freeing', 'freely', 'freerider', 'freeze', 'freezing'
, 'fresh', 'freshly', 'frey', 'freya', 'freys', 'fried', 'friend', 'friendly
', 'friends', 'friendship', 'fright', 'frighten', 'frightened', 'frightens',
'fringed', 'fro', 'from', 'front', 'frost', 'frostfangs', 'frown', 'froze',
'frozen', 'fruit', 'frustrating', 'fuck', 'fucked', 'fucker', 'fuckers', 'f
ucking', 'fucks', 'fulfills', 'full', 'fully', 'fun', 'fund', 'funding', 'fu
neral', 'funerals', 'funny', 'fur', 'furious', 'furs', 'further', 'fury', 'f
ussing', 'future', 'gaaa', 'gag', 'gain', 'gained', 'galbart', 'gallant', 'g
alley', 'galloping', 'gamble', 'gambled', 'gambler', 'gambling', 'game', 'ga
mes', 'ganes', 'gang', 'gaping', 'gaps', 'garb', 'garden', 'gardens', 'garla
nd', 'garlic', 'garret', 'garrison', 'garrisoned', 'garth', 'gash', 'gasping
', 'gasps', 'gate', 'gates', 'gather', 'gathered', 'gathering', 'gatherings'
, 'gathers', 'gave', 'gawking', 'gelded', 'gelmarr', 'gem', 'gems', 'gemston
es', 'gendry', 'general', 'generally', 'generals', 'generation', 'generation
s', 'generosity', 'generous', 'genna', 'gentle', 'gentlemen', 'gently', 'ger
ard', 'gesture', 'get', 'gets', 'getting', 'ghezn', 'ghiscar', 'ghiscari', '
ghost', 'ghosts', 'ghouls', 'giant', 'giants', 'giantsbane', 'giddyup', 'gif
t', 'gifted', 'gifts', 'giggle', 'giggles', 'giggling', 'gilded', 'gilly', '
gillyflower', 'gin', 'ginger', 'ginia', 'girl', 'girlhood', 'girls', 'give',
'given', 'gives', 'giving', 'gizikhven', 'glad', 'gladdened', 'gladly', 'gl
impses', 'gloat', 'glorified', 'glorious', 'glory', 'glover', 'gloves', 'glo
w', 'glue', 'gnarled', 'go', 'goat', 'goatherd', 'goats', 'goatshit', 'goble
t', 'god', 'goddess', 'godly', 'gods', 'godswife', 'godswood', 'goes', 'goin
g', 'goings', 'gold', 'golden', 'goldsmith', 'gone', 'gonna', 'good', 'goodb
ye', 'goodfolk', 'goodwill', 'gordo', 'gorgeous', 'gorgets', 'gossip', 'got'
, 'gotta', 'gotten', 'gouge', 'gout', 'govern', 'governance', 'gown', 'grab'
, 'grabbed', 'grace', 'graceless', 'graces', 'gracious', 'grammar', 'granari
es', 'grand', 'grandchild', 'grandchildren', 'granddaughter', 'granddaughter
s', 'grandest', 'grandfather', 'grandmother', 'grandpa', 'grandson', 'grands
ons', 'grant', 'granted', 'grappling', 'grasper', 'grasping', 'grass', 'grat
eful', 'gratitude', 'grave', 'graves', 'graveworms', 'gravy', 'gray', 'greas
ier', 'greasy', 'great', 'greater', 'greatest', 'greatjon', 'greatly', 'grea
tness', 'greatsword', 'greedy', 'green', 'greet', 'greetings', 'gregor', 'gr
eizhen', 'grenn', 'grew', 'grey', 'greyjoy', 'greyjoys', 'grief', 'grieve',
'grieves', 'grievously', 'grilled', 'grim', 'grimace', 'grip', 'grivas', 'gr
oaning', 'groans', 'groom', 'grotesque', 'grotesques', 'ground', 'grounds',
'group', 'grovel', 'grow', 'growing', 'growling', 'growls', 'grown', 'grows'
, 'grub', 'grubbing', 'grubby', 'grudges', 'gruesome', 'grumpkins', 'grunt',
'grunting', 'grunts', 'guard', 'guarded', 'guarding', 'guards', 'guardsman'
, 'guardsmen', 'guess', 'guessed', 'guessing', 'guest', 'guests', 'guidance'
, 'guide', 'guild', 'guilt', 'guilty', 'gullible', 'gunthor', 'gusting', 'gu
t', 'guts', 'gutter', 'guttural', 'guymon', 'gyles', 'ha', 'habit', 'hack',
'hacked', 'hacking', 'had', 'hadn', 'haggle', 'haigh', 'hail', 'hair', 'hair
ed', 'hairless', 'hairs', 'hairy', 'haj', 'hakar', 'haker', 'hal', 'halder',
'half', 'halfhand', 'halfman', 'halfway', 'halfwit', 'hall', 'halls', 'hall
yne', 'halt', 'ham', 'hamlet', 'hammer', 'hammering', 'hammers', 'hammi', 'h
and', 'handed', 'handle', 'handled', 'handler', 'handmaiden', 'handmaidens',
'hands', 'handsome', 'handsomely', 'hang', 'hanged', 'hanging', 'hangnail',
'happen', 'happened', 'happening', 'happens', 'happier', 'happiest', 'happi
ness', 'happy', 'harass', 'harbor', 'hard', 'harder', 'hardest', 'hardly', '
hardship', 'harker', 'harkon', 'harlot', 'harlots', 'harm', 'harmed', 'harml
ess', 'harp', 'harpy', 'harren', 'harrenhal', 'harrion', 'harsh', 'harshly',
'harvest', 'has', 'hash', 'hasn', 'haste', 'hasty', 'hat', 'hatch', 'hate',
'hated', 'hateful', 'hates', 'hatif', 'hating', 'hatred', 'hatted', 'haunt'
, 'have', 'haven', 'having', 'hawking', 'hay', 'hayseed', 'haystack', 'haz',
'he', 'head', 'headed', 'heading', 'headless', 'heads', 'heal', 'healed', '
healer', 'healing', 'health', 'healthy', 'heap', 'hear', 'heard', 'hearing',
'hears', 'heart', 'hearteater', 'heartfelt', 'hearth', 'hearths', 'hearts',
'heat', 'heave', 'heaven', 'heavens', 'heavily', 'heavy', 'heed', 'heeds',
'heel', 'heels', 'height', 'heights', 'heir', 'heirs', 'held', 'hell', 'hell
o', 'hells', 'helm', 'helmet', 'helms', 'help', 'helped', 'helpful', 'helpin
g', 'helpless', 'helps', 'henceforth', 'hendals', 'hens', 'her', 'herd', 'he
rders', 'herding', 'here', 'hereby', 'herein', 'heretical', 'hero', 'heroes'
, 'heroic', 'heroine', 'hers', 'herself', 'heward', 'hey', 'hid', 'hidden',
'hide', 'hides', 'hiding', 'high', 'highborn', 'highborns', 'higher', 'highe
st', 'highgarden', 'highly', 'highwaymen', 'hill', 'hills', 'him', 'himself'
, 'hinder', 'hindrance', 'hire', 'hired', 'hiring', 'his', 'hisses', 'histor
ic', 'histories', 'history', 'hit', 'hits', 'hitting', 'hizdahr', 'hmm', 'hm
mm', 'hmph', 'ho', 'hobb', 'hobble', 'hobbled', 'hodor', 'hodoring', 'hog',
'hoist', 'hold', 'holdfast', 'holding', 'holdings', 'holds', 'hole', 'holed'
, 'holes', 'holiness', 'hollard', 'hollers', 'holy', 'home', 'homecoming', '
homeland', 'homes', 'honest', 'honestly', 'honesty', 'honey', 'honeycomb', '
honor', 'honorable', 'honored', 'honors', 'hood', 'hooded', 'hoofbeats', 'ho
ok', 'hooked', 'hooves', 'hope', 'hoped', 'hopes', 'hoping', 'horde', 'horiz
on', 'horn', 'hornfoots', 'hornwood', 'horrible', 'horribly', 'horrid', 'hor
ror', 'horrors', 'horse', 'horseback', 'horselord', 'horselords', 'horsepart
s', 'horses', 'horseshit', 'hoshora', 'hospitality', 'host', 'hostage', 'hos
tages', 'hoster', 'hostility', 'hosts', 'hot', 'hother', 'hottest', 'hound',
'hounds', 'hour', 'hours', 'house', 'household', 'houses', 'how', 'however'
, 'howland', 'howling', 'huffs', 'huge', 'hugh', 'huh', 'human', 'humble', '
humbly', 'humiliated', 'humility', 'humor', 'humorless', 'hundred', 'hundred
s', 'hung', 'hunger', 'hungry', 'hunt', 'hunted', 'hunter', 'hunters', 'hunt
ing', 'hunts', 'huntsmen', 'hup', 'hurrah', 'hurry', 'hurt', 'hurting', 'hur
ts', 'husband', 'husbands', 'hush', 'husks', 'hut', 'huts', 'hyah', 'hymn',
'ice', 'iced', 'idea', 'ideal', 'ideas', 'identity', 'idiot', 'idiots', 'idl
e', 'idols', 'if', 'ifa', 'ignorance', 'ignore', 'ignored', 'ii', 'ill', 'il
lness', 'ills', 'illuminated', 'illusions', 'illyrio', 'ilyn', 'imagination'
, 'imagine', 'imagined', 'imbecile', 'imitation', 'immediate', 'immediately'
, 'imminent', 'immune', 'imp', 'impact', 'impassable', 'impeccable', 'imperi
al', 'impertinent', 'implicate', 'implores', 'import', 'importance', 'import
ant', 'impossible', 'impregnable', 'impregnate', 'impress', 'impressed', 'im
pressive', 'imprison', 'imprisoned', 'imprisonment', 'improper', 'improved',
'improvement', 'impudent', 'impulse', 'impunent', 'impunity', 'in', 'inappr
opriate', 'incest', 'inch', 'inches', 'incident', 'inclination', 'inclinatio
ns', 'included', 'including', 'income', 'incomes', 'indeed', 'independent',
'indoors', 'industry', 'infant', 'infanticide', 'infantry', 'infantrymen', '
infected', 'infidel', 'infidels', 'infiltrator', 'influence', 'inform', 'inf
ormants', 'information', 'informed', 'informing', 'ingenuity', 'ingrate', 'i
ngrates', 'ingredients', 'inhales', 'inherit', 'inheritance', 'inherited', '
injustice', 'ink', 'inkwell', 'inn', 'innards', 'inner', 'innkeep', 'innocen
ce', 'innocent', 'innocents', 'inns', 'inordinate', 'inquiring', 'insalubrio
us', 'insensate', 'inside', 'insight', 'insights', 'insist', 'insisted', 'in
sists', 'inspiration', 'inspire', 'inspired', 'inspires', 'inspiring', 'inst
all', 'installed', 'instance', 'instant', 'instead', 'instincts', 'instruct'
, 'instructed', 'instructions', 'instructs', 'insult', 'insulted', 'insultin
g', 'insults', 'intact', 'integrity', 'intelligence', 'intelligent', 'intend
', 'intended', 'intends', 'intentions', 'interest', 'interested', 'interesti
ng', 'interests', 'interfered', 'interpret', 'interpretation', 'interrogate'
, 'interrogating', 'interrupt', 'interrupting', 'interruption', 'intimate',
'into', 'intrepid', 'introduce', 'intrusion', 'inv', 'invade', 'invaded', 'i
nvader', 'invaders', 'invasion', 'invent', 'invented', 'inventory', 'investi
gation', 'investment', 'investments', 'invincible', 'invit', 'invitation', '
invite', 'invited', 'invites', 'invoke', 'involve', 'involved', 'involvement
', 'irogenia', 'iron', 'ironborn', 'ironies', 'irons', 'irrefutable', 'irri'
, 'irriya', 'is', 'ish', 'ishish', 'island', 'islander', 'islanders', 'islan
ds', 'isle', 'isles', 'isn', 'issue', 'it', 'itch', 'its', 'itself', 'ivory'
, 'ja', 'jabbering', 'jack', 'jackass', 'jadi', 'jaehaerys', 'jafer', 'jaile
rs', 'jaime', 'jakar', 'jam', 'janos', 'jaqen', 'jars', 'jaunt', 'jaw', 'jaw
s', 'jealous', 'jeor', 'jeremy', 'jesters', 'jewelers', 'jewelry', 'jewels',
'jeyne', 'jhaqo', 'job', 'jobs', 'joby', 'joe', 'joff', 'joffrey', 'join',
'joined', 'joining', 'joins', 'jojen', 'joke', 'jokes', 'joking', 'jolin', '
jolly', 'jon', 'jonas', 'jonquil', 'jorah', 'jory', 'journey', 'joust', 'jou
sting', 'joy', 'judge', 'judged', 'judges', 'judgment', 'judgmental', 'juggl
e', 'jugglers', 'juices', 'juicy', 'jump', 'jumped', 'just', 'justice', 'juv
enile', 'jíni', 'ka', 'kaeth', 'karhold', 'karl', 'karstark', 'karstarks', '
kash', 'kayla', 'keen', 'keep', 'keeping', 'keeps', 'kegs', 'kennels', 'kenn
ing', 'kept', 'kevan', 'key', 'khal', 'khalakka', 'khalasar', 'khaleesi', 'k
hals', 'ki', 'kick', 'kicked', 'kicking', 'kidnap', 'kidnapped', 'kidney', '
kidneys', 'kids', 'kill', 'killed', 'killer', 'killers', 'killing', 'kills',
'kin', 'kind', 'kinder', 'kindly', 'kindness', 'kinds', 'king', 'kingdom',
'kingdoms', 'kingly', 'kings', 'kingsgrave', 'kingsguard', 'kingsguards', 'k
ingslayer', 'kingsroad', 'kingswood', 'kiss', 'kissed', 'kissing', 'kitchen'
, 'kitchens', 'kite', 'kitten', 'kittens', 'knack', 'knee', 'kneel', 'kneele
r', 'kneeling', 'knees', 'knelt', 'knew', 'knife', 'knight', 'knighted', 'kn
ighthood', 'knights', 'knobble', 'knock', 'knocked', 'knocking', 'knocks', '
knot', 'knots', 'know', 'knowing', 'knowledge', 'knowledgeable', 'known', 'k
nows', 'knucklebones', 'kovarro', 'kraken', 'krakens', 'kraznys', 'kullback'
, 'kuuh', 'labor', 'laboratory', 'labored', 'laborers', 'lace', 'lack', 'lac
ked', 'lackey', 'lacks', 'lad', 'ladder', 'ladders', 'ladies', 'lads', 'lady
', 'ladyship', 'laid', 'lake', 'lamb', 'lambs', 'lamprey', 'lance', 'lancel'
, 'lancers', 'lances', 'land', 'landed', 'landing', 'landmarks', 'lands', 'l
anguage', 'languages', 'lannis', 'lannisport', 'lannister', 'lannisters', 'l
ap', 'lard', 'larder', 'larders', 'large', 'largely', 'larger', 'largest', '
last', 'lasted', 'lasting', 'lastly', 'lasts', 'late', 'later', 'latest', 'l
atrine', 'latter', 'laugh', 'laughed', 'laughing', 'laughs', 'laughter', 'la
unch', 'lavender', 'law', 'lawful', 'laws', 'lay', 'lays', 'lazarheen', 'laz
y', 'lead', 'leader', 'leadership', 'leading', 'leads', 'leaf', 'leagues', '
leaks', 'lean', 'leap', 'learn', 'learned', 'learner', 'learning', 'learns',
'leash', 'leashed', 'least', 'leather', 'leave', 'leaves', 'leaving', 'lech
er', 'lecherous', 'lecture', 'lectures', 'led', 'ledgers', 'leech', 'left',
'leftover', 'leftovers', 'leg', 'legacy', 'legend', 'legendary', 'legged', '
legs', 'leisure', 'leisurely', 'lemon', 'lemons', 'lemonwood', 'lend', 'leng
th', 'less', 'lesser', 'lesson', 'lessons', 'let', 'lets', 'letter', 'letter
s', 'letting', 'lever', 'levies', 'leygood', 'lhara', 'liability', 'liar', '
liars', 'liberated', 'liberating', 'liberation', 'liberator', 'library', 'li
ck', 'licked', 'licking', 'licks', 'lid', 'lie', 'lied', 'liege', 'lies', 'l
ieutenant', 'lieutenants', 'life', 'lifestyle', 'lifetime', 'lift', 'lifted'
, 'light', 'lightbringer', 'lighten', 'lighting', 'like', 'liked', 'likely',
'likes', 'liking', 'limb', 'limbs', 'limited', 'limp', 'line', 'lineages',
'linens', 'lines', 'linger', 'lingered', 'lining', 'link', 'lion', 'lions',
'lips', 'liquid', 'list', 'listen', 'listened', 'listener', 'listening', 'li
stens', 'lit', 'literary', 'literate', 'litter', 'litters', 'little', 'littl
efinger', 'live', 'lived', 'lives', 'livestock', 'living', 'lizard', 'lo', '
load', 'loaded', 'loading', 'loads', 'loan', 'loaned', 'loans', 'loathe', 'l
oathes', 'lobster', 'locale', 'locals', 'locate', 'lock', 'locke', 'locked',
'locksmiths', 'log', 'logic', 'logical', 'logistics', 'lollys', 'lommy', 'l
onely', 'lonesome', 'long', 'longaxes', 'longclaw', 'longer', 'longest', 'lo
ngevity', 'longships', 'longsword', 'look', 'looked', 'looking', 'lookout',
'lookouts', 'looks', 'loose', 'loosened', 'looting', 'loraq', 'loras', 'lora
th', 'lorathi', 'lorch', 'lord', 'lorded', 'lordlings', 'lords', 'lordship',
'lordships', 'lorren', 'lose', 'loses', 'losing', 'loss', 'losses', 'lost',
'lot', 'lothor', 'lots', 'loud', 'louder', 'loudly', 'love', 'loved', 'love
lier', 'lovely', 'lovemaking', 'lover', 'lovers', 'loves', 'loving', 'low',
'lowborn', 'lowell', 'lower', 'lowest', 'lowly', 'loyal', 'loyally', 'loyalt
y', 'luck', 'luckily', 'lucky', 'ludicrous', 'luke', 'lummox', 'lump', 'luna
tic', 'lunch', 'lunge', 'lungs', 'lured', 'lurking', 'lust', 'luthor', 'luwi
n', 'lyanna', 'lying', 'lyonel', 'lys', 'lysa', 'lysene', 'ma', 'maan', 'mac
abre', 'mace', 'maces', 'macomber', 'mad', 'made', 'madman', 'madness', 'mae
', 'maegor', 'maegyr', 'maekar', 'maester', 'maesters', 'mag', 'maggots', 'm
agic', 'magical', 'magician', 'magister', 'magisters', 'magnificent', 'mahra
zhi', 'maid', 'maiden', 'maidenpool', 'maidens', 'maids', 'maiming', 'main',
'mainland', 'mainly', 'maintain', 'maintaining', 'maintenance', 'majesty',
'major', 'make', 'maker', 'makes', 'making', 'maladies', 'malakko', 'malcolm
', 'malicious', 'mallet', 'mallister', 'mama', 'mammoth', 'mammoths', 'man',
'manacles', 'manage', 'managed', 'manages', 'managing', 'mance', 'mandon',
'manhood', 'manipulate', 'manipulated', 'manned', 'manner', 'manners', 'mann
ing', 'manservant', 'mant', 'mantari', 'manticore', 'manure', 'manwoodys', '
many', 'map', 'marbled', 'marbrand', 'march', 'marched', 'marches', 'marchin
g', 'mare', 'marei', 'margaery', 'margins', 'marianne', 'marillion', 'mark',
'marked', 'markedly', 'marker', 'market', 'marks', 'marksman', 'marlon', 'm
arlyn', 'marriage', 'marriages', 'married', 'marries', 'marry', 'marrying',
'marsh', 'martell', 'martells', 'marts', 'martyn', 'marvelous', 'masons', 'm
asquerade', 'masquerades', 'massacre', 'massacred', 'massacres', 'master', '
mastered', 'masters', 'match', 'matched', 'mate', 'mathematicians', 'mating'
, 'matricide', 'matrimony', 'matter', 'matters', 'matthar', 'matthos', 'matt
ress', 'may', 'maybe', 'maz', 'me', 'meadow', 'meal', 'meals', 'mean', 'mean
ing', 'meaningless', 'means', 'meant', 'measured', 'measurements', 'measures
', 'meat', 'meddling', 'medicine', 'meekly', 'meera', 'meereen', 'meereenese
', 'meereens', 'meet', 'meeting', 'meetings', 'melancholy', 'melee', 'melisa
ndre', 'melt', 'melted', 'melts', 'member', 'meme', 'memorable', 'memory', '
men', 'mending', 'mention', 'mentioned', 'mentioning', 'meows', 'meraxes', '
merchant', 'merchants', 'merciful', 'mercy', 'mere', 'merely', 'merit', 'mer
its', 'mermaids', 'mermen', 'mero', 'merry', 'meryl', 'meryn', 'meself', 'me
ss', 'message', 'messages', 'messed', 'messing', 'messy', 'met', 'metal', 'm
etalwork', 'meted', 'mewling', 'mhaegen', 'mhar', 'mhysa', 'mice', 'midafter
noon', 'midday', 'middle', 'midget', 'midnight', 'midst', 'midwives', 'mighd
al', 'might', 'mighty', 'mikken', 'milady', 'mildly', 'mile', 'mileposts', '
miles', 'military', 'milk', 'milked', 'milkmaid', 'mill', 'million', 'millio
ns', 'mincing', 'mind', 'minded', 'mindless', 'minds', 'mine', 'mined', 'min
es', 'minge', 'mink', 'minor', 'minstrel', 'minute', 'minutes', 'miracle', '
miracles', 'mirri', 'mischief', 'miserable', 'misery', 'misfor', 'misfortune
', 'misgivings', 'mishear', 'miss', 'missandei', 'missed', 'misses', 'missin
g', 'mission', 'misstep', 'mistake', 'mistaken', 'mistakes', 'mistaking', 'm
istreated', 'mistreating', 'mistress', 'mistrust', 'misunderstanding', 'miti
gate', 'mitigated', 'mix', 'mixed', 'mm', 'mmm', 'mmmm', 'mo', 'moaning', 'm
oans', 'moat', 'mob', 'mock', 'mocked', 'mocking', 'mockingbird', 'modest',
'molasses', 'mole', 'mom', 'moment', 'moments', 'mommy', 'monarch', 'money',
'moneylender', 'monkey', 'monster', 'monsters', 'monstrous', 'monstrously',
'month', 'months', 'mood', 'moon', 'moonlight', 'moons', 'moore', 'mooring'
, 'moors', 'moose', 'mooton', 'mopatis', 'morale', 'morals', 'mord', 'mordan
e', 'more', 'morghulis', 'mori', 'mormont', 'mormonts', 'morning', 'moron',
'morons', 'mortared', 'most', 'mostly', 'mother', 'mothered', 'motherfucker'
, 'motherless', 'mothers', 'motivations', 'motive', 'mott', 'motte', 'motto'
, 'mount', 'mountain', 'mountains', 'mountaintop', 'mounted', 'mounts', 'mou
rn', 'mournful', 'mourning', 'mouse', 'mouth', 'mouths', 'move', 'moved', 'm
ovement', 'movements', 'moves', 'moving', 'mra', 'much', 'muck', 'mud', 'mud
dy', 'muffled', 'mug', 'mule', 'mulled', 'mully', 'multitudes', 'mummer', 'm
ummy', 'murd', 'murder', 'murdered', 'murderer', 'murderers', 'murdering', '
murderous', 'murders', 'murmuring', 'murmurs', 'muscles', 'musgood', 'mushro
oms', 'music', 'musical', 'must', 'muster', 'mustn', 'mute', 'mutilate', 'mu
tilated', 'mutilation', 'mutineers', 'mutinied', 'mutter', 'muttering', 'mut
ters', 'mutton', 'mutual', 'mutually', 'muzzled', 'my', 'mycah', 'myr', 'myr
anda', 'myrcella', 'myrish', 'myself', 'mysteries', 'mysterious', 'na', 'naa
th', 'nah', 'naharis', 'nail', 'nailed', 'nails', 'naive', 'naked', 'name',
'named', 'nameday', 'nameless', 'names', 'naming', 'nan', 'nana', 'nance', '
narrow', 'nastiness', 'nasty', 'nations', 'natural', 'naturally', 'nature',
'naught', 'navel', 'navigation', 'navy', 'near', 'nearby', 'nearest', 'nearl
y', 'neat', 'necessary', 'neck', 'necklace', 'necks', 'nectar', 'ned', 'need
', 'needed', 'needing', 'needle', 'needles', 'needs', 'negotiate', 'negotiat
ions', 'neigh', 'neighbors', 'neighing', 'neighs', 'neila', 'neither', 'nelu
go', 'nem', 'nemo', 'nephew', 'nephews', 'nepoticide', 'nerves', 'nervous',
'nes', 'nest', 'nesting', 'nets', 'nevakhi', 'never', 'new', 'newborn', 'new
est', 'news', 'next', 'nharees', 'nharesoon', 'nic', 'nice', 'nicely', 'nice
r', 'nick', 'nicked', 'nickname', 'niece', 'nig', 'night', 'nightfall', 'nig
htfort', 'nightmare', 'nightmares', 'nights', 'nightshade', 'nigit', 'niko',
'nine', 'ninth', 'nipples', 'nippy', 'no', 'nobility', 'noble', 'nobleman',
'noblemen', 'nobles', 'noblewoman', 'nobly', 'nobody', 'nock', 'nocturnal',
'noise', 'nokitta', 'none', 'nonexistent', 'nonsense', 'nor', 'normal', 'no
rmally', 'north', 'northern', 'northerner', 'northerners', 'northman', 'nort
hmen', 'nose', 'not', 'note', 'noted', 'nothing', 'notice', 'noticed', 'noti
on', 'notions', 'now', 'nowhere', 'noxious', 'number', 'numbered', 'numbers'
, 'nurse', 'nursery', 'nursing', 'nymeria', 'oaf', 'oafs', 'oath', 'oathbrea
ker', 'oathkeeper', 'oaths', 'oats', 'obedience', 'oberyn', 'obey', 'obeyed'
, 'objectively', 'obligation', 'obsequious', 'observe', 'observed', 'observe
rs', 'obsessed', 'obsidian', 'obvious', 'obviously', 'occasion', 'occasional
', 'occasionally', 'occasions', 'occupied', 'occupying', 'occur', 'occurred'
, 'occurs', 'ocean', 'odd', 'oddest', 'oddly', 'odds', 'of', 'off', 'offend'
, 'offended', 'offense', 'offensive', 'offer', 'offered', 'offering', 'offer
ings', 'offers', 'officers', 'offices', 'official', 'officially', 'offshore'
, 'oft', 'often', 'oh', 'ohh', 'ohos', 'oi', 'oil', 'oink', 'ointments', 'ok
ay', 'old', 'older', 'oldest', 'olenna', 'olive', 'olly', 'olsen', 'olyvar',
'olyver', 'omen', 'omens', 'ominous', 'on', 'once', 'one', 'ones', 'onion',
'onions', 'only', 'onto', 'onward', 'oof', 'ooh', 'oooo', 'oozing', 'open',
'opened', 'opening', 'opens', 'opinion', 'opinions', 'opponent', 'opponents
', 'opportune', 'opportunities', 'opportunity', 'oppose', 'option', 'or', 'o
ranges', 'order', 'ordered', 'orders', 'ordinary', 'orell', 'organized', 'or
igin', 'original', 'originally', 'orphan', 'orphanage', 'orphans', 'orson',
'orys', 'os', 'osha', 'osric', 'other', 'others', 'otherwise', 'othor', 'oug
ht', 'ounces', 'our', 'ours', 'ourselves', 'out', 'outbursts', 'outer', 'out
fitted', 'outfox', 'outlaw', 'outlawed', 'outlaws', 'outnumber', 'outnumbere
d', 'outrage', 'outrageous', 'outrun', 'outside', 'outsider', 'outsiders', '
outspend', 'outtalking', 'outthinking', 'oven', 'over', 'overcome', 'overcom
ing', 'overdo', 'overdressed', 'overestimated', 'overextended', 'overflowing
', 'overly', 'overplaying', 'overpower', 'overpraise', 'overprotective', 'ov
erreach', 'overruled', 'overrun', 'oversaw', 'overthrow', 'overthrown', 'ove
rwhelm', 'ow', 'owe', 'owed', 'owes', 'owl', 'owls', 'own', 'owned', 'owner'
, 'owns', 'ox', 'oxcross', 'pace', 'paces', 'pack', 'packed', 'packing', 'pa
cks', 'pact', 'padding', 'paddling', 'page', 'pages', 'paid', 'pain', 'painf
ul', 'pains', 'painted', 'painter', 'pair', 'palace', 'palaces', 'pale', 'pa
mpered', 'panic', 'panics', 'panting', 'pantry', 'pants', 'papa', 'paper', '
papers', 'paragon', 'paramount', 'paramour', 'parchment', 'pardon', 'pardone
d', 'pardoning', 'parent', 'parents', 'parlor', 'parry', 'part', 'partake',
'particular', 'particularly', 'parties', 'partner', 'partners', 'partook', '
partridge', 'parts', 'party', 'pass', 'passage', 'passageways', 'passed', 'p
asses', 'passion', 'past', 'pat', 'patched', 'path', 'paths', 'patience', 'p
atient', 'patiently', 'patricide', 'patrol', 'patrolling', 'patrols', 'patro
n', 'patronage', 'pauper', 'paupers', 'paved', 'pay', 'paying', 'payment', '
payne', 'pays', 'peace', 'peaceful', 'peacefully', 'peacetime', 'peasant', '
peasants', 'peasebury', 'peck', 'peeking', 'peeled', 'peeling', 'pelts', 'pe
n', 'penalty', 'penchant', 'penetrate', 'penetrates', 'penmanship', 'penny',
'pens', 'pentos', 'pentoshi', 'people', 'pepper', 'perfect', 'perfected', '
perfecting', 'perfectly', 'perform', 'performance', 'performed', 'performing
', 'perfumed', 'perhaps', 'perilous', 'perils', 'perimeter', 'period', 'peri
sh', 'permanent', 'permission', 'permit', 'permits', 'person', 'personal', '
personality', 'personally', 'persons', 'perspective', 'persuade', 'persuasiv
e', 'perversion', 'perversions', 'pervert', 'pest', 'pet', 'petrified', 'pet
yr', 'pfft', 'phantom', 'philosopher', 'philosophers', 'philosophical', 'phr
ase', 'pick', 'picked', 'picking', 'pickings', 'pickpockets', 'picks', 'pict
ure', 'pictured', 'picturing', 'pie', 'piece', 'pieces', 'piecrust', 'pierce
', 'pierced', 'piercing', 'pies', 'pig', 'pigeon', 'pigeons', 'piggy', 'pigs
', 'pike', 'pikemen', 'pikes', 'pile', 'piles', 'pillage', 'pillaging', 'pil
lar', 'pillow', 'pin', 'pincers', 'pinch', 'pinched', 'pink', 'pious', 'pipe
s', 'pirate', 'pirates', 'piss', 'pissed', 'pisses', 'pissing', 'pit', 'pitc
h', 'pitied', 'pits', 'pity', 'pivot', 'place', 'placed', 'places', 'plague'
, 'plain', 'plan', 'plank', 'planned', 'planning', 'plans', 'plant', 'plants
', 'plate', 'plated', 'plates', 'play', 'played', 'players', 'playing', 'pla
ything', 'plaza', 'plea', 'plead', 'pleaded', 'pleas', 'pleasant', 'please',
'pleased', 'pleases', 'pleasing', 'pleasure', 'pleasures', 'pleasuring', 'p
ledge', 'pledged', 'pledging', 'plenty', 'plot', 'plots', 'plotted', 'plotti
ng', 'ploughmen', 'plow', 'plowing', 'pluck', 'plucked', 'plug', 'plumber',
'plump', 'plunder', 'plundered', 'plundering', 'plunged', 'plus', 'poachers'
, 'pocket', 'pockets', 'pod', 'podrick', 'poem', 'poet', 'poetry', 'point',
'pointed', 'pointing', 'points', 'pointy', 'poison', 'poisoned', 'poisoner',
'poisoning', 'poisonous', 'poisons', 'poke', 'poker', 'polished', 'polite',
'politics', 'polliver', 'pollute', 'pommel', 'pomp', 'pomposity', 'pompous'
, 'ponder', 'ponderous', 'pono', 'pony', 'poof', 'poole', 'poor', 'poorest',
'poorhouse', 'poorly', 'poppy', 'popular', 'population', 'pork', 'porkchop'
, 'porridge', 'port', 'portan', 'pose', 'position', 'positively', 'possess',
'possessed', 'possession', 'possibilities', 'possible', 'possibly', 'post',
'posted', 'posts', 'pot', 'potato', 'potatoes', 'potential', 'potion', 'pot
ions', 'pots', 'pounce', 'pound', 'pounds', 'pour', 'poured', 'pouring', 'po
verty', 'powder', 'powders', 'power', 'powerful', 'powerless', 'powers', 'po
x', 'ppp', 'practical', 'practically', 'practice', 'practicing', 'praise', '
prancing', 'pray', 'prayed', 'prayer', 'prayers', 'praying', 'preach', 'prea
ching', 'precarious', 'precedent', 'precious', 'precise', 'precisely', 'pred
ecessor', 'predictable', 'predilections', 'predisposed', 'pree', 'preen', 'p
refer', 'preferable', 'preference', 'preferred', 'prefers', 'pregnant', 'pre
mises', 'prendahl', 'preoccupied', 'preparations', 'prepare', 'prepared', 'p
reparing', 'prerogative', 'presence', 'present', 'presentable', 'presents',
'preservation', 'preserve', 'preside', 'press', 'pressed', 'pressing', 'pres
sure', 'pressures', 'preston', 'presume', 'presumed', 'pretend', 'pretender'
, 'pretending', 'pretends', 'pretentious', 'prettier', 'pretty', 'prevail',
'prevailed', 'prey', 'price', 'priceless', 'prick', 'prickly', 'pride', 'pri
est', 'priestess', 'priests', 'primary', 'prime', 'primitive', 'primp', 'pri
nce', 'princes', 'princess', 'princesses', 'principal', 'principle', 'priori
ty', 'prison', 'prisoner', 'prisoners', 'privacy', 'private', 'privates', 'p
rivilege', 'privy', 'prize', 'prized', 'probably', 'problem', 'problems', 'p
rocess', 'proclaim', 'proclaims', 'proclivities', 'procured', 'procurer', 'p
rodigies', 'produce', 'product', 'productive', 'productively', 'profaned', '
profession', 'profile', 'profit', 'profitable', 'profits', 'progress', 'prom
inent', 'promise', 'promised', 'promises', 'promising', 'prone', 'pronounce'
, 'proof', 'proper', 'properly', 'property', 'prophecies', 'proportionate',
'proposal', 'propose', 'proposed', 'proposition', 'prospect', 'prosper', 'pr
ospers', 'protect', 'protected', 'protecting', 'protection', 'protector', 'p
rotectors', 'protects', 'protracted', 'proud', 'proudest', 'prove', 'proved'
, 'proven', 'proverb', 'provide', 'provided', 'providing', 'province', 'prov
incial', 'provisions', 'provoke', 'prowling', 'prudent', 'pry', 'pssst', 'ps
st', 'public', 'pudding', 'puddle', 'puff', 'pull', 'pulled', 'pulling', 'pu
mping', 'punch', 'punctuality', 'punish', 'punishable', 'punished', 'punishi
ng', 'punishment', 'pup', 'puppies', 'pups', 'pure', 'purest', 'purple', 'pu
rpose', 'purposes', 'purse', 'pursue', 'pursuit', 'purveyor', 'push', 'pushe
d', 'pushing', 'put', 'puts', 'putting', 'pyat', 'pycelle', 'pyke', 'pyp', '
pyramid', 'pyre', 'pyromancer', 'qana', 'qarth', 'qartheen', 'qhorin', 'qoho
r', 'qora', 'qorasokh', 'qothoon', 'qoy', 'qoyi', 'qualities', 'quality', 'q
uandary', 'quarrel', 'quartered', 'quartering', 'quarterman', 'quarters', 'q
uarth', 'queen', 'queens', 'queensguard', 'quent', 'question', 'questioned',
'questioning', 'questions', 'quick', 'quicker', 'quickly', 'quiet', 'quietl
y', 'quill', 'quit', 'quite', 'quivered', 'quoting', 'qyburn', 'rabbit', 'ra
bbits', 'race', 'racing', 'radiant', 'rag', 'rage', 'raged', 'ragged', 'rags
', 'rah', 'raid', 'raiders', 'raiding', 'raids', 'rain', 'rains', 'raise', '
raised', 'rake', 'rakh', 'rakharo', 'rallied', 'rally', 'rallying', 'ram', '
ramming', 'ramp', 'ramsay', 'ran', 'rancer', 'randyll', 'rang', 'range', 'ra
nger', 'rangers', 'ranging', 'rank', 'ranks', 'ransom', 'ransoming', 'rant',
'rape', 'raped', 'raper', 'rapers', 'raping', 'rapport', 'rare', 'rarely',
'rashness', 'raspberries', 'rast', 'rat', 'rate', 'rather', 'rats', 'rattle'
, 'rattles', 'rattleshirt', 'raven', 'ravens', 'raving', 'ravishing', 'rayde
r', 'razdal', 'razor', 'rd', 'reach', 'reached', 'reaching', 'read', 'readin
g', 'reads', 'ready', 'real', 'realist', 'realize', 'realized', 'really', 'r
ealm', 'realms', 'reaming', 'reaps', 'rear', 'reason', 'reasonable', 'reason
ably', 'reasons', 'reassert', 'reave', 'reavers', 'reaving', 'rebel', 'rebel
led', 'rebelling', 'rebellion', 'rebellions', 'rebels', 'reborn', 'rebuild',
'recall', 'recapture', 'receive', 'received', 'recent', 'recently', 'recite
', 'reciting', 'reckless', 'recklessly', 'recklessness', 'reckon', 'reckonin
g', 'recognize', 'recognized', 'recommends', 'reconsider', 'recovery', 'recr
uit', 'recruits', 'recuse', 'red', 'redeeming', 'redhead', 'redheaded', 'red
heads', 'redwyne', 'reed', 'reek', 'reeling', 'reenslaved', 'refer', 'reforg
ed', 'reforms', 'refreshment', 'refugees', 'refuse', 'refused', 'refuses', '
refusing', 'regal', 'regard', 'regardless', 'regards', 'regent', 'regicide',
'reginald', 'regret', 'regrets', 'regroup', 'reign', 'reigned', 'reigns', '
reinforcements', 'reins', 'reject', 'rejoice', 'rejoin', 'rek', 'related', '
relations', 'relationship', 'relative', 'relatively', 'relax', 'release', 'r
eleased', 'releasing', 'relentless', 'relevant', 'reliable', 'relief', 'reli
eve', 'relieved', 'relieves', 'religion', 'religious', 'remain', 'remained',
'remaining', 'remains', 'remarkable', 'remedy', 'remember', 'remembered', '
remembering', 'remembers', 'remind', 'reminded', 'reminder', 'reminding', 'r
eminds', 'remiss', 'remotely', 'remove', 'removed', 'removing', 'render', 'r
endered', 'rendition', 'renly', 'rennick', 'renounce', 'renounces', 'renowne
d', 'rent', 'repaid', 'repair', 'repay', 'repayment', 'repeatedly', 'repeati
ng', 'repelled', 'replace', 'replaced', 'replied', 'replies', 'reply', 'repo
rt', 'reporting', 'reports', 'represent', 'reprieve', 'repugnant', 'repulsiv
e', 'reputation', 'request', 'requested', 'require', 'required', 'requires',
'rescue', 'rescued', 'reset', 'residence', 'resides', 'residue', 'resilient
', 'resist', 'resolved', 'resources', 'respect', 'respected', 'respectful',
'respectfully', 'respects', 'respite', 'respond', 'response', 'responsibilit
ies', 'responsibility', 'responsible', 'rest', 'restitution', 'restoration',
'restore', 'restraint', 'result', 'results', 'retain', 'retainer', 'retaine
rs', 'retake', 'retaken', 'retaliate', 'retreating', 'return', 'returned', '
returning', 'returns', 'reunited', 'reveal', 'revealed', 'revenge', 'reverse
d', 'reviewed', 'reward', 'rewarded', 'rewarding', 'rewards', 'rework', 'rey
ne', 'rhae', 'rhaegar', 'rhaego', 'rhaenyra', 'rhaenys', 'rhaesheseres', 'rh
oyne', 'rhythm', 'rib', 'rich', 'richer', 'riches', 'richest', 'rickard', 'r
ickon', 'rid', 'ridden', 'riddle', 'riddles', 'ride', 'rider', 'riders', 'ri
des', 'ridge', 'ridiculous', 'riding', 'right', 'righteous', 'rightful', 'ri
ghtly', 'rights', 'rigid', 'rigorous', 'ring', 'ringing', 'rings', 'riot', '
rip', 'ripe', 'riposte', 'ripped', 'ripping', 'rips', 'rise', 'risen', 'rise
s', 'rising', 'risk', 'risked', 'risking', 'rit', 'rite', 'ritsas', 'rivals'
, 'river', 'riverbank', 'riverland', 'riverlands', 'riverrun', 'rivers', 'ro
ad', 'roads', 'roam', 'roamed', 'roaming', 'roared', 'roaring', 'roasted', '
robb', 'robbed', 'robe', 'robert', 'robes', 'robin', 'rock', 'rocked', 'rock
s', 'rod', 'rode', 'rodrik', 'role', 'roles', 'roll', 'rolled', 'rolling', '
romantic', 'roof', 'rook', 'rookery', 'room', 'rooms', 'roose', 'rooster', '
roosters', 'root', 'roots', 'rope', 'ropes', 'rorge', 'ros', 'rose', 'roses'
, 'roslin', 'rot', 'rots', 'rotted', 'rotten', 'rotting', 'rough', 'rougher'
, 'roughshod', 'round', 'rounded', 'rounds', 'rouse', 'row', 'rowed', 'rows'
, 'royal', 'royce', 'rub', 'rubbed', 'rubbish', 'rubble', 'rubs', 'rude', 'r
udeness', 'ruffian', 'ruin', 'ruined', 'ruining', 'ruins', 'rule', 'ruled',
'ruler', 'rulers', 'rules', 'ruling', 'rum', 'rumbles', 'rumbling', 'rumor',
'rumors', 'run', 'runaways', 'rung', 'runner', 'running', 'runs', 'runt', '
rushes', 'rusing', 'rustling', 'rye', 'rylene', 'rytsas', 'saan', 'sack', 's
acked', 'sacking', 'sacks', 'sacred', 'sacrifice', 'sacrifices', 'sacrilege'
, 'sad', 'saddens', 'saddle', 'saddlebags', 'saddled', 'saddler', 'sadly', '
sadness', 'safe', 'safekeeping', 'safely', 'safer', 'safest', 'safety', 'sag
', 'said', 'sail', 'sailboat', 'sailed', 'sailing', 'sailor', 'sailors', 'sa
ils', 'saja', 'sajo', 'sake', 'sakes', 'salacious', 'sale', 'salesman', 'sal
ladhor', 'sally', 'salmon', 'salt', 'saltcliffe', 'salted', 'sam', 'same', '
samwell', 'sanction', 'sanctum', 'sand', 'sandor', 'sane', 'sang', 'sansa',
'sap', 'sapphire', 'sapphires', 'sarra', 'sarsfield', 'sat', 'satisfaction',
'satisfied', 'satisfy', 'sausage', 'sausages', 'savage', 'savaged', 'savage
ries', 'savages', 'save', 'saved', 'saving', 'savior', 'saw', 'sawdust', 'sa
wing', 'say', 'saying', 'says', 'scaled', 'scales', 'scar', 'scare', 'scared
', 'scaring', 'scars', 'scary', 'scatter', 'scattered', 'scene', 'scent', 's
chemes', 'scheming', 'scoffs', 'scolding', 'score', 'scornfully', 'scourged'
, 'scout', 'scouting', 'scouts', 'scrap', 'scrape', 'scrapes', 'scraping', '
scratch', 'scratching', 'scrawny', 'scream', 'screamed', 'screamer', 'scream
ers', 'screaming', 'screams', 'screeches', 'screeching', 'screwing', 'scroll
', 'scrolls', 'scrub', 'scrubbing', 'scruff', 'scruples', 'scullion', 'scum'
, 'scurrying', 'scythe', 'sea', 'seagard', 'seagull', 'seagulls', 'seal', 's
ealed', 'sealing', 'sealord', 'seals', 'search', 'searching', 'seas', 'seaso
ned', 'seasoning', 'seasons', 'seat', 'seats', 'seawater', 'seaworth', 'seco
nd', 'secret', 'secretly', 'secrets', 'secure', 'secured', 'securing', 'sedu
ce', 'seducing', 'see', 'seed', 'seeing', 'seek', 'seeking', 'seem', 'seemed
', 'seems', 'seen', 'seeps', 'sees', 'seize', 'seized', 'self', 'selfish', '
sell', 'selling', 'sells', 'sellsword', 'sellswords', 'selmy', 'selwyn', 'se
lyse', 'send', 'sending', 'sends', 'sense', 'senses', 'sensitive', 'sent', '
sentence', 'sentenced', 'sentry', 'separates', 'sept', 'septa', 'septon', 's
eptons', 'ser', 'serious', 'seriously', 'serra', 'servant', 'servants', 'ser
ve', 'served', 'serves', 'service', 'services', 'serving', 'servitude', 'set
', 'sets', 'settle', 'settled', 'seven', 'seventh', 'several', 'severity', '
sew', 'sewed', 'sewers', 'sewing', 'sewn', 'shade', 'shadow', 'shadowcat', '
shadowcats', 'shadows', 'shae', 'shafka', 'shafki', 'shaft', 'shafts', 'shag
ga', 'shaggydog', 'shake', 'shall', 'shame', 'shamed', 'shameful', 'shaming'
, 'shan', 'shape', 'shapely', 'shaping', 'share', 'shared', 'shares', 'shark
', 'sharp', 'sharpen', 'sharpened', 'shattered', 'shave', 'shaved', 'shawl',
'she', 'shear', 'sheath', 'shed', 'shedding', 'sheep', 'sheets', 'sheila',
'shell', 'shelter', 'sheltered', 'sheltering', 'shepherd', 'shepherds', 'she
velatesh', 'shevelathin', 'shh', 'shhh', 'shield', 'shields', 'shift', 'shif
ting', 'shines', 'shining', 'ship', 'shipboard', 'shiploads', 'shipped', 'sh
ips', 'shipwrights', 'shipyards', 'shireen', 'shirei', 'shirt', 'shit', 'shi
te', 'shits', 'shiver', 'shivering', 'shocked', 'shocking', 'shoes', 'shoo',
'shook', 'shoot', 'shooting', 'shop', 'shore', 'shores', 'shori', 'short',
'shorter', 'shortly', 'shortsword', 'shot', 'should', 'shoulder', 'shoulders
', 'shouldn', 'shout', 'shouted', 'shouting', 'shouts', 'shove', 'shoved', '
shoveling', 'show', 'showed', 'shower', 'shown', 'shows', 'shred', 'shrewd',
'shrieking', 'shrieks', 'shrine', 'shrubbery', 'shudders', 'shush', 'shut',
'shutting', 'shy', 'siblings', 'sick', 'sickening', 'sickly', 'sickness', '
side', 'sided', 'sideface', 'sides', 'sideways', 'siege', 'sieges', 'sighs',
'sight', 'sigil', 'sigils', 'sign', 'signal', 'signed', 'significant', 'sig
nifies', 'silence', 'silent', 'silk', 'silks', 'silly', 'silver', 'silvers',
'similar', 'simon', 'simper', 'simpering', 'simple', 'simpler', 'simplest',
'simpleton', 'simply', 'sin', 'since', 'sincerest', 'sinful', 'sing', 'sing
er', 'singers', 'singing', 'single', 'sings', 'singular', 'singularly', 'sin
k', 'sinned', 'sins', 'sire', 'sirs', 'sister', 'sisters', 'sit', 'sits', 's
itting', 'situation', 'situations', 'six', 'size', 'sized', 'skeleton', 'ske
letons', 'skeptical', 'skewer', 'skewered', 'skies', 'skill', 'skilled', 'sk
ills', 'skin', 'skinned', 'skinning', 'skinny', 'skip', 'skipping', 'skirlin
g', 'skirts', 'skull', 'skulls', 'sky', 'slain', 'slams', 'slander', 'slande
red', 'slap', 'slapped', 'slapping', 'slaps', 'slaughter', 'slaughtered', 's
laughterhouse', 'slaughtering', 'slaughters', 'slave', 'slaver', 'slavers',
'slavery', 'slaves', 'slaving', 'slay', 'slayer', 'sledge', 'sleek', 'sleep'
, 'sleeping', 'sleepless', 'sleeps', 'sleeves', 'slept', 'slice', 'sliced',
'slick', 'slide', 'slides', 'slight', 'slightest', 'slightly', 'slip', 'slip
ped', 'slipping', 'slips', 'slit', 'slogging', 'slouch', 'slow', 'slowed', '
slower', 'slowing', 'slowly', 'slows', 'slump', 'slums', 'slung', 'slut', 's
luts', 'sly', 'slynt', 'smack', 'smacked', 'smacking', 'small', 'smaller', '
smallest', 'smart', 'smarter', 'smartest', 'smash', 'smashed', 'smashing', '
smell', 'smelled', 'smells', 'smile', 'smiled', 'smiles', 'smiling', 'smith'
, 'smithed', 'smiths', 'smoke', 'smokes', 'smothered', 'smug', 'smuggle', 's
muggled', 'smuggler', 'smugglers', 'snail', 'snake', 'snakes', 'snap', 'snar
ks', 'snarling', 'snarls', 'snatched', 'sneak', 'sneaking', 'sneered', 'snic
kers', 'sniffed', 'sniffing', 'sniffs', 'snigger', 'snipped', 'sniveling', '
sno', 'snores', 'snoring', 'snorting', 'snorts', 'snow', 'snows', 'snuck', '
snuffed', 'so', 'soak', 'sobbing', 'sober', 'sobered', 'sobriety', 'sobs', '
socket', 'soft', 'softer', 'softly', 'sold', 'soldier', 'soldiers', 'sole',
'solely', 'solemn', 'solemnly', 'solid', 'solitude', 'solution', 'some', 'so
mebodies', 'somebody', 'someday', 'somehow', 'someone', 'someplace', 'someth
ing', 'sometime', 'sometimes', 'somewhat', 'somewhere', 'son', 'song', 'song
bird', 'songs', 'sons', 'soon', 'sooner', 'soothe', 'sorcerer', 'sorceress',
'sorcery', 'sore', 'sorry', 'sort', 'sorts', 'sought', 'soul', 'souls', 'so
umai', 'sound', 'sounded', 'sounds', 'soup', 'sour', 'source', 'south', 'sou
thern', 'southerner', 'southerners', 'sow', 'sows', 'spar', 'spare', 'spared
', 'sparring', 'sparrow', 'spat', 'speak', 'speaker', 'speaking', 'speaks',
'spear', 'speared', 'spearing', 'spears', 'special', 'specializes', 'specifi
c', 'specifically', 'specifics', 'specimen', 'spectacle', 'spectacular', 'sp
eech', 'spell', 'spells', 'spend', 'spending', 'spent', 'spice', 'spices', '
spider', 'spiders', 'spied', 'spies', 'spike', 'spikes', 'spill', 'spilled',
'spills', 'spirit', 'spiriting', 'spirits', 'spit', 'spite', 'spiteful', 's
pits', 'spitting', 'splendid', 'splinter', 'split', 'spoil', 'spoiled', 'spo
iling', 'spoils', 'spoke', 'spoken', 'spokes', 'spooked', 'spot', 'spotted',
'spread', 'spreading', 'sprinkle', 'sprout', 'spun', 'spurned', 'spy', 'spy
ing', 'spymaster', 'squad', 'squads', 'squalling', 'squalor', 'square', 'squ
atting', 'squeak', 'squeaking', 'squeal', 'squealing', 'squeeze', 'squeezed'
, 'squint', 'squire', 'squired', 'squires', 'squiring', 'squirm', 'squirted'
, 'squirting', 'st', 'stab', 'stabbed', 'stabbing', 'stabbings', 'stable', '
stableboy', 'stables', 'stacking', 'stafford', 'stag', 'stage', 'stages', 's
tags', 'stain', 'stained', 'stairs', 'stake', 'stakes', 'stale', 'stalks', '
stallion', 'stamina', 'stamped', 'stand', 'standard', 'standards', 'standing
', 'stands', 'stannis', 'star', 'starbursts', 'stare', 'stares', 'staring',
'stark', 'starks', 'stars', 'start', 'started', 'starting', 'starts', 'starv
ation', 'starve', 'starved', 'starves', 'starving', 'state', 'statement', 's
tation', 'stationed', 'statue', 'stature', 'stay', 'stayed', 'staying', 'sta
ys', 'stead', 'steady', 'steak', 'steal', 'stealing', 'steals', 'steaming',
'steel', 'steeper', 'steer', 'steffon', 'stefon', 'stem', 'stench', 'step',
'stepfather', 'stepped', 'stepping', 'steps', 'stern', 'sternness', 'stew',
'steward', 'stewards', 'stick', 'sticks', 'still', 'stillborns', 'stingy', '
stink', 'stinking', 'stinks', 'stirred', 'stirs', 'stitching', 'stoat', 'sto
ckade', 'stockades', 'stokeworth', 'stole', 'stolen', 'stomach', 'stone', 's
tonemason', 'stonemasons', 'stones', 'stonesnake', 'stoney', 'stony', 'stood
', 'stop', 'stopped', 'stopping', 'stops', 'store', 'stored', 'stores', 'sto
ries', 'storm', 'stormborn', 'stormbringer', 'stormed', 'storming', 'stormla
nds', 'storms', 'story', 'stout', 'straight', 'straightaway', 'straighten',
'straightforward', 'strange', 'strangely', 'stranger', 'strangers', 'strange
st', 'strangle', 'strangled', 'strangler', 'straps', 'strategic', 'strategie
s', 'strategy', 'straw', 'straws', 'stream', 'streams', 'street', 'streets',
'strength', 'strengthen', 'strengths', 'stresses', 'stretch', 'stretcher',
'stretches', 'stretching', 'strict', 'strictly', 'strife', 'strike', 'strike
s', 'striking', 'string', 'strings', 'strip', 'stripped', 'stroke', 'stroll'
, 'strong', 'stronger', 'strongest', 'stronghold', 'strongholds', 'struck',
'structural', 'structure', 'strut', 'stubborn', 'stuck', 'student', 'studied
', 'studies', 'study', 'studying', 'stuff', 'stuffed', 'stuffing', 'stumble'
, 'stump', 'stunk', 'stunning', 'stunted', 'stupid', 'stupider', 'stupidest'
, 'stupidity', 'sturdy', 'stutter', 'stygg', 'style', 'styles', 'stymied', '
subdue', 'subject', 'subjective', 'subjects', 'submitted', 'substance', 'sub
tleties', 'succeed', 'succeeded', 'succeeds', 'successful', 'succession', 's
uccumb', 'succumbed', 'such', 'suck', 'suckle', 'suckling', 'sudden', 'sue',
'sued', 'suffer', 'suffered', 'suffers', 'suffice', 'suffices', 'sufficient
', 'suggest', 'suggested', 'suggesting', 'suggestion', 'suicide', 'suit', 's
uitable', 'suited', 'suitor', 'suitors', 'suits', 'sulk', 'sulking', 'sullen
', 'sum', 'summary', 'summer', 'summerhall', 'summerwine', 'summit', 'summon
', 'summoned', 'summons', 'sun', 'sundown', 'sunk', 'sunken', 'sunrise', 'su
nset', 'sunshine', 'sunspear', 'sunup', 'superior', 'superiority', 'superior
s', 'superstition', 'superstitious', 'supper', 'suppertime', 'supplicants',
'supplied', 'supplies', 'supply', 'support', 'supporter', 'supporting', 'sup
pose', 'supposed', 'sure', 'surely', 'surname', 'surprise', 'surprised', 'su
rprises', 'surprising', 'surprisingly', 'surrender', 'surrendered', 'surrend
ering', 'surround', 'surrounded', 'survival', 'survive', 'survived', 'surviv
es', 'surviving', 'survivors', 'suspect', 'suspected', 'suspects', 'suspicio
ns', 'suspicious', 'sustained', 'sustenance', 'swaddled', 'swallow', 'swallo
wed', 'swallower', 'swam', 'swann', 'swap', 'sway', 'swear', 'swears', 'swee
p', 'sweet', 'sweeter', 'sweetest', 'sweetling', 'sweetly', 'sweetsleep', 's
well', 'swept', 'swift', 'swill', 'swim', 'swimming', 'swineherds', 'swing',
'swinging', 'swollen', 'swoon', 'swooning', 'sword', 'swordplay', 'swords',
'swordsman', 'swordsmen', 'swore', 'sworn', 'swung', 'symbolic', 'sympathet
ic', 'sympathies', 'sympathize', 'sympathy', 'symptoms', 'syrio', 'table', '
tables', 'tactics', 'tail', 'tailbone', 'take', 'taken', 'takes', 'taking',
'talbott', 'tale', 'talent', 'talented', 'talents', 'tales', 'talisa', 'talk
', 'talkative', 'talked', 'talker', 'talkers', 'talking', 'talks', 'tall', '
taller', 'tallest', 'tallhart', 'tallow', 'talons', 'tame', 'tamed', 'tangle
', 'tangling', 'tanner', 'tanners', 'tansy', 'tap', 'targaryen', 'targaryens
', 'target', 'tarly', 'tarlys', 'tarth', 'taryn', 'task', 'taste', 'tasted',
'tasteless', 'taster', 'tastes', 'tasting', 'tasty', 'tattoo', 'tattoos', '
taught', 'tavern', 'taverns', 'tawakof', 'taxes', 'tea', 'teach', 'teacher',
'teaches', 'teaching', 'tear', 'tearfully', 'tearing', 'tears', 'teats', 't
edious', 'teeth', 'tell', 'telling', 'tells', 'temper', 'temperament', 'temp
ers', 'temple', 'temporary', 'tempt', 'tempted', 'tempting', 'tend', 'tended
', 'tendencies', 'tender', 'tendrils', 'tends', 'tens', 'tense', 'tent', 'te
nts', 'term', 'terminus', 'terms', 'terrible', 'terribly', 'terrified', 'ter
ritory', 'terror', 'terrors', 'test', 'tested', 'testify', 'testifying', 'te
stimony', 'testing', 'tether', 'th', 'than', 'thank', 'thankful', 'thanking'
, 'thanks', 'that', 'thaw', 'the', 'theater', 'their', 'theirs', 'them', 'th
eme', 'themselves', 'then', 'thenn', 'thenns', 'theon', 'there', 'thereafter
', 'these', 'they', 'thick', 'thickest', 'thief', 'thievery', 'thieves', 'th
ieving', 'thighs', 'thimble', 'thin', 'thing', 'things', 'think', 'thinking'
, 'thinks', 'thira', 'third', 'thirst', 'thirsty', 'thirteen', 'this', 'tho'
, 'thorne', 'thoros', 'thoroughly', 'those', 'though', 'thought', 'thoughtfu
l', 'thoughts', 'thousand', 'thousandfold', 'thousands', 'thowg', 'threat',
'threaten', 'threatened', 'threatening', 'threatens', 'threats', 'three', 't
hrew', 'thrill', 'thrilling', 'thrive', 'throat', 'throats', 'throne', 'thro
nes', 'through', 'throughout', 'throw', 'throwing', 'thrown', 'thrust', 'thr
usts', 'thud', 'thuds', 'thugs', 'thunder', 'thunderbolts', 'thunderclap', '
thunks', 'thus', 'thwarted', 'thwarting', 'tickler', 'tide', 'tie', 'tight',
'tighter', 'till', 'time', 'timers', 'times', 'timett', 'timid', 'timing',
'tiny', 'tipper', 'tire', 'tired', 'tirelessly', 'tiring', 'titan', 'title',
'titles', 'tits', 'to', 'toad', 'toady', 'toast', 'toasts', 'tobho', 'today
', 'toe', 'together', 'toil', 'token', 'tokens', 'told', 'tolerance', 'toler
ant', 'toll', 'tolling', 'tomb', 'tombs', 'tome', 'tommard', 'tommen', 'tomm
y', 'tomorrow', 'tongue', 'tonight', 'tons', 'too', 'took', 'tooth', 'top',
'torch', 'tore', 'torment', 'tormented', 'tormund', 'torn', 'torrhen', 'tort
ure', 'tortured', 'tortures', 'torturing', 'tossed', 'touch', 'touched', 'to
uches', 'touching', 'tough', 'tougher', 'tour', 'tournament', 'tournaments',
'tourney', 'tow', 'toward', 'towards', 'tower', 'towers', 'towheaded', 'tow
n', 'towns', 'toy', 'toyne', 'toys', 'trace', 'track', 'tracked', 'tracks',
'trade', 'trader', 'trading', 'tradition', 'traditional', 'traditionally', '
traditions', 'tragedy', 'tragic', 'train', 'trained', 'training', 'trait', '
traitor', 'traitors', 'tralalalaleeday', 'tramping', 'trample', 'transform',
'transporting', 'trant', 'trants', 'trap', 'trapped', 'traumatic', 'travel'
, 'traveled', 'traveler', 'travelers', 'traveling', 'travelled', 'travels',
'tray', 'treachery', 'treading', 'treason', 'treasonous', 'treasons', 'treas
ure', 'treasuries', 'treasury', 'treat', 'treated', 'treating', 'treatment',
'treats', 'tree', 'trees', 'tremble', 'trembling', 'tremendous', 'trial', '
tribe', 'tribes', 'tribesmen', 'tribute', 'trick', 'tricked', 'tricking', 't
rickling', 'tricks', 'tricky', 'trident', 'tridents', 'tried', 'tries', 'tri
fle', 'trinket', 'trinkets', 'trip', 'triple', 'tristifer', 'triumph', 'triv
ial', 'troll', 'troop', 'troops', 'trouble', 'troubled', 'troubles', 'troubl
ing', 'troupe', 'trout', 'truce', 'truces', 'true', 'trueborn', 'truer', 'tr
uly', 'trundled', 'trussed', 'trust', 'trusted', 'trusting', 'trusts', 'trus
tworthy', 'truth', 'truths', 'try', 'trying', 'ts', 'tsk', 'tsking', 'tub',
'tucked', 'tulip', 'tully', 'tullys', 'tumble', 'tumblestone', 'tune', 'tunn
el', 'tunnels', 'turmoil', 'turn', 'turned', 'turning', 'turnip', 'turnips',
'turnkey', 'turns', 'turpentine', 'turtle', 'tusks', 'tutor', 'tutored', 't
wat', 'twatbeard', 'twats', 'twice', 'twigs', 'twin', 'twins', 'twisted', 't
witchy', 'two', 'type', 'tyrell', 'tyrells', 'tyrion', 'tyroshi', 'tysha', '
tytos', 'tywin', 'udders', 'ugh', 'uglier', 'ugliness', 'ugly', 'uh', 'ulf',
'um', 'umber', 'umbers', 'un', 'unable', 'unacceptable', 'unaccustomed', 'u
nadulterated', 'unarmed', 'unarmored', 'unattended', 'unbecoming', 'unbent',
'unbesmirched', 'unborn', 'unbowed', 'unbroken', 'unburden', 'uncertainty',
'unchain', 'uncle', 'uncles', 'uncomfortable', 'uncommon', 'uncommonly', 'u
nconvinced', 'under', 'underclothes', 'underestimated', 'underfed', 'undergr
ound', 'undermine', 'understand', 'understanding', 'understands', 'understoo
d', 'undisciplined', 'undo', 'undress', 'undying', 'unexpected', 'unfair', '
unfit', 'unfortunate', 'unfortunately', 'unfounded', 'ungrateful', 'unguarde
d', 'unhand', 'unhappy', 'unharmed', 'unheard', 'unhurt', 'unimportant', 'un
ion', 'unique', 'uniquely', 'unison', 'unite', 'united', 'uniting', 'unknown
', 'unladylike', 'unless', 'unlike', 'unlikely', 'unlock', 'unlucky', 'unmak
e', 'unmanned', 'unmistakable', 'unnamed', 'unnatural', 'unnick', 'unpleasan
t', 'unpleasantness', 'unpunished', 'unravel', 'unrstands', 'unseated', 'uns
haven', 'unspeakable', 'unstoppable', 'unsullied', 'untested', 'untie', 'unt
il', 'untimely', 'untrained', 'unusual', 'unveiled', 'unwanted', 'unwashed',
'unworthy', 'up', 'uphold', 'upon', 'upper', 'upset', 'upstairs', 'upstart'
, 'upstarts', 'urchins', 'urge', 'urged', 'urgent', 'urges', 'urn', 'urzen',
'us', 'use', 'used', 'useful', 'useless', 'using', 'usual', 'usually', 'usu
rp', 'usurper', 'utter', 'uttered', 'utterly', 'vacchaki', 'vaes', 'vague',
'vaguely', 'valar', 'vale', 'valiant', 'valiantly', 'valid', 'valor', 'valry
on', 'valuable', 'value', 'valued', 'valyria', 'valyrian', 'van', 'vanguard'
, 'vanity', 'vanquished', 'vardis', 'variations', 'varies', 'varys', 'vassal
s', 'vast', 'vastoe', 'vault', 'vaults', 'vazha', 'vazhak', 'veins', 'vekha'
, 'vengeance', 'venison', 'venom', 'verdict', 'verging', 'vermin', 'vermithr
ax', 'version', 'very', 'vesting', 'vezh', 'vezhven', 'vhag', 'vhagar', 'via
l', 'vice', 'vicious', 'victories', 'victorious', 'victory', 'view', 'vigil'
, 'vile', 'village', 'villagers', 'villages', 'villain', 'vines', 'vintage',
'viola', 'violation', 'violence', 'violent', 'violet', 'viper', 'virgin', '
virgins', 'virtue', 'virzetha', 'visenya', 'viserys', 'vision', 'visions', '
visit', 'visited', 'visiting', 'visitor', 'visitors', 'visits', 'visor', 'vi
tal', 'vitiherat', 'voice', 'voices', 'volantis', 'volarik', 'volunteer', 'v
olunteered', 'volunteers', 'vomit', 'vomited', 'vorkoy', 'vos', 'vosaan', 'v
ote', 'vouch', 'vouched', 'vow', 'vows', 'vroz', 'vulgar', 'vulnerable', 'vu
lture', 'vultures', 'vying', 'wa', 'waddle', 'wade', 'wages', 'wagon', 'wago
ns', 'wail', 'wailed', 'wailing', 'wait', 'waited', 'waiting', 'waits', 'wak
e', 'waking', 'walda', 'walder', 'waldina', 'waldra', 'waldron', 'walk', 'wa
lked', 'walker', 'walkers', 'walking', 'walks', 'wall', 'walls', 'walnut', '
walnuts', 'wandered', 'want', 'wanted', 'wanting', 'wants', 'war', 'ward', '
warden', 'wares', 'warfare', 'warg', 'warging', 'warlock', 'warlocks', 'warm
', 'warmer', 'warmest', 'warmth', 'warn', 'warned', 'warning', 'warnings', '
warrant', 'warranted', 'warring', 'warrior', 'warriors', 'wars', 'wartime',
'wary', 'was', 'wash', 'washed', 'washing', 'wasn', 'waste', 'wasted', 'wast
es', 'wasting', 'watch', 'watched', 'watcher', 'watchers', 'watches', 'watch
ing', 'watchman', 'watchmen', 'water', 'watered', 'waterfall', 'watering', '
wave', 'waves', 'waving', 'way', 'waymar', 'waynwood', 'ways', 'we', 'weak',
'weaken', 'weakened', 'weaker', 'weakest', 'weakness', 'weaknesses', 'wealt
h', 'wealthiest', 'wealthy', 'weapon', 'weapons', 'wear', 'wearing', 'wears'
, 'weary', 'weather', 'wed', 'wedding', 'weddings', 'weed', 'weeds', 'week',
'weeks', 'weep', 'weeping', 'weeps', 'weighs', 'weight', 'weirwood', 'weirw
oods', 'welcome', 'welcomes', 'welcoming', 'welfare', 'well', 'wench', 'wenc
hes', 'went', 'wept', 'were', 'weren', 'wertha', 'west', 'westerlands', 'wes
teros', 'westerosi', 'wet', 'wex', 'what', 'whatever', 'whatnot', 'wheat', '
wheel', 'wheelwright', 'wheezing', 'whelped', 'when', 'whenever', 'whent', '
where', 'whereabouts', 'whereas', 'wherever', 'wherewithal', 'whether', 'whe
tstone', 'which', 'whichever', 'whiff', 'while', 'whilst', 'whimpering', 'wh
impers', 'whims', 'whine', 'whines', 'whining', 'whinnies', 'whinny', 'whip'
, 'whipped', 'whisper', 'whispered', 'whisperers', 'whispering', 'whispers',
'whistle', 'whistler', 'whistles', 'whistling', 'white', 'who', 'whoa', 'wh
ocares', 'whoever', 'whole', 'whom', 'whomever', 'whoosh', 'whore', 'whored'
, 'whorehouse', 'whoremonger', 'whores', 'whoring', 'whose', 'whosit', 'why'
, 'wick', 'wicked', 'wide', 'widow', 'widowed', 'widowhood', 'wield', 'wife'
, 'wight', 'wild', 'wilderness', 'wildfire', 'wildflowers', 'wilding', 'wild
ling', 'wildlings', 'wildly', 'will', 'willed', 'willem', 'willing', 'willin
gly', 'willow', 'wills', 'win', 'wind', 'windmill', 'window', 'windows', 'wi
nds', 'wine', 'wines', 'wing', 'winged', 'wings', 'wink', 'winked', 'winning
', 'wins', 'winter', 'winterfell', 'winterhell', 'winters', 'winterstown', '
wintry', 'wipe', 'wipes', 'wisdom', 'wise', 'wisely', 'wiser', 'wisest', 'wi
sh', 'wished', 'wishes', 'wishing', 'wisps', 'wit', 'witch', 'with', 'withdr
aw', 'withhold', 'within', 'without', 'withstand', 'witness', 'witnessed', '
witnesses', 'wits', 'witted', 'witty', 'wives', 'wizard', 'woes', 'woke', 'w
oken', 'wolf', 'wolfsbane', 'wolfswood', 'wolves', 'woman', 'womanly', 'womb
', 'wombs', 'women', 'won', 'wonder', 'wondered', 'wonderful', 'wondering',
'wood', 'wooden', 'woods', 'woofs', 'word', 'wording', 'words', 'wore', 'wor
k', 'worked', 'working', 'works', 'world', 'worm', 'worn', 'worried', 'worri
es', 'worry', 'worrying', 'worse', 'worship', 'worshipped', 'worshippers', '
worst', 'worth', 'worthless', 'worthy', 'would', 'wouldn', 'wound', 'wounded
', 'wounds', 'wrap', 'wrapped', 'wrath', 'wrestle', 'wrestling', 'wretched',
'wrist', 'write', 'writer', 'writing', 'written', 'wrong', 'wronged', 'wron
gfully', 'wrote', 'wyl', 'wylla', 'xaro', 'xhoan', 'ya', 'yah', 'yank', 'yan
ked', 'yapping', 'yara', 'yard', 'yards', 'yarwyck', 'yeah', 'year', 'yearli
ng', 'yearn', 'years', 'yellow', 'yelps', 'yer', 'yes', 'yesterday', 'yet',
'ygritte', 'yield', 'yielded', 'yo', 'yoke', 'yolks', 'yoren', 'you', 'young
', 'younger', 'youngest', 'your', 'yours', 'yourself', 'yourselves', 'youth'
, 'yunkai', 'yunkish', 'zala', 'zalat', 'zali', 'zalo', 'zhey', 'zhoan', 'zo
', 'zuriff']


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