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Special Characters

"""quotation marku+0022 ISOnump:before { content:"\0022"; }alert("\42")
&&&ampersandu+0026 ISOnump:before { content:"\0026"; }alert("\46")
<<<less-than signu+003C ISOnump:before { content:"\003c"; }alert("\74");
>>>greater-than signu+003E ISOnump:before { content:"\003e"; }alert("\76");

#Latin-1 entity set for HTML

NameNumericDescriptionHexISO in CSS contentOctal
  no-break space%A0p:before { content:"\00a0"; }alert("\240");
¡¡¡inverted exclamation mark%A1p:before { content:"\00a1"; }alert("\241");
¢¢¢cent sign%A2p:before { content:"\00a2"; }alert("\242");
£££pound sterling sign%A3p:before { content:"\00a3"; }alert("\243");
¤¤¤general currency sign%A4p:before { content:"\00a4"; }alert("\244");
¥¥¥yen sign%A5p:before { content:"\00a5"; }alert("\245");
¦¦¦broken (vertical) bar%A6p:before { content:"\00a6"; }alert("\246");
§§§section sign%A7p:before { content:"\00a7"; }alert("\247");
¨¨¨umlaut (dieresis)%A8p:before { content:"\00a8"; }alert("\250");
©©©copyright sign%A9p:before { content:"\00a9"; }alert("\251");
ªªªordinal indicator, feminine%AAp:before { content:"\00aa"; }alert("\252");
«««angle quotation mark, left%ABp:before { content:"\00ab"; }alert("\253");
¬¬¬not sign%ACp:before { content:"\00ac"; }alert("\254");
­­soft hyphen%ADp:before { content:"\00ad"; }alert("\255");
®®®registered sign%AEp:before { content:"\00ae"; }alert("\256");
¯¯¯macron%AFp:before { content:"\00af"; }alert("\257");
°°°degree sign%B0p:before { content:"\00b0"; }alert("\260");
±±±plus-or-minus sign%B1p:before { content:"\00b1"; }alert("\261");
²²²superscript two%B2p:before { content:"\00b2"; }alert("\262");
³³³superscript three%B3p:before { content:"\00b3"; }alert("\263");
´´´acute accent%B4p:before { content:"\00b4"; }alert("\264");
µµµmicro sign%B5p:before { content:"\00b5"; }alert("\265");
pilcrow (paragraph sign)%B6p:before { content:"\00b6"; }alert("\266");
···middle dot%B7p:before { content:"\00b7"; }alert("\267");
¸¸¸cedilla%B8p:before { content:"\00b8"; }alert("\270");
¹¹¹superscript one%B9p:before { content:"\00b9"; }alert("\271");
ºººordinal indicator, masculine%BAp:before { content:"\00ba"; }alert("\272");
»»»angle quotation mark, right%BBp:before { content:"\00bb"; }alert("\273");
¼¼¼fraction one-quarter%BCp:before { content:"\00bc"; }alert("\274");
½½½fraction one-half%BDp:before { content:"\00bd"; }alert("\275");
¾¾¾fraction three-quarters%BEp:before { content:"\00be"; }alert("\276");
¿¿¿inverted question mark%BFp:before { content:"\00bf"; }alert("\277");
ÀÀÀcapital A, grave accent%C0p:before { content:"\00c0"; }alert("\300");
ÁÁÁcapital A, acute accent%C1p:before { content:"\00c1"; }alert("\301");
ÂÂÂcapital A, circumflex accent%C2p:before { content:"\00c2"; }alert("\302");
ÃÃÃcapital A, tilde%C3p:before { content:"\00c3"; }alert("\303");
ÄÄÄcapital A, dieresis or umlaut mark%C4p:before { content:"\00c4"; }alert("\304");
ÅÅÅcapital A, ring%C5p:before { content:"\00c5"; }alert("\305");
ÆÆÆcapital AE diphthong (ligature)%C6p:before { content:"\00c6"; }alert("\306");
ÇÇÇcapital C, cedilla%C7p:before { content:"\00c7"; }alert("\307");
ÈÈÈcapital E, grave accent%C8p:before { content:"\00c8"; }alert("\310");
ÉÉÉcapital E, acute accent%C9p:before { content:"\00c9"; }alert("\311");
ÊÊÊcapital E, circumflex accent%CAp:before { content:"\00ca"; }alert("\312");
ËËËcapital E, dieresis or umlaut mark%CBp:before { content:"\00cb"; }alert("\313");
ÌÌÌcapital I, grave accent%CCp:before { content:"\00cc"; }alert("\314");
ÍÍÍcapital I, acute accent%CDp:before { content:"\00cd"; }alert("\315");
ÎÎÎcapital I, circumflex accent%CEp:before { content:"\00ce"; }alert("\316");
ÏÏÏcapital I, dieresis or umlaut mark%CFp:before { content:"\00cf"; }alert("\317");
ÐÐÐcapital Eth, Icelandic%D0p:before { content:"\00d0"; }alert("\320");
ÑÑÑcapital N, tilde%D1p:before { content:"\00d1"; }alert("\321");
ÒÒÒcapital O, grave accent%D2p:before { content:"\00d2"; }alert("\322");
ÓÓÓcapital O, acute accent%D3p:before { content:"\00d3"; }alert("\323");
ÔÔÔcapital O, circumflex accent%D4p:before { content:"\00d4"; }alert("\324");
ÕÕÕcapital O, tilde%D5p:before { content:"\00d5"; }alert("\325");
ÖÖÖcapital O, dieresis or umlaut mark%D6p:before { content:"\00d6"; }alert("\326");
×××multiply sign%D7p:before { content:"\00d7"; }alert("\327");
ØØØcapital O, slash

%D8p:before { content:"\00d8"; }alert("\330");
ÙÙÙcapital U, grave accent%D9p:before { content:"\00d9"; }alert("\331");
ÚÚÚcapital U, acute accent%DAp:before { content:"\00da"; }alert("\332");
ÛÛÛcapital U, circumflex accent%DBp:before { content:"\00db"; }alert("\333");
ÜÜÜcapital U, dieresis or umlaut mark%DCp:before { content:"\00dc"; }alert("\334");
ÝÝÝcapital Y, acute accent%DDp:before { content:"\00dd"; }alert("\335");
ÞÞÞcapital THORN, Icelandic%DEp:before { content:"\00de"; }alert("\336");
ßßßsmall sharp s, German (sz ligature)%DFp:before { content:"\00df"; }alert("\337");
àààsmall a, grave accent%E0p:before { content:"\00e0"; }alert("\340");
ááásmall a, acute accent%E1p:before { content:"\00e1"; }alert("\341");
âââsmall a, circumflex accent%E2p:before { content:"\00e2"; }alert("\342");
ãããsmall a, tilde%E3p:before { content:"\00e3"; }alert("\343");
äääsmall a, dieresis or umlaut mark%E4p:before { content:"\00e4"; }alert("\344");
åååsmall a, ring%E5p:before { content:"\00e5"; }alert("\345");
æææsmall ae diphthong (ligature)%E6p:before { content:"\00e6"; }alert("\346");
çççsmall c, cedilla%E7p:before { content:"\00e7"; }alert("\347");
èèèsmall e, grave accent%E8p:before { content:"\00e8"; }alert("\350");
ééésmall e, acute accent%E9p:before { content:"\00e9"; }alert("\351");
êêêsmall e, circumflex accent%EAp:before { content:"\00ea"; }alert("\352");
ëëësmall e, dieresis or umlaut mark%EBp:before { content:"\00eb"; }alert("\353");
ìììsmall i, grave accent%ECp:before { content:"\00ec"; }alert("\354");
ííísmall i, acute accent%EDp:before { content:"\00ed"; }alert("\355");
îîîsmall i, circumflex accent%EEp:before { content:"\00ee"; }alert("\356");
ïïïsmall i, dieresis or umlaut mark%EFp:before { content:"\00ef"; }alert("\357");
ðððsmall eth, Icelandic%F0p:before { content:"\00f0"; }alert("\360");
ñññsmall n, tilde%F1p:before { content:"\00f1"; }alert("\361");
òòòsmall o, grave accent%F2p:before { content:"\00f2"; }alert("\362");
óóósmall o, acute accent%F3p:before { content:"\00f3"; }alert("\363");
ôôôsmall o, circumflex accent%F4p:before { content:"\00f4"; }alert("\364");
õõõsmall o, tilde%F5p:before { content:"\00f5"; }alert("\365");
ööösmall o, dieresis or umlaut mark%F6p:before { content:"\00f6"; }alert("\366");
÷÷÷divide sign%F7p:before { content:"\00f7"; }alert("\367");
øøøsmall o, slash%F8p:before { content:"\00f8"; }alert("\370");
ùùùsmall u, grave accent%F9p:before { content:"\00f9"; }alert("\371");
úúúsmall u, acute accent%FAp:before { content:"\00fa"; }alert("\372");
ûûûsmall u, circumflex accent%FBp:before { content:"\00fb"; }alert("\373");
üüüsmall u, dieresis or umlaut mark%FCp:before { content:"\00fc"; }alert("\374");
ýýýsmall y, acute accent%FDp:before { content:"\00fd"; }alert("\375");
þþþsmall thorn, Icelandic%FEp:before { content:"\00fe"; }alert("\376");
ÿÿÿsmall y, dieresis or umlaut mark%FFp:before { content:"\00ff"; }alert("\377");

#Latin Extended-A

ŒŒŒlatin capital ligature oeu+0152 ISOlat2p:before { content:"\0152"; }alert("\u0152");
œœœlatin small ligature oe
(ligature is a misnomer, this is a separate character in some languages)
u+0153 ISOlat2p:before { content:"\0153"; }alert("\u0153");
ŠŠŠlatin capital letter s with caronu+0160 ISOlat2p:before { content:"\0160"; }alert("\u0160");
šššlatin small letter s with caronu+0161 ISOlat2p:before { content:"\0161"; }alert("\u0161");
ŸŸŸlatin capital letter y with diaeresisu+0178 ISOlat2p:before { content:"\0178"; }alert("\u0178");

#Latin Extended-B

ƒƒƒlatin small f with hook, a.k.a. function, a.k.a. florinu+0192 ISOtechp:before { content:"\0192"; }alert("\u0192");

#Spacing Modifier Letters

ˆˆmodifier letter circumflex accentu+02C6 ISOpubp:before { content:"\02c6"; }alert("\u02c6");
˜˜small tildeu+02DC ISOdiap:before { content:"\02dc"; }alert("\u02dc");

ΑΑΑgreek capital letter alphau+0391p:before { content:"\0391"; }alert("\u0391");
ΒΒΒgreek capital letter betau+0392p:before { content:"\0392"; }alert("\u0392");
ΓΓΓgreek capital letter gammau+0393 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\0393"; }alert("\u0395");
ΔΔΔgreek capital letter deltau+0394 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\0394"; }alert("\u0394");
ΕΕΕgreek capital letter epsilonu+0395p:before { content:"\0395"; }alert("\u0395");
ΖΖΖgreek capital letter zetau+0396p:before { content:"\0396"; }alert("\u0396");
&Eta ;ΗΗgreek capital letter etau+0397p:before { content:"\0397"; }alert("\u0397");
ΘΘΘgreek capital letter thetau+0398 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\0398"; }alert("\u0398");
ΙΙΙgreek capital letter iotau+0399p:before { content:"\0399"; }alert("\u0399");
ΚΚΚgreek capital letter kappau+039Ap:before { content:"\039a"; }alert("\u039a");
ΛΛΛgreek capital letter lambdau+039B ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\039b"; }alert("\u039b");
&Mu ;ΜΜgreek capital letter muu+039Cp:before { content:"\039c"; }alert("\u039c");
&Nu ;ΝΝgreek capital letter nuu+039Dp:before { content:"\039d"; }alert("\u039D");
&Xi ;ΞΞgreek capital letter xiu+039E ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\039e"; }alert("\u039e");
ΟΟΟgreek capital letter omicronu+039Fp:before { content:"\039f"; }alert("\u039f");
&Pi ;ΠΠgreek capital letter piu+03A0 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03a0"; }alert("\u03a0");
&Rho ;ΡΡgreek capital letter rhou+03A1p:before { content:"\03a1"; }alert("\u03a1");
there is no Sigmaf, and no u+03A2 character either)
ΣΣΣgreek capital letter sigmau+03A3 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03a3"; }alert("\u03A3");
&Tau ;ΤΤgreek capital letter tauu+03A4p:before { content:"\03a4"; }alert("\u03A4");
ΥΥΥgreek capital letter upsilonu+03A5 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03a5"; }alert("\u03A5");
&Phi ;ΦΦgreek capital letter phiu+03A6 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03a6"; }alert("\u03A6");
&Chi ;ΧΧgreek capital letter chiu+03A7p:before { content:"\03a7"; }alert("\u03A7");
&Psi ;ΨΨgreek capital letter psiu+03A8 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03a8"; }alert("\u03A8");
ΩΩΩgreek capital letter omegau+03A9 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03a9"; }alert("\u03A9");
αααgreek small letter alphau+03B1 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03b1"; }alert("\u03b1");
βββgreek small letter betau+03B2 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03b2"; }alert("\u03b2");
γγγgreek small letter gammau+03B3 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03b3"; }alert("\u03b3");
δδδgreek small letter deltau+03B4 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03b4"; }alert("\u03b4");
εεεgreek small letter epsilonu+03B5 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03b5"; }alert("\u03b5");
ζζζgreek small letter zetau+03B6 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03b6"; }alert("\u03b6");
&eta ;ηηgreek small letter etau+03B7 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03b7"; }alert("\u03b7");
θθθgreek small letter thetau+03B8 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03b8"; }alert("\u03b8");
ιιιgreek small letter iotau+03B9 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03b9"; }alert("\u03b9");
κκκgreek small letter kappau+03BA ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03ba"; }alert("\u03ba");
λλλgreek small letter lambdau+03BB ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03bb"; }alert("\u03bb");
&mu ;μμgreek small letter muu+03BC ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03bc"; }alert("\u03bc");
&nu ;ννgreek small letter nuu+03BD ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03bd"; }alert("\u03bd");
&xi ;ξξgreek small letter xiu+03BE ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03be"; }alert("\u03be");
οοοgreek small letter omicronu+03BF NEWp:before { content:"\03bf"; }alert("\u03bf");
&pi ;ππgreek small letter piu+03C0 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03c0"; }alert("\u03c0");
&rho ;ρρgreek small letter rhou+03C1 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03c1"; }alert("\u03c1");
ςςςgreek small letter final sigmau+03C2 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03C2"; }alert("\u03c2");
σσσgreek small letter sigmau+03C3 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03C3"; }alert("\u03c3");
&tau ;ττgreek small letter tauu+03C4 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03C4"; }alert("\u03c4");
υυυgreek small letter upsilonu+03C5 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03C5"; }alert("\u03c5");
&phi ;φφgreek small letter phiu+03C6 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03C6"; }alert("\03c6");
&chi ;χχgreek small letter chiu+03C7 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03C7"; }alert("\u03c7");
&psi ;ψψgreek small letter psiu+03C8 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03C8"; }alert("\u03c8");
ωωωgreek small letter omegau+03C9 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03C9"; }alert("\u03c9");
ϑϑϑgreek small letter theta symbolu+03D1 NEWp:before { content:"\03D1"; }alert("\u03D1");
ϒϒϒgreek upsilon with hook symbolu+03D2 NEWp:before { content:"\03D2"; }alert("\u03D2");
&piv ;ϖϖgreek pi symbolu+03D6 ISOgrk3p:before { content:"\03D6"; }alert("\u03D6");


en spaceu+2002 ISOpubp:before { content:"\2002";}alert("\u2002");
em spaceu+2003 ISOpubp:before { content:"\2003";}alert("\u2003");
thin spaceu+2009 ISOpubp:before { content:"\2009";}alert("\u2009");
zero width non-joineru+200C NEW RFC 2070p:before { content:"\200C";}alert("\u200C");
zero width joineru+200D NEW RFC 2070p:before { content:"\200D";}alert("\u200d");
left-to-right marku+200E NEW RFC 2070p:before { content:"\200E";}alert("\u200e");
right-to-left marku+200F NEW RFC 2070p:before { content:"\200F";}alert("\u200f");
en dashu+2013 ISOpubp:before { content:"\2013";}alert("\u2013");
em dashu+2014 ISOpubp:before { content:"\2014";}alert("\u2014");
left single quotation marku+2018 ISOnump:before { content:"\2018";}alert("\u2018");
right single quotation marku+2019 ISOnump:before { content:"\2019";}alert("\u2019");
single low-9 quotation marku+201A NEWp:before { content:"\201A";}alert("\u201a");
left double quotation marku+201C ISOnump:before { content:"\201C";}alert("\u201c");
right double quotation marku+201D ISOnump:before { content:"\201D";}alert("\u201d");
double low-9 quotation marku+201E NEWp:before { content:"\201E";}alert("\u201e");
daggeru+2020 ISOpubp:before { content:"\2020";}alert("\u2020");
double daggeru+2021 ISOpubp:before { content:"\2021";}alert("\u2021");
per mille signu+2030 ISOtechp:before { content:"\2030";}alert("\u2030");
single left-pointing angle quotation mark
(lsaquo is proposed but not yet ISO standardised)
u+2039 ISO proposedp:before { content:"\2039";}alert("\u2039");
single right-pointing angle quotation mark
rsaquo is proposed but not yet ISO standardised
u+203A ISO proposedp:before { content:"\203A";}alert("\u203a");
General Punctuation

bullet, a.k.a. black small circle
bullet is NOT the same as bullet operator — u+2219
u+2022 ISOpubalert("\u2219");
horizontal ellipsis, a.k.a. three dot leaderu+2026 ISOpubalert("\u2026");
prime, a.k.a. minutes, a.k.a. feetu+2032 ISOtechalert("\u2032");
double prime, a.k.a. seconds, a.k.a. inchesu+2033 ISOtechalert("\u2033");
overline, a.k.a. spacing overscoreu+203E NEWalert("\u203e");
fraction slashu+2044 NEWalert("\u8260");

Letterlike Symbols

script capital P, a.k.a. power set, a.k.a. Weierstrass pu+2118 ISOamsoalert("\u2118");
blackletter capital I, a.k.a. imaginary partu+2111 ISOamsoalert("\u2111");
blackletter capital R, a.k.a. real part symbolu+211C ISOamsoalert("\u211c");
trade mark signu+2122 ISOnumalert("\u2122");
alef symbol, a.k.a. first transfinite cardinal
alef symbol is NOT the same as hebrew letter alef — u+05D0 although the same glyph
could be used to depict both characters
u+2135 NEWalert("\u");


leftwards arrowu+2190 ISOnumalert("\u2190");
upwards arrowu+2191 ISOnumalert("\u2191");
rightwards arrowu+2192 ISOnumalert("\u2192");
downwards arrowu+2193 ISOnumalert("\u2193");
left right arrowu+2194 ISOamsaalert("\u2194");
downwards arrow with corner leftwards, a.k.a. carriage returnu+21B5 NEWalert("\u21b5");
leftwards double arrow
can be used for ‘is implied by’
u+21D0 ISOtechalert("\u21d0");
upwards double arrowu+21D1 ISOamsaalert("\u21d1");
rightwards double arrowu+21D2 ISOtechalert("\u21d2");
downwards double arrowu+21D3 ISOamsaalert("\ud1d3");
left right double arrowu+21D4 ISOamsaalert("\u21d4");

Mathematical Operators

for allu+2200 ISOtechalert("\u2200");
partial differentialu+2202 ISOtechalert("\u2202");
there existsu+2203 ISOtechalert("\u2203");
empty set, a.k.a. null set, a.k.a. diameteru+2205 ISOamsoalert("\u2205");
nabla, a.k.a. backward differenceu+2207 ISOtechalert("\u2207");
element ofu+2208 ISOtechalert("\u2208");
not an element ofu+2209 ISOtechalert("\u2209");
&ni ;contains as memberu+220B ISOtechalert("\u220b");
n-ary product, a.k.a. product sign
prod is NOT the same character as u+03A0 ‘greek capital letter pi’ though the same
glyph might be used for both
u+220F ISOamsbalert("\u03a0");
&sum ;n-ary sumation
sum is NOT the same character as u+03A3 ‘greek capital letter sigma’ though the same
glyph might be used for both
u+2211 ISOamsbalert("\u03a3");
minus signu+2212 ISOtechalert("\u2212");
asterisk operatoru+2217 ISOtechalert("\u2217");
square root, a.k.a. radical signu+221A ISOtechalert("\u221a");
proportional tou+221D ISOtechalert("\u221d");
infinityu+221E ISOtechalert("\u221e");
&ang ;angleu+2220 ISOamsoalert("\u2220");
&and ;logical and, a.k.a. wedgeu+2227 ISOtechalert("\u2227");
&or ;logical or, a.k.a. veeu+2228 ISOtechalert("\u2228");
&cap ;intersection, a.k.a. capu+2229 ISOtechalert("\u2229");
&cup ;union, a.k.a. cupu+222A ISOtechalert("\u222a");
&int ;integralu+222B ISOtechalert("\u222b");
thereforeu+2234 ISOtechalert("\u2234");
&sim ;tilde operator, a.k.a. varies with,
similar to tilde operator, but is NOT the same character as the tilde u+007E,
although the same glyph might be used to represent both
u+223C ISOtechalert("\u223c");
approximately equal tou+2245 ISOtechalert("\u2245");
almost equal to, a.k.a. asymptotic tou+2248 ISOamsralert("\u2248");
&ne ;not equal tou+2260 ISOtechalert("\u2260");
identical tou+2261 ISOtechalert("\u2261");
&le ;less-than or equal tou+2264 ISOtechalert("\u2264");
&ge ;greater-than or equal tou+2265 ISOtechalert("\u2265");
&sub ;subset ofu+2282 ISOtechalert("\u2282");
&sup ;superset of
note that nsup, ‘not a superset of u+2283′ is not covered by the Symbol font
encoding and is not included.
u+2283 ISOtechalert("\u2283");
not a subset ofu+2284 ISOamsnalert("\u2284");
subset of or equal tou+2286 ISOtechalert("\u2286");
superset of or equal tou+2287 ISOtechalert("\u2287");
circled plus, a.k.a. direct sumu+2295 ISOamsbalert("\u2295");
circled times, a.k.a. vector productu+2297 ISOamsbalert("\u2297");
up tack, a.k.a. orthogonal to, a.k.a. perpendicularu+22A5 ISOtechalert("\u22a5");
dot operator
dot operator is NOT the same character as u+00B7 middle dot
u+22C5 ISOamsbalert("\u22c5");

Miscellaneous Technical

left ceiling, a.k.a. apl upstileu+2308, ISOamscalert("\u2308");
right ceilingu+2309, ISOamscalert("\u2309");
left floor, a.k.a. apl downstileu+230A, ISOamscalert("\u230a");
right flooru+230B, ISOamscalert("\u230b");
left-pointing angle bracket, a.k.a. bra
lang is NOT the same character as u+003C ‘less than’
or u+2039 ’single left-pointing angle quotation mark’
u+2329 ISOtechalert("\u2329");
right-pointing angle bracket, a.k.a. ket
rang is NOT the same character as u+003E ‘greater than’
or u+203A ’single right-pointing angle quotation mark’
u+232A ISOtechalert("\u232a");

Geometric Shapes

&loz ;lozengeu+25CA ISOpubalert("\u25ca");

Miscellaneous Symbols

black spade suitu+2660 ISOpubalert("\u2660");
black club suit, a.k.a. shamrocku+2663 ISOpubalert("\u2663");
black heart suit, a.k.a. valentineu+2665 ISOpubalert("\u2665");
black diamond suitu+2666 ISOpubalert("\u2666");
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