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[美剧赏析] 权力的游戏<Game of Thrones>完全赏析 (19-20)

2016-08-23 12:34 465 查看



That's it. The tide's against us. Aye, but we have the wind. She'll blow us straight to the gate. You're coming home. King's Landing hasn't been home for 20 years. I spent most of my life dodging the Royal Fleet. And now I'm
sailing right at them. This is the Royal Fleet. And you're not a smuggler anymore, you're the high captain. Of course there are several Royal Fleets at the moment. Not after tonight. When the sun rises, Stannis will sit on the Iron Throne and you will be his
Hand. - Gods be good. - God. Father, there is only one and he watches over us. - But not over them? - Over all of us. The people of King's Landing did not choose the false King Joffrey Baratheon. They will be glad to see his head on a spike. Well, first we
have to put it there. Our ships outnumber theirs 10 to one. Our army outnumber theirs five to one. Those walls have never been breached. And the men guarding the walls, when they see you, they don't see a liberator. They see a stranger come to set their city
on fire. I have faith in the Lord of Light. I have faith in our cause. And I have faith in my captain. Are you afraid, my lion? If the city falls, Stannis will burn every Lannister he can find. Of course I'm afraid. I won't let them hurt you. I'm a Lannister.
I don't have a choice in all this. But it's not your war. It is now. You can't fuck your way out of everything. I have so far. Do you remember what you said when you met me in your tent? That I should make love to you like it was your last day on this earth.
As you know, Your Grace, it is not only the sworn duty of a Maester to carry out the wishes of the house he serves, but also to offer guidance and counsel in times of war. Your words are always wise and measured. - If you could-- - If anything, a Maester's
duties become more urgent in times of war and turmoil. I remember back in the days of king-- You brought me something? Yes. Essence of Nightshade is as dangerous as it is efficacious. A single drop in a cup of wine suffices to soothe ragged nerves. Three drops
will bring on a deep and dreamless sleep. 10 drops, however-- I know what 10 drops will bring. - Your Grace, if I may ask-- - You may not. You must have a lot of work to do. I'm sure many brave men will need your wisdom soon. Yes. A siege is very-- Be careful
on the stairs, Grand Maester. There are so many. Your Grace. ? and so he spoke ? ? that Lord of Castamere ? ? but now the rains ? ? weep o'er his halls ? ? with no one there to hear ? ? yes, now the rains ? ? weep o'er his halls ? ? and not a soul to hear.
? - To the boys! - Lannisters! Where'd you learn the Lannister song? Drunk Lannisters. You've got a pretty voice. Thank you very much. And I like your nose. How many times you break it? Well, now let's see. First time I was five. Me mom smacked me with an
iron poker. Ooh. Oh, it wasn't me she was aiming at. She was trying for me little brother. Now he was a real pest. Second time I was nine. Got in a scrap with a few older boys. They won. Third time... Eh, you don't want to know about the third time. Poor nose.
Don't feel sorry for him. He'll be halfway up your ass before the night's through. Welcome, friends. This round's on me. I don't think he likes me. You think you're a hard man? I know it. It's warm in here. We've got beautiful women and good brown ale. Plenty
for everyone. And all you want is to put one of us in the cold ground with no women to keep us company. Oh, there's women in the ground. I put some there myself. So have you. You like fucking and drinking and singing. But killing-- killing's the thing you
love. You're just like me. Only smaller. And quicker. Eh? Your Lord Imp is gonna miss you. Aye. I expect he will someday. Here we are. One more drink before the war? Shall we? I've always hated the bells. They ring for horror-- a dead king, a city under siege.
- A wedding. - Exactly. Podrick, is that it? "Is that it?" Nice touch. As if you don't know the name of every boy in town. I'm not entirely sure what you're suggesting. I'm entirely sure you're entirely sure what I'm suggesting. Do you trust him? Oddly enough,
I do. Good. The map you asked for. There must be 20 miles of tunnels beneath the city. Closer to 50. The Targaryens built this city to withstand a siege and to provide escape if necessary. I'm not escaping. Strange as it sounds, I'm the captain of the ship.
And if the ship goes down, I go with her. That is good to hear. Though I'm sure many captains say the same while their ship is afloat. You look well suited for battle, My Lord. Well, I'm not. For all our sakes, I hope you are wrong. My little birds tell me
that Stannis Baratheon has taken up with a Red Priestess from Asshai. What of it? You don't believe in the old powers, My Lord? Blood spells, curses, shape-shifting-- what do you think? I think you believe in what you see and in what those you trust have seen.
You probably don't entirely trust me. Mm, don't take it personally. I don't entirely trust myself. And yet I have seen things and heard things-- things you have not, things I wish I had not. I don't believe I've ever told you how I was cut. No, I don't believe
you have. One day I will. The dark arts have provided Lord Stannis with his armies and paved his path to our door. For a man in service to such powers to sit on the Iron Throne, I can think of nothing worse. And tonight, I believe you are the only man who
can stop him. They're welcoming the new king. I've never known bells to mean surrender. They want to play music with us? Let's play. - Drums. - Drums! Remember, wait till the shit-- The ships are in the bay. They must be far enough in so they won't be-- I
know what "in" means. - Do you know how to use that? - I chopped wood once. No, I watched my brother chopping wood. I saw you kill a man with a shield. You'll be unstoppable with an axe. - Don't get killed. - Nor you, my friend. - Oh, are we friends now? -
Of course we are. Just because I pay you for your services doesn't diminish our friendship. Enhances it, really. Oh, enhances. Fancy word for a sellsword. Been spending time with fancy folks. Lady Sansa and, uh, Sheila. Shae. Shae, yes. Surely my sister has
asked you to join the other highborn ladies in Maegor's holdfast. She has, My Lord, but King Joffrey sent for me to see him off. Sansa. He's been a great romantic, my nephew. Sansa, come here. I will pray for your safe return, My Lord. Will you? Just as I
pray for the King's. Stay safe, My Lady. And you, my lion. Your king rides forth to battle. You should see him off with a kiss. My new blade. Hearteater I've named it. Kiss it. You'll kiss it again when I return and taste my Uncle's blood. Will you slay him
yourself? If Stannis is fool enough to come near me. So you'll be outside the gates fighting in the Vanguard? A king doesn't discuss battle plans with stupid girls. I'm sorry, Your Grace. You're right, I'm stupid. Of course you'll be in the Vanguard. They
say my brother Robb always goes where the fighting is thickest. And he is only a pretender. Your brother's turn will come. Then you can lick his blood off Hearteater, too. Some of those boys will never come back. Joffrey will. The worst ones always live. Shh.
Come, My Lady. - Where's our fleet? - On the way. Why isn't it here now? They're coming. Hound, tell the Hand that his King has asked him a question. The King has asked you a question. Ser Lancel, tell the Hound to tell the king that the Hand is extremely
busy. The Hand of the King would like me to tell you to tell the King-- If I tell the Hound to cut you in half, he'll do it without a second thought. That would make me the Quarterman. It just doesn't have the same ring to it. Cut me in half and I won't be
able to give the signal. No signal, no plan. No plan and Stannis Baratheon sacks this city, takes the Iron Throne, puts your pinched little head atop a gate somewhere. It might be quite amusing, except that my head would be up there, too. I've never much liked
my head, but I don't want to see it removed just yet. Where are their ships? It is wise to attack at night. We took them by surprise. Lord Varys knows what you had for breakfast three days ago. There are no surprises here. If it's true there is dissension
in their ranks, maybe their sailors have mutinied. Maybe. I don't know why she wants me here. She's always saying how stupid I am. She hates me. Maybe she hates you less than she hates everyone else. I doubt it. Maybe she's jealous of you. Why would she be
jealous? Sansa. I was wondering where our little dove had flown. You look pale, child. Is your red flower still blooming? Yes. Fitting, isn't it? The men will bleed out there and you will bleed in here. Pour Lady Sansa some wine. I'm not thirsty, Your Grace.
So? I didn't offer you water. What's he doing here? Ser Ilyn? He's here to defend us. When the axes smash down those doors, you may be glad to have him. But we have guards to defend us. Guards we have paid. Should the city fall, they'll be the first ones out
of the doors. The lads caught a groom and two maids trying to sneak away with a stolen horse and some gold cups. The battle's first traitors. Have Ser Ilyn see to them. Put their heads on spikes outside the stables as a warning. The only way to keep the small
folk loyal is to make certain they fear you more than they do the enemy. Remember that if you ever hope to become a queen. You said he was here to protect us. He is. Traitors are a danger to us all. More wine. There they are. - Archers to their marks. - Archers,
to your marks! Archers! Nock your arrows! Nock arrows! - Hold fast. - Hold fast! What are you doing? We need to attack them. - Hold fast. - Boulders ready! Hold fast! There's only one ship. Where are the rest of them? Where are the rest of them?! There's only
one ship. Archers, stand to! Man the below! - Nock! - Nock and set! Draw! Hold. Hold! There's no one on board. More rocks coming up! Hold. Wildfire. Steer clear! Steer clear! Matthos! Get down! - Prepare to land. - Your Grace... The dwarf has played his little
trick. - The wildfire-- - He can only play it once. We're too far from the gates. The fire, their archers-- hundreds will die. Thousands. Come with me and take this city! Sansa, come here, little dove. My queen. What are you doing? Praying. You're perfect,
aren't you? Praying. What are you praying for? For the Gods to have mercy on us all. Oh. On all of us? - Yes, Your Grace. - Even me? Of course, Your Grace. Even Joffrey? - Joffrey is my-- - Oh, shut up, you little fool. Praying to the Gods to have mercy on
us all. The Gods have no mercy. That's why they're Gods. My father told me that when he caught me praying. My mother just died, you see. I didn't really understand the concept of death, the finality of it. I thought that if I prayed very, very hard, the Gods
would return my mother to me. I was four. Your father doesn't believe in the Gods? He believes in them, he just doesn't like them very much. One for her. Here. Sit. Drink. Not like that. Drink, girl. I should have been born a man. I'd rather face 1,000 swords
than be shut up inside with this flock of frightened hens. They are your guests under your protection. You asked them here. It was expected of me, as it will be of you if you ever become Joffrey's queen. If my wretched brother should somehow prevail, these
hens will return to their cocks and crow of how my courage inspired them, lifted their spirits. And if the city should fall? You'd like that, wouldn't you? The Red Keep should hold for a time, long enough for me to go to the walls and yield to Lord Stannis
in person. If it were anyone else outside those gates, I might have hoped for a private audience. But this is Stannis Baratheon. I'd have a better chance of seducing his horse. Have I shocked you, little dove? Tears aren't a woman's only weapon. The best one's
between your legs. Learn how to use it. Drink. Do you have any notion of what happens when a city is sacked? No, you wouldn't, would you? If the city falls, these fine women should be in for a bit of a rape. Half of them will have bastards in their bellies
come the morning. You'll be glad of your red flower then. When a man's blood is up, anything with tits looks good. A precious thing like you will look very, very good. A slice of cake just waiting to be eaten. More pressure! - Pull! Pull! - That's it, men!
Pull! Pull! That's it! Steady! He's a serious man-- Stannis Baratheon. They're coming. They're coming ashore. Rain fire on them. Archers! There are too many. Hound, form a welcome party for any Baratheon troop that manages to touch solid ground. Pod, run to
the King's gate. Bring any men guarding it here now. Yes, My Lord. Let's go. Stannis is sending us fresh meat. You, too. Any of these flaming fucking arrows come near me, I'll strangle you with your own guts. Pull, pull! Go! Nock! Draw! - Draw! - Draw! Kill
the Lannisters! Loose! Loose! Form the line! Stannis! - Draw! - Draw! - Loose! - Loose! They cannot breach the wall! Yah! The mud gate, go now! First and second squads, to the gate! To the mud gate! Any man dies with a clean sword, I'll rape his fucking corpse.
When we were young, Jaime and I, we looked so much alike. Even our father couldn't tell us apart. I could never understand why they treated us differently. Jaime was taught to fight with sword and lance and mace, and I was taught to smile and sing and please.
He was heir to Casterly Rock and I was sold to some stranger like a horse to be ridden whenever he desired. You were Robert's queen. And you will be Joffrey's. Enjoy. I don't think I know this one. Pretty. That's the worst curtsy I've ever seen. Here, it's
not difficult. I mastered it when I was four. Straighten your back and bend. Better. You learn fast. How long have you been in Lady Sansa's service? A few weeks, Your Grace. When did you leave Lorath? I had a Lorathi handmaiden once. But she was a nobleman's
daughter. You're not. When did you come to Westeros? 10 years ago, Your Grace. From Lorathi commoner to the Red Keep in 10 years, all without learning how to curtsy. I imagine that's a very interesting story. What's your name? Shae, Your Grace. Tell us a story,
Shae. When I was 13, I-- Your Grace! What news? The Imp has set the river afire. Hundreds of ships are burning, maybe more. Stannis's fleet destroyed, but... But-- but his troops have landed outside the city walls. Where is Joffrey? On the battlements with
Lord Tyrion. Bring him back inside at once. - But, Your Grace-- - What? The King's presence is good for morale. Bring him back to his chambers now. - Not here? - With the women and children? Do you want him to be mocked as a coward for the rest of his life?
- No, but I-- - Now! When I told you about Ser Ilyn earlier, I lied. Do you want to hear the truth? You want to know why he's really here? He's here for us. Stannis may take the city, he may take the throne, but he will not take us alive. - Ah! Help me! We'd
better run! Fall back! Get the ladders up! Faster, you bastards! Faster! Come on, kill the scum! Someone bring me a drink. Fuck the water. Bring me wine. Can I get you some iced milk and a nice bowl of raspberries, too? Eat shit, dwarf. You're on the wrong
side of the wall. I lost half my men. The Blackwater's on fire. Dog, I command you to go back out there and fight. You're Kingsguard, Clegane. You must beat them back or they're going to take this city-- your king's city. Fuck the Kingsguard. Fuck the city.
Fuck the King. Loose! Put your backs into it! All right, get up! Loose! Clear! Forward! Loose! Forward ladders! They're coming up the wall! Archers on the north wall! - Heave! - Heave! Your Grace, the queen has sent me to bring you back to the Red Keep. If
you won't defend your own city, why should they? What would you have me do? Lead. Get down there and lead your people against the invaders who want to kill them. What did my mother say exactly? Did she have urgent business with me? She did not say, Your Grace.
All men to the battlements! Ser Boros, Ser Mandon, stay with my Uncle and represent the king on the field of battle. Archers, hold your line or I'll kill you myself. Stand fast! No! Get up, you fool. We need more arrows! Where is the king? - Why isn't he with
us? - Who are we fighting for? Who leads us? I'll lead the attack. I'll lead the attack! - Yes? - What are you talking about? Pod, my helmet. Ser Mandon, you will bear the King's banner. Men, form up. Men-- - men! - Come on. They say I'm half a man. But what
does that make the lot of you? The only way out is through the gates. And they're at the gates. There's another way out. I'm going to show you. We'll come out behind them and fuck them in their asses. Heave! Heave! Don't fight for your king and don't fight
for his kingdoms. Don't fight for honor. Don't fight for glory. Don't fight for riches, because you won't get any. This is your city Stannis means to sack. That's your gate he's ramming. If he gets in, it will be your houses he burns, your gold he steals,
your women he will rape. Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave! Those are brave me knocking at our door. Let's go kill them. The battle is lost, Your Grace. Stannis's troops are at the gates. When the Gold Cloaks saw the king leaving, they lost all heart. Where is my
son? I want to escort him back to the battle. Why do I care what you want? - Bring me-- - Now listen to me-- ah! Don't be afraid. The queen has raised the drawbridge. This is the safest place we can be. Joffrey's not hurt. He's fighting bravely. His knights
have rallied behind him. They will save the city. Shall we sing a hymn? ? Gentle mother ? ? font of mercy ? ? save our sons from war, we pray ? - ? gentle-- ? - You must go. Run to your chamber and bar your door. Stannis won't hurt you. This one will. Come
with me. I need to say goodbye to someone. The queen said they'd rape everyone. No one is raping me. Go. Run. ? save our sons from war, we pray. ? The lady is starting to panic. What are you doing here? Not here for long. - I'm going. - Where? Someplace that
isn't burning. North, might be. Could be. What about the king? He can die just fine on his own. I can take you with me. Take you to Winterfell. I'll keep you safe. Do you want to go home? I'll be safe here. Stannis won't hurt me. Look at me. Stannis is a killer.
The Lannisters are killers. Your father was a killer. Your brother is a killer. Your sons will be killers someday. The world is built by killers. So you'd better get used to looking at them. You won't hurt me. No, little bird, I won't hurt you. Heave! Heave!
Come on, you bastards! Get up those ladders! Ah! Attack! Roll it over! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Halfman! Oh, fuck me. Shh. Be calm, my sweet. They're still fighting. No one's going to hurt you. I'll tell you a story. You
know the one about the mother lion and her little cub? - They lived in the woods. - The Kingswood. Yes, my love. In the Kingswood there lived a mother and her cub. She loved him very much. But there were other things that lived in the woods. - Evil things.
- Like what? Like stags. Stags aren't evil. They only eat grass. And wolves. My Lord. He could hear them howling in the night. The little cub was frightened. His mother said, "You are a lion, my son. You mustn't be afraid. For one day all the beasts will bow
to you. You will be king. All the stags will bow.Ts all the wolves will bow. The bears in the north and the foxes of the south, all the birds in the sky and the beasts in the sea-- they will all come to you, little lion... to rest a crown upon your head."
And the cub said, "Will I be strong and fierce like my father?" "Yes," said his mother. "You will be strong and fierce just like your father." I will keep you safe, my love. I promise you. Back to the boats! Stand and fight! Stand and fight, damn you! No!
Father. The battle is over. We have won. ? "And who are you," the proud lord said ? ? "that I must bow so low? ? ? only a cat of a different coat ? ? that's all the truth I know ? ? in a coat of gold or a coat of red ? ? a lion still has claws ? ? and mine
are long and sharp, My Lord ? ? as long and sharp as yours" ? ? and so he spoke, and so he spoke ? ? that Lord of Castamere ? ? but now the rains weep o'ver his hall ? ? with no one there to hear ? ? yes, now the rains weep o'er his hall ? ? and not a soul
to hear. ? 


#本集共有单词数:135  总词数:6526

a = ['Archers','Boros', 'Boulders', 'Castamere', 'Closer', 'Drunk', 'Enhances', 'Essence','Evil', 'Fancy', 'Fitting', 'Fleet', 'Fleets', 'Form', 'Forward', 'Gentle','Halfman', 'Hearteater', 'Heave', 'Kiss', 'Lead', 'Learn', 'Loose',
'Lorath','Lorathi', 'Nice', 'Nightshade', 'Nock', 'Oddly', 'Plenty', 'Pod', 'Praying','Prepare', 'Quarterman', 'Roll', 'Sheila', 'Someplace', 'Stags', 'Steady','Steer', 'Straighten', 'Tears', 'Ts', 'afire', 'afloat', 'aiming', 'alike','arrows', 'arts', 'atop',
'audience', 'backs', 'bay', 'beasts', 'bellies','blooming', 'boats', 'breached', 'captains', 'curses', 'curtsy', 'diminish','dissension', 'dodging', 'drawbridge', 'dreamless', 'efficacious', 'enhances','finality', 'flaming', 'folk', 'folks', 'font', 'foxes',
'guidance', 'hens','holdfast', 'horror', 'however', 'hymn', 'iced', 'inspired', 'invaders','ladders', 'lance', 'landed', 'liberator', 'lick', 'mace', 'manages', 'map','mastered', 'measured', 'morale', 'mutinied', 'nerves', 'panic', 'paved','personally', 'pest',
'pinched', 'poker', 'pressure', 'prevail', 'quicker','ragged', 'ramming', 'raspberries', 'removed', 'riches', 'ridden', 'ring','sacked', 'sakes', 'scrap', 'seducing', 'services', 'shifting', 'shocked','smacked', 'smash', 'soothe', 'soul', 'spirits', 'squads',
'stairs','suffices', 'suggesting', 'surprises', 'thickest', 'tunnels', 'unstoppable','watches', 'welcoming', 'wretched']

Pod. Pod! Find Bronn or Varys. Tell them I am here with Maester Pycelle. Tell them I am very much alive. Yes, My Lord. Would you like something for the pain? What happened? The murderer and traitor Stannis Baratheon suffered
a stunning defeat at the hands of your father. Where am I? These are your new chambers. A little cramped, perhaps, but you don't need much room, do you? You are no longer Hand of the King. Oh. For your trouble. I, Joffrey of the House Baratheon, first of my
name, the rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the Realm, do hereby proclaim my grandfather Tywin Lannister the savior of the city and the Hand of the King. Thank you, Your Grace. Lord Petyr Baelish, step
forward. For your good service and ingenuity in uniting the Houses of Lannister and Tyrell, I declare that you shall be granted the castle of Harrenhal... With all its attendant lands and incomes to be held by your sons and grandsons from this day until the
end of time. You honor me beyond words, Your Grace. I shall have to acquire some sons and grandsons. Ser Loras Tyrell. Your House has come to our aid. The whole realm is in your debt, none more so than I. If your family would ask anything of me, ask it and
it shall be yours. Your Grace, my sister Margaery, her husband was taken from us before... She remains innocent. I would ask you to find it in your heart to do us the great honor of joining our Houses. Is this what you want, Lady Margaery? With all my heart,
Your Grace. I have come to love you from afar. Tales of your courage and wisdom have never been far from my ears. And those tales have taken root deep inside of me. Well, I too have heard tales of your beauty and grace, but the tales do not do you justice,
My Lady. It would be an honor to return your love, but I am promised to another. A King must keep his word. Your Grace, in the judgment of your small council, it would be neither proper nor wise for you to wed the daughter of a man beheaded for treason, a
girl whose brother is in open rebellion against the throne as we speak. For the good of the realm, your councilors beg you... to set Sansa Stark aside. - Margaery! - We want Margaery! I would like to heed your wishes and the wishes of my people, but I took
a holy vow. Your Grace, the Gods do indeed hold betrothal solemn, but your father, blessed be his memory, made this pact before the Starks revealed their falseness. I have consulted with the High Septon and he assures me that their crimes against the realm
free you from any promise you have made to them in the sight of the Gods. The Gods are good. I am free to heed my heart. Ser Loras, I will gladly wed your sweet sister. You will be my Queen and I will love you from this day until my last day. My Lady. My sincerest
condolences. They're right-- I'm not good enough for him. You shouldn't say that. You'll be good enough for many things. He'll still enjoy beating you. And now that you're a woman, he'll be able to enjoy you in other ways as well. But if he's not marrying
me-- He'll let you go home? Joffrey's not the sort of boy who gives away his toys. You have a tender heart, just like your mother did at your age. I can see so much of her in you. She was like a sister to me. For her sake, I'll help get you home. King's Landing
is my home now. Look around you. We're all liars here. And every one of us is better than you. Come in. Make yourself comfortable. That doesn't look very comfortable. Here, watch me. No need for that, my dear. You sure? Most men like what they see. I'm not
like most men. That's what most men say. If you don't want what most men want, then you'd better tell me what you'd like me to do. I would like you to tell me if working for Lord Baelish has been all you'd hoped it would be. Have we met? You wouldn't remember
me if we had? I meet a lot of men. And I think you remember all of them. I think your true talents are wasted on them. You're very kind, My Lord. Allow me to return the favor. You're afraid. Why? Nothing dangerous down there. I know who you are. And, unlike
your current employer, I protect those who work for me. I don't abuse them to satisfy royal whims or force them to abuse each other. How do you know about that? I thought you said you knew who I was. What can I do for you, Lord Varys? Littlefinger looks at
you and sees a collection of profitable holes. I see a potential partner. - I'm afraid of him. - Oh, you should be. He's a dangerous man. But everyone has their weaknesses. Your current employer hides his very well, but not as well as he thinks. You're a virgin,
I take it? Walk. Childhood must have been awful for you. Were you a foot taller than all the boys? They laughed at you, called you names? Some boys like a challenge. One or two must have tried to get inside big Brienne. - One or two tried. - Ah. But you fought
them off. But maybe you wished one of them could overpower you, fling you down, tear off your clothes. But none of them were strong enough. - I'm strong enough. - Not interested. Of course you are. You'd love to know what it feels like to be a woman. Ah. "They
lay with lions." Tavern girls, I'd say. Probably served my father's soldiers. Maybe one of them gave up a kiss and a feel. That's how they earned this. The glorious work of the northern freedom fighters. Must make you proud to serve the Starks. I don't serve
the Starks. I serve Lady Catelyn. Tell yourself that tonight when they swing in your dreams. - What are you doing? - Burying them. We shouldn't stay here. We should get back on the river. I think these women would understand if-- I don't care what you think.
I didn't leave it here. Untie me now. I gave it to you to cut the rope, and now I don't have me dagger no more. So unless it got stuck in your ass on its way to your cunt, it stands to reason that it's gone-- whoa! What's your business here? Traveling a prisoner.
You're a woman. A woman! Well, fuck me! If you've quite finished up-- All right, we'll be going. Whoa, whoa. Who do you fight for? The Starks. What did he do? Apparently eating is now a crime. Who knew? No, stealing is a crime. But it's not a crime to starve.
That's justice for you. - Where are you taking him? - To Riverrun. Why Riverrun? Steal from the Tullys, it's their dungeons you rot in. - Why not kill him? - For stealing a pig? I don't give the orders. He must be important to someone. Sending him with you?
How important could he be? All right, have it your way, m'lady. - Do I know you? - Have you been to Ashemark? - No. - Then you don't know me. Do you ever go to the river market at Salt Rock? - Is it near Ashemark? - No. I've never been there. What do you think
of these beauties? I hope you gave them quick deaths. Two of them we did, yeah. Wait. I do know you. That's Jaime Lannister. I wish someone had told me. I wouldn't have had to steal that pig. If this is the Kingslayer, I think I'd know about it. How do you
know what the Kingslayer looks like? I was at Whispering Wood. I saw him. They dragged him out of the woods and threw him down before the King. He's not the Kingslayer. Sorry to disappoint you. If he was, I'd only be traveling his head. I have a question for
you both. And I want you to answer it at the same time. I count to three, you both answer. What's his name? One. Two. Three. Two quick deaths. Those were Stark men. I don't serve the Starks. I serve Lady Catelyn. I told her I'd take you to King's Landing,
and that's what I'm going to do. Stay. Walder Frey is a dangerous man to cross. I know that. And you mean to do it anyway? I love her. I know that seems important to you. It is important to me. Your father didn't love me when we married. He hardly knew me
or I him. Love didn't just happen to us. We built it slowly over the years, stone by stone, for you, for your brothers and sisters, for all of us. It's not as exciting as secret passion in the woods, but it is stronger. It lasts longer. And that is what would
be in store for me with one of Walder Frey's daughters, - what you and father had? - Why not? Because she's not beautiful? Because she's not exotic and exciting? Now you're arguing just to argue because you arranged it. And you agreed to it. You gave him your
word. Treat your oaths recklessly and your people will do the same. If your father lived his life for one thing-- My father is dead. And the only parent I have left has no right to call anyone reckless. You said you saw my victory in the flames. I did. - I
still see it. - The flames lied. And I'm no better than a savage trusting in a Fire God. I fought for your God in Blackwater Bay. I led my men to the gates of the Seventh Hell as their brothers burned alive, and for what? Attacked from behind by Tywin Lannister
and the Tyrells. If you see so much in your flames, why didn't you warn me? The Lord of Light only allows me glimpses. You claimed to speak for a God. Will you quit the war just because you've lost a battle? You talk about war as if you understand it. I've
been fighting far longer than you. Have you? Show me how you fight. Show me. Where's your God now? Will he save you? Where is your God? Inside you. I murdered my brother. We murdered him. Share the weight with me. He wasn't your brother. This war has just
begun. It will last for years. Thousands will die at your command. You will betray the men serving you. You will betray your family. You will betray everything you once held dear. And it will all be worth it because you are the Son of Fire. You are the Warrior
of Light. You will sweep aside this pretender and that one. You will be King. You promise these things, but... you don't know. None of us know. Let me show you. Look into the fire, my King. Look. I see fire. Keep looking. Do you see? Do you see, my King? Yes.
I will kill that man. I don't care how many arrows they feather me with, how many spears they run through me, I will kill that horn-blowing cunt before I fall. They want you to know you're surrounded. I know I'm surrounded. I know that because I stood on the
battlements and saw I was surrounded. They don't want you to sleep. They want to sap your spirit before-- Thank you, wise bald man. Thank you for explaining siege tactics to me. No word from my father? No. Send more ravens. You killed all the ravens. The first
time I saw Winterfell... The first time I saw Winterfell, it looked like something that had been here for thousands of years and would be here for thousands of years after I was dead. I saw it and I thought, "of course Ned Stark crushed our rebellion and killed
my brothers. We never stood a chance against a man who lives here." Lord Stark went out of his way to make it your home. Yes, my captors were so very kind to me. You love reminding me of that. Everyone in this frozen pile of shit has always loved reminding
me of that. You know what it's like to be told how lucky you are to be someone's prisoner? To be told how much you owe them? And then to go back home to your real father... I will kill that man. I swear it to the Drowned God, the Old Gods, the New Gods, to
every fucking God in every fucking heaven, I will kill that man. Theon, listen to me. I serve Winterfell. Now Winterfell is yours. I'm bound by oath to serve you. And what's your counsel, trusted friend? Run. 500 Northmen wait outside the walls. You have 20
men. You can't win. Wait for nightfall and run. There's nowhere to run. I'd never make it back to the Iron Islands. And even if I did, even if by some miracle I slipped through the lines and made it home, I'd be a coward. The Greyjoy who ran. The shame of
the family. Don't go home. Join the Night's Watch. Once a man has taken the Black... he's beyond reach of the law. All his past crimes are forgiven. I won't make it to the Wall. I won't make it 10 feet past the Winterfell gates. There are ways. Hidden passageways
built so the Lords of Winterfell could escape. The road will be dangerous. But with a little luck... the Night's Watch is an ancient, honorable order. You'll have opportunities there. The opportunity for Jon Snow to cut my throat in my sleep. The opportunity
to make amends for what you've done. I've done a lot, haven't I? Things I never imagined myself doing. I've known you many years, Theon Greyjoy. You're not the man you're pretending to be. Not yet. You may be right. But I've gone too far to pretend to be anything
else. You hear that? That's the mating call of the Northmen. They want to fuck us. Well, I haven't had a good fuck in weeks. I'm ready for one. They say every Ironborn man is worth a dozen from the mainland. Aye! - You think they're right? - Aye. We die today,
brothers. We die bleeding from 100 wounds with arrows in our necks and spears in our guts, but our war cries will echo through eternity. They will sing about the battle of Winterfell until the Iron Islands have slipped beneath the waves. Every man, woman,
and child will know who we were and how long we stood. Aggar and Gelmarr; Wex and Urzen; Stygg and Black Lorren-- Ironborn warriors will cry out our names as they leap onto the shores of Seagard and Faircastle. Aye! - Mothers will name their sons for us. -
Aye! Girls will think of us with their lovers inside them. Aye! And whoever kills that fucking horn-blower will stand in bronze above the shores of Pyke! Aye! - What is dead may never die! - What is dead may never die! Ah! Thought he'd never shut up. It was
a good speech. Didn't want to interrupt. What is this? What are you doing? Let's go home. Come on. Why should I believe you? Why would I lie about it? To create strife between my sister and me. Where before there was nothing but love. Ser Mandon Moore tried
to kill you on your sister's orders. If it weren't for your Squire's bravery, you'd be a dead man. - Pod. - Yes, My Lord? Would it be excessive of me to ask you to save my life twice in a week? No, My Lord. You're a good lad. Get Bronn, tell him I want four
of his most loyal Gold Cloaks outside my door at all times. I'm afraid your friend has been relieved of his command of the City Watch. The Gold Cloaks are now firmly in the hands of your father or your sister. It varies from cloak to cloak. - Then my hill
tribesmen. - Have gone home. Your father paid them quite handsomely. I'm afraid we won't be seeing each other for some time, My Lord. Don't want to swim too close to a drowning man? And I thought we were friends. We are. Podrick, would you mind? There are
many who know that without you this city faced certain defeat. The King won't give you any honors, the histories won't mention you, but we will not forget. Come along now, Podrick. My love. It was good of you to come. Good of me? Of course I come. - I want
to see you. - Believe me, you don't. Have you looked? I will be the first. Well? You are a mess. I'm a monster as well as a dwarf. You should charge me double. You think I'm here for money? That was the arrangement we made. I pay you and you lie to me. Aw,
I'm a poor little rich man and nobody loves me, so I make jokes all the time and pay them to laugh. Fuck your money. Let's leave. - Leave? - Leave King's Landing. They tried to kill you. They will try again. Going into wars, fighting soldiers-- you're terrible
at this. Let's take a boat to Pentos and never come back. You don't belong here. What would we do in Pentos? Eat, drink, fuck, live. I want to go with you. So do it. Your father, your sister, all these bad people, they can't stop you. Forget about them. Come
with me. I can't. I do belong here. These bad people are what I'm good at. Outtalking them, outthinking them. It's what I am. And I like it. I like it more than anything I've ever done. Are you going to leave? You have a shit memory. I am yours and you are
mine. In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words. Father, smith, warrior, mother, maiden, crone, stranger... - I am hers and she is mine... - I am his and he is mine...
from this day until the end of my days. Is this a riddle? Khaleesi! Khaleesi! Khaleesi! Are you trying to frighten me with magic tricks? You want me? Here I am. Are you afraid of a little girl? How did he find us? What are you doing here? Waiting for you.
How did you know we'd come this way? After all the things you have seen, this is your question? How did you kill those guards? Was it hard? No harder than taking a new name if you know the way. Show me how. I want to be able to do it, too. If you would learn,
you must come with me. Where? Far and away across the Narrow Sea to Braavos. My dancing master was from Braavos. To be a dancing master is a special thing, but to be a faceless man-- that is something else entirely. A girl has many names on her lips-- Joffrey,
Cersei, Tywin Lannister, Ilyn Payne, the Hound. Names to offer up to the Red God. She could offer them all one by one. I want to. But I can't. I need to find my brother and mother. And my sister. I need to find her, too. Then we must part. A man has duties
as well. Here. What is it? A coin of great value. Could it buy a horse? It is not meant for the buying of horses. Then what good is it? If the day comes when you must find me again, just give that coin to any man from Braavos and say these words to him, "Valar
Morghulis." Valar Morghulis. Please don't go, Jaqen. Jaqen is dead. Say it again. Valar Morghulis. Valar Morghulis. Good. Farewell, Arya Stark. Osha, what are you doing? Tell us what medicine to get from your chambers. - We'll make you better. - I feel just
fine. They burned it down. They burned everything. Not everything. Not you. But they may come back. You have to go. Put on your warmest clothes. Pack as much food as you can carry and go north. North's the wrong way. Their mother and brother are south. We
don't know where. There are too many enemies in the South. Go to the Wall to Jon. He'll look after you and let your mother know you're safe. I don't want to leave you. No more than I want to leave you. I pulled you into the world. Both of you. I've seen both
your faces almost every day since. And for that, I consider myself very, very lucky. Go now with Hodor. Go on. I'll be right here. Hodor. Osha. You must protect them. You're the only one who can. You may have to protect them against your own kind. I've got
no great love for my own kind. I'll get you milk of the poppy. Tell me where to find it. I don't want milk of the poppy. Do it quickly. Until the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, until the rivers run dry and the mountains blow in the wind like leaves.
They miss their mother. They want to be with you. Do you want to be with them? You will be. When your dragons were born, our magic was born again. It is strongest in their presence. And they are strongest in yours. You will be with them, through winter, summer,
and winter again. Across a thousand thousand seasons you will be with them. And we will be with you until time comes to an end. Welcome home, Daenerys Stormborn. This is not my home. My home is across the sea where my people are waiting for me. They will be
waiting a long time. Dracarys. We should be there by sundown. Won't be a fun night for you. Mance knows how to make crows sing. If you know what to say, you might just make it through the night. Not talking's not the way to go. Careful with that. You might
cut yourself. Never swung a sword before, have you? You look like a baby with a rattle. Enough of that! - Stop! - Why, traitor? So you can give Mance Rayder an invitation to Castle Black? Let 'em fight. That's it? That's what you can do? You little shit. Your
traitor father teach you that? Or was it your whore mother? We are the Watchers on the Wall. You can tell Mance that's the man who killed Qhorin Halfhand. - Burn the body. - Aye. You don't want this one coming back for you. Come along, Jon Snow. Time to meet
the King-Beyond-The-Wall. What the--? Khaleesi, please. He said you'd never leave Qarth alive. Come. Nothing. Thank you, Xaro Xhoan Daxos. Thank you for teaching me this lesson. I am King of Qarth. I can help you now, truly help you. We can take the Iron Throne.
- I'll bring you 1,000 ships. - Please, Khaleesi, I beg you. All that you have dreamed is within your reach! I beg you, please! - Khaleesi. - Please! Please! - Khaleesi! It's all a lie. Looks real enough to me. Real enough to buy a ship? Aye, a small ship.
I thought we were coming north to fight wildlings. Is this goat? It's moose. People shouldn't live anywhere you need to burn shit to keep warm. Well, you see a tree, let me know. If you step back and think about it, the thing about Gilly that's so interesting
is-- - Just bloody kill me. - No, truly. The thing about her that I find so interesting is that after all that Craster's done to her, she's still got hope that life might get better. The thing about Gilly that you find so interesting is that she said six words
to you. And the thing about you that I find so interesting is absolutely nothing. It's Jon and the Halfhand. They're back. Two blasts is wildlings. You're not fighting them alone. Come on. Three blasts? Run! Wait! Wait for me! Grenn! Edd! 


#本集共有单词数:133  总词数:6659

a = ['Archers','Boros', 'Boulders', 'Castamere', 'Closer', 'Drunk', 'Enhances', 'Essence','Evil', 'Fancy', 'Fitting', 'Fleet', 'Fleets', 'Form', 'Forward', 'Gentle','Halfman', 'Hearteater', 'Heave', 'Kiss', 'Lead', 'Learn', 'Loose',
'Lorath','Lorathi', 'Nice', 'Nightshade', 'Nock', 'Oddly', 'Plenty', 'Pod', 'Praying','Prepare', 'Quarterman', 'Roll', 'Sheila', 'Someplace', 'Stags', 'Steady','Steer', 'Straighten', 'Tears', 'Ts', 'afire', 'afloat', 'aiming', 'alike','arrows', 'arts', 'atop',
'audience', 'backs', 'bay', 'beasts', 'bellies','blooming', 'boats', 'breached', 'captains', 'curses', 'curtsy', 'diminish','dissension', 'dodging', 'drawbridge', 'dreamless', 'efficacious', 'enhances','finality', 'flaming', 'folk', 'folks', 'font', 'foxes',
'guidance', 'hens','holdfast', 'horror', 'however', 'hymn', 'iced', 'inspired', 'invaders','ladders', 'lance', 'landed', 'liberator', 'lick', 'mace', 'manages', 'map','mastered', 'measured', 'morale', 'mutinied', 'nerves', 'panic', 'paved','personally', 'pest',
'pinched', 'poker', 'pressure', 'prevail', 'quicker','ragged', 'ramming', 'raspberries', 'removed', 'riches', 'ridden', 'ring','sacked', 'sakes', 'scrap', 'seducing', 'services', 'shifting', 'shocked','smacked', 'smash', 'soothe', 'soul', 'spirits', 'squads',
'stairs','suffices', 'suggesting', 'surprises', 'thickest', 'tunnels', 'unstoppable','watches', 'welcoming', 'wretched']

b = ['Aaerys', 'Aah', 'About', 'Absolutely', 'According', 'Accounts', 'Acorn
', 'Across', 'Addam', 'Aegon', 'Aemon', 'Aerys', 'After', 'Again', 'Aggar',
'Agreed', 'Ah', 'Ahem', 'Ahh', 'Ahhh', 'Ajjalan', 'Alas', 'Aleena', 'All', '
Alliser', 'Allo', 'Allow', 'Almost', 'Alone', 'Already', 'Although', 'Alton'
, 'Always', 'Am', 'Amaryllis', 'Ammeni', 'Among', 'Amory', 'An', 'And', 'And
al', 'Andals', 'Anha', 'Animal', 'Annakhas', 'Another', 'Any', 'Anybody', 'A
nyone', 'Anything', 'Anyway', 'Apologies', 'Apparently', 'Approach', 'Approp
riate', 'Arbor', 'Archers', 'Archmaester', 'Archonei', 'Are', 'Aremca', 'Are
n', 'Arm', 'Armor', 'Armorer', 'Arms', 'Army', 'Aron', 'Arrow', 'Arry', 'Arr
yn', 'Arya', 'As', 'Ashemark', 'Ask', 'Asking', 'Assemble', 'Asshai', 'Astap
or', 'At', 'Ath', 'Athchomar', 'Athjahakar', 'Attack', 'Attacked', 'Attackin
g', 'Aw', 'Away', 'Axel', 'Aye', 'Back', 'Bad', 'Baelish', 'Baelor', 'Baker'
, 'Balerion', 'Balian', 'Balon', 'Bannerman', 'Bannermen', 'Banners', 'Bar',
'Baratheon', 'Baratheons', 'Barely', 'Barking', 'Barks', 'Barra', 'Barrista
n', 'Barrowton', 'Based', 'Basilisk', 'Bastard', 'Battle', 'Bawling', 'Bay',
'Be', 'Bear', 'Beautiful', 'Because', 'Becca', 'Been', 'Beer', 'Before', 'B
egging', 'Begin', 'Being', 'Believe', 'Bell', 'Bellows', 'Bells', 'Beloved',
'Bend', 'Benjen', 'Beric', 'Besides', 'Bessie', 'Best', 'Bet', 'Betray', 'B
etrayed', 'Better', 'Between', 'Beyond', 'Billy', 'Bind', 'Bird', 'Birds', '
Bit', 'Bite', 'Black', 'Blackwater', 'Blade', 'Blame', 'Bless', 'Blond', 'Bl
ood', 'Bloodmagic', 'Bloody', 'Blow', 'Blue', 'Boil', 'Bolton', 'Bone', 'Bon
es', 'Borba', 'Borcas', 'Born', 'Boros', 'Both', 'Bottom', 'Boulders', 'Bow'
, 'Bowen', 'Boy', 'Boys', 'Braavos', 'Braavosi', 'Bracken', 'Bran', 'Branche
s', 'Brandon', 'Brave', 'Bravo', 'Bread', 'Breathing', 'Brides', 'Brienne',
'Brigands', 'Bring', 'Bronn', 'Brothels', 'Brother', 'Brotherhood', 'Brune',
'Brush', 'Bryan', 'Bugger', 'Build', 'Builders', 'Bulls', 'Burn', 'Burned',
'Burying', 'But', 'Buy', 'Buying', 'By', 'Cailin', 'Call', 'Calling', 'Calm
', 'Can', 'Captain', 'Capture', 'Careful', 'Carry', 'Cassel', 'Castamere', '
Casterly', 'Castle', 'Cat', 'Catelyn', 'Cats', 'Caved', 'Cawing', 'Cells', '
Centuries', 'Cersei', 'Certainly', 'Ch', 'Chained', 'Chains', 'Chair', 'Chan
ces', 'Change', 'Changed', 'Charmless', 'Chasing', 'Chatter', 'Cheering', 'C
hella', 'Chevalteesh', 'Cheyk', 'Chieftain', 'Childhood', 'Children', 'Choki
ng', 'Chopping', 'Chortles', 'Chuckles', 'Cinda', 'Citadel', 'Cities', 'City
', 'Clan', 'Clangs', 'Clean', 'Cleaner', 'Cleaning', 'Clear', 'Clegane', 'Cl
ever', 'Clicks', 'Cloaks', 'Clogged', 'Close', 'Closer', 'Cloth', 'Coin', 'C
ome', 'Commander', 'Commonly', 'Companions', 'Confessing', 'Congratulations'
, 'Conqueror', 'Consider', 'Continue', 'Copper', 'Correct', 'Corruption', 'C
otter', 'Coughs', 'Could', 'Couldn', 'Council', 'Counsel', 'Counting', 'Cowa
rd', 'Crag', 'Craster', 'Creaking', 'Creepy', 'Crescent', 'Crow', 'Crowd', '
Crown', 'Crows', 'Cruel', 'Crunching', 'Crying', 'Cunt', 'Curious', 'Customs
', 'Cut', 'Daddy', 'Daenerys', 'Dagmer', 'Daisy', 'Damn', 'Damon', 'Dance',
'Dancer', 'Dany', 'Dareon', 'Dark', 'Davos', 'Daxos', 'Dead', 'Death', 'Deep
wood', 'Defend', 'Delay', 'Demon', 'Depends', 'Designed', 'Did', 'Didn', 'Di
e', 'Direwolf', 'Direwolves', 'Disappeared', 'Distant', 'Distrusting', 'Dist
urbing', 'Do', 'Does', 'Doesn', 'Dog', 'Dogs', 'Dolf', 'Don', 'Dondarrion',
'Done', 'Dontos', 'Doom', 'Door', 'Doorcreaking', 'Doors', 'Doreah', 'Dorman
d', 'Dorne', 'Dornish', 'Doth', 'Dothrae', 'Dothrak', 'Dothrakan', 'Dothraki
', 'Dracarys', 'Dragon', 'Dragonglass', 'Dragons', 'Draw', 'Dreadfort', 'Dre
adful', 'Drink', 'Drogo', 'Drop', 'Drowned', 'Drummers', 'Drums', 'Drunk', '
Duncan', 'Dustin', 'Duur', 'Dwarf', 'Each', 'Earlier', 'Ears', 'Earth', 'Eas
e', 'Eastwatch', 'Easy', 'Eat', 'Eating', 'Echiel', 'Edd', 'Eddard', 'Eddark
', 'Egan', 'Eh', 'Eight', 'Either', 'Empires', 'End', 'Enhances', 'Enjoy', '
Enjoying', 'Enough', 'Enter', 'Envy', 'Escan', 'Escort', 'Especially', 'Esse
nce', 'Essos', 'Essovius', 'Eve', 'Even', 'Every', 'Everybody', 'Everyone',
'Everything', 'Everywhere', 'Evidently', 'Evil', 'Exactly', 'Excellent', 'Ex
cept', 'Excuse', 'Exhilarating', 'Expect', 'Eye', 'Eyes', 'Eyrie', 'Fair', '
Faircastle', 'Faith', 'Fall', 'Famed', 'Family', 'Fancy', 'Fanfare', 'Far',
'Farewell', 'Farlen', 'Farts', 'Fascinating', 'Faster', 'Fat', 'Father', 'Fa
thers', 'Fati', 'Favors', 'Fear', 'Ferocious', 'Fetch', 'Fewer', 'Fiercely',
'Fight', 'Fill', 'Filthy', 'Find', 'Fine', 'Fingers', 'Finish', 'Fire', 'Fi
rst', 'Fish', 'Fisherman', 'Fitting', 'Five', 'Flea', 'Fleet', 'Fleets', 'Fl
ies', 'Flowers', 'Folk', 'Follow', 'Food', 'Fools', 'Footsteps', 'For', 'For
ced', 'Foreign', 'Forel', 'Forest', 'Forget', 'Forgive', 'Fork', 'Form', 'Fo
rward', 'Four', 'Freak', 'Free', 'Fresh', 'Frey', 'Freys', 'Friends', 'From'
, 'Frostfangs', 'Fuck', 'Fucked', 'Galbart', 'Game', 'Ganes', 'Garden', 'Gar
rison', 'Garth', 'Gasping', 'Gasps', 'Gathering', 'Gelmarr', 'Gems', 'Gendry
', 'Generally', 'Generous', 'Gentle', 'Gently', 'Gerard', 'Get', 'Getting',
'Ghiscar', 'Ghost', 'Ghouls', 'Giants', 'Giddyup', 'Giggles', 'Gilly', 'Ging
er', 'Girl', 'Girls', 'Give', 'Given', 'Gives', 'Gladly', 'Glover', 'Go', 'G
od', 'Gods', 'Godswife', 'Godswood', 'Going', 'Gold', 'Golden', 'Gone', 'Goo
d', 'Gordo', 'Got', 'Gotta', 'Grace', 'Grand', 'Grass', 'Great', 'Greater',
'Greatjon', 'Gregor', 'Grenn', 'Greyjoy', 'Greyjoys', 'Groans', 'Growling',
'Growls', 'Grunting', 'Grunts', 'Guard', 'Guarding', 'Guards', 'Guess', 'Gun
thor', 'Gut', 'Gyles', 'Ha', 'Had', 'Hail', 'Halder', 'Half', 'Halfhand', 'H
alfman', 'Halfwit', 'Hall', 'Hallyne', 'Halt', 'Ham', 'Hand', 'Hands', 'Hand
some', 'Hang', 'Happy', 'Harbor', 'Hard', 'Harder', 'Harker', 'Harkon', 'Har
ren', 'Harrenhal', 'Has', 'Hash', 'Hated', 'Have', 'Haven', 'Having', 'Hayse
ed', 'Haystack', 'He', 'Heads', 'Hear', 'Heard', 'Hearteater', 'Heave', 'Hea
vy', 'Held', 'Hell', 'Hello', 'Hells', 'Helmet', 'Help', 'Hendals', 'Her', '
Here', 'Heward', 'Hey', 'Hidden', 'Hide', 'High', 'Highgarden', 'Hill', 'Him
', 'His', 'Histories', 'History', 'Hit', 'Hmm', 'Hmmm', 'Hmph', 'Ho', 'Hodor
', 'Hold', 'Holdfast', 'Hollard', 'Home', 'Honor', 'Hoofbeats', 'Hoped', 'Ho
rde', 'Horn', 'Hornwood', 'Horse', 'Horses', 'Hoster', 'Hot', 'Hother', 'Hou
nd', 'Hounds', 'House', 'Houses', 'How', 'However', 'Howling', 'Huffs', 'Hug
h', 'Huh', 'Hundreds', 'Hup', 'Hurrah', 'Hurry', 'Hush', 'Hyah', 'If', 'Illy
rio', 'Ilyn', 'Imagine', 'Imp', 'Impeccable', 'Important', 'Impossible', 'Im
pressive', 'Impudent', 'In', 'Indeed', 'Inform', 'Inhales', 'Innocent', 'Ins
ide', 'Instead', 'Instructed', 'Insult', 'Insulted', 'Into', 'Introduce', 'I
nvade', 'Irogenia', 'Iron', 'Ironborn', 'Irri', 'Irriya', 'Is', 'Ish', 'Ishi
sh', 'Island', 'Islander', 'Islanders', 'Islands', 'Isles', 'Isn', 'It', 'Ja
ck', 'Jadi', 'Jafer', 'Jaime', 'Jakar', 'Janos', 'Jaqen', 'Jealous', 'Jeyne'
, 'Jhaqo', 'Joby', 'Joe', 'Joff', 'Joffrey', 'Join', 'Jon', 'Jonas', 'Jonqui
l', 'Jorah', 'Jory', 'Just', 'Justice', 'Jíni', 'Karstark', 'Karstarks', 'Ka
sh', 'Keep', 'Kevan', 'Khal', 'Khalakka', 'Khalasar', 'Khaleesi', 'Khals', '
Ki', 'Kill', 'Killed', 'Killing', 'Kind', 'King', 'Kingdom', 'Kingdoms', 'Ki
ngly', 'Kings', 'Kingsguard', 'Kingslayer', 'Kingsroad', 'Kingswood', 'Kiss'
, 'Kitchen', 'Kneel', 'Knife', 'Knight', 'Knighted', 'Knights', 'Knocking',
'Knocks', 'Know', 'Knowledge', 'Knows', 'Kovarro', 'Kraken', 'Lad', 'Lady',
'Lamb', 'Lance', 'Lancel', 'Landing', 'Lands', 'Language', 'Lannis', 'Lannis
port', 'Lannister', 'Lannisters', 'Last', 'Lastly', 'Later', 'Laughing', 'La
ughs', 'Laughter', 'Lazarheen', 'Lead', 'Learn', 'Leave', 'Leaves', 'Leaving
', 'Left', 'Leg', 'Less', 'Lesser', 'Let', 'Letting', 'Liar', 'Liege', 'Life
', 'Light', 'Lightbringer', 'Like', 'Lineages', 'Liquid', 'Listen', 'Little'
, 'Littlefinger', 'Lives', 'Lo', 'Lock', 'Lommy', 'Long', 'Longclaw', 'Look'
, 'Looks', 'Loose', 'Loras', 'Lorath', 'Lorathi', 'Lorch', 'Lord', 'Lords',
'Lordship', 'Lorren', 'Losing', 'Lothor', 'Louder', 'Love', 'Lovely', 'Lover
', 'Low', 'Lowborn', 'Loyal', 'Loyalty', 'Lucky', 'Luke', 'Luwin', 'Lyanna',
'Lyonel', 'Lys', 'Lysa', 'Lysene', 'Mace', 'Macomber', 'Mad', 'Madness', 'M
aegor', 'Maegyr', 'Maekar', 'Maester', 'Maesters', 'Magister', 'Magisters',
'Maidenpool', 'Maintenance', 'Make', 'Makes', 'Making', 'Malakko', 'Man', 'M
ance', 'Mandon', 'Many', 'Marbrand', 'Margaery', 'Marillion', 'Marlon', 'Mar
lyn', 'Married', 'Marsh', 'Martell', 'Martells', 'Master', 'Masters', 'Matri
mony', 'Matters', 'Matthar', 'Matthos', 'May', 'Maybe', 'Maz', 'Me', 'Means'
, 'Meant', 'Meereenese', 'Meereens', 'Meet', 'Melisandre', 'Melt', 'Melted',
'Men', 'Meows', 'Meraxes', 'Merchant', 'Mercy', 'Meryl', 'Meryn', 'Metal',
'Mhaegen', 'Might', 'Mikken', 'Milady', 'Mind', 'Mine', 'Mink', 'Mirri', 'Mm
', 'Mmm', 'Mmmm', 'Moaning', 'Moans', 'Moat', 'Mocking', 'Mole', 'Mommy', 'M
onstrous', 'Moon', 'Moore', 'Mooton', 'Mopatis', 'Mord', 'Mordane', 'More',
'Morghulis', 'Mormont', 'Mormonts', 'Most', 'Mostly', 'Mother', 'Motherfucke
r', 'Mothers', 'Motte', 'Mountain', 'Mournful', 'Move', 'Moving', 'Mra', 'Mu
ch', 'Mud', 'Muffled', 'Murdered', 'Murderer', 'Murmuring', 'Murmurs', 'Musi
c', 'Must', 'Mutters', 'My', 'Mycah', 'Myr', 'Myrcella', 'Myrish', 'Myself',
'Nameday', 'Names', 'Nan', 'Narrow', 'Neck', 'Ned', 'Needle', 'Negotiate',
'Neighing', 'Neighs', 'Neither', 'Nelugo', 'Nemo', 'Nes', 'Nevakhi', 'Never'
, 'New', 'News', 'Next', 'Nice', 'Night', 'Nightshade', 'Niko', 'Nine', 'No'
, 'Noble', 'Nobody', 'Nock', 'Noise', 'None', 'Nonsense', 'Nor', 'North', 'N
orthern', 'Northerners', 'Northman', 'Northmen', 'Not', 'Nothing', 'Now', 'N
ymeria', 'Oathbreaker', 'Obey', 'Obsidian', 'Odd', 'Oddly', 'Of', 'Off', 'Of
ferings', 'Officially', 'Often', 'Oh', 'Ohh', 'Ohos', 'Oi', 'Okay', 'Old', '
Olsen', 'Olyvar', 'On', 'Once', 'One', 'Onion', 'Only', 'Onward', 'Ooh', 'Op
en', 'Or', 'Orders', 'Orys', 'Os', 'Osha', 'Other', 'Others', 'Otherwise', '
Othor', 'Our', 'Ours', 'Out', 'Outside', 'Outtalking', 'Over', 'Ow', 'Owls',
'Pack', 'Panting', 'Paper', 'Pardon', 'Pass', 'Pay', 'Payne', 'Peace', 'Pen
tos', 'Pentoshi', 'People', 'Perhaps', 'Permit', 'Petyr', 'Pfft', 'Pick', 'P
ie', 'Pig', 'Piss', 'Pity', 'Play', 'Playing', 'Please', 'Pleased', 'Pleasur
e', 'Pledge', 'Plenty', 'Pod', 'Podrick', 'Poison', 'Polite', 'Polliver', 'P
ono', 'Poole', 'Poor', 'Portan', 'Pour', 'Power', 'Practicing', 'Pray', 'Pra
ying', 'Precisely', 'Pree', 'Prepare', 'Preparing', 'Present', 'Pressures',
'Pretentious', 'Pretty', 'Priestess', 'Prince', 'Princes', 'Princess', 'Prin
cesses', 'Probably', 'Promise', 'Promised', 'Protect', 'Protector', 'Psst',
'Pull', 'Pup', 'Put', 'Putting', 'Pyat', 'Pycelle', 'Pyke', 'Pyp', 'Pyromanc
er', 'Qana', 'Qarth', 'Qartheen', 'Qhorin', 'Qohor', 'Qora', 'Quarterman', '
Quarth', 'Queen', 'Queens', 'Quent', 'Quick', 'Quickly', 'Quiet', 'Quit', 'Q
uite', 'Rah', 'Rain', 'Raise', 'Rakh', 'Rakharo', 'Rancer', 'Randyll', 'Rang
er', 'Rangers', 'Rapers', 'Rast', 'Rat', 'Rather', 'Rats', 'Rayder', 'Reach'
, 'Real', 'Really', 'Realm', 'Reaming', 'Recognize', 'Red', 'Redwyne', 'Refu
se', 'Regent', 'Reginald', 'Relax', 'Release', 'Remember', 'Remind', 'Remove
', 'Renly', 'Rennick', 'Reset', 'Retake', 'Retreating', 'Returning', 'Reveng
e', 'Rhaegar', 'Rhaego', 'Rhaenys', 'Rhaesheseres', 'Rhoyne', 'Rich', 'Ricka
rd', 'Rickon', 'Ride', 'Rider', 'Riders', 'Ridge', 'Right', 'Righteous', 'Ri
ng', 'Rise', 'River', 'Riverland', 'Riverlands', 'Riverrun', 'Robb', 'Robert
', 'Robin', 'Rock', 'Rode', 'Rodrik', 'Roll', 'Room', 'Rooster', 'Ros', 'Rou
gh', 'Round', 'Rouse', 'Royal', 'Rule', 'Run', 'Running', 'Rustling', 'Saan'
, 'Sadly', 'Safe', 'Safer', 'Safety', 'Said', 'Sajo', 'Salladhor', 'Sally',
'Salt', 'Sam', 'Same', 'Samwell', 'Sansa', 'Savage', 'Save', 'Saved', 'Savin
g', 'Saw', 'Sawing', 'Say', 'Scattered', 'Schemes', 'Scoffs', 'Scornfully',
'Scraping', 'Screaming', 'Screams', 'Scullion', 'Sea', 'Seagard', 'Seagulls'
, 'Sealord', 'Search', 'Seaworth', 'Second', 'See', 'Seeing', 'Seems', 'Seiz
e', 'Sell', 'Selling', 'Sellsword', 'Sellswords', 'Selmy', 'Selwyn', 'Send',
'Sending', 'Sends', 'Sept', 'Septa', 'Septon', 'Ser', 'Serve', 'Serving', '
Seven', 'Seventh', 'Shadow', 'Shadowcat', 'Shadowcats', 'Shadows', 'Shae', '
Shafki', 'Shagga', 'Shaggydog', 'Shall', 'Shame', 'Share', 'She', 'Sheila',
'Shepherd', 'Shepherds', 'Shevelatesh', 'Shevelathin', 'Shh', 'Shit', 'Shock
ing', 'Shoo', 'Shore', 'Should', 'Shoulder', 'Shouting', 'Shouts', 'Show', '
Shrieks', 'Shut', 'Sideface', 'Sideways', 'Sieges', 'Sighs', 'Sigil', 'Silen
ce', 'Silk', 'Silver', 'Simon', 'Simpler', 'Since', 'Sins', 'Sister', 'Siste
rs', 'Sit', 'Skirling', 'Skulls', 'Slams', 'Slapping', 'Slave', 'Sleep', 'Sl
ipped', 'Slow', 'Slowly', 'Slynt', 'Small', 'Smaller', 'Smart', 'Smile', 'Sm
ith', 'Snarling', 'Snarls', 'Sneak', 'Snickers', 'Sniffs', 'Snow', 'So', 'So
bbing', 'Sobs', 'Soft', 'Softly', 'Some', 'Someday', 'Someone', 'Someplace',
'Something', 'Sometimes', 'Somewhat', 'Somewhere', 'Son', 'Soon', 'Sorry',
'Soumai', 'South', 'Southerner', 'Southerners', 'Spare', 'Speak', 'Speaking'
, 'Speaks', 'Spice', 'Spider', 'Spits', 'Spread', 'Square', 'Squeaking', 'Sq
uire', 'Stabbed', 'Stafford', 'Stags', 'Stand', 'Standing', 'Stannis', 'Star
k', 'Starks', 'Start', 'Starve', 'Stature', 'Stay', 'Steady', 'Steal', 'Stee
l', 'Steer', 'Steffon', 'Stefon', 'Step', 'Stern', 'Steward', 'Stewards', 'S
tick', 'Sticks', 'Still', 'Stone', 'Stonesnake', 'Stoney', 'Stony', 'Stood',
'Stop', 'Storm', 'Stormborn', 'Stormlands', 'Storms', 'Straighten', 'Strang
e', 'Street', 'Strictly', 'Strike', 'Stripped', 'Strong', 'Stupid', 'Stupide
r', 'Sturdy', 'Stygg', 'Such', 'Suckling', 'Summer', 'Summerhall', 'Summoned
', 'Sun', 'Surely', 'Surprised', 'Surrender', 'Surrounded', 'Swann', 'Swear'
, 'Sweet', 'Swift', 'Sword', 'Swords', 'Syrio', 'Take', 'Tales', 'Talisa', '
Talk', 'Taller', 'Tallhart', 'Targaryen', 'Targaryens', 'Tarly', 'Tarlys', '
Tarth', 'Taste', 'Tavern', 'Teach', 'Tear', 'Tears', 'Tell', 'Temple', 'Terr
ible', 'Thank', 'That', 'The', 'Their', 'Theme', 'Then', 'Theon', 'There', '
These', 'They', 'Things', 'Think', 'Third', 'Thirteen', 'This', 'Thorne', 'T
horos', 'Those', 'Though', 'Thought', 'Thousands', 'Threaten', 'Threatening'
, 'Three', 'Thrilling', 'Throne', 'Thrones', 'Through', 'Throw', 'Thuds', 'T
hunder', 'Thunderclap', 'Tickler', 'Till', 'Time', 'Timett', 'To', 'Toad', '
Today', 'Together', 'Tome', 'Tommen', 'Tommy', 'Tomorrow', 'Tongue', 'Tonigh
t', 'Too', 'Took', 'Tooth', 'Torrhen', 'Touch', 'Tough', 'Towers', 'Town', '
Toyne', 'Track', 'Traitor', 'Traitors', 'Tramping', 'Traveling', 'Treason',
'Treat', 'Tribesmen', 'Trident', 'Trouble', 'True', 'Truly', 'Trust', 'Truth
', 'Try', 'Ts', 'Tsk', 'Tsking', 'Tully', 'Tullys', 'Tumblestone', 'Turn', '
Turnkey', 'Twice', 'Twin', 'Twins', 'Two', 'Tyrell', 'Tyrells', 'Tyrion', 'T
yroshi', 'Tysha', 'Tytos', 'Tywin', 'Uh', 'Ulf', 'Um', 'Umber', 'Un', 'Unbow
ed', 'Unburden', 'Uncle', 'Under', 'Undying', 'Unfortunate', 'Unison', 'Unle
ss', 'Unlike', 'Unlikely', 'Untie', 'Until', 'Up', 'Urzen', 'Use', 'Used', '
Using', 'Vaes', 'Valar', 'Vale', 'Valiant', 'Valryon', 'Valyria', 'Valyrian'
, 'Van', 'Vanguard', 'Vardis', 'Varys', 'Vermithrax', 'Very', 'Vezh', 'Vhaga
r', 'Vicious', 'Violet', 'Virzetha', 'Visenya', 'Viserys', 'Volantis', 'Vork
oy', 'Vroz', 'Wait', 'Waiting', 'Wake', 'Walda', 'Walder', 'Waldron', 'Walk'
, 'Walked', 'Walkers', 'Wall', 'Walls', 'Want', 'Wants', 'War', 'Warden', 'W
arrior', 'Wars', 'Was', 'Wasn', 'Waste', 'Watch', 'Watcher', 'Watchers', 'Wa
ter', 'Waves', 'We', 'Wear', 'Wed', 'Weddings', 'Weirwood', 'Weirwoods', 'We
lcome', 'Well', 'Were', 'West', 'Westerlands', 'Westeros', 'Westerosi', 'Wex
', 'What', 'Whatever', 'Wheezing', 'When', 'Whenever', 'Whent', 'Where', 'Wh
erever', 'Whether', 'Which', 'Whichever', 'While', 'Whimpering', 'Whimpers',
'Whines', 'Whining', 'Whip', 'Whispering', 'Whistles', 'Whistling', 'White'
, 'Who', 'Whoa', 'Whoever', 'Whomever', 'Whores', 'Whose', 'Why', 'Widowhood
', 'Wife', 'Wight', 'Wild', 'Wildfire', 'Wilding', 'Wildling', 'Wildlings',
'Will', 'Willem', 'Wind', 'Wine', 'Winter', 'Winterfell', 'Winterstown', 'Wi
se', 'Wish', 'With', 'Without', 'Wizard', 'Wolfsbane', 'Wolfswood', 'Woman',
'Women', 'Won', 'Wood', 'Wooden', 'Word', 'Words', 'Work', 'Works', 'Worthl
ess', 'Would', 'Wouldn', 'Wyl', 'Wylla', 'Xaro', 'Xhoan', 'Yah', 'Yara', 'Ye
ah', 'Yellow', 'Yelps', 'Yes', 'Yet', 'Ygritte', 'Yield', 'Yoren', 'You', 'Y
oung', 'Younger', 'Your', 'Yours', 'Zhoan', 'Zuriff', 'aa', 'abandon', 'aban
doned', 'abducted', 'abiding', 'abilities', 'able', 'abode', 'about', 'above
', 'absence', 'absentee', 'absolutely', 'abstract', 'absurd', 'abundance', '
abuse', 'accent', 'accept', 'accommodate', 'accompany', 'accomplish', 'accom
plished', 'accomplishment', 'accordance', 'according', 'accountable', 'accou
nts', 'accusations', 'accuse', 'accused', 'acharoe', 'achievement', 'acquire
', 'acquired', 'across', 'act', 'acted', 'acting', 'action', 'actions', 'act
or', 'actors', 'acts', 'actually', 'add', 'address', 'addressing', 'admirabl
e', 'admiration', 'admire', 'admired', 'admit', 'admittedly', 'admitting', '
adoration', 'adores', 'advantage', 'advantageous', 'adventures', 'advice', '
advise', 'advising', 'advisor', 'afar', 'affair', 'affairs', 'affection', 'a
ffections', 'affin', 'affliction', 'afford', 'affords', 'afichak', 'afire',
'afloat', 'afraid', 'after', 'afternoon', 'afternoons', 'afterwards', 'again
', 'against', 'age', 'ages', 'ago', 'agony', 'agree', 'agreed', 'agreement',
'agrees', 'ah', 'ahead', 'ahhazaan', 'aid', 'aided', 'ails', 'aiming', 'ain
', 'air', 'alas', 'alchemists', 'ale', 'alike', 'alive', 'all', 'allegations
', 'allegiance', 'alley', 'alleyways', 'alliance', 'alliances', 'allies', 'a
llow', 'allowed', 'allowing', 'allows', 'ally', 'almost', 'alone', 'along',
'alongside', 'already', 'also', 'always', 'am', 'ambition', 'ambitious', 'am
bush', 'amends', 'amidst', 'among', 'amongst', 'amount', 'amounts', 'amputat
e', 'amputations', 'amputees', 'amusing', 'an', 'ancestor', 'ancestors', 'an
cient', 'and', 'andahli', 'anew', 'anger', 'angered', 'angrier', 'angry', 'a
nha', 'anhaan', 'animal', 'animals', 'anni', 'anointed', 'another', 'answer'
, 'answered', 'answering', 'anvil', 'any', 'anybody', 'anymore', 'anyone', '
anything', 'anyway', 'anywhere', 'apart', 'apartments', 'apologies', 'apolog
ize', 'apology', 'apparently', 'appear', 'appearance', 'appears', 'appointed
', 'appointment', 'appointments', 'appreciate', 'apprentice', 'approach', 'a
pproaching', 'appropriate', 'approve', 'aqovi', 'arakh', 'archer', 'archers'
, 'archery', 'are', 'area', 'aren', 'argue', 'arguing', 'arise', 'arithmetic
', 'arm', 'armed', 'armies', 'armor', 'armorer', 'armory', 'arms', 'army', '
around', 'arranged', 'arrangement', 'arrangements', 'arrest', 'arrive', 'arr
ived', 'arrives', 'arrow', 'arrows', 'arse', 'art', 'artery', 'arts', 'as',
'ashamed', 'ashes', 'ashore', 'aside', 'ask', 'asked', 'asking', 'asks', 'as
leep', 'ass', 'assassin', 'assassinate', 'assassins', 'assembly', 'asses', '
assessment', 'assigned', 'assignment', 'assist', 'assistance', 'assume', 'as
sure', 'assured', 'assures', 'at', 'ate', 'atihi', 'atop', 'attack', 'attack
ed', 'attacking', 'attacks', 'attaint', 'attempt', 'attend', 'attendant', 'a
ttention', 'attractive', 'attracts', 'audience', 'aunt', 'auxiliary', 'aveng
e', 'avenging', 'average', 'avoided', 'await', 'awaits', 'awake', 'aware', '
away', 'awful', 'awhile', 'awkward', 'ax', 'axe', 'axes', 'aye', 'azisa', 'b
abes', 'babies', 'baby', 'back', 'backed', 'backs', 'backside', 'bacon', 'ba
d', 'badge', 'badly', 'balance', 'balcony', 'bald', 'ball', 'ballad', 'balls
', 'balon', 'band', 'banging', 'bank', 'bankrupt', 'banner', 'bannerman', 'b
annermen', 'banners', 'bar', 'bards', 'bare', 'barely', 'bargain', 'bargaine
d', 'bargaining', 'bark', 'barking', 'barracks', 'barred', 'barrel', 'barrel
s', 'based', 'basic', 'bastard', 'bastards', 'bat', 'bath', 'bathing', 'batt
er', 'battle', 'battled', 'battlefield', 'battlements', 'battles', 'bauble',
'baubles', 'bawdy', 'bay', 'baying', 'be', 'beach', 'bear', 'beard', 'beard
ed', 'bears', 'beast', 'beasts', 'beat', 'beaten', 'beating', 'beats', 'beau
ties', 'beautiful', 'beauty', 'became', 'because', 'become', 'becomes', 'bed
', 'bedchamber', 'bedding', 'beds', 'beef', 'been', 'beer', 'before', 'befri
ending', 'beg', 'began', 'beggar', 'beggars', 'begged', 'begging', 'begin',
'beginning', 'begins', 'begun', 'behalf', 'behaved', 'behavior', 'behead', '
beheaded', 'beheading', 'behest', 'behind', 'behold', 'being', 'belief', 'be
lieve', 'believed', 'believer', 'believes', 'believing', 'bellies', 'bellige
rence', 'bells', 'belly', 'bellyful', 'belong', 'belonged', 'belongs', 'belo
ved', 'below', 'bend', 'beneath', 'bent', 'beside', 'best', 'bested', 'bet',
'betray', 'betrayed', 'betrays', 'betrothal', 'better', 'betters', 'betting
', 'between', 'beyond', 'bid', 'bidding', 'bids', 'big', 'bigger', 'biggest'
, 'bind', 'binding', 'bird', 'birds', 'birth', 'birthday', 'birthing', 'birt
hright', 'bit', 'bitch', 'bitches', 'bite', 'biting', 'black', 'blackberry',
'blacksmith', 'blade', 'blame', 'blamed', 'blames', 'blankets', 'blast', 'b
lasted', 'blasts', 'blathered', 'blazing', 'bled', 'bleed', 'bleeding', 'ble
eds', 'bless', 'blessed', 'blessing', 'blessings', 'blind', 'blisters', 'blo
ated', 'blond', 'blonde', 'blondes', 'blood', 'bloodlines', 'bloodshed', 'bl
oodstained', 'bloody', 'blooming', 'blow', 'blower', 'blowing', 'blown', 'bl
ue', 'blushing', 'boar', 'board', 'boars', 'boat', 'boats', 'boded', 'bodies
', 'body', 'bodyguard', 'bold', 'bolts', 'bone', 'bones', 'book', 'books', '
boots', 'bore', 'boring', 'born', 'borrow', 'borther', 'botched', 'both', 'b
other', 'bothers', 'bottom', 'bought', 'bouncing', 'bound', 'bow', 'bowed',
'bowl', 'box', 'boy', 'boys', 'braid', 'braids', 'brain', 'brains', 'branded
', 'brave', 'bravely', 'braver', 'bravery', 'brazen', 'breach', 'breached',
'breaches', 'bread', 'break', 'breakfast', 'breaking', 'breaks', 'breast', '
breastplate', 'breath', 'breathe', 'breathing', 'breed', 'breeding', 'breeds
', 'bride', 'bridge', 'brief', 'brigand', 'bright', 'brighter', 'brilliant',
'bring', 'bringing', 'broadsword', 'broke', 'broken', 'broker', 'brokering'
, 'bronze', 'brothel', 'brothels', 'brother', 'brotherhood', 'brotherly', 'b
rothers', 'brought', 'brown', 'bruise', 'bruised', 'bruises', 'brush', 'brut
al', 'brutalizing', 'brutish', 'build', 'builder', 'builders', 'built', 'bul
l', 'bunch', 'bundle', 'bunghole', 'burden', 'burdens', 'buried', 'burn', 'b
urned', 'burning', 'burns', 'burnt', 'bury', 'business', 'busy', 'but', 'but
cher', 'butchered', 'butchering', 'buy', 'buying', 'buzzing', 'by', 'bygones
', 'cabin', 'cadavers', 'cage', 'cake', 'call', 'called', 'calling', 'calls'
, 'calm', 'came', 'camp', 'camps', 'can', 'candle', 'candles', 'cannot', 'ca
pable', 'capital', 'captain', 'captains', 'captive', 'captives', 'captor', '
captors', 'capture', 'captured', 'captures', 'capturing', 'care', 'cared', '
careful', 'carefully', 'cares', 'cargo', 'carried', 'carries', 'carry', 'car
rying', 'cart', 'carts', 'carve', 'carving', 'case', 'cask', 'cast', 'castle
', 'castles', 'castrated', 'castration', 'cat', 'catapults', 'catastrophe',
'catch', 'catches', 'cater', 'cats', 'caught', 'cause', 'causing', 'caution'
, 'cave', 'caves', 'cawing', 'celebrate', 'celibate', 'cell', 'cellar', 'cel
ls', 'center', 'centerpiece', 'centuries', 'ceremony', 'certain', 'certainly
', 'ch', 'chain', 'chained', 'chains', 'challenge', 'challenged', 'chamber',
'chambers', 'champion', 'chance', 'chances', 'change', 'changed', 'changes'
, 'chaos', 'character', 'chare', 'charge', 'charged', 'charging', 'charlatan
', 'charm', 'charmer', 'charming', 'charms', 'charwomen', 'chase', 'chasing'
, 'chastise', 'chatter', 'chattering', 'chatting', 'cheap', 'cheated', 'chec
k', 'cheekbones', 'cheeks', 'cheese', 'cheesemongers', 'cherries', 'chest',
'chew', 'chewy', 'chickens', 'child', 'children', 'chins', 'chirp', 'chirpin
g', 'choice', 'choices', 'chomakaan', 'choose', 'chop', 'chopped', 'chopping
', 'chops', 'chose', 'chosen', 'chuckle', 'circled', 'circumstances', 'ciste
rns', 'cities', 'city', 'civilization', 'civilized', 'clacking', 'claim', 'c
laimants', 'claimed', 'claims', 'clamoring', 'clang', 'clanging', 'clangs',
'clanks', 'clans', 'clash', 'clattering', 'clatters', 'claw', 'claws', 'clea
n', 'cleaner', 'cleaning', 'clear', 'cleared', 'clearly', 'clears', 'cleaver
', 'clever', 'clicks', 'cliffs', 'climb', 'climbed', 'climber', 'climbing',
'climbs', 'clinks', 'cloak', 'cloaks', 'close', 'closed', 'closely', 'closer
', 'closes', 'closest', 'cloth', 'clothes', 'clothing', 'clouds', 'club', 'c
lubs', 'clumsy', 'clutching', 'coals', 'coast', 'coat', 'cock', 'cocks', 'co
in', 'coins', 'cold', 'collapse', 'collarbone', 'collaring', 'collars', 'col
lection', 'color', 'colored', 'combat', 'come', 'comes', 'comet', 'comfort',
'comfortable', 'coming', 'comings', 'command', 'commanded', 'commander', 'c
ommanding', 'commands', 'commences', 'comment', 'commissioned', 'commit', 'c
ommon', 'commoner', 'companion', 'companions', 'company', 'compare', 'compar
ed', 'competition', 'competitors', 'complaining', 'complected', 'complete',
'completely', 'complicated', 'compliment', 'concealed', 'concept', 'concern'
, 'concerned', 'concerning', 'concerns', 'conclave', 'conclusion', 'concur',
'condemn', 'condition', 'condolences', 'conducted', 'confess', 'confessed',
'confidant', 'confidence', 'confident', 'confined', 'confirm', 'conflict',
'confront', 'confronted', 'confuse', 'confusing', 'congratulations', 'conque
r', 'conqueror', 'conquerors', 'conquest', 'consecrate', 'consent', 'conside
r', 'considered', 'consolidated', 'consort', 'conspire', 'conspired', 'consp
iring', 'constant', 'constraint', 'consulted', 'consumed', 'consuming', 'con
tent', 'contents', 'continue', 'continues', 'control', 'controls', 'convenie
nt', 'conversation', 'conversations', 'converse', 'convince', 'convinces', '
convincing', 'cook', 'cooking', 'cooped', 'copies', 'copper', 'coppers', 'co
rner', 'corners', 'coronation', 'corpse', 'corpses', 'corpsey', 'correct', '
correctly', 'cost', 'costly', 'coughing', 'could', 'couldn', 'council', 'cou
ncilors', 'councils', 'counsel', 'count', 'counter', 'counting', 'country',
'countrymen', 'counts', 'couple', 'courage', 'course', 'courses', 'court', '
courtesies', 'courtesy', 'courtyard', 'cousin', 'cousins', 'cover', 'covered
', 'covering', 'cow', 'coward', 'cowardly', 'cowards', 'cower', 'crabber', '
crabbers', 'crack', 'cracked', 'cracking', 'cradled', 'craft', 'crafty', 'cr
amped', 'crash', 'crashing', 'crate', 'cravens', 'craves', 'cravings', 'craw
led', 'crazed', 'crazy', 'creak', 'creaking', 'creaks', 'create', 'created',
'creature', 'creatures', 'creeping', 'crevasse', 'crew', 'crib', 'cried', '
cries', 'crime', 'crimes', 'criminals', 'cripple', 'crippled', 'cripples', '
crisis', 'crone', 'crops', 'cross', 'crossbows', 'crossed', 'crosses', 'cros
sing', 'crossroads', 'crow', 'crowds', 'crown', 'crowned', 'crowns', 'crows'
, 'cruel', 'crueler', 'cruelty', 'crush', 'crushed', 'crust', 'cry', 'crying
', 'crypt', 'crypts', 'cub', 'cum', 'cunt', 'cunts', 'cup', 'cupbearer', 'cu
ps', 'cure', 'cured', 'curious', 'current', 'curse', 'cursed', 'curses', 'cu
rtsy', 'curved', 'custody', 'custom', 'customary', 'customer', 'customs', 'c
ut', 'cuts', 'cutthroat', 'cutting', 'dagger', 'daily', 'damn', 'damned', 'd
ance', 'dancer', 'dances', 'dancing', 'danger', 'dangerous', 'dangling', 'da
ny', 'dare', 'daresay', 'dark', 'darker', 'darkest', 'darkness', 'darling',
'daughter', 'daughters', 'dawn', 'day', 'daybreak', 'daylight', 'days', 'dea
d', 'deaf', 'deal', 'dear', 'death', 'deaths', 'debating', 'debt', 'debts',
'decency', 'decent', 'deception', 'decide', 'decided', 'decides', 'decision'
, 'deck', 'declare', 'declared', 'decorate', 'decorated', 'decorating', 'dee
p', 'deeper', 'deepest', 'deeply', 'deer', 'defeat', 'defeated', 'defeats',
'defend', 'defending', 'defense', 'definitely', 'deft', 'defy', 'delay', 'de
licate', 'delighted', 'deliver', 'delivering', 'demand', 'demanded', 'demand
ing', 'demands', 'demented', 'demise', 'demon', 'demons', 'demonstration', '
denies', 'denounce', 'dent', 'deny', 'denying', 'depended', 'depends', 'dept
hs', 'describing', 'descriptions', 'desert', 'deserter', 'deserters', 'deser
tion', 'deserve', 'deserved', 'deserves', 'designed', 'desire', 'desired', '
desires', 'despair', 'despise', 'despised', 'despises', 'dessert', 'desserts
', 'destination', 'destroy', 'destroyed', 'destroying', 'detail', 'detailing
', 'determine', 'determined', 'determines', 'detrimental', 'develop', 'devil
', 'devise', 'devoted', 'devotion', 'diamonds', 'dice', 'did', 'didn', 'die'
, 'died', 'dies', 'differ', 'difference', 'differences', 'different', 'diffe
rently', 'difficult', 'digging', 'dignitary', 'dignity', 'diminish', 'dimple
d', 'dine', 'dings', 'dinner', 'dinners', 'diplomacy', 'dipping', 'direction
', 'directive', 'directly', 'direwolf', 'direwolves', 'dirt', 'disadvantage'
, 'disadvantages', 'disagree', 'disappeared', 'disappoint', 'disappointed',
'disappointing', 'disappointment', 'disarm', 'discard', 'discipline', 'disci
plined', 'discontent', 'discord', 'discovered', 'discreetly', 'discretion',
'discuss', 'discussion', 'disdained', 'disgusting', 'disgusts', 'dishonesty'
, 'dishonor', 'disputes', 'disregards', 'disrespect', 'disrespected', 'disre
spectful', 'disse', 'dissension', 'distant', 'distinctive', 'distinctly', 'd
istracted', 'distrust', 'disturb', 'disturbing', 'ditch', 'do', 'docks', 'do
ckworker', 'dodging', 'does', 'doesn', 'dog', 'dogs', 'doing', 'dollmaker',
'dolls', 'dominion', 'don', 'done', 'donned', 'doom', 'doomed', 'dooming', '
door', 'doors', 'doorstep', 'double', 'doubled', 'doubt', 'doubtless', 'doub
ts', 'dove', 'down', 'downwards', 'doze', 'dozen', 'dozgosores', 'drag', 'dr
agged', 'dragging', 'dragon', 'dragonbone', 'dragonglass', 'dragons', 'drago
nstone', 'drains', 'drama', 'drank', 'drastic', 'drastically', 'draw', 'draw
bridge', 'dread', 'dream', 'dreamed', 'dreaming', 'dreamless', 'dreams', 'dr
eamt', 'dress', 'dressed', 'drink', 'drinking', 'drinks', 'droll', 'drop', '
dropped', 'drops', 'drove', 'droves', 'drown', 'drowned', 'drowning', 'drumm
ers', 'drunk', 'drunken', 'dry', 'duel', 'dull', 'dumb', 'dumber', 'dumbest'
, 'dump', 'dungeon', 'dungeons', 'during', 'dusk', 'dust', 'dusty', 'duties'
, 'dutiful', 'duty', 'dwarf', 'dwarves', 'dyer', 'dying', 'dynasty', 'each',
'eager', 'ear', 'earlier', 'early', 'earn', 'earned', 'earns', 'ears', 'ear
th', 'ease', 'easier', 'easily', 'east', 'eastern', 'easy', 'eat', 'eaten',
'eating', 'eats', 'echo', 'edge', 'educating', 'eel', 'effect', 'efficacious
', 'effort', 'efforts', 'egg', 'eggs', 'eh', 'eight', 'eighth', 'either', 'e
ldest', 'elegant', 'elite', 'else', 'elsewhere', 'embarrass', 'embarrassed',
'embarrassing', 'embarrassment', 'embroidered', 'emperor', 'employ', 'emplo
yer', 'empty', 'encampment', 'encampments', 'encountered', 'encumbrance', 'e
nd', 'ended', 'ends', 'endured', 'enduring', 'enemies', 'enemy', 'engage', '
engaged', 'engagement', 'enhances', 'enigma', 'enjoy', 'enjoyed', 'enjoying'
, 'enormously', 'enough', 'enslaving', 'ensuring', 'enter', 'entered', 'ente
ring', 'entertain', 'enthusiasm', 'entire', 'entirely', 'entirety', 'entrust
s', 'envoy', 'envy', 'eo', 'equally', 'equals', 'erred', 'escape', 'escaped'
, 'escaping', 'escort', 'escorting', 'especially', 'essence', 'establish', '
established', 'establishment', 'establishments', 'esteem', 'eternity', 'eunu
ch', 'eunuchs', 'evading', 'even', 'evening', 'evenings', 'event', 'events',
'eventually', 'ever', 'every', 'everybody', 'everyone', 'everything', 'ever
ywhere', 'evil', 'exact', 'exactly', 'exalted', 'examine', 'example', 'excee
dingly', 'excellent', 'except', 'exception', 'excessive', 'exchange', 'excit
ed', 'excitement', 'exciting', 'exclusive', 'excuse', 'excused', 'execute',
'executed', 'executing', 'executioner', 'exercise', 'exhausted', 'exhilarati
ng', 'exile', 'exist', 'existence', 'exotic', 'expect', 'expected', 'expecti
ng', 'expects', 'expense', 'expensive', 'experience', 'experienced', 'experi
ment', 'expert', 'explain', 'explaining', 'explains', 'extend', 'extended',
'extravagance', 'extreme', 'extremely', 'extremes', 'eye', 'eyeballs', 'eyed
', 'eyes', 'fabric', 'face', 'faced', 'facedown', 'faceless', 'faces', 'face
ts', 'facility', 'facing', 'fact', 'fade', 'fail', 'failed', 'faintest', 'fa
ir', 'faith', 'faithfully', 'fall', 'fallen', 'falling', 'falls', 'false', '
falsehood', 'falseness', 'familiar', 'families', 'family', 'famous', 'fanati
c', 'fanatics', 'fancy', 'fangs', 'far', 'fare', 'fares', 'farm', 'farmer',
'farmers', 'farmhouse', 'farms', 'fart', 'farted', 'farther', 'fashion', 'fa
st', 'faster', 'fastest', 'fat', 'fate', 'father', 'fathered', 'fatherly', '
fathers', 'fault', 'favor', 'favorite', 'favorites', 'favors', 'fealty', 'fe
ar', 'feared', 'fearing', 'fears', 'fearsome', 'feast', 'feasted', 'feasting
', 'feasts', 'feather', 'feathers', 'fed', 'feed', 'feeding', 'feel', 'feeli
ng', 'feels', 'feet', 'fell', 'fellow', 'felt', 'fennel', 'ferocious', 'fert
ile', 'fertility', 'fester', 'festered', 'fetch', 'fever', 'few', 'fewer', '
field', 'fields', 'fierce', 'fiercely', 'fiery', 'fight', 'fighter', 'fighte
rs', 'fighting', 'fights', 'figures', 'fill', 'filth', 'filthy', 'fin', 'fin
al', 'finality', 'finally', 'find', 'finding', 'finds', 'fine', 'finest', 'f
inger', 'fingernails', 'fingers', 'finish', 'finished', 'fire', 'fires', 'fi
rikhnharen', 'firmly', 'first', 'fish', 'fisherman', 'fishermen', 'fishing',
'fishwives', 'fist', 'fit', 'fitting', 'five', 'flag', 'flagon', 'flame', '
flames', 'flaming', 'flaps', 'flattered', 'flattery', 'flavor', 'flayed', 'f
laying', 'flea', 'fled', 'flee', 'fleeing', 'fleet', 'flesh', 'flew', 'flies
', 'fling', 'flinging', 'flip', 'floating', 'flock', 'flocking', 'flogged',
'flooded', 'flooding', 'floor', 'floors', 'flowed', 'flower', 'flowered', 'f
lowers', 'flowery', 'flowing', 'flown', 'flung', 'flutter', 'fly', 'flying',
'foes', 'fold', 'folded', 'folk', 'folks', 'follow', 'followed', 'following
', 'follows', 'fond', 'fondness', 'font', 'food', 'fool', 'fooling', 'fools'
, 'foot', 'footed', 'footsteps', 'for', 'forbid', 'forbidden', 'force', 'for
ced', 'forces', 'forcing', 'foreign', 'foreigner', 'foreigners', 'forest', '
forever', 'forge', 'forged', 'forget', 'forgetful', 'forgets', 'forgive', 'f
orgiven', 'forgiveness', 'forgot', 'forgotten', 'forlorn', 'form', 'formal',
'former', 'fornicates', 'forsake', 'forsaken', 'forsaking', 'forth', 'fortn
ight', 'fortress', 'fortunate', 'forward', 'fought', 'foul', 'found', 'four'
, 'fourth', 'foxes', 'frail', 'freak', 'free', 'freedom', 'freerider', 'free
ze', 'freezing', 'fresh', 'fried', 'friend', 'friends', 'friendship', 'frigh
ten', 'frightened', 'frightens', 'fro', 'from', 'front', 'frost', 'frostfang
s', 'froze', 'frozen', 'fruit', 'fuck', 'fucked', 'fuckers', 'fucking', 'fuc
ks', 'fulfills', 'full', 'fully', 'fun', 'funeral', 'funerals', 'funny', 'fu
r', 'furious', 'further', 'fury', 'fussing', 'future', 'gag', 'gained', 'gal
loping', 'gambled', 'gambler', 'game', 'games', 'gaps', 'garb', 'garden', 'g
arlic', 'gash', 'gasping', 'gasps', 'gate', 'gates', 'gather', 'gathered', '
gathers', 'gave', 'gem', 'gems', 'generally', 'generation', 'generosity', 'g
enerous', 'gentle', 'gently', 'gesture', 'get', 'gets', 'getting', 'ghost',
'ghosts', 'giant', 'giants', 'gift', 'gifted', 'gifts', 'giggle', 'giggles',
'girl', 'girlhood', 'girls', 'give', 'given', 'gives', 'giving', 'gizikhven
', 'glad', 'gladly', 'glimpses', 'gloat', 'glorified', 'glorious', 'glory',
'gloves', 'glow', 'go', 'goat', 'goats', 'goatshit', 'goddess', 'godly', 'go
ds', 'goes', 'going', 'goings', 'gold', 'golden', 'gone', 'gonna', 'good', '
goodbye', 'goodfolk', 'goodwill', 'gorgeous', 'gorgets', 'gossip', 'got', 'g
otten', 'gouge', 'governance', 'gown', 'grab', 'grabbed', 'grace', 'gracious
', 'grammar', 'granaries', 'grand', 'grandchild', 'grandchildren', 'grandfat
her', 'grandson', 'grandsons', 'grant', 'granted', 'grappling', 'grasper', '
grass', 'grateful', 'gratitude', 'grave', 'graves', 'graveworms', 'gray', 'g
reat', 'greater', 'greatest', 'greatly', 'greatness', 'greatsword', 'greedy'
, 'green', 'greet', 'greetings', 'grew', 'grief', 'grieve', 'grieves', 'grie
vously', 'grim', 'grip', 'groaning', 'groans', 'groom', 'grotesque', 'grotes
ques', 'ground', 'grounds', 'group', 'grovel', 'grow', 'growing', 'growls',
'grown', 'grows', 'grubbing', 'grubby', 'grudges', 'grumpkins', 'grunts', 'g
uard', 'guarded', 'guarding', 'guards', 'guardsman', 'guardsmen', 'guess', '
guessing', 'guest', 'guests', 'guidance', 'guide', 'guild', 'guilty', 'gusti
ng', 'gut', 'guts', 'gutter', 'ha', 'hack', 'hacked', 'hacking', 'had', 'had
n', 'hail', 'hair', 'haired', 'hairless', 'hairy', 'haj', 'haker', 'hal', 'h
alf', 'halfman', 'halfway', 'halfwit', 'hall', 'halls', 'ham', 'hammer', 'ha
mmering', 'hammers', 'hammi', 'hand', 'handed', 'handle', 'handled', 'handma
iden', 'handmaidens', 'hands', 'handsome', 'handsomely', 'hang', 'hanged', '
happen', 'happened', 'happening', 'happens', 'happier', 'happiest', 'happy',
'harass', 'harbor', 'hard', 'harder', 'hardest', 'hardly', 'harm', 'harmed'
, 'harmless', 'harp', 'harvest', 'has', 'hash', 'hasn', 'haste', 'hasty', 'h
atch', 'hate', 'hated', 'hateful', 'hates', 'hatif', 'hatred', 'hatted', 'ha
unt', 'have', 'haven', 'having', 'haz', 'he', 'head', 'heading', 'heads', 'h
eal', 'healed', 'healer', 'healing', 'health', 'healthy', 'hear', 'heard', '
hearing', 'hears', 'heart', 'hearth', 'hearths', 'hearts', 'heat', 'heaven',
'heavily', 'heavy', 'heed', 'heeds', 'heel', 'heels', 'heights', 'heir', 'h
eirs', 'held', 'hell', 'hells', 'helm', 'helmet', 'helms', 'help', 'helped',
'helpful', 'helping', 'helpless', 'helps', 'henceforth', 'hens', 'her', 'he
rd', 'herders', 'here', 'hereby', 'herein', 'hero', 'heroes', 'heroic', 'her
oine', 'hers', 'herself', 'hey', 'hid', 'hidden', 'hide', 'hides', 'hiding',
'high', 'highborn', 'higher', 'highly', 'highwaymen', 'hill', 'hills', 'him
', 'himself', 'hire', 'hiring', 'his', 'hisses', 'historic', 'histories', 'h
istory', 'hit', 'hitting', 'hmm', 'hmmm', 'hold', 'holdfast', 'holding', 'ho
ldings', 'holds', 'hole', 'holes', 'holy', 'home', 'homecoming', 'homeland',
'homes', 'honest', 'honesty', 'honey', 'honeycomb', 'honor', 'honorable', '
honored', 'honors', 'hood', 'hooves', 'hope', 'hoped', 'hoping', 'horde', 'h
orizon', 'horn', 'horrible', 'horribly', 'horror', 'horse', 'horseback', 'ho
rselord', 'horselords', 'horseparts', 'horses', 'hoshora', 'hospitality', 'h
ost', 'hostage', 'hostility', 'hosts', 'hot', 'hottest', 'hound', 'hounds',
'hour', 'hours', 'house', 'household', 'houses', 'how', 'however', 'howling'
, 'huge', 'huh', 'human', 'humble', 'humbly', 'humiliated', 'hundred', 'hund
reds', 'hung', 'hungry', 'hunt', 'hunted', 'hunter', 'hunting', 'huntsmen',
'hurry', 'hurt', 'hurting', 'hurts', 'husband', 'husbands', 'huts', 'hyah',
'hymn', 'ice', 'iced', 'idea', 'ideas', 'identity', 'idiot', 'idiots', 'idol
s', 'if', 'ifa', 'ignorance', 'ill', 'illness', 'ills', 'imagination', 'imag
ine', 'imagined', 'imbecile', 'immediate', 'immediately', 'immune', 'imp', '
implicate', 'import', 'importance', 'important', 'impossible', 'impregnable'
, 'impregnate', 'impressed', 'impressive', 'imprison', 'imprisoned', 'impris
onment', 'improper', 'improvement', 'impudent', 'impunent', 'impunity', 'in'
, 'incest', 'inches', 'inclination', 'inclinations', 'incomes', 'indeed', 'i
ndependent', 'indoors', 'industry', 'infant', 'infantry', 'infiltrator', 'in
formation', 'informed', 'informing', 'ingenuity', 'ingrates', 'inherit', 'in
heritance', 'inherited', 'injustice', 'ink', 'inn', 'innocence', 'innocent',
'innocents', 'inns', 'inquiring', 'insalubrious', 'inside', 'insights', 'in
sisted', 'insists', 'inspiration', 'inspired', 'inspires', 'inspiring', 'ins
tall', 'instant', 'instead', 'instructed', 'instructions', 'instructs', 'ins
ult', 'insulted', 'insulting', 'insults', 'integrity', 'intelligence', 'inte
lligent', 'intend', 'intends', 'intentions', 'interest', 'interested', 'inte
resting', 'interests', 'interfered', 'interrogate', 'interrupt', 'interrupti
on', 'into', 'intrepid', 'invade', 'invaded', 'invaders', 'invasion', 'inven
ted', 'investment', 'investments', 'invitation', 'invite', 'invoke', 'involv
e', 'involved', 'iron', 'ironborn', 'ironies', 'irons', 'is', 'islanders', '
islands', 'isn', 'issue', 'it', 'its', 'itself', 'ivory', 'ja', 'jackass', '
jailers', 'jam', 'jars', 'jaw', 'jaws', 'jealous', 'jesters', 'jewelry', 'je
wels', 'job', 'jobs', 'join', 'joined', 'joining', 'joke', 'jokes', 'joking'
, 'jolin', 'jorah', 'journey', 'joust', 'jousting', 'joy', 'judge', 'judged'
, 'judgment', 'jumped', 'just', 'justice', 'keep', 'keeping', 'keeps', 'kenn
els', 'kept', 'key', 'kick', 'kicked', 'kicking', 'kidnapped', 'kill', 'kill
ed', 'killer', 'killers', 'killing', 'kills', 'kind', 'kinder', 'kindness',
'king', 'kingdom', 'kingdoms', 'kings', 'kiss', 'kissed', 'kitchen', 'kitche
ns', 'kittens', 'knack', 'knee', 'kneel', 'knees', 'knelt', 'knew', 'knife',
'knight', 'knighted', 'knighthood', 'knights', 'knock', 'knocked', 'knockin
g', 'knocks', 'know', 'knowing', 'knowledge', 'known', 'knows', 'knucklebone
s', 'labored', 'laborers', 'lace', 'lack', 'lacked', 'lackey', 'lacks', 'lad
', 'ladders', 'ladies', 'lads', 'lady', 'lake', 'lamb', 'lamprey', 'lance',
'lances', 'land', 'landed', 'landing', 'lands', 'lannisters', 'large', 'larg
er', 'largest', 'last', 'lasted', 'lasts', 'late', 'later', 'latest', 'latri
ne', 'laugh', 'laughed', 'laughing', 'laughs', 'laughter', 'launch', 'lavend
er', 'law', 'laws', 'lay', 'lays', 'lazy', 'lead', 'leader', 'leadership', '
leading', 'leads', 'leagues', 'leaks', 'lean', 'leap', 'learn', 'learned', '
learning', 'leash', 'leashed', 'least', 'leather', 'leave', 'leaves', 'leavi
ng', 'lecher', 'lecture', 'led', 'left', 'leftover', 'leg', 'legacy', 'legen
dary', 'legged', 'legs', 'lemon', 'length', 'less', 'lesson', 'lessons', 'le
t', 'lets', 'letter', 'letters', 'letting', 'levies', 'liability', 'liar', '
liars', 'liberating', 'liberator', 'library', 'lick', 'licking', 'lid', 'lie
', 'lied', 'liege', 'lies', 'life', 'lift', 'lifted', 'light', 'lighten', 'l
ike', 'liked', 'likely', 'likes', 'liking', 'limb', 'limited', 'limp', 'line
', 'linens', 'lines', 'linger', 'lingered', 'link', 'lion', 'lions', 'lips',
'list', 'listen', 'listened', 'listening', 'listens', 'lit', 'literate', 'l
itter', 'little', 'live', 'lived', 'lives', 'livestock', 'living', 'lizard',
'load', 'loading', 'loathe', 'loathes', 'lobster', 'locale', 'locate', 'loc
k', 'locked', 'locksmiths', 'logic', 'logical', 'logistics', 'lonely', 'long
', 'longaxes', 'longer', 'longest', 'longevity', 'longships', 'look', 'looke
d', 'looking', 'lookouts', 'looks', 'looting', 'lord', 'lordlings', 'lords',
'lordship', 'lose', 'loses', 'losing', 'loss', 'losses', 'lost', 'lot', 'lo
ts', 'louder', 'loudly', 'love', 'loved', 'lovelier', 'lovely', 'lovemaking'
, 'lover', 'lovers', 'loves', 'loving', 'low', 'lowborn', 'lowest', 'lowly',
'loyal', 'loyally', 'loyalty', 'luck', 'lucky', 'lunge', 'lungs', 'lured',
'lurking', 'lust', 'lying', 'ma', 'maan', 'mace', 'maces', 'mad', 'made', 'm
adman', 'madness', 'mae', 'magic', 'magical', 'mahrazhi', 'maid', 'maiden',
'maidens', 'maids', 'mainland', 'mainly', 'maintain', 'major', 'make', 'make
r', 'makes', 'making', 'maladies', 'mallet', 'man', 'manage', 'managed', 'ma
nages', 'manhood', 'manned', 'manner', 'manners', 'manservant', 'manure', 'm
any', 'map', 'march', 'marched', 'marches', 'marching', 'mare', 'margins', '
mark', 'marked', 'market', 'marks', 'marksman', 'marriage', 'married', 'marr
ies', 'marry', 'marrying', 'marvelous', 'masons', 'masquerades', 'massacres'
, 'master', 'mastered', 'match', 'mate', 'mathematicians', 'mating', 'matrim
ony', 'matter', 'matters', 'may', 'maybe', 'me', 'meadow', 'meal', 'meals',
'mean', 'meaning', 'means', 'meant', 'measured', 'measures', 'meat', 'meddli
ng', 'medicine', 'meekly', 'meet', 'meeting', 'meetings', 'melee', 'melt', '
melted', 'melts', 'member', 'meme', 'memory', 'men', 'mention', 'mentioned',
'mentioning', 'merchant', 'merchants', 'merciful', 'mercy', 'mere', 'merely
', 'merits', 'mermaids', 'mermen', 'meself', 'mess', 'message', 'messed', 'm
essing', 'messy', 'met', 'mewling', 'mhar', 'midday', 'middle', 'midget', 'm
idnight', 'midst', 'midwives', 'might', 'mighty', 'mile', 'miles', 'military
', 'milk', 'milked', 'milkmaid', 'million', 'millions', 'mind', 'mindless',
'minds', 'mine', 'mink', 'minor', 'minute', 'minutes', 'miracle', 'miserable
', 'misery', 'misgivings', 'miss', 'missed', 'misses', 'missing', 'mission',
'mistake', 'mistakes', 'mistaking', 'mistress', 'mitigate', 'mitigated', 'm
ixed', 'mm', 'mmm', 'moaning', 'mob', 'mocked', 'mocking', 'mockingbird', 'm
odest', 'mole', 'mom', 'moment', 'moments', 'mommy', 'monarch', 'money', 'mo
nkey', 'monster', 'monsters', 'monstrously', 'month', 'months', 'moon', 'moo
nlight', 'moons', 'moose', 'morale', 'morals', 'more', 'mori', 'morning', 'm
ortared', 'most', 'mother', 'mothered', 'mothers', 'motivations', 'motto', '
mount', 'mountains', 'mountaintop', 'mounted', 'mounts', 'mourn', 'mouth', '
mouths', 'move', 'moved', 'movement', 'movements', 'moves', 'moving', 'much'
, 'muck', 'mud', 'mug', 'mulled', 'multitudes', 'murd', 'murder', 'murdered'
, 'murderer', 'murderers', 'murdering', 'murders', 'murmuring', 'murmurs', '
muscles', 'music', 'must', 'muster', 'mustn', 'mutilation', 'mutinied', 'mut
ter', 'mutton', 'mutual', 'mutually', 'my', 'myself', 'mysteries', 'mysterio
us', 'nails', 'naked', 'name', 'named', 'nameday', 'nameless', 'names', 'nar
row', 'nasty', 'nations', 'natural', 'nature', 'navel', 'navigation', 'near'
, 'nearby', 'nearest', 'nearly', 'neat', 'necessary', 'neck', 'necklace', 'n
ecks', 'nectar', 'need', 'needed', 'needing', 'needle', 'needles', 'needs',
'negotiate', 'negotiations', 'neigh', 'neighbors', 'neighing', 'neighs', 'ne
ither', 'nem', 'nephew', 'nerves', 'nest', 'nets', 'never', 'new', 'newborn'
, 'newest', 'news', 'next', 'nharees', 'nharesoon', 'nice', 'nicely', 'nick'
, 'nicked', 'nickname', 'niece', 'night', 'nightfall', 'nights', 'nine', 'ni
ppy', 'no', 'nobility', 'noble', 'nobleman', 'noblewoman', 'nobody', 'noise'
, 'nokitta', 'none', 'nonsense', 'nor', 'normal', 'normally', 'north', 'nort
hern', 'northerner', 'northerners', 'northmen', 'nose', 'not', 'note', 'note
d', 'nothing', 'notice', 'noticed', 'notion', 'notions', 'now', 'nowhere', '
noxious', 'number', 'numbers', 'nurse', 'oafs', 'oath', 'oathbreaker', 'oath
s', 'obey', 'obsequious', 'observed', 'observers', 'obvious', 'occasional',
'occasions', 'occupied', 'occupying', 'occur', 'occurs', 'ocean', 'odd', 'od
ds', 'of', 'off', 'offend', 'offended', 'offense', 'offer', 'offered', 'offe
ring', 'offerings', 'offers', 'officers', 'official', 'oft', 'often', 'oh',
'oil', 'ointments', 'old', 'older', 'oldest', 'omen', 'omens', 'on', 'once',
'one', 'ones', 'onion', 'onions', 'only', 'onto', 'oof', 'oooo', 'oozing',
'open', 'opened', 'opens', 'opinion', 'opinions', 'opponent', 'opponents', '
opportunities', 'opportunity', 'or', 'oranges', 'order', 'ordered', 'orders'
, 'ordinary', 'organized', 'orphan', 'orphans', 'other', 'others', 'otherwis
e', 'ought', 'our', 'ours', 'ourselves', 'out', 'outfox', 'outlaw', 'outlawe
d', 'outlaws', 'outnumber', 'outnumbered', 'outrage', 'outrageous', 'outrun'
, 'outside', 'outsider', 'outspend', 'outthinking', 'oven', 'over', 'overcom
e', 'overcoming', 'overdo', 'overdressed', 'overestimated', 'overextended',
'overflowing', 'overpower', 'overreach', 'overthrow', 'overwhelm', 'owe', 'o
wed', 'owes', 'own', 'owned', 'owns', 'paces', 'pack', 'packed', 'packing',
'packs', 'pact', 'padding', 'paddling', 'paid', 'pain', 'painful', 'painted'
, 'painter', 'pair', 'palace', 'palaces', 'pale', 'pampered', 'panic', 'pant
ing', 'pants', 'paper', 'papers', 'paragon', 'paramount', 'pardon', 'parent'
, 'parlor', 'part', 'particularly', 'partner', 'parts', 'party', 'pass', 'pa
ssage', 'passageways', 'passed', 'passes', 'passion', 'past', 'path', 'paths
', 'patience', 'patrol', 'patron', 'patronage', 'paved', 'pay', 'pays', 'pea
ce', 'peasant', 'peasants', 'pelts', 'pen', 'penalty', 'penetrate', 'people'
, 'pepper', 'perfect', 'perfected', 'perfecting', 'perfectly', 'performance'
, 'perfumed', 'perhaps', 'perilous', 'perils', 'perimeter', 'permanent', 'pe
rmission', 'person', 'personal', 'personality', 'personally', 'persuade', 'p
ersuasive', 'perversions', 'pest', 'pet', 'petrified', 'phrase', 'pick', 'pi
cked', 'picking', 'pickpockets', 'picks', 'picture', 'pictured', 'pie', 'pie
ce', 'pieces', 'piecrust', 'pierce', 'piercing', 'pig', 'pigeon', 'piggy', '
pigs', 'pikes', 'pile', 'piles', 'pillage', 'pillaging', 'pillar', 'pin', 'p
incers', 'pinched', 'pirate', 'pirates', 'piss', 'pissed', 'pisses', 'pissin
g', 'pit', 'pitch', 'pits', 'pity', 'pivot', 'place', 'placed', 'places', 'p
lain', 'plan', 'planned', 'planning', 'plans', 'plate', 'plated', 'play', 'p
layed', 'players', 'playing', 'plaything', 'plead', 'pleaded', 'pleasant', '
please', 'pleased', 'pleases', 'pleasure', 'pledge', 'pledged', 'plenty', 'p
lot', 'plots', 'plotted', 'plotting', 'ploughmen', 'plow', 'plowing', 'pluck
ed', 'plumber', 'plump', 'plunder', 'plus', 'poachers', 'pocket', 'pockets',
'poetry', 'point', 'pointy', 'poison', 'poisoned', 'poisoner', 'poke', 'pok
er', 'polished', 'pollute', 'pommel', 'pomp', 'pompous', 'ponderous', 'poor'
, 'poorly', 'poppy', 'popular', 'porkchop', 'port', 'pose', 'position', 'pos
itively', 'possess', 'possession', 'possibilities', 'possible', 'possibly',
'post', 'pot', 'potatoes', 'potential', 'pots', 'pour', 'poured', 'poverty',
'powder', 'power', 'powerful', 'powers', 'ppp', 'practical', 'practice', 'p
racticing', 'prancing', 'pray', 'prayed', 'prayer', 'prayers', 'praying', 'p
reaching', 'precious', 'preen', 'prefer', 'preferable', 'preferred', 'prefer
s', 'pregnant', 'preparations', 'prepare', 'prepared', 'preparing', 'preroga
tive', 'presence', 'present', 'presents', 'preserve', 'pressed', 'pressing',
'pressure', 'presume', 'pretend', 'pretender', 'pretending', 'pretends', 'p
rettier', 'pretty', 'prevail', 'price', 'prick', 'pride', 'priest', 'prieste
ss', 'primitive', 'primp', 'prince', 'princes', 'princess', 'princesses', 'p
riority', 'prison', 'prisoner', 'prisoners', 'private', 'privilege', 'privy'
, 'prize', 'probably', 'problem', 'problems', 'proclaim', 'proclaims', 'proc
ured', 'profaned', 'profit', 'profitable', 'prominent', 'promise', 'promised
', 'promises', 'prone', 'pronounce', 'proof', 'proper', 'properly', 'proposa
l', 'proposed', 'prospect', 'prospers', 'protect', 'protected', 'protecting'
, 'protection', 'protector', 'protectors', 'protects', 'protracted', 'proud'
, 'prove', 'proved', 'proven', 'proverb', 'provide', 'provided', 'providing'
, 'province', 'provincial', 'provoke', 'prudent', 'pry', 'pssst', 'pudding',
'puff', 'pull', 'pulled', 'pulling', 'pumping', 'punctuality', 'punish', 'p
unishable', 'punished', 'punishing', 'punishment', 'pup', 'pups', 'pure', 'p
urest', 'purpose', 'purse', 'pursue', 'pursuit', 'purveyor', 'push', 'pushed
', 'pushing', 'put', 'puts', 'putting', 'pyre', 'qora', 'qorasokh', 'qothoon
', 'qoy', 'qoyi', 'qualities', 'quality', 'quarrel', 'quarters', 'queen', 'q
uestion', 'questioned', 'questioning', 'questions', 'quick', 'quicker', 'qui
ckly', 'quiet', 'quietly', 'quit', 'quite', 'quoting', 'race', 'racing', 'ra
gged', 'rags', 'raid', 'raiding', 'rain', 'rains', 'raise', 'raised', 'rake'
, 'rallied', 'rally', 'rallying', 'ram', 'ramming', 'ran', 'ranger', 'ranger
s', 'rank', 'ranks', 'ransoming', 'rant', 'rape', 'raped', 'rapers', 'raping
', 'rapport', 'rare', 'rarely', 'raspberries', 'rat', 'rather', 'rats', 'rat
tle', 'rattles', 'raven', 'ravens', 'raving', 'ravishing', 'rd', 'reach', 'r
eached', 'reaching', 'read', 'reading', 'reads', 'ready', 'real', 'realize',
'realized', 'really', 'realm', 'realms', 'reaps', 'reason', 'reasons', 'rea
ve', 'reavers', 'reaving', 'rebel', 'rebelled', 'rebelling', 'rebellion', 'r
ebellions', 'rebels', 'rebuild', 'recall', 'recapture', 'receive', 'received
', 'recently', 'recite', 'reciting', 'reckless', 'recklessly', 'recklessness
', 'reckon', 'recognize', 'recognized', 'reconsider', 'recovery', 'recruits'
, 'red', 'redeeming', 'redheads', 'reeling', 'refer', 'refreshment', 'refuge
es', 'refuse', 'refused', 'refuses', 'regard', 'regards', 'regent', 'regret'
, 'regrets', 'regroup', 'reign', 'reigned', 'reins', 'reject', 'rejoice', 'r
ejoin', 'rek', 'relative', 'release', 'released', 'relevant', 'relieved', 'r
elieves', 'religion', 'remain', 'remains', 'remarkable', 'remedy', 'remember
', 'remembered', 'remembers', 'remind', 'reminder', 'reminding', 'reminds',
'remove', 'removed', 'rendition', 'renounce', 'rent', 'repaid', 'repair', 'r
epay', 'repeatedly', 'repeating', 'repelled', 'replace', 'replaced', 'reply'
, 'report', 'reporting', 'reports', 'represent', 'reprieve', 'repulsive', 'r
eputation', 'request', 'requested', 'require', 'requires', 'rescue', 'reside
s', 'resist', 'resources', 'respect', 'respected', 'respects', 'respite', 'r
espond', 'responsibilities', 'responsible', 'rest', 'restore', 'results', 'r
etain', 'retainers', 'retake', 'retaliate', 'return', 'returned', 'returning
', 'returns', 'reunited', 'reveal', 'revealed', 'revenge', 'reversed', 'revi
ewed', 'reward', 'rewards', 'rhae', 'rhaesheseres', 'rib', 'rich', 'riches',
'richest', 'rid', 'ridden', 'riddle', 'riddles', 'ride', 'rider', 'riders',
'rides', 'ridiculous', 'riding', 'right', 'righteous', 'rightful', 'rightly
', 'rights', 'rigid', 'ring', 'ringing', 'rings', 'riot', 'ripe', 'riposte',
'ripped', 'ripping', 'rips', 'rise', 'risen', 'rises', 'rising', 'risk', 'r
ivals', 'river', 'riverbank', 'rivers', 'road', 'roam', 'roamed', 'roaring',
'roasted', 'robe', 'rock', 'rocks', 'rode', 'role', 'roles', 'rolling', 'ro
mantic', 'roof', 'rookery', 'room', 'rooms', 'roosters', 'root', 'roots', 'r
ope', 'ropes', 'roses', 'rot', 'rots', 'rotten', 'rotting', 'rough', 'roughe
r', 'round', 'rounded', 'rounds', 'row', 'rows', 'royal', 'rub', 'rude', 'ru
deness', 'ruin', 'ruined', 'rule', 'ruler', 'rulers', 'rules', 'ruling', 'ru
m', 'rumbles', 'rumbling', 'rumor', 'rumors', 'run', 'runaways', 'runner', '
running', 'runs', 'runt', 'rushes', 'rusing', 'rustling', 'sack', 'sacked',
'sacks', 'sacred', 'sacrifice', 'sad', 'saddens', 'saddle', 'saddled', 'sadd
ler', 'sadly', 'sadness', 'safe', 'safekeeping', 'safely', 'safer', 'safest'
, 'safety', 'said', 'sail', 'sailboat', 'sailed', 'sailing', 'sailor', 'sail
ors', 'sails', 'saja', 'sake', 'sakes', 'sale', 'sally', 'salmon', 'salt', '
salted', 'same', 'sane', 'sang', 'sap', 'sat', 'satisfaction', 'satisfied',
'satisfy', 'sausage', 'sausages', 'savage', 'savaged', 'savages', 'save', 's
aved', 'saving', 'savior', 'saw', 'sawing', 'say', 'saying', 'says', 'scaled
', 'scar', 'scare', 'scared', 'scaring', 'scars', 'scary', 'scatter', 'scatt
ered', 'scent', 'schemes', 'scheming', 'scout', 'scouts', 'scrap', 'scrapes'
, 'scratch', 'scream', 'screamed', 'screamers', 'screaming', 'screams', 'scr
eeches', 'screeching', 'scroll', 'scrub', 'scrubbing', 'scruff', 'scruples',
'scullion', 'scum', 'sea', 'seagulls', 'seal', 'sealed', 'sealing', 'search
', 'searching', 'seas', 'seasoned', 'seasons', 'seat', 'second', 'secret', '
secretly', 'secrets', 'secure', 'secured', 'securing', 'seduce', 'seducing',
'see', 'seed', 'seeing', 'seek', 'seeking', 'seem', 'seemed', 'seems', 'see
n', 'sees', 'seize', 'seized', 'self', 'sell', 'selling', 'sellsword', 'send
', 'sending', 'sends', 'sense', 'sensitive', 'sent', 'sentence', 'sentry', '
separates', 'septa', 'ser', 'serious', 'seriously', 'servant', 'servants', '
serve', 'served', 'serves', 'service', 'services', 'serving', 'set', 'sets',
'settled', 'seven', 'several', 'sew', 'sewed', 'sewers', 'sewing', 'sewn',
'shade', 'shadow', 'shadows', 'shafka', 'shake', 'shall', 'shame', 'shameful
', 'shan', 'shape', 'share', 'shared', 'shark', 'sharp', 'sharpened', 'shatt
ered', 'shave', 'she', 'shear', 'shed', 'shedding', 'sheep', 'sheets', 'shel
ter', 'shh', 'shhh', 'shield', 'shields', 'shifting', 'shines', 'shining', '
ship', 'shipped', 'ships', 'shit', 'shits', 'shiver', 'shocked', 'shoes', 's
hoo', 'shook', 'shoot', 'shooting', 'shop', 'shore', 'shores', 'shori', 'sho
rt', 'shorter', 'should', 'shoulder', 'shoulders', 'shouldn', 'shout', 'shou
ted', 'shouting', 'shove', 'shoved', 'show', 'showed', 'shower', 'shown', 's
hred', 'shrewd', 'shrieking', 'shudders', 'shut', 'shutting', 'siblings', 's
ick', 'sickening', 'sickly', 'sickness', 'side', 'sided', 'sideface', 'sides
', 'siege', 'sight', 'sigil', 'sign', 'signal', 'significant', 'signifies',
'silence', 'silent', 'silk', 'silly', 'silver', 'similar', 'simper', 'simple
', 'simpler', 'simply', 'sin', 'since', 'sincerest', 'sing', 'singing', 'sin
gle', 'sings', 'singularly', 'sink', 'sins', 'sister', 'sisters', 'sit', 'si
ts', 'sitting', 'situation', 'situations', 'six', 'size', 'skeleton', 'skept
ical', 'skewer', 'skewered', 'skies', 'skill', 'skilled', 'skills', 'skin',
'skinned', 'skinny', 'skip', 'skirts', 'skull', 'skulls', 'sky', 'slain', 's
lams', 'slaughter', 'slaughtered', 'slaughterhouse', 'slaughters', 'slave',
'slaver', 'slaves', 'slaving', 'slay', 'sledge', 'sleek', 'sleep', 'sleeping
', 'sleepless', 'sleeps', 'slept', 'slice', 'slightly', 'slip', 'slipped', '
slipping', 'slit', 'slogging', 'slouch', 'slow', 'slowed', 'slowly', 'slows'
, 'slut', 'sluts', 'sly', 'smack', 'smacked', 'small', 'smaller', 'smallest'
, 'smart', 'smash', 'smashed', 'smell', 'smile', 'smiled', 'smiles', 'smilin
g', 'smith', 'smiths', 'smoke', 'smokes', 'smothered', 'smug', 'smuggler', '
smugglers', 'snake', 'snakes', 'snarks', 'snarling', 'snatched', 'sneak', 's
neaking', 'sneered', 'snickers', 'sniffing', 'snigger', 'sniveling', 'snores
', 'snorting', 'snorts', 'snow', 'snows', 'snuck', 'so', 'sobbing', 'sober',
'sobered', 'socket', 'soft', 'sold', 'soldier', 'soldiers', 'sole', 'solemn
', 'solemnly', 'solid', 'solitude', 'some', 'somebody', 'someday', 'somehow'
, 'someone', 'something', 'sometimes', 'somewhere', 'son', 'song', 'songs',
'sons', 'soon', 'sooner', 'soothe', 'sorceress', 'sorcery', 'sore', 'sorry',
'sort', 'sorts', 'soul', 'souls', 'sound', 'sounds', 'soup', 'sour', 'south
', 'southern', 'sow', 'sows', 'spare', 'spared', 'spat', 'speak', 'speaking'
, 'speaks', 'spear', 'speared', 'spears', 'special', 'specific', 'specifical
ly', 'specifics', 'specimen', 'spectacular', 'speech', 'spell', 'spells', 's
pend', 'spending', 'spent', 'spices', 'spider', 'spiders', 'spies', 'spike',
'spikes', 'spills', 'spirit', 'spirits', 'spit', 'spite', 'spitting', 'spli
nter', 'spoil', 'spoiled', 'spoiling', 'spoils', 'spoke', 'spoken', 'spooked
', 'spot', 'spotted', 'spread', 'spreading', 'sprinkle', 'spy', 'spying', 's
quad', 'squads', 'squalling', 'square', 'squeaking', 'squeal', 'squealing',
'squint', 'squire', 'squired', 'squires', 'squiring', 'squirm', 'squirted',
'squirting', 'stab', 'stabbed', 'stabbing', 'stabbings', 'stable', 'stablebo
y', 'stables', 'stag', 'stage', 'stages', 'stags', 'stained', 'stairs', 'sta
ke', 'stakes', 'stale', 'stalks', 'stallion', 'stamina', 'stand', 'standard'
, 'standing', 'stands', 'starbursts', 'stares', 'staring', 'stars', 'start',
'started', 'starting', 'starvation', 'starve', 'starved', 'starving', 'stat
ement', 'station', 'statue', 'stay', 'stayed', 'staying', 'stead', 'steady',
'steal', 'stealing', 'steals', 'steaming', 'steel', 'steeper', 'stem', 'ste
p', 'stepped', 'stepping', 'steps', 'stern', 'sternness', 'stew', 'steward',
'stewards', 'stick', 'still', 'stillborns', 'stink', 'stinking', 'stinks',
'stitching', 'stoat', 'stockade', 'stockades', 'stole', 'stolen', 'stomach',
'stone', 'stonemason', 'stonemasons', 'stones', 'stood', 'stop', 'stopped',
'stops', 'store', 'stored', 'stores', 'stories', 'storm', 'story', 'stout',
'straight', 'strange', 'stranger', 'strangers', 'strangest', 'strangle', 's
trangled', 'straps', 'strategies', 'strategy', 'straws', 'stream', 'streams'
, 'streets', 'strength', 'strengths', 'stresses', 'stretcher', 'strictly', '
strife', 'strike', 'string', 'strings', 'strip', 'stroke', 'strong', 'strong
er', 'strongest', 'stronghold', 'struck', 'structure', 'strut', 'stuck', 'st
udent', 'studied', 'study', 'studying', 'stuff', 'stuffed', 'stumble', 'stun
ning', 'stunted', 'stupid', 'stupidest', 'stupidity', 'stutter', 'styles', '
subject', 'subjective', 'subjects', 'submitted', 'substance', 'succeeded', '
succeeds', 'succession', 'succumb', 'succumbed', 'such', 'suckle', 'sudden',
'sue', 'suffer', 'suffered', 'suffers', 'suffices', 'sufficient', 'suggest'
, 'suggesting', 'suggestion', 'suit', 'suitable', 'suited', 'summer', 'summe
rwine', 'summoned', 'summons', 'sun', 'sundown', 'sunk', 'sunrise', 'sunset'
, 'superiority', 'superstition', 'superstitious', 'supper', 'supplies', 'sup
ply', 'support', 'supporter', 'supporting', 'suppose', 'supposed', 'sure', '
surely', 'surname', 'surprise', 'surprised', 'surprises', 'surprising', 'sur
prisingly', 'surrender', 'surrounded', 'survive', 'surviving', 'survivors',
'suspect', 'sustained', 'swallow', 'swap', 'swear', 'swears', 'sweep', 'swee
t', 'sweetest', 'sweetling', 'sweetly', 'swell', 'swept', 'swift', 'swill',
'swim', 'swing', 'swinging', 'swollen', 'sword', 'swordplay', 'swords', 'swo
rdsman', 'swordsmen', 'swore', 'sworn', 'swung', 'sympathies', 'sympathize',
'sympathy', 'table', 'tactics', 'tail', 'tailbone', 'take', 'taken', 'takes
', 'taking', 'tale', 'talent', 'talents', 'tales', 'talk', 'talkative', 'tal
ked', 'talking', 'talks', 'tall', 'taller', 'tallest', 'tallow', 'tame', 'ta
ngling', 'target', 'task', 'taste', 'tasted', 'tasteless', 'tasting', 'tatto
o', 'tattoos', 'taught', 'tavern', 'tawakof', 'taxes', 'tea', 'teach', 'teac
her', 'teaching', 'tear', 'tearfully', 'tearing', 'tears', 'teats', 'teeth',
'tell', 'telling', 'tells', 'temper', 'tempers', 'temple', 'temporary', 'te
mpted', 'tend', 'tender', 'tends', 'tens', 'tent', 'tents', 'terms', 'terrib
le', 'terribly', 'terrified', 'territory', 'terror', 'terrors', 'test', 'th'
, 'than', 'thank', 'thankful', 'thanks', 'that', 'thaw', 'the', 'theater', '
their', 'theirs', 'them', 'themselves', 'then', 'there', 'these', 'they', 't
hickest', 'thief', 'thievery', 'thieves', 'thing', 'things', 'think', 'think
ing', 'thinks', 'thira', 'third', 'thirst', 'thirsty', 'this', 'those', 'tho
ugh', 'thought', 'thoughts', 'thousand', 'thousands', 'threat', 'threaten',
'threatened', 'threatening', 'threatens', 'threats', 'three', 'threw', 'thri
lling', 'thrive', 'throat', 'throats', 'throne', 'thrones', 'through', 'thro
w', 'thrown', 'thrust', 'thud', 'thugs', 'thunder', 'thunks', 'tide', 'till'
, 'time', 'times', 'tipper', 'tire', 'tired', 'tirelessly', 'tiring', 'title
', 'titles', 'tits', 'to', 'toady', 'toasts', 'today', 'toe', 'together', 't
oil', 'token', 'told', 'toll', 'tolling', 'tomorrow', 'tongue', 'tonight', '
too', 'took', 'top', 'tore', 'torn', 'torture', 'tortures', 'torturing', 'to
uch', 'touched', 'touches', 'touching', 'tough', 'tougher', 'tournament', 't
ournaments', 'tourney', 'tow', 'toward', 'towards', 'tower', 'towers', 'town
', 'towns', 'toy', 'toys', 'trace', 'track', 'tracked', 'tracks', 'trade', '
trader', 'tragedy', 'train', 'trained', 'training', 'trait', 'traitor', 'tra
itors', 'trample', 'transform', 'transporting', 'trap', 'travel', 'traveled'
, 'traveler', 'traveling', 'travelled', 'travels', 'treachery', 'treading',
'treason', 'treasonous', 'treasons', 'treasure', 'treasury', 'treat', 'treat
ed', 'treating', 'treats', 'tree', 'trees', 'tremble', 'tremendous', 'trial'
, 'tribe', 'tribes', 'tribesmen', 'tribute', 'trick', 'tricked', 'tricking',
'trickling', 'tricks', 'tricky', 'trident', 'tridents', 'tried', 'tries', '
trinket', 'trinkets', 'trip', 'triple', 'troop', 'troops', 'trouble', 'troub
led', 'troubles', 'truces', 'true', 'trueborn', 'truer', 'truly', 'trust', '
trusted', 'trusting', 'trusts', 'trustworthy', 'truth', 'truths', 'try', 'tr
ying', 'tsk', 'tumble', 'tune', 'tunnel', 'tunnels', 'turmoil', 'turn', 'tur
ned', 'turning', 'turnip', 'turnips', 'turns', 'turpentine', 'turtle', 'tusk
s', 'tutored', 'twat', 'twice', 'twigs', 'twin', 'twisted', 'two', 'uglier',
'ugliness', 'ugly', 'uh', 'um', 'un', 'unaccustomed', 'unarmed', 'unarmored
', 'unbecoming', 'unbent', 'unborn', 'unbroken', 'uncle', 'uncles', 'uncomfo
rtable', 'uncommon', 'unconvinced', 'under', 'underestimated', 'underfed', '
understand', 'understanding', 'understands', 'understood', 'undisciplined',
'undress', 'unexpected', 'unfair', 'unfit', 'unfounded', 'unharmed', 'unhurt
', 'uniquely', 'unite', 'united', 'uniting', 'unknown', 'unladylike', 'unles
s', 'unlike', 'unlikely', 'unlock', 'unlucky', 'unmake', 'unnatural', 'unnic
k', 'unpleasant', 'unpleasantness', 'unpunished', 'unravel', 'unrstands', 'u
nseated', 'unspeakable', 'unstoppable', 'untie', 'until', 'untimely', 'unwan
ted', 'up', 'upon', 'upset', 'upstairs', 'upstart', 'upstarts', 'urge', 'urg
ent', 'urges', 'us', 'use', 'used', 'useful', 'useless', 'usually', 'usurper
', 'utterly', 'vacchaki', 'vaguely', 'valiantly', 'valid', 'valuable', 'valu
e', 'vanguard', 'vanity', 'vanquished', 'varies', 'vassals', 'vast', 'vastoe
', 'vault', 'vaults', 'vazha', 'vazhak', 'veins', 'vekha', 'vengeance', 'ver
y', 'vezhven', 'vice', 'vicious', 'victories', 'victory', 'view', 'vigil', '
vile', 'village', 'villagers', 'villages', 'villain', 'vines', 'vintage', 'v
iolence', 'violent', 'virgin', 'virgins', 'virtue', 'visit', 'visited', 'vis
itors', 'visits', 'visor', 'vitiherat', 'voice', 'voices', 'volunteer', 'vol
unteered', 'vomit', 'vos', 'vosaan', 'vouch', 'vow', 'vows', 'vying', 'wa',
'wagon', 'wailing', 'wait', 'waited', 'waiting', 'waits', 'wake', 'waking',
'walk', 'walked', 'walking', 'wall', 'walls', 'walnuts', 'wandered', 'want',
'wanted', 'wanting', 'wants', 'war', 'ward', 'warden', 'wares', 'warfare',
'warlock', 'warlocks', 'warm', 'warmer', 'warmest', 'warmth', 'warn', 'warne
d', 'warning', 'warnings', 'warrant', 'warranted', 'warrior', 'warriors', 'w
ars', 'was', 'wash', 'washed', 'wasn', 'waste', 'wasted', 'wasting', 'watch'
, 'watched', 'watcher', 'watches', 'watching', 'watchman', 'water', 'waterfa
ll', 'wave', 'waves', 'way', 'ways', 'we', 'weak', 'weaken', 'weakened', 'we
aker', 'weakest', 'weakness', 'weaknesses', 'wealth', 'wealthiest', 'wealthy
', 'weapon', 'weapons', 'wear', 'wearing', 'wears', 'weary', 'wed', 'wedding
', 'weed', 'weeds', 'week', 'weeks', 'weep', 'weight', 'welcome', 'welcoming
', 'well', 'wench', 'wenches', 'went', 'wept', 'were', 'weren', 'west', 'wet
', 'what', 'whatever', 'whatnot', 'wheat', 'wheel', 'wheelwright', 'whelped'
, 'when', 'whenever', 'where', 'whereabouts', 'whereas', 'wherever', 'whethe
r', 'whetstone', 'which', 'whichever', 'whiff', 'while', 'whilst', 'whimperi
ng', 'whims', 'whines', 'whining', 'whinnies', 'whinny', 'whip', 'whisper',
'whispered', 'whisperers', 'whispering', 'whispers', 'whistles', 'white', 'w
ho', 'whoa', 'whoever', 'whole', 'whom', 'whore', 'whored', 'whorehouse', 'w
horemonger', 'whores', 'whoring', 'whose', 'why', 'wick', 'wicked', 'widow',
'widowed', 'wield', 'wife', 'wild', 'wilderness', 'wildfire', 'wildling', '
wildlings', 'will', 'willing', 'willingly', 'willow', 'wills', 'win', 'wind'
, 'window', 'windows', 'winds', 'wine', 'wines', 'wings', 'winning', 'wins',
'winter', 'winters', 'wintry', 'wipes', 'wisdom', 'wise', 'wisely', 'wiser'
, 'wisest', 'wish', 'wished', 'wishes', 'wit', 'witch', 'with', 'withdraw',
'withhold', 'within', 'without', 'withstand', 'witness', 'wives', 'woes', 'w
oke', 'woken', 'wolf', 'wolves', 'woman', 'womanly', 'womb', 'wombs', 'women
', 'won', 'wonder', 'wondered', 'wonderful', 'wondering', 'wood', 'wooden',
'woods', 'woofs', 'word', 'wording', 'words', 'wore', 'work', 'worked', 'wor
king', 'works', 'world', 'worm', 'worn', 'worried', 'worry', 'worrying', 'wo
rse', 'worship', 'worshipped', 'worst', 'worth', 'worthy', 'would', 'wouldn'
, 'wound', 'wounded', 'wounds', 'wrapped', 'wrath', 'wrestling', 'wretched',
'wrist', 'write', 'writer', 'writing', 'written', 'wrong', 'wronged', 'wrot
e', 'yank', 'yanked', 'yard', 'yards', 'yeah', 'year', 'yearling', 'years',
'yellow', 'yelps', 'yer', 'yes', 'yesterday', 'yet', 'yield', 'yielded', 'yo
', 'yoke', 'yolks', 'you', 'young', 'younger', 'youngest', 'your', 'yours',
'yourself', 'yourselves', 'youth', 'zala', 'zalat', 'zali', 'zalo', 'zhey']

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