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[美剧赏析] 权力的游戏<Game of Thrones>完全赏析 (15-16)

2016-08-22 17:36 525 查看



- You swear it? - By the mother. My son has no interest in the Iron Throne. Then I see no reason for hostility between us. Your son can go on calling himself King in the North, the Starks will have dominion over all lands north
of Moat Cailin, provided he swears me an oath of fealty. And the wording of this oath? The same Ned Stark swore to Robert 18 years ago. Cat, their friendship held the kingdoms together. And in return for my son's loyalty? In the morning I'll destroy my brother's
army. When that's done, Baratheon and Stark will fight their common enemy together, as they have done many times before. Our two houses have always been close, which is why I am begging you to reconsider this battle. Negotiate a peace with your brother. Negotiate
with Stannis? You heard him out there. I'd have better luck debating the wind. Please bring my terms to your son. I believe we are natural allies. I hope he feels the same. Together we could end this war in a fortnight. No! - No. - Follow me! - You'll die
for this. - No, wait, it wasn't her! - You'll-. - No, wa- We've got to leave. They'll hang you for this. - Inside the King's tent, go! - Now! I won't leave him. You can't avenge him if you're dead. Over there, go! Not that way. We need to go home. - Loras.
- My Lord, My Lady. Get out. Stannis will be here in an hour. When he arrives, Renly's bannermen will flock to him. Your former companions will fight for the privilege of selling you to their new king. And you want that privilege for yourself. You will note
that I am standing here talking to you, - not Stannis. - There's no time for this. Ride back to Highgarden, sister. I'm not running from Stannis. Brienne of Tarth murdered Renly. I don't believe that. You don't believe that. Who gained the most from our king's
death? Stannis. I will put a sword through his righteous face. You can't stay here. He would have been a true king, a good king. Tell me, Ser Loras, what do you desire most in this world? Revenge. I have always found that to be the purest of motivations, but
you won't have a chance to put your sword through Stannis, not today. You'll be cut to pieces before he sets foot on solid ground. If it is justice that you want, be smart about it. You can't avenge him from the grave. Bring the horses. Please. He was very
handsome. He was, Your Grace. "Your Grace." Calling yourself king doesn't make you one. And if Renly wasn't a king, I wasn't a queen. Do you want to be a queen? No. I want to be the queen. Killed? By whom? Accounts differ. Most seem to implicate Catelyn Stark
in some way. Really? Who'd have thought? Some say it was one of his own Kingsguard, while still others say it was Stannis himself who did it after negotiations went sour. Whomever did it, I say well done. It's not what Varys says. He says Renly's army is flocking
to support Stannis, which would give Stannis superiority over us on both land and sea. Littlefinger says we can outspend him three to one. And I say father raised you to have too much respect for money. Stannis Baratheon is coming for us, sooner rather than
later. Aren't there other things you should be doing, like sealing my daughter in a crate so you can ship her away? She'll be safer in Dorne. Yes, I know how concerned you are for her safety. It so happens that I am. Myrcella is a sweet, innocent girl and
I don't blame her at all for you. So clever. Aren't you always so clever with your schemes and your plots? Schemes and plots are the same thing. They are going to attack us. We need to be ready. No need to concern yourself over it. The King is taking personal
charge of siege preparations. May I ask specifically what the King has in mind? You may specifically or you may ask vaguely. The answer will be the same. It's important that we talk about this. It's the King's royal prerogative to withhold sensitive information
from his councilors. It's wildfire. Wildfire? You wouldn't lie to me, would you, cousin? - No. - That's a lie right there. It is not a lie. Why would I lie? Tell me, if the vile allegations against my brother and sister are true, do you think it will make
Jaime more likely to kill you or less likely? When I tell him you're fucking her, I mean. I'm telling you the truth. The smart money would be on more likely. She's making wildfire. But then perhaps his own unnatural urges will give him sympathy for yours.
The alchemists' guild is being commissioned. I suppose there's only one way to find out. They have thousands of pots already stored in their vaults. They are planning to launch them from the city walls into Stannis's ships and armies. Please. When did she
tell you this? I heard her talking with the Pyromancer. And the other night after I left her, she went to meet him. - I swear to you. - Swear to me on what? - On my life. - But I don't care about your life. In the Light of the Seven, by all that is holy and
right, I, Lancel Lannister, do solemnly vow-- All right, all right. Enough. Even torturing you is boring. Just get out. Oh, Lancel, tell my friend Bronn to please kill you if anything should happen to me. Please kill me if anything should happen to Lord Tyrion.
It will be my pleasure. - Your Grace. - What is it? Your Grace. I'm sorry about your brother, Your Grace. I wanted to let you know that people grieve for him. Your Grace. - Fools love a fool. - Your Grace. I grieve for him as well-- for the boy he was, not
the man he grew to be. I need to speak to you about what I saw in that cave. I thought I made it clear to you there'd be no need to speak to me on this matter. Your Grace, I-- I've never known you to need to hear a thing twice. And I've never known you to
hide from the truth. You've come to lecture me on truth? I've come to tell you that what I saw-- All my brother's bannermen have come to my side. Except the Tyrells, who fled like cowards. They won't be able to resist us now. Soon I shall be sitting on the
Iron Throne. Nothing is worth what this will cost you, - not even the Iron-- - I'll hear no more about it. Take a company of men, secure the perimeter. When do we sail for King's Landing? As soon as I've consolidated my troops. We'll make short work of the
Lannisters' fleet. Once Blackwater Bay is cleared, we'll deliver our troops to their doorstep and take the city. And will you bring Lady Melisandre with you? That's not your concern. If you take King's Landing with her by your side, the victory will be hers.
I never thought I'd have reason to doubt your loyalty. Was I wrong? Loyal service means telling hard truths. Oh, truth again. All right, what's the truth? The hard truth? She's a foreigner preaching her foreign religion. Some believe she whispers orders in
your ear and you obey. What do you believe? You won those bannermen from Renly. Don't lose them to her. We set out for King's Landing without Lady Melisandre. And you lead the fleet into Blackwater Bay. Your Grace, I'm honored, but my time on the sea was spent
evading ships, not attacking them. The other lords won't be happy. Most of those lords should consider themselves lucky I don't hang them for treason. Hard truths cut both ways, Ser Davos. I've got it! I've got it! So it's that one there at the top, on the
right. Buy my fruit, My Lord. Fresh fruit. Stannis has more infantry, more ships, more horses. What do we have? There's that mind of yours you keep going on about. Well, I've never actually been able to kill people with it. Good thing. I'd be out of a job.
What about your father? He hasn't sent a raven in weeks. He's very busy. Being repeatedly humiliated by Robb Stark is time-consuming. We won't be able to hold the city against Stannis, not the way Joffrey's planning on holding it. Corruption, yes. We are swollen,
bloated, foul. Brother fornicates with sister in the bed of Kings and we're surprised when the fruit of their incest is rotten? Yes, a rotten king. It's hard to argue with his assessment. Not after what he did to your birthday present. The King is a lost cause.
It's the rest of us I'm worried about now. A dancing king, prancing down his bloodstained halls to the tune of a twisted demon monkey. You have to admire his imagination. - He's talking about you. - What? Demon monkey? People think you're pulling the King's
strings. They blame you for the city's ills. Blame me? I'm trying to save them. You don't need to convince me. Demon monkey. ( Seagulls screeching Yeah, come on. You're the crew of the sea bitch? I'm your commander. Welcome. Stop. Stop! Your Captain commands
you to stop. Where are we heading, Captain? The Stony Shore to raid their villages. There'll be spoils in it for you, and women, if you do your jobs well. And who decides if we've done our jobs well? I do. Your Captain. I have been reaving and raping since
before you left Balon's balls, Captain. Don't reckon I've got much use for your ideas on how to do it. Don't reckon I've got much use for a captain at all. I'm thinking I can do the job of captain real well myself. All I need is a ship. You wouldn't know where
I could find myself a ship now, would you? You could do that, take the ship, head out on your own. And I will hunt you down, drag you back here in chains, and hang you for a traitor. Stop. We yield. Congratulations on your first command. Thank you. Kind of
you to come see me off. Oh, I'm not here for you. I was just on my way to Red Harbor. I've got 30 ships. There's nowhere to put them here. - Too narrow. - You'd better get out there. Wouldn't want them to set sail without you. That would never happen. My crew
would wait on deck for a year if I asked them to. This lot, though... Enjoy the Stony Shore. Come on, I'll take you out. Who are you? Dagmer, your first mate. Why aren't you with the rest of them? Or did they send you to row me out and dump me halfway in the
sea? That would be good for a laugh. They're not gonna respect you until you prove yourself. And how am I supposed to prove myself by pillaging piss-poor fishing villages? You're not. And yet that's the task my father has given me to prove that I'm a true
Iron Islander. They're all Iron Islanders. Do they do as they're told or do they do as they like? The Stony Shore's not far from Torrhen's Square. The seat of the House of Tallhart-- a more impressive prize than a few fishermen's daughters. What, you don't
think we could take it? No, we could. We could never hold it for more than a few days. As soon as Winterfell got word that we'd taken Torrhen's Square, the Starks would send their men to take it back. And then-- take me to my ship. The Starks have overextended
their lines. Now that summer's over, they'll have a hard time keeping their men and horses fed. The Starks understand winter better than we ever will. The cold won't beat them. Our spies report growing discontent among the northern lords. They want to return
home and gather the harvest before the crops turn. And I'm sure if those same spies snuck into our own encampments, they would report growing discontent amongst the southern lords. This is war; No one's content. We've underestimated the Stark boy for too long.
He has a good mind for warfare, his men worship him. And as long as he keeps winning battles, they'll keep believing he is King in the North. You've been waiting for him to fail. He is not going to fail, not without our help. So how do we stop him? We've worked
through the night, My Lord. Perhaps we'd profit from some sleep. As I think you would, Reginald. And because you're my cousin, I might even let you wake from that sleep. Go, I'm sure your wife must miss you. My wife's in Lannisport. Well, then you'd better
start riding. Go before I change my mind and send her your head. If your name wasn't Lannister, you'd be scrubbing out pots in the cook's tent. Go! Not wine, water. We'll be here for some time. Girl. Where are you from? Maidenpool, My Lord. And who are the
Lords of Maidenpool? - Remind me. - House Mooton, My Lord. And what is their Sigil? A red salmon. I think a Maidenpool girl would remember that. You're a northerner, aren't you? Good. One more time, where are you from? Barrowton, My Lord. House Dustin. Two
crossed longaxes beneath a black crown. And what do they say of Robb Stark in the North? They call him the young wolf. And? They say he rides into battle on the back of a giant Direwolf. They say he can turn into a wolf himself when he wants. They say he can't
be killed. And do you believe them? No, My Lord. Anyone can be killed. Fetch that water. A girl says nothing. A girl keeps her mouth closed. No one hears, and friends may talk in secret, yes? A boy becomes a girl. I was always a girl. And I was always aware.
But the girl keeps secrets. It is not for a man to spoil them. You're one of them now. I should have let you burn. And you fetch water for one of them now. Why is this right for you and wrong for me? I didn't have a choice. You did. I did. And here we are.
A man pays his debts. A man owes three. Three what? The Red God takes what is his, lovely girl. And only death may pay for life. You saved me and the two I was with. You stole three deaths from the Red God. We have to give them back. Speak three names and
the man will do the rest. Three lives I will give you-- no more, no less, and we're done. I can name anyone and you'll kill him? A man has said. The one who tortures everyone. A man needs a name. I don't know his name. They call him the Tickler. That is enough.
Go now, girl. Your master is thirsty. He's not here yet. He'd have seen us, blown the horn. When will he come? The Halfhand does things in his own time. My uncle told me stories about him. Most of them are true. I heard the Halfhand spent half of last winter
beyond the wall. The whole winter. He was north of the Skirling Pass when the snows came. Had to wait for the thaw. So it is possible for someone to survive out here on their own. Well, possible for the Halfhand. Beautiful, isn't it? Gilly would love it here.
There's nothing more sickening than a man in love. About time you did something. At least you'll keep warm. The fist of the First Men. Think of how old this place is-- before the Targaryens defeated the Hendals, before the Andals took Westeros from the First
Men. Before I die, please, stop talking. Thousands and thousands of years ago, the First Men stood here where we're standing all through the long night. What do you think they were like, the First Men? Stupid. Smart people don't find themselves in places like
this. I think they were afraid. I think they came here to get away from something. And I don't think it worked. Wildlings? One blast is for rangers returning. Wildlings is two blasts. So you got to stand there waiting, wondering. One blast for friends, two
for foes. And three for White Walkers. It's been 1,000 years, but that's the only time they blow the horn three times. But if it's been 1,000 years, how do you know? - Well... - I read it in a book. Look. It's Qhorin Halfhand. Aye, we'll live another day.
Hurrah. Take care, My Lord. I remember reading an old sailor's proverb-- "piss on wildfire and your cock burns off." Oh, I have not conducted this experiment. It could well be true. The substance burns so hot, it melts wood, stone, even steel, and, of course,
flesh. The substance burns so hot, it melts flesh like tallow. After the dragons died, wildfire was the key to the Targaryen power. My companion takes issue. If I could tell you how many crazy old men I've seen pushing carts around army camps making grand
claims about jars full of pig shit... - No offense meant. - Our order does not deal in pig shit. The substance is fire given form. And we have been perfecting it since the days of Maegor. To do what? The jars are put in catapults and flung at the enemy. How
much do you have? If you could get real soldiers to man the catapults, then maybe you'd hit your target one time in 10, but all the real soldiers are in the Riverlands with your father. My Lord, this man is insulting. I don't know if you've ever seen a battle,
old man, but things can get a bit messy. 'Cause when we're flinging things at Stannis, he's flinging them right back at us. Men die, men shit themselves, men run, which means pots falling, which means fire inside the walls, which means the poor cunts trying
to defend the city end up burning it down. My friend remains unconvinced. He would not dare insult my order whilst Aerys Targaryen lived. Well, he's not living anymore. And all his pots of wildfire didn't help him, did they? Men win wars, not magic tricks.
We have been working tirelessly day and night ever since your royal sister commanded us to do so. Our present count stands at 7,811, enough to burn Stannis Baratheon's fleet and armies both. This is a shit idea. I'm afraid I have to concur with my advisor,
wisdom Hallyne. The contents of this room could lay King's Landing low. You won't be making wildfire for my sister any longer. You'll be making it for me. Dracarys. Dracarys. He'll be able to feed himself from now on. Let him sleep, Doreah. Yes, Khaleesi.
He loves you. Thank you, my friend. Did you see the dress Xaro had made for you? They say he's the wealthiest man in Qarth. It is known. And if Qarth is the wealthiest city in Essos-- The last time a rich man gave me a dress, he was selling me to Khal Drogo.
Xaro is our host, but we know nothing about him. Men like to talk about other men when they're happy. You would look like a real princess in Xaro's-- She's not a princess. She's a Khaleesi. You should wear it, Khaleesi. You are their guest. It would be rude
not to. And you must visit the night market. The Qartheen night market is like no night market you've ever seen. It sounds wonderful. The Meereens think they have a night market. I will take you there myself. Please excuse me for a moment. What are they doing?
Malakko says the statue is too heavy to carry. Kovarro says that Malakko is an idiot. They can pry out the gems, the rest is pure gold. Very soft. He can chop off as much as we can carry. My brother used to say the only thing the Dothraki knew how to do was
steal things better men have built. It's not the only thing. They're quite good at killing the better men. That's not the kind of queen I'm going to be. Mother of Dragons. On behalf of the warlocks of Qarth, I welcome you. A demonstration? Take this gem. Look
at it. Into its depths. So many facets. Look closely enough and you can see yourself in them. Often more than once. Should you grow tired of Xaro's baubles and trinkets, it would be an honor to host you at the House of the Undying. You're always welcome, Mother
of Dragons. My apologies. Pyat Pree is one of the Thirteen. It was customary for me to extend him an invitation. Customs die slow deaths in Qarth. What is the House of the Undying? It is where the warlocks go to squint at dusty books and drink shade of the
evening. It turns their lips blue and their minds soft-- so soft, they actually believe their parlor tricks are magic. You watch over her. Do I know you? I know you. Jorah Mormont of Bear Island. Who are you? I'm no one. But she is the Mother of Dragons. She
needs true protectors now more than ever. They shall come day and night to see the wonder born into the world again. And when they see, they shall lust, for dragons are fire made flesh. And fire is power. It looked like Stannis. To me it just looked like...
A shadow in the shape of a man. In the shape of Stannis. We should reach my son's camp tomorrow. Will you stay there long, My Lady? Only long enough to tell Robb what I have seen. After that, I will leave for Winterfell. My two youngest need me. I've been
away from them for far too long. I never knew my mother. I'm sorry. My own mother died on the birthing bed when I was very young. It's a bloody business. What comes after is even harder. Once you're safely back amongst your own people, will you give me leave
to go, My Lady? You mean to kill Stannis. I swore a vow. But Stannis has a great army around him. His own guards are sworn to keep him safe. I'm as good as any of them. I should never have fled. Renly's death was no fault of yours. You served him bravely.
I only held him that once as he was dying. He's gone, Brienne. You serve nothing and no one by following him into the earth. Renly's enemies are Robb's enemies as well. I do not know your son, My Lady... but I could serve you if you would have me. You have
courage. Not battle courage, perhaps, but, I don't know, a woman's kind of courage. And I think that when the time comes, you will not hold me back. Promise me that you will not hold me back from Stannis. When the time comes, I will not hold you back. Then
I am yours, My Lady. I will shield your back and give my life for yours if it comes to that. I swear it by the Old Gods and the new. I vow that you shall always have a place in my home and at my table and that I shall ask no service of you that might bring
you dishonor. I swear it by the Old Gods and the new. And it's not just thieves, My Lord. There's wolves in them hills now, more than I've ever seen. They come down in the night and they kill my sheep. My three sons is away fighting for your brother, My Lord.
They'll fight, keep fighting till they're told to go home. I have no one to man my flock now. Only me. I can't keep watch all day and all night. We can send two orphan boys from Winterstown home with you to help watch over your flock if you can give them room
and board. My wife always prayed for more children. We'll look after them. Thank you, My Lord. And may the Gods bless you and yours. Stop it. If that's everyone, I'm going to go for a ride before dark. - Good. - Hodor. - Hodor. Bran-- Lord Stark. Torrhen's
Square is under siege. Torrhen's Square is barely 40 leagues from here. How can the Lannisters strike so far north? Might be a raiding party led by the Mountain. Might be Sellswords paid by Tywin Lannister. We have to help them. Most of the fighting men are
away with Robb, but I can gather 200 decent men. Do you need so many? If we can't protect our own bannermen, why should they protect us? Go, Ser Rodrik. Take the men you need. Won't take long, My Lord. Southerners don't do well up here. So, what does it mean?
Ask your Maester Luwin. He's the one studying books all the time. I did ask him. He'd never heard of a three-eyed raven. - Must not mean anything, then - You're lying. You might be a little lord, but don't you call me a liar. - You know what it means. - I
never said I didn't. You didn't give me an honest answer. That's not the same as being a liar. Well, it's not far off. So, you've been dreaming of a three-eyed raven again? In the Godswood, you told me you didn't dream. Now who's a liar? What did you see in
your dream? Something bad? Tell me, boy. I dreamt that the sea came to Winterfell. I saw waves crashing against the gates and the water came flowing over the walls... flooded the castle. Drowned men were floating here in the yard. Ser Rodrik was one of them.
The sea is hundreds of miles away. I know. It's just a stupid dream. I've got to get these potatoes to the kitchen. Otherwise they'll put me in chains again. Osha. The three-eyed raven, what do they say about it north of the wall? They say all sorts of crazy
things north of the wall. - There. - Where? On that Mountain. I don't see very well. A fire. There's a fire. The people sitting around it have better eyes than yours or mine. When they see us coming, that fire becomes a signal. Gives Mance Rayder plenty of
time. to throw a party in our honor. How many wildlings have joined him? From what we can tell, all of them. Mance has gathered them all like deer against the wolves. They're almost ready to make their move. Where? Somewhere safe. Somewhere south. Can't just
march into their midst. And we can't wait for them here with nothing but a pile of stones to protect us. You saying we should fall back to the Wall? Mance was one of us once. Now he's one of them. He's gonna teach them our way of doing things. They'll hit
us in force. And they won't run away when we hit back. They're gonna be more organized than before, more disciplined more like us. So we need to be more like them, do things their way. Sneak in, kill Mance, and scatter them to the winds before they can march
on the Wall. And to do that... We need to get rid of those lookouts. It's not a job for 400 men. I need to move fast and silent. Harker, Stonesnake, Borba. Lord Commander, I'd like to join Lord Qhorin. I've been called lots of things, but that might be my
first Lord Qhorin. You're a steward, Snow, not a ranger. I've fought and killed a Wight. How many rangers can say that? He's the one? Aye. You killed a Wight. You also let an old man beat you bloody and take your sword. Craster? In the boy's defense, that's
a tough old goat. I could take up Jon's duties while he's gone, My Lord. It would be no trouble. Well, I hope you make a better ranger than you do a steward. Go on. So, tell me, how long has your manservant been in love with you? He's not my manservant and
he's not in love with me. He's my advisor, my friend. Unlikely. I can almost always tell what a man wants. And what about what a woman wants? Much more complicated. You, for example, what do you want? To cross the Narrow Sea and take back the Iron Throne.
Why? Because I promised my Khalasar I'd protect them and find them a safe home. You want to conquer the Seven Kingdoms? I want them because they're mine by right. The Iron Throne is mine and I will take it. Ah, a conqueror. And how did you get all of this?
- Did someone give it to you? - No. I come from nothing. I hit the docks like a piece of cargo, except someone normally cares what happens to cargo. So you wanted more than you had and you took it. You're a conqueror, too. you're just less ambitious. Mmm.
What do you want, Xaro Zhoan Daxos? At the gates of the city, you bled for me. Why? I will show you why. The door and the vault is made of Valyrian stone. The hardest steel does not make a mark. I offered the greatest locksmiths in Qarth their weight in gold
if they could break into it. I made the same offer to the greatest thieves. They all went home empty-handed. The only thing that can open this door is this key. And behind the door? And it can all be mine? All? Let us say half. More than enough to buy horses,
ships, armies-- enough to go home. All I have to do? Is marry me. That was a romantic proposal. I've already married once for love, but the Gods stole her from me. I come from nothing. My mother and father never owned a pair of shoes. But marry me and I will
give you the Seven Kingdoms and our children will be Princes and Princesses. See? I have more ambition than you thought. The time is right, Daenerys Targaryen, first of your name. Robert Baratheon is dead. If you cross the sea with an army you bought-- The
Seven Kingdoms are at war with one another. Four false kings destroying the country. To win Westeros, you need support from Westeros. The usurper is dead. The Starks fight the Lannisters, and Baratheons fight each other. According to your new friend who earned
your trust by cutting his hand? The time to strike is now. We need to find ships and an army or we'll spend the rest of our lives rotting away at the edge of the world. Rich men do not become rich by giving more than they get. They'll give you ships and soldiers
and they'll own you forever. Moving carefully is the hard way, but it's the right way. And if I'd listened to that advice outside the gates of Qarth, we'd all be dead by now. I know the opportunity before you seems like the last you'll ever have, but you must--
Do not speak to me like I'm a child. - I only want-- - What do you want? Tell me. To see you on the Iron Throne. - Why? - You have a good claim. A title. A birthright. But you have something more than that. You may cover it up and deny it, but you have a gentle
heart. You would not only be respected and feared, you would be loved. Someone who can rule and should rule. Centuries come and go without a person like that coming into the world. There are times when I look at you and still can't believe you're real. So
what would you have me do as my advisor? Make your own way. Find your own ship. You only need one. The allies we need are in Westeros, not Qarth. And how do I get the ship? I'll find it for you. A sound ship with a good captain. I look forward to meeting him.
Khaleesi. You should stand sideface. Sideface? Sideways. - Why? - Smaller target. Am I fighting someone? You're practicing for a fight. You should practice right. Guards! - Help. - Did you see anything? Go up there. Go and see where he fell from. Go up the
back. That is strange. Move away. Stand back. He's dead. 


#本集共有单词数:257  总词数:5794

a = ['Accounts','Aren', 'Barrowton', 'Beautiful', 'Being', 'Blame', 'Borba', 'Brother', 'Buy','Cailin', 'Calling', 'Centuries', 'Congratulations', 'Corruption', 'Customs','Dagmer', 'Demon', 'Direwolf', 'Doreah', 'Dracarys', 'Drowned',
'Dustin','Essos', 'Follow', 'Fools', 'Girl', 'Gives', 'Guards', 'Halfhand', 'Hallyne','Hard', 'Harker', 'Hendals', 'Hurrah', 'Islander', 'Islanders', 'Killed','Kovarro', 'Maidenpool', 'Malakko', 'Meereens', 'Melisandre', 'Moat', 'Mooton','Moving', 'Negotiate',
'Over', 'Pass', 'Pree', 'Princes', 'Princesses','Promise', 'Pyat', 'Pyromancer', 'Qhorin', 'Reginald', 'Remind', 'Revenge','Rich', 'Schemes', 'Seagulls', 'Sellswords', 'Sideface', 'Sideways','Skirling', 'Smaller', 'Sneak', 'Somewhere', 'Stonesnake', 'Stony',
'Swear','Tallhart', 'Together', 'Tyrells', 'Undying', 'Unlikely', 'Whomever', 'Wight','Wildfire', 'Winterstown', 'Zhoan', 'alchemists', 'allegations', 'ambitious','argue', 'arrives', 'assessment', 'baubles', 'birthing', 'birthright','blasts', 'bloated', 'bloodstained',
'blown', 'board', 'camps', 'captain','carts', 'catapults', 'cave', 'chop', 'claims', 'cleared', 'commissioned','concur', 'conducted', 'consolidated', 'consuming', 'contents', 'crate','crazy', 'crew', 'customary', 'cutting', 'debating', 'deck', 'deer', 'demon','demonstration',
'depths', 'destroying', 'differ', 'discontent', 'dump','dusty', 'duties', 'earth', 'encampments', 'evading', 'example', 'experiment','extend', 'facets', 'fail', 'fist', 'flinging', 'floating', 'flocking', 'flooded','flowing', 'flung', 'foreigner', 'form',
'fornicates', 'gained', 'gathered','gem', 'gems', 'grieve', 'guild', 'halfway', 'handed', 'hardest', 'harvest','hears', 'hostility', 'ills', 'imagination', 'implicate', 'infantry','insulting', 'issue', 'jars', 'jobs', 'joined', 'key', 'launch', 'lecture','listened',
'locksmiths', 'longaxes', 'lookouts', 'manservant', 'mate','messy', 'monkey', 'motivations', 'narrow', 'negotiations', 'normally', 'note','opportunity', 'organized', 'outspend', 'overextended', 'pair', 'parlor','perfecting', 'perimeter', 'pillaging', 'plots',
'prancing', 'preaching','preparations', 'prerogative', 'privilege', 'prize', 'protectors', 'proverb','pry', 'pulling', 'pushing', 'raiding', 'raping', 'reaving', 'reckon','respected', 'romantic', 'safer', 'sailor', 'salmon', 'scatter', 'schemes','screeching',
'scrubbing', 'sealing', 'selling', 'sensitive', 'shade', 'shoes','sickening', 'signal', 'snuck', 'solemnly', 'solid', 'sour', 'specifically','spoils', 'squint', 'statue', 'stored', 'strings', 'studying', 'substance','superiority', 'swollen', 'sympathy', 'tallow',
'thaw', 'tirelessly','tortures', 'unconvinced', 'underestimated', 'unnatural', 'urges', 'vaguely','vault', 'vaults', 'wa', 'warlocks', 'wealthiest', 'whilst', 'wildfire','withhold', 'wood', 'wording', 'worship']

I've taken your castle. - Theon? - It's Prince Theon now. Get up. You have to get dressed. I've taken Winterfell. I took it. I'm occupying it. I sent men over the walls with grappling claws and ropes. - Why? - To take the castle.
- You went with Robb. - And he sent me back to Pyke. I'm a Greyjoy. I can't fight for Robb and my father both. - Where's Hodor? - I don't know. Find the Halfwit. My men are bringing your people together in the courtyard. Why? So you and I can go down and tell
them - how you've yielded Winterfell to me. - I won't. Yes, you will. I won't. I'll never yield. We'll fight you and throw you out. ( Sighs ) The castle is mine, but these people are still yours. You'll yield to keep them safe, to keep them alive. That's what
a good lord would do. Think carefully about what you want to say. Theon. Did you hate us the whole time? - ( Thunder rumbles ) - ( Horse whinnies ) I've yielded Winterfell to Theon. Louder. Say Prince Theon. I've yielded Winterfell to Prince Theon. You all
know me. Aye, we know you for a steaming sack of shit. Farlen, you be silent. Listen to your little Lord, Farlen. He has more sense than you do. All of you should do as he commands. My father has donned the ancient crown of salt and rock and declared himself
King of the Iron Islands. He claims the North as well by right of conquest. You are all his subjects. Bugger that. I serve the Starks. If you think you can hold the North with this-- Shut up! Theon: If you serve me as loyally as you served Ned Stark, I will
be as good to you as he ever was. Betray me, and you will wish you hadn't. ( Crowd murmuring ) Maester Luwin, send a raven to Pyke informing my father of my victory here and one to Deepwood Motte to my sister. Inform her that she's to bring 500 men to Winterfell.
( Crowd murmuring ) You are a Maester of the Citadel sworn to serve the lord of Winterfell, are you not? I am. I am the Lord of Winterfell as Bran just informed you. Send the ravens. My Lord. My Lord Greyjoy. I see you've finally learned how to address your
betters. What do you want? I was brought here a captive. You were here the day I was taken. I'm the one who took you. What of it? Let me serve you. Theon: Serve me how? I need fighters, not kitchen sluts. It was Robb Stark who put me in the kitchens. Put a
spear in my hand again. So you can bury it in my neck? Do you take me for a fool? Get up. Step aside. Why? It's your dream, Little Lord. The ocean has come to swallow this place. I ain't letting it drown me. - And in a few days' time-- - Rodrik: Greyjoy! Woman:
What have they done to him? We caught this one on this way back from Torrhen's Square. Took out two of ours before I got his sword. Ser Rodrik, it grieves me that we meet as foes. It grieves me you've less honor than a back alley whore. You were raised here
under this roof. - These people are your people. - They are not my people. King Robb thought of you as a brother. My brothers are dead. They died fighting Stark men, men like you. Aye, they died fighting a war your father started. Lord Stark raised you among
his own sons. Among them, but not one of them. I was his hostage taken from my home. If he were alive to see this-- He's not. He's dead. The Seven Kingdoms are at war. And Winterfell is mine. I should have put a sword in your belly instead of in your hand.
You've served this House faithfully, old man. But keep talking and I'll-- ( grunts ) Take him to the cells. Lock him up-- My prince, you cannot let that stand. He must pay. I'll lock him in a cell until he rots-- No, he has to pay the iron price. They'll never
respect you while he lives. ( Thunder rumbles ) Ser Rodrik, I sentence you to death. No! You said no harm would come to them if I yielded. The old man couldn't keep his mouth shut. I urge you not to make a hasty decision. He disrespected me in front of my
men. That was his decision, not mine. He is worth more to you alive than dead. The Starks will pay. Please, Theon, think what you do. You'll address me as Prince Theon or you'll be next. Come. No! - No! - Bran: Theon! Please! Ser Rodrik! He who passes the
sentence should swing the sword. - Bran: I'm begging you! - Coward. Stop! Stop right now! You don't give commands anymore, Little Lord. - Please, stop this. Please stop him. - Rodrik: Hush now, child. I'm off to see your father. Bran: You said no harm would
come! You said no harm would come. Theon, please. Any last words, old man? Gods help you, Theon Greyjoy. Now you are truly lost. Bran: Theon, please, don't. - Rickon: Do something. - Bran: I'll do anything. Please! Rickon: No, please, stop it! - ( Grunts )
- ( Screams ) - ( Bran wailing ) - ( Thunder rumbling ) ( Panting ) ( Wind howling ) Jon: Ghost, stay with us. Ghost! There goes your pet. Jon: He's not a pet. Qhorin: You're right, he's not. You can't tame a wild thing. You can't trust a wild thing. - Ghost
is different. - So you think. Wild creatures have their own rules, their own reasons. And you'll never know them. Now the wildlings we're looking for sleep during the day and hunt at night. I thought you said you couldn't know wild things. I said you can't.
They find a nice cave to hide in while the sun's up and do their killing when it's dark. - We could do the same. - No, we couldn't. This is their country. They know where to walk, where not to walk. I've lost good men who fell into a crevasse they didn't see
till they were in it. My father always said I'm of the North. ( Chuckles ) - I wasn't joking. - Look around, boy. This look like home to you? You start thinking you know this place, it'll kill you. You understand me? No, you don't. We're at war. We've always
been at war. It's never going to end 'cause we're not fighting an enemy. We're fighting the North and it's not going anywhere. The Watch has given you a great gift. You only have one thing to give in return-- your life. I'll gladly give my life. I don't want
you to be glad about it. I want you to curse and fight until your heart's done pumping. And know this, boy-- your death will be a gift for them south of the Wall. They'll never know what you've done. They'll never know how you died. They won't even know your
damn name, but they'll be alive because some nameless bastard north of the Wall gave his life for theirs. Now, do you understand me? I do. You're even dumber than you look. It's just words, boy, to keep us a little warmer in the night, make us feel like we've
got a purpose. ( Laughs ) Come on. We've got to find these goat fuckers before night falls and they find us. - Can you read? - My Lord? Can you read? This letter detailing our infantry movements was meant for Lord Damon of House Marbrand. It was sent to Lord
Marlyn of House Dormand. My apologies, My Lord. I must have-- Girl, fetch me the "History of the Greater and the Lesser Houses." It's the one on the-- ( Chuckles ) My cupbearer can read better than you. To whom does House Dormand owe allegiance? My Lord, I--
To the Starks of Winterfell! Who have 20,000 men and my son! I judged you might be good for something more than brutalizing peasants. I see I overestimated you. If you ever put my son's life at risk again, I'll... Leave us. Put the book away, girl. ( Door
opens ) ( Door closes ) Maybe you should devise our next battle plan while you're about it. ( Knocking ) ( Door opens ) - Lord Petyr Baelish. - Hmmm. Give us the room. Clear all this. - Lord Tywin. - Baelish. - Wine? - Thank you. What news from the capital?
I travelled here directly from Renly Baratheon's camp. Ah, the late king Renly. Rather a short reign. Murdered by a woman, I hear. So they say. There has been talk of other forces at work, dark forces. Here. ( Scoffs ) Men love to blame demons when their grand
plans unravel. It is my belief that a moment of chaos affords opportunities lost soon after. You say that as if you were the first man alive to think it. Yes, a crisis is an opportunity. What other brilliant insights have you brought me today? After the Lannisters
and the Starks, the Tyrells command the largest host. Their lands are the most fertile in the Seven Kingdoms, - feeding horses and soldiers. - Yes, yes, yes. The Tyrells have not yet declared for any of the surviving kings. Loras wants revenge. He blames Stannis
for Renly's death. And Margaery-- Wants to be queen. Yes, she does. House Tyrell rebelled against the Iron Throne, - against my grandson. - They did. And perhaps that treason should be punished one day, after Stannis and Robb Stark are defeated. More wine
for Lord Baelish. If you will allow me to represent your family's interests, I believe that an advantageous agreement-- The Tyrell host has returned to Highgarden? They have. Pardon, My Lord. It's only wine. You would ride there yourself? Tonight, with your
leave. I'll have an answer by nightfall. That'll be all, girl. What else? On your son Tyrion's directive, I met with Catelyn Stark. Why? Littlefinger: He had an interesting proposal for her - concerning her daughters. - Hmm. - ( Groans ) - ( Shouting ) - A
girl. - A wildling. We could question her. You could. She won't answer. I've known a wildling to bite off his tongue instead of talking. - What's your name? - Ygritte. She was reaching for this axe when you got to her. Give her half a chance, she'll bury it
in your face. I gave you my name. I'm Jon Snow. You ought to burn them you killed. Qhorin: We'd need a big fire for that. Tell me, Ygritte, why do you want us to build a big fire? Are there some more friends in the area? Burn them or maybe you'll need those
swords again. Our boy here's already killed one dead man. He can do it again if he has to. What waits beyond the pass? - The Free Folk. - How many? ( Chuckles ) Hundreds and thousands. More than you've ever seen, Crow. Why come to the mountains? What's in
the frostfangs your king could want? Do you mean to march on the Wall? Do you know who I am, girl? Qhorin Halfhand. Tell me true. If your people captured me, would they take me prisoner? They'd take your head off your shoulders if they was feeling kind. If
not, they'd kill you slow. ( Sighs ) We have no food for her. Can't spare a man to watch her. Can't let her go. She'll bring Mance Rayder's army down on us. It needs to be done. - Want me to do it? - No. No, I'll do it. Come, brothers. We'll leave him to it.
We'll meet you at the top. Don't take too long. We're deep in their country now. ( Bird screeches ) You never killed a woman before, did you? You don't need to do it. Mance would take you. I know he would. There's secret ways. The Crows would never catch us.
I'm as much a Crow as they are. Will you burn me... after? Can't. Someone might see the smoke. Strike hard and true, Jon Snow, or I'll come back and haunt you. That's cold. Go on. Be quick about it. Do it. Bastard, do it! - ( Grunts ) - ( Clangs ) ( Breathing
heavily ) ( Grunts ) ( Grunts ) ( Panting ) You can't do it. We both know it. The sun's going down, Jon Snow. And your friends are nowhere close. I'll find them. Call for the go on. Call loudly. Man: May the Seven guide the princess on her journey. ( Crying
) May the mother give her health. May the crone give her wisdom. May the warrior give her courage. - ( Crying ) - ( Septon continues ) One day I pray you love someone. I pray you love her so much, when you close your eyes, you see her face. I want that for
you. I want you to know what it's like to love someone, to truly love someone, before I take her from you. ( Septon continues ) ( Crying ) You sound like a little cat mewling for his mother. Princes don't cry. - I saw you cry. - Did you say something, My Lady?
My little brother cried when I left Winterfell. So? It seems a normal thing. Is your little brother a prince? No. Not really relevant, then, is it? Come, dog. Man: Hail, Joffrey! - Hail to the king. - ( Man laughs ) Seven blessings on you, Your Grace. Man:
Murderer! Bastard! All hail the king. Man: He's no king. He's a bastard! ( People laughing ) Please, Your Grace, we're hungry. ( Crowd shouting ) - Man: Freak! - Get the prince back to the keep now. Yes, My Lord. Come, quickly. Woman: Please, Your Grace, give
us some food! Man: Bread, Your Grace, please! - ( Groans ) - ( Crowd gasps ) Who threw that? I want the man who threw that. Find who did that and bring him to me! - Hold on! - Hold them back! Joffrey: Just kill them! Kill them all! - Move. Move! - Man: Pull
back! Man: Tear him to pieces! What are you doing? I want these people executed! And they want the same for you. ( Septon screaming ) ( Cheering ) Where's Sansa? - ( Screaming ) - Man: Through the door! - ( Growls ) - Man #2: Come on! ( Shouting ) ( Whimpering
) Protect the king! - Get back! - Fall back! - Move! - To the gates! - Come in! Come in! - Keep him safe! - ( Crowd shouting ) - People: Motherfucker! - Watch out. Hold them back. - Come on. ( Whimpers ) - Hey! - ( Laughs ) Traitors! I'll have all their heads.
Oh, you blind, bloody fool. You can't insult me. We've had vicious kings and we've had idiot kings, but I don't know if we've ever been cursed with a vicious idiot for a king. - You can't-- - I can, I am. They attacked me! They threw a cow pie at you, so you
decided to kill them all? They're starving, you fool. All because of a war you started. You're talking to a king! ( Shrieks ) And now I've struck a king. Did my hand fall from my wrist? Where is the Stark girl? Let them have her. If she dies, you'll never
get your Uncle Jaime back. You owe him quite a bit, you know. ( Panting ) - Where are you going? - ( Cloth rips ) - ( Laughing ) - You ever been fucked, little girl? - ( Whimpering ) - Come here. Take some men and go and find the Stark girl. I take my orders
from the king. Man: This way! ( Screaming ) ( Sobbing ) Please! No, no. ( Screams ) ( Choking ) ( Grunts ) ( Grunts ) ( Sansa breathing heavily ) Please! You're all right now, little bird. You're all right. ( Crowd shouting ) ( Screams ) - Man: We'll get you.
We'll get you. - Man #2: This way. Are you hurt, My Lady? The little bird's bleeding. Someone take her back to her cage, see to that cut. Well done, Clegane. I didn't do it for you. He shouldn't make me wait. The Spice King is the second wealthiest man in
Qarth. He makes everyone wait. Of course, you could have avoided this embarrassment if you married the wealthiest man in Qarth. I already have a husband. Khal Drogo is gone, Khaleesi. You are far too young to be a widow forever and far too beautiful. And you
are far too smart to think that I will succumb to flattery. I have travelled very far in my life and met many women, but none that are immune to flattery. - The Mother of Dragons! - Ah. Here he comes. Forgive me. I had terrible dreams last night. Terrible
dreams. I could not sleep until the sun was shining and the birds were singing. Look what a beauty you are now the Red Waste has been washed off you. I am sorry about all that unpleasantness. The silver hair of a true Targaryen. Xaro Xhoan Daxos, she is far
too lovely for a glorified dockworker like yourself. Very true, and yet they say that your grandfather, who sold pepper off the back of a wagon, married a lady far lovelier and higher born than himself. Every lady alive was lovelier and higher born than my
grandfather. - ( Laughs ) - Daenerys: Ahem. Did my servants not offer you something to eat, to drink? I'll have them flogged in the square. Thank you, My Lord. You are a gracious host, but there is no servant alive that can bring me what I want. Oh, she has
a talent for drama, this one. So, my little princess, what is it you want? My birthright-- the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. I fear I'm no better than a servant in this regard. I cannot give you what I do not have. I'm not asking you for the Kingdoms. I'm asking
you for ships. I need to cross the Narrow Sea. I need my ships as well. I use them, you see, to bring spices from one port to another. Whatever you grant me now will be repaid three times over when I retake the Iron Throne. Retake? Did you once sit on the
Iron Throne? My father sat there before he was murdered. But if you did not sit on it yourself, would it not be correct to say take the Iron Throne? I didn't come here to argue grammar. Of course not. You came to take my ships. So let me explain my position,
little princess. Unlike you, I do not have exalted ancestors. I make my living by trade. And I judge every trade on its merits. You ask for ships. You say I shall be repaid triple. I do not doubt your honesty or your intentions. But before you repay your debts,
you must seize the Seven Kingdoms. - Do you have an army? - Not yet. You do not have an army. Do you have powerful allies in Westeros? There are many there that support my claim. When were you there last? I left when I was a baby. So, in truth, you have no
allies. The people will rise to fight for their rightful Queen when I return. Ah. Forgive me, little princess, but I cannot make an investment based on wishes and dreams. Now if you'll pardon me. Do you know Illyrio Mopatis, Magister of Pentos? Yes, we've
met. A shrewd man. For my wedding he gave me three petrified dragon eggs. He believed-- the world believed-- that the ages had turned them to stone. How many centuries has it been since dragons roamed the skies? But I dreamt that if I carried those eggs into
a great fire, they would hatch. When I stepped into the fire, my own people thought I was mad. But when the fire burned out, I was unhurt, the Mother of Dragons. Do you understand? I'm no ordinary woman. My dreams come true. I admire your passion. But in business,
I trust in logic, not passion. I'm sorry, little princess. I am not your little princess. I am Daenerys Stormborn of the blood of old Valyria and I will take what is mine. With fire and blood, I will take it. Yes, My Lady, but not with my ships. Who taught
you to read? My father, My Lord. Hmm. I taught my son Jaime to read. The Maester came to me one day, told me he wasn't learning. He couldn't make sense of the letters. He reversed them in his head. The Maester said he'd heard tell of this affliction and that
we simply must accept it. Ha! After that, I sat Jaime down for four hours every day until he learned. He hated me for it, for a time. For a long time, but he learned. Where is your father? Is he alive? Who was he? A stonemason. A stonemason who could read?
- Hmm. - He taught himself. Quite a man. What killed him? Loyalty. You're a sharp little thing, aren't you? Did... Forgive me, My Lord. I shouldn't ask questions. No... But you've already begun. Did you know your father, My Lord? I did. I grew up with him.
I watched him grow old. He loved us. He was a good man, but a weak man, a weak man who nearly destroyed our House and name. I'm cold. I'll fetch more wood for the fire, My Lord. Mmm. ( Horse whinnies ) ( Grunts ) Where are you going, girl? The armory, My Lord.
Why? Lord Tywin sent me. What might this be? Lord Tywin gave it to me. What for? To take to the armory. Why would he do that? Let's go and ask him. Move! Get out of the way! ( Men chatting ) Amory Lorch. A girl has named a second name. A man will do what must
be done. Now! A girl cannot tell a man when exactly he must do a thing. A man cannot make a thing happen before its time. But he's going to tell Tywin. He's getting away. - It has to be now. - ( Sighs ) Guard! ( Horse whinnies ) - Your Grace. - Your Grace.
My honor, Your Grace. Your Grace. - Your Grace. - Quent. Lady Talisa. Your Grace. I'm not sure I'm a lady. Westerosi customs are still a bit foreign to me. It's hard to keep all the rules straight. But if I remember my lessons, a woman of noble birth is always
called a lady unless she's a queen or a princess. I could find someone who knows. Why are you so sure I'm of noble birth? Because it's obvious. What if I told you my father sold lace on the long bridge and my mother, my brother, and I lived with him above
our shop? I'd call you a liar. Not very noble to accuse a lady of dishonesty. I always thought I was a brilliant liar. Better at amputations, I'm afraid. Quite a pretty spot. Will we be here long? I couldn't really discuss troop movements with you. I'm not
a spy. Of course a spy would deny being a spy. You're right. You've found me out. I'm writing a letter to the Lannisters. "The young wolf is on the move." Perhaps you'd join me... If you've got time, of course, for, well... Robb. Mother. Mother, this is Lady
Talisa. She's been helping with the wounded. She's been very... helpful. Lady Talisa. Lady Stark. Lady Talisa...? - Maegyr. - Maegyr? Forgive me, I do not know this name. An uncommon name here. An old name in Volantis. Excuse me, My Lady. Your Grace. I've
missed you. Yes, you look positively forlorn. You surprised me, that's all. I didn't think I'd see you today. I wish that you were free to follow your heart. I know. You have inherited your father's responsibilities. I'm afraid they come at a cost. - I know.
- You are promised to another-- a debt that must be paid. - I haven't forgotten. - Your Grace. My Lady. News from Winterfell. ( Wind howling ) Your brothers desert you? I can tell you which way to go. We'll stop here. Too dark to go any farther today. Here?
There's no shelter here. There's no shelter anywhere. There is if you know where to look. The cold could kill us both. - If you light a fire-- - No fire. - But a fire is-- - No fire. Have it your way. We'll stay warmer if we stay close. Bet you freeze to death
before I do. Bet your life. Think they're out looking for you? - Yes. - Think they'll find you? Yes. You're brave. Stupid, but brave. We start again at first light. Get some sleep. Stop moving. I'm just trying to get comfortable. Stop it! - You're still moving.
- Was I? I didn't notice that time. This cannot be true. Bolton: We've had ravens from White Harbor, Barrowton and the Dreadfort. I'm afraid it is true. Why? Why would Theon-- Because the Greyjoys are treasonous whores. - My brothers? - We've heard nothing
of them. ( Sighs ) But Rodrik Cassel is dead. I told you, never trust a Greyjoy! I must go North at once. There's still a war to win, Your Grace. How can I call myself king if I can't hold my own castle? How can I ask men to follow me if I can't-- You are
a king. And that means you don't have to do everything yourself. Let me go and talk to Theon. There will be no talk. He will die for this. Theon holds the castle with a skeleton crew. Let me send word to my bastard at the Dreadfort. He can raise a few hundred
men and retake Winterfell before the new moon. We have the Lannisters on the run. If you march all the way back north now, you'll lose what you gained. My boy would be honored to bring you Prince Theon's head. Tell your son Bran and Rickon's safety is paramount.
And Theon-- I want him brought to me alive. I want to look him in the eye and ask him why. And then I'll take his head myself. Why on earth would I trust the word of a lying little savage like you? I'm no liar. All wildlings are liars and savages with no loyalty
to anything or anyone. I done what I had to do to stay alive. I hate the Starks as well as you do. Let me serve you, My Lord. How? And don't tell me to put a spear in your hand. There are other ways to serve, My Lord. I'm a prince now, and you'd do well--
There are other ways to serve, my prince. ( Chuckles ) Like what? We know things, the Free people. You know things? Like what? How to eat dirt? ( Laughs ) ( Scoffs ) Other things. Savage things. Wait outside. I always wondered what you had under there. It
comes at a price. I'm not killing you. That's your price. I already had that. What do you want, then, other than your miserable life? What all free people want-- my freedom. Well, you shall have it, then. But only if you serve me well. - Ow. - Shh. - It's
not deep. - I thought they were going to kill me. They thought so, too. He hated me, the man who hit me. I saw it in his eyes. Hated me. He never met me before, but he wanted to hurt me. - Of course he did. - Why? Why would a stranger-- you are everything
he will never have. Your horse eats better than his children. It doesn't matter now. He's dead. I would have given them bread if I had it. I hate the King more than any of them. Don't say these things. If the wrong people hear you-- But you're not the wrong
people. Don't trust anybody. Life is safer that way. ( Murmurs ) And where are you going? I have something for you from Prince Theon. - What? - Me. He says I'm to make the rounds. And keep you warm. ( Groans ) ( Whistles ) ( Panting ) The Spice King refuses
me because I'm a bad investment. The Silk King won't support me because of his business with the Lannisters. Why offend his best customer? And the Copper King offers me a single ship on the condition that I lie with him for a night. Does he think I will whore
myself for a boat? When I came to this city, I had nothing. Truly nothing. I slept by the docks. And when I could find work loading the ships, I would eat. If not, I dreamed of food. Today I am the richest man in Qarth. Do you think the path from poverty to
wealth is always pure and honorable? I have done many things, Khaleesi, that a righteous man would condemn. And here I am, with no regrets. Bar the gates. Ring the bells. Slowly, Khaleesi. - ( Bells tolling ) - ( People shouting ) Where are they? Where are
my dragons?! ( Dragons screeching ) ( Theme music playing ) 


#本集共有单词数:168  总词数:5962

a = ['Ahem','Among', 'Bet', 'Betray', 'Bird', 'Bugger', 'Cassel', 'Choking', 'Clangs','Clear', 'Cloth', 'Copper', 'Damon', 'Dormand', 'Dreadfort', 'Fall', 'Farlen','Folk', 'Freak', 'Greater', 'Guard', 'Hail', 'Halfwit', 'History',
'Hundreds','Lesser', 'Loyalty', 'Maegyr', 'Marbrand', 'Marlyn', 'Mopatis', 'Motherfucker','Murdered', 'Murderer', 'Murmurs', 'News', 'Other', 'Panting', 'Protect','Pull', 'Quent', 'Rather', 'Retake', 'Ring', 'Savage', 'Serve', 'Shrieks','Silk', 'Spice', 'Tear',
'Terrible', 'Through', 'Traitors', 'Want', 'Wants','Waste', 'Wild', 'Ygritte', 'address', 'advantageous', 'affliction', 'affords','amputations', 'area', 'avoided', 'based', 'bells', 'blames', 'bleeding','boat', 'brilliant', 'brutalizing', 'chaos', 'condition',
'conquest','courtyard', 'cow', 'creatures', 'crevasse', 'crisis', 'crone', 'customer','customs', 'demons', 'detailing', 'devise', 'directive', 'dishonesty','disrespected', 'dockworker', 'donned', 'drama', 'dumber', 'embarrassment','exalted', 'feeding', 'fertile',
'fighters', 'flattery', 'forlorn','frostfangs', 'fuckers', 'grammar', 'grandson', 'grappling', 'guide', 'hasty','honesty', 'informed', 'informing', 'inherited', 'insights', 'intentions','judged', 'lace', 'largest', 'laughs', 'loading', 'logic', 'lovelier','loyally',
'merits', 'mewling', 'nameless', 'normal', 'obvious', 'occupying','ocean', 'offers', 'opportunities', 'ordinary', 'overestimated', 'pepper','petrified', 'positively', 'poverty', 'refuses', 'regrets', 'relevant','retake', 'reversed', 'rips', 'roamed', 'rock',
'ropes', 'rounds', 'screeches','shelter', 'shop', 'shrewd', 'skeleton', 'skies', 'spy', 'square', 'steaming','stepped', 'stonemason', 'stranger', 'succumb', 'treasonous', 'triple','troop', 'uncommon', 'unhurt', 'unpleasantness', 'unravel', 'waits', 'writing']

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