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Index Clustering Factor


        Fora B-tree index, the index clustering factor measures the physical grouping ofrows in relation to an index value, such as last name. The index clusteringfactor helps the optimizer decide whether an index scan or full table scan ismore efficient
for certain queries). A low clustering factor indicates anefficient index scan.


        Aclustering factor that is close to the number of blocks in a table indicatesthat the rows are physically ordered in the table blocks by the index key. Ifthe database performs a full table scan, then the database tends to retrievethe rows as they
are stored on disk sorted by the index key. A clusteringfactor that is close to the number of rows indicates that the rows arescattered randomly across the database blocks in relation to the index key. Ifthe database performs a full table scan, then the database
would not retrieverows in any sorted order by this index key.


        Theclustering factor is a property of a specific index, not a table (see OracleDatabase Conceptsfor an overview). If multipleindexes exist on a table, then the clustering factor for one index might besmall while the factor for another index is large.
An attempt to reorganize thetable to improve the clustering factor for one index may degrade the clusteringfactor of the other index




Effect of Index Clustering Factor on Cost:Example

To illustrate how the index clusteringfactor can influence the cost of table access, consider the following scenario:

• A table contains 9 rows that are stored in 3 data blocks.

• The col1column currently stores the values A, B, and C.

• A nonunique index named col1_idxexists on col1for this table.


Example 10-4 Collocated Data

Assume that the rows are stored in the datablocks as follows:

Block 1   Block 2   Block 3

-------      -------        -------

A A A     B B B       C C C

In this example, the index clusteringfactor for col1_idxis low. The rows that have the same indexed column valuesfor col1are in the same data blocks in the table. Thus, the cost of using an indexrange scan to return all rows with value Ais low because only
one block in thetable must be read.


Example 10-5 Scattered Data

Assume that the same rows are scatteredacross the data blocks as follows:

Block 1 Block 2  Block 3

-------     -------     -------

A B C    A C B    B A C

In this example, the index clusteringfactor for col1_idxis higher. The database must read all three blocks in thetable to retrieve all rows with the value Ain col1.







create table factor_test1  as select * from dba_objects where 1=0;

for i in 1..50 loop
insert /*+ append */ into factor_test1 select * from dba_objects orderby i;
end loop;

SQL> select segment_name,blocks,extents,bytes/1024/1024||'M' "size" from user_segments where segment_name='FACTOR_TEST1';

--------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------
FACTOR_TEST1         11264         82 88M

create index factor_test1_ind on factor_test1(object_id);

select index_name,clustering_factor,num_rows from user_indexes where index_name='FACTOR_TEST1_IND';

------------------------------ ---------------------------
FACTOR_TEST1_IND                          842700     842700

exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user,'factor_test1',cascade=>true);

select index_name,clustering_factor,num_rows from user_indexes where index_name='FACTOR_TEST1_IND';

----------------------------------------------- ----------
FACTOR_TEST1_IND                          842700     842700

set autotrace traceonly;

select * from FACTOR_TEST1 where object_id=666;

50 rows selected.

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 643739684

| Id | Operation                   |Name             | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0| SELECT STATEMENT            |                  |    50 | 4450 |    54 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   1|  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID|FACTOR_TEST1      |    50 | 4450 |    54 (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2|   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | FACTOR_TEST1_IND |    50 |      |     3 (0)| 00:00:01 |

Predicate Information (identified byoperation id):
2- access("OBJECT_ID"=666)

1  recursive calls
0  db block gets
57  consistent gets
0  physical reads
0  redo size
6487  bytes sent via SQL*Net toclient
556  bytes received via SQL*Netfrom client
5  SQL*Net roundtrips to/fromclient
0  sorts (memory)
0  sorts (disk)
50  rows processed

alter system flush buffer_cache;

set autotrace traceonly;

select * from FACTOR_TEST1 where object_id>666 and object_id<2666;

99950 rows selected.

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 3621494151

| Id | Operation         | Name         | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
|   0| SELECT STATEMENT  |              | 72412 |  6293K| 3058   (1)| 00:00:37 |
|*  1|  TABLE ACCESS FULL| FACTOR_TEST1 |72412 |  6293K|  3058  (1)| 00:00:37 |

Predicate Information (identified byoperation id):
1- filter("OBJECT_ID"<2666 AND "OBJECT_ID">666)

1  recursive calls
0  db block gets
17735  consistent gets
11110  physical reads
0  redo size
5251616  bytes sent via SQL*Net toclient
73816  bytes received via SQL*Netfrom client
6665  SQL*Net roundtrips to/fromclient
0  sorts (memory)
0  sorts (disk)
99950  rows processed



create table FACTOR_TEST2 as select * from FACTOR_TEST1 order by object_id;

SQL> select segment_name,blocks,extents,bytes/1024/1024||'M' "size" fromuser_segments where segment_name='FACTOR_TEST2';

--------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------
FACTOR_TEST1         11264         82 88M

create index factor_test2_ind on factor_test2(object_id);

select index_name,clustering_factor,num_rows from user_indexes where index_name='FACTOR_TEST2_IND';

----------------------------------------------- ----------
FACTOR_TEST2_IND                           11084     842700

set autotrace traceonly;

select * from FACTOR_TEST2 where object_id>666 and object_id<2666;

99950 rows selected.

Execution Plan
Plan hash value: 3993865951

| Id | Operation                   |Name             | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0| SELECT STATEMENT            |                  | 53481 |    10M|  699 (1)| 00:00:09 |
|   1|  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID|FACTOR_TEST2      | 53481 |    10M|  699 (1)| 00:00:09 |
|*  2|   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | FACTOR_TEST2_IND | 53481 |       |  102 (0)| 00:00:02 |

Predicate Information (identified byoperation id):
2- access("OBJECT_ID">666 AND "OBJECT_ID"<2666)
dynamic sampling used for this statement(level=2)

24  recursive calls
0  db block gets
14857  consistent gets
1790  physical reads
0  redo size
10481097  bytes sent via SQL*Netto client
73816  bytes received via SQL*Netfrom client
6665  SQL*Net roundtrips to/fromclient
0  sorts (memory)
0  sorts (disk)
99950  rows processed
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