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[美剧赏析] 权力的游戏<Game of Thrones>完全赏析 (3-4)

2016-08-19 17:38 357 查看




Still not far from Pentos, Your Grace. You'd be more comfortable there. I have no interest in hospitality or comfort. I'll stay with Drogo until he fulfills his end of the bargain and I have my crown. Jon: I have something for
you. First lesson: Stick them with the pointy end. with Robert Baratheon. - And now you're leaving again. - Ned: I have no choice. There's great honor serving in The Night's Watch. The Starks have manned The Wall for thousands of years. And you are a Stark.
Daenerys Targaryen has wed some Dothraki horselord. What of it? Tell me we're not speaking of this. I'll kill every Targaryen I get my hands on. Rapers. Not impressed by your new brothers? Lovely thing about The Watch-- you discard your old family and get
a whole new one. Welcome. Catelyn: I don't think Bran fell from that tower. I think he was thrown. No! Someone tried to kill him twice. I would stake my life the Lannisters are involved. - Lord Stark must be told of this. - Catelyn: I will go myself. What
is the meaning of this? Cersei: Joff told us what happened. You and that boy beat him with clubs while you set your wolf on him. Arya: That's not what happened! - ( Growling ) - Ahh! We found no trace of the direwolf, Your Grace. - We have another wolf. -
As you will. He doesn't mean Lady, does he? Lady didn't bite anyone! She's good! ( Whimpering, yelps ) ( Theme music playing ) Welcome, Lord Stark. Grand Maester Pycelle has called a meeting of the Small Council. The honor of your presence is requested. Get
the girls settled in. I'll be back in time for supper. - And, Jory, you go with them. - Yes, my Lord. If you'd like to change into something more appropriate... ( Doorcreaking ) Thank the gods you're here, Stark. About time we had some stern, northern leadership.
About glad to see you're protecting the throne. Sturdy old thing. How many Kings' asses have polished it, I wonder? Um, what's the line? The King shits and The Hand wipes. Very handsome armor. - Not a scratch on it. - I know. People have been swinging at me
for years, but they always seem to miss. You've chosen your opponents wisely then. I have a knack for it. It must be strange for you coming into this room. I was standing right here when it happened. He was very brave, your brother. Your father too. They didn't
deserve to die like that. Nobody deserves to die like that. But you just stood there and watched. and watched. All the great knights of the Seven Kingdoms-- you think anyone said a word, lifted a finger? No, Lord Stark. was silent as a crypt. Except for the
screams, of course, and the Mad King laughing. And later... when I watched the Mad King die, I remembered him laughing as your father burned... It felt like justice. Is that what you tell yourself at night? You're a servant of justice? That you were avenging
my father when you shoved your sword in Aerys Targaryen's back? Tell me-- if I'd stabbed the Mad King in the belly instead of the back, would you admire me more? You served him well when serving was safe. Lord Stark. Lord Varys. I was grievously sorry to hear
of your troubles on the Kingsroad. We are all praying for Prince Joffrey's full recovery. A shame you didn't say a prayer for the butcher's son. Renly! You're looking well. And you look tired from the road. I told them this meeting could wait another day,
but-- Man: But we have a Kingdom to look after. I've hoped to meet you for some time, Lord Stark. No doubt Lady Catelyn has mentioned me. She has, Lord Baelish. I understand you knew my brother Brandon as well. All too well. I still carry a token of his esteem
from navel to collarbone. Perhaps you chose the wrong man to duel with. It wasn't the man that I chose, my Lord. It was Catelyn Tully. A woman worth fighting for, I'm sure you'll agree. I humbly beg your pardon, my Lord Stark. Grand Maester. How many years
has it been? - You were a young man. - And you served another King. Oh, how forgetful of me. This belongs to you, now. Should we begin? - Without the King? - Winter may be coming, but I'm afraid the same cannot be said for my brother. Varys: His Grace has
many cares. He entrusts some small matters to us that we might lighten the load. We are the Lords of Small Matters here. My brother instructs us to stage a tournament in honor of Lord Stark's appointment as Hand of the King. Mmm, how much? to the champion,
20,000 to the runner-up, the winning archer. Can the treasury bear such expense? I'll have to borrow it. The Lannisters will accommodate, I expect. We already owe Lord Tywin three million gold. What's another 80,000? Are you telling me the crown is three million
in debt? I'm telling you the crown is six million in debt. How could you let this happen? The Master of Coin finds the money. The King and The Hand spend it. I will not believe Jon Arryn allowed Robert to bankrupt the realm. Lord Arryn gave wise and prudent
advice, but I fear his Grace - doesn't always listen. - "Counting coppers," he calls it. I'll speak to him tomorrow. This tournament is an extravagance we cannot afford. As you will. But still, we'd best make our plans. There will be no plans until I speak
to Robert. Forgive me, my Lords. I'm-- - I had a long ride. - You are The King's Hand, Lord Stark, we serve at your pleasure. - Ow! - Please, it's nearly healed. - It's ugly. - A King should have scars you fought off a direwolf. You're a warrior like your
father. I'm not like him. I didn't fight off anything. It bit me and all I did was scream. And the two Stark girls saw it, both of them. That's not true. You killed the beast. You only spared the girl because of the love your father bears her father. I didn't,
I-- When Aerys Targaryen sat on the Iron Throne, your father was a rebel and a traitor. Someday you'll sit on the throne and the truth will be what you make it. Do I have to marry her? Yes. She's very beautiful and young. If you don't like her, you only need
to see her on formal occasions and when the time comes, to make little princes and princesses. And if you'd rather fuck painted whores, you'll fuck painted whores. And if you'd rather lie with noble virgins, so be it. You are my darling boy and the world will
be exactly as you want it to be. Do something nice for the Stark girl. - I don't want to. - No, but you will. The occasional kindness will spare you all sorts of trouble down the road. We allow the Northerners too much power. They consider themselves our equals.
How would you handle them? I'd double their taxes and command them to supply A Royal Army? Why should every lord command his own men? It's primitive, no better than the hill tribes. We should have a standing army of men loyal to the crown, trained by experienced
soldiers-- instead of a mob of peasants who've never held pikes in their lives. And if the Northerners rebel? I'd crush them. Seize Winterfell and install someone loyal to the realm as warden of the North. Uncle Kevan, maybe. And these 10,000 Northern troops,
would they fight for you or their lord? - For me. I'm their King. - Mm-hmm. But you've just invaded their homeland, - asked them to kill their brothers. - I'm not asking. The North cannot be held-- not by an outsider. It's too big and too wild. And when the
winter comes, the Seven Gods together couldn't save you and your royal army. A good King knows when to save his strength... And when to destroy his enemies. So you agree... The Starks are enemies? Everyone who isn't us is an enemy. Enough of that, young lady.
Eat your food. - I'm practicing. - Practicing for what? - The Prince. - Arya, stop! He's a liar and a coward and he killed my friend. The Hound killed your friend. The Hound does whatever the Prince tells him to do. You're an idiot. You're a liar, and if you
told the truth - Mycah would be alive. - Enough! What's happening here? Arya would rather act like a beast than a lady. Go to your room. We'll speak later. That's for you, love. The same dollmaker makes all of Princess Myrcella's toys. Don't you like it? I
haven't played with dolls since I was eight. - May I be excused? - You've barely eaten a thing. It's all right. Go on. War was easier than daughters. - ( Knocks ) - Go away! Ned: Arya, open the door. May I come in? - Whose sword is that? - Mine. Give it to
me. I know this maker's mark. This is Mikken's work. Where did you get this? This is no toy. Little ladies shouldn't play with swords. I wasn't playing. And I don't want to be a lady. Come here. Now what do you want with this? It's called Needle. Oh, a blade
with a name. And who were you hoping to skewer with Needle? Your sister? Do you know the first thing about sword fighting? Stick 'em with the pointy end. ( Laughs ) That's the essence of it. I was trying to learn. I asked Mycah to practice with me. I asked
him. - It was my fault. - No, sweet girl. No no, you didn't kill the butcher's boy. I hate them! I hate all of them. The Hound, the Queen and the King and Joffrey and Sansa. Sansa was dragged before the King and Queen... And asked to call the Prince a liar.
So was I! He is a liar. Shh, darling, listen to me. Sansa will be married to Joffrey's someday. She cannot betray him. She must take his side even when he's wrong. But how you can let her marry someone like that? Well. Look me. You're a Stark of Winterfell.
You know our words. Winter is coming. You were born in the long summer. You've never known anything else. But now winter is truly coming. And in the winter, we must protect ourselves, look after one another. Sansa is your sister. I don't hate her. Not really.
I don't want to frighten you, but I won't lie to you either. We've come to a dangerous place. We cannot fight a war amongst ourselves. All right? Go on. It's yours. I can keep it? Try not to stab your sister with it. ( Chuckles ) If you're going to own a sword,
you'd better know how to use it. ( Door opens, closes ) ( Cawing ) Don't listen to it. Crows are all liars. - I know a story about a crow. - I hate your stories. I know a story about a boy who hated stories. I could tell you about Ser Duncan the tall. Those
were always your favorites. Those weren't my favorites. My favorites were the scary ones. Oh, my sweet summer child. What do you know about fear? Fear is for the winter, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep. Fear is for the long night, when the Sun hides
for years and children are born and live and die all in darkness. That is the time for fear, my little lord, when the White Walkers move through the woods. Thousands of years ago there came a night that lasted a generation. Kings froze to death in their castles,
same as the Shepherds in their huts. And women smothered their babies rather than see them starve, and wept and felt the tears freeze on their cheeks. So is this the sort of story that you like? In that darkness, the White Walkers came for the first time.
They swept through cities and Kingdoms, riding their dead horses, hunting with their packs of pale spiders big as Hounds-- ( door rattles ) Only what what the little lord telling wants to hear. Get your supper. I want some time with him. - ( Door closes )
- One time she told me the sky is blue because we live inside the eye of a blue-eyed giant named Macomber. Maybe we do. How do you feel? You still don't remember anything? Bran, I've seen you climb a thousand times. In the wind, in the rain-- a thousand times.
- You never fall. - I did though. It's true, isn't it, what Maester Luwin says about my legs? I'd rather be dead. - Don't ever say that. - I'd rather be dead. Fewer eyes back here, my Lady. But still too many. It's nine years since I've set foot in the capital.
And no one knew who I was the last time I came either. My Lady. Welcome to King's Landing, Lady Stark. Would you mind following us? I would. We've done nothing wrong. We've been instructed to escort you into the city. Instructed? I don't know who's providing
your instructions, but-- follow me, Lady Stark. Cat! Go on. Go upstairs. You little worm! You take me for some back-alley Sally you can drag into a-- pssst! I meant no disrespect to you of all people. How dare you bring me here! Have you lost your mind? No
one will come looking for you here. Isn't that what you wanted? I'm truly sorry about the locale. How did you know I was coming to King's Landing? A dear friend told me. - Lady Stark. - Lord Varys. To see you again after so many years is a blessing. Your poor
hands. How did you know I was coming? Knowledge is my trade, my Lady. ( Huffs ) Did you bring the dagger with you, by any chance? My little birds are everywhere... Even in the North. They whisper to me the strangest stories. Valyrian steel. Do you know whose
dagger this is? I must admit I do not. ( Chuckles ) Well well, this is an historic day. Something you don't know that I do. There's only one dagger like this in all of the Seven Kingdoms. - It's mine. - Yours? At least it was, until the tournament on Prince
Joffrey's last Nameday. I bet on Ser Jaime in the jousting, as any sane man would. When the Knight of the Flowers unseated him, I lost this dagger. To whom? Tyrion Lannister. The imp. Man: Grenn, show him what you farm boys are made of. ( Grunting ) If that
were a real sword, you'd be dead. Lord Snow here grew up in a castle spitting down on the likes of you. Pyp. Do you think Ned Stark's bastard bleeds like the rest of us? ( Shouts ) ( Coughs ) Next! Next! Well, Lord Snow, it appears you're the least useless
person here. Go clean yourselves up. There's only so much I can stomach in a day. A charming man. Commander: I don't need him to be charming. I need him to turn this bunch of thieves and runaways into men of The Night's Watch. And how's that going, commander
Mormont? Slowly. A raven came for Ned Stark's son. Good news or bad? Both. Maester Pycelle: Lord Stark. ( Wheezing ) I meant to give you this earlier. So forgetful these days. A raven from Winterfell this morning. Good news? Perhaps you'd like to share it
with your wife? - My wife is in Winterfell. - Is she? Woman: Yes, I'm looking at you. ( Laughter ) I thought that she'd be safest in here. One of several such establishments I own. You're a funny man. Huh? A very funny man. Ned! Ah, the Starks-- quick tempers,
slow minds. You broke my nose, bastard! It's an improvement. If we threw you over The Wall, I wonder how long it would take you to hit. I wonder if they'd find you before the wolves did. ( Door opens ) What're you looking at, half man? I'm looking at you.
Yes. You've got an interesting face. Hmm, very distinctive faces. All of you. And what do you care about our faces? It's just I think they would look marvelous decorating spikes in King's Landing. Perhaps I'll write my sister, the Queen, about it. We'll talk
later, Lord Snow. Everybody knew what this place was and no one told me. No one but you. My father knew and he left me to rot at The Wall all the same. Grenn's father left him too... Outside a farmhouse when he was three. Pyp was caught stealing a wheel of
cheese. His little sister hadn't eaten in three days. He was given a choice: His right hand or The Wall. I've been asking the lord commander about them. Fascinating stories. They hate me because I'm better than they are. It's a lucky thing none of them were
trained by a Master-at-Arms like your Ser Rodrik. I don't imagine any of them have ever held a real sword before they came here. Oh... Your brother Bran. He's woken up. The mere suggestion that the queen's brother tried to kill your boy would be considered
treason. We have proof. We have the blade. Which Lord Tyrion will say was stolen from him. The only man who could say otherwise has no throat, thanks to your boy's wolf. Petyr has promised to help us find the truth. He's like a little brother to me, Ned. He
would never betray my trust. I'll try to keep you alive, for her sake. A fool's task, admittedly, but I've never been able to refuse your wife anything. I won't forget this. You're a true friend. Don't tell anyone. I have a reputation to maintain. ( Knocks
) - How could you be so stupid? - Calm down. He's a child-- - What were you thinking? - I was thinking of us. You're a bit late to start complaining about it now. - What has the boy told them? - Nothing. He's said nothing. He remembers nothing. Then what are
you raving about? What if it comes back to him? If he tells his father what he saw-- we'll say he was lying. We'll say he was dreaming. We'll say whatever we like. I think we can outfox a 10-year-old. - And my husband? - I'll go to war with him if I have to.
They can write a ballad about us: "The War for Cersei's Cunt." ( Laughs ) - Let me go. - Never. - Let me go. - The boy won't talk. And if he does, I'll kill him. Him, Ned Stark, the king- the whole bloody lot of them, until you and I are the only people left
in this world. I wish I could see the girls. - It's too dangerous. - Just for a moment. Until we know who our enemies are-- I know they did it, Ned. The Lannisters. In my bones, I know it. Littlefinger's right. I can't do anything without proof. And if you
find the proof? Then I bring it to Robert... And hope he's still the man I once knew. You watch yourself on the road, huh? That temper of yours is a dangerous thing. My temper? Gods be good, you nearly killed poor Littlefinger yesterday. He still loves you.
Does he? Off with you. ( Horse snorts ) Yes, it's been a long time. But I still remember every face. You remember your first? Of course, Your Grace. Who was it? A Tyroshi. - Never learned the name. - Hmm. How'd you do it? Lance through the heart. Quick one.
Lucky for you. Mine was some Tarly boy at the Battle of Summerhall. My horse took an arrow so I was on foot, slogging through the mud. He came running at me, this dumb high-born lad, thinking he could end the rebellion with single swing of his sword. I knocked
him down with the hammer. Gods, I was strong then. Caved in his breastplate. Probably shattered every rib he had. Stood over him, hammer in the air. Right before I brought it down he shouted, "wait! Wait." ( Laughs ) They never tell you how they all shit themselves.
They don't put that part in the songs. Stupid boy. Now the Tarlys bend the knee like everyone else. He could have lingered on the edge of the battle with the smart boys and today his wife would be making him miserable, his sons would be ingrates, and he'd
be waking three times in the night to piss into a bowl. Wine! Lancel. Gods, what a stupid name. Lancel Lannister. Who named you? Some halfwit with a stutter? ( Snickers ) What are you doing? - It's empty, Your Grace. - What do you mean it's empty? - There's
no more wine. - Is that what empty means? So get more. Tell your cousin to get in here. Kingslayer! Get in here. Surrounded by Lannisters. Every time I close my eyes I see their blond hair and their smug, satisfied faces. It must wound your pride, huh? Standing
out there like a glorified sentry. Jaime Lannister, son of the mighty Tywin... Forced to mind the door while your King eats and drinks and shits and fucks. So come on. We're telling war stories. Who was your first kill, not counting old men? One of the outlaws
in the Brotherhood. I was there that day. You were only a squire, You killed Simon Toyne with a counter riposte. Best move I ever saw. A good fighter, Toyne, but he lacked stamina. Your outlaw... Any last words? - I cut his head off, so no. - Hmmm. What about
Aerys Targaryen? What did the Mad King say when you stabbed him in the back? I never asked. Did he call you a traitor? Did he plead for a reprieve? He said the same thing he'd been saying for hours... "Burn them all." If that's all, Your Grace... ( Drums beating
) Do the Dothraki buy their slaves? The Dothraki don't believe in money. Most of their slaves were given to them as gifts. - From whom? - If you rule a city and you see the horde approaching, you have two choices: Pay tribute or fight. An easy choice for most.
Of course, sometimes it's not enough. Sometimes a Khal feels insulted by the number of slaves he's given. He might think the men too weak or the women too ugly. Sometimes a Khal decides his riders haven't had a good fight in months - and need the practice.
- Kash qoy qoyi thira disse. - ( Slave whimpering ) - ( Whip cracking ) Tell them all to stop. You want the entire horde to stop? For how long? Until I command them otherwise. You're learning to talk like a Queen. Not a Queen. A Khaleesi. Jorah: Annakhas dozgosores.
( Branches rusing ) ( Blade clanging ) - ( Horse neighs ) - You dare! You give commands to me? To me? You do not command the Dragon. I am Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. I don't take orders from savages or their sluts. Do you hear me? Hash shafka zali nharees,
zhey Khaleesi? ( Viserys gasping ) Rakharo ask if you want him dead, Khaleesi. No. Ishish chare acharoe hash me nem éjervae - nharesoon. - Rakharo say you should take ear, - to teach respect. - Please please, don't hurt him. Tell him I don't want my brother
harmed. Khaleesi vos zalo meme nem azisa. Huh? - Shafki. - ( Gasping ) Mormont! Kill these Dothraki dogs! I am your King! Shall we return to the Khalasar, Khaleesi? Uh uh uh uh uh. You walk. ( Clicks tongue ) ( Wind whispering ) ( Metal clangs ) ( Creaking
) ( Bell dings ) ( Wind roaring ) Benjen: I wanted to be here when you saw it for the first time. - I'm leaving this morning. - You're leaving? I'm the First Ranger. My job is out there. - There have been disturbing reports. - What kind of reports? The kind
I don't want to believe. I'm ready. I won't let you down. You're not going. You're no Ranger, Jon. - But I'm better than every-- - Better than no one! Here... A man gets what he earns, when he earns it. We'll speak when I return. ( Wind howling ) - A bear's
balls. - Tyrion: Oh, you're joking? And his brains and his guts, his lungs and his heart all fried in his own fat. When you're a hundred miles North of The Wall and you ate your last meal a week ago, you leave nothing for the wolves. And how do a bear's balls
taste? A bit chewy. ( Laughs ) And what about you, my Lord? What's the strangest thing you've eaten? Do Dornish girls count? ( Laughing ) So you roam the Seven Kingdoms, collaring pickpockets and horse thieves and bringing them here as eager recruits? Aye.
But it's not all of 'em's done bad things. Some of 'em's just poor lads looking for steady feed. Some of 'em's high-born lads looking for glory. They have a better chance finding feed than glory. ( Door opens ) The Night's Watch is a joke to you, is it? Is
that what we are, Lannister? An army of jesters in black? You don't have enough men to be an army and aside from Yoren here, none of you are particularly funny. I hope we've provided you with some good stories to tell when you're back in King's Landing. But
something to think about while you're drinking your wine down there, enjoying your brothels-- half the boys you've seen training will die North of The Wall. Might be a Wilding's axe that gets them, might be sickness, might just be the cold. They die in pain.
And they do it so plump little lords like you can enjoy their summer afternoons in peace and comfort. Do you think I'm plump? Listen, Benjen-- may I call you Benjen? Call me what you like. I'm not sure what I've done to offend you. I have great admiration
for The Night's Watch. I've great admiration for you as First Ranger. You know, my brother once told me that nothing someone says before the word "but" really counts. But... I don't believe that Giants and Ghouls and White Walkers are lurking beyond The Wall.
I believe that the only difference between us and the Wildlings is that when The Wall went up, our ancestors happened to live on the right side of it. You're right. The Wildlings are no different from us. A little rougher maybe. But they're made of meat and
bone. I know how to track them and I know how to kill them. It's not the Wildlings giving me sleepless nights. You've never been North of The Wall, so don't tell me what's out there. Are you going below? - Keep well, keep warm. - Enjoy the capital, brother.
Oh, I always do. I think he's starting to like me. ( Laughing ) - "Going below"? - Aye. Into the tunnel and out the other side. He'll be North of The Wall for a month or two. So you're heading down to King's Landing too. Aye, day after tomorrow. I get about
half of my recruits from their dungeons. Let's share the road. I could use some decent company. I... I travel a bit on the grubby side, my Lord. Not this time. We'll be staying at the finest castles and inns. No one turns away a Lannister. At Jakar? Athjahakar.
Ath ja haker. Athjahakar. Athjahakar. Yes, Khaleesi. Oh, what are you doing? When was last time you bleed, Khaleesi? You change, Khaleesi. ( Speaks Dothraki ) Jorah: For a man on horseback, the curved blade is a good thing, easier to handle. It's a good weapon
for a Dothrakan. But a man in full plate-- shori tawakof the arakh won't get through the steel. That's where the broadsword has the advantage. Designed for piercing plate. ( Speaks Dothraki ) - Armor. - Armor. Armor make a man... - Vroz? - Slow. - Slow. -
It's true, but it also keeps a man alive. He still is. A man of great honor and I betrayed him. I don't think she wants to eat dog. The Khaleesi have baby inside her. It is true. She does not bleed for two moons. Her belly start to swell. - ( Rakharo speaks
) - She does not want to eat horse. I'll have the boys butcher a goat for supper. ( Mutters ) I need to ride to Qohor. Uh, we ride for Vaes Dothrak. Don't worry. I'll catch you. The horde's easy to find. ( Grunts, swords clash ) Don't stand so still. It's
harder to hit a moving target. Except for you. You move too much. I could just hold my sword out and let you do the work for me. Maester Aemon: How many winters have you seen, Lord Tyrion? Eight-- no, nine. All of them brief? They say the winter of my birth
was three years long, Maester Aemon. This summer has lasted nine. But reports from the Citadel tell us the days grow shorter. The Starks are always right eventually: Winter is coming. This one will be long and dark things will come with it. We've been capturing
Wildlings, more every month. They're fleeing south. The ones who flee say they've seen the White Walkers. Yes, and the fishermen of Lannisport say they see mermaids. One of our own Rangers swore he saw them kill his companions. He swore it right up to the
moment Ned Stark chopped his head off. The Night's Watch is the only thing standing between the realm and what lies beyond. And it has has become an army of undisciplined boys and tired old men. There are less than a thousand of us now. We can't man the other
castles on The Wall. We can't properly patrol the wilderness. We've barely enough resources to keep our lads armed - and fed. - Your sister sits by the side the King. Tell her we need help. When winter does come, gods help us all if we're not ready. ( Wind
blowing ) I'm sorry to see you leave, Lannister. It's either me or this cold. And it doesn't appear to be going anywhere. Will you stop at Winterfell on your way south? I expect I will. Gods know there aren't many feather beds between here and King's Landing.
If you see my brother Bran, tell him I miss him. Tell him I'd visit if I could. Of course. He'll never walk again. If you're going to be a cripple, it's better to be a rich cripple. You take care, Snow. Farewell, my Lord. ( Foreign accent ) You are late, boy.
Tomorrow you will be here at midday. Who are you? Your dancing master, Syrio Forel. Tomorrow you will catch it. Now pick it up. That is not the way, boy. This is not a greatsword that is needing two hands to swing it. - It's too heavy. - It is heavy as it
needs to be to make you strong. Just so. One hand is all that is needed. Now you are standing all wrong. Turn your body sideface. Yes. So. You are skinny. That is good. The target is smaller. Now the grip-- let me see. Yes. The grip must be delicate. What
if I drop it? The steel must be part of your arm. Can you drop part of your arm? No. Nine years Syrio Forel was first sword to the Sealord of Braavos. He knows these things. You must listen to me, boy. I'm a girl. Boy, girl-- you are a sword, that is all.
( Tsking ) That is the grip. You are not holding a battle-axe. - You are holding-- - A Needle. Ahhh. ( Chuckles ) Just so. Now we will begin the dance. Remember, child, this is not the dance of the Westeros we are learning-- the Knight's Dance, hacking and
hammering. This is the Bravo's Dance... The Water Dance. It is swift and sudden. All men are made of water, do you know this? If you pierce them, the water leaks out and they die. Now you will try to strike me. ( Sword thunks ) Ha! Up! ( Tsking ) Ha! Ah. Dead.
( Laughs ) Oh! Dead. - ( Swords crashing ) - Hup! Very dead. - ( Soft chuckle ) - Syrio: Come. Ah ah ah! - Hup! - ( Swords crash ) Again, faster. Ah. ( Metal weapons clanging, warriors shouting ) ( Theme music playing ) 


#本集共有单词数:766  总词数:2387

a =["'em", "'em's", 'About', 'Aemon', 'Aerys', 'Again', 'Ahh','Ahhh', 'An', 'Annakhas', 'Any', 'Armor', 'Arms', 'Army', 'Ath', 'Athjahakar','Baelish', 'Battle', 'Best', 'Blade', 'Both', 'Boy', 'Braavos', 'Branches',"Bravo's",
'Brotherhood', 'Burn', 'Call', 'Calm', 'Caved', "Cersei's",'Chuckles', 'Citadel', 'Clicks', 'Coin', 'Commander', 'Coughs', 'Council','Counting', 'Creaking', 'Crows', 'Cunt', 'Dance', 'Dead', 'Designed','Doorcreaking', 'Dornish', 'Dothrak', 'Dothrakan', 'Drums',
'Duncan', 'Eat','Eight', 'Enjoy', 'Every', 'Everybody', 'Everyone', 'Except', 'Fascinating','Fear', 'Fewer', 'Flowers', 'For', 'Forced', 'Foreign', 'Forel', 'Gasping','Ghouls', 'Giants', 'Going', 'Grand', 'Grenn', "Grenn's", 'Growling','Grunting', 'Grunts',
'Ha', 'Hash', "He'll", 'Her', 'Here', 'Him','His', 'Hmm', 'Hmmm', 'Hound', 'Hounds', "How'd", 'Huffs', 'Hup','Instructed', 'Into', 'Iron', 'Ishish', 'Jakar', "Joffrey's", 'Kash','Kevan', 'Khalasar', 'Kill', 'Kingdom', "Kings'", 'Kingslayer',"Knight's", 'Knocks',
'Knowledge', 'Lance', 'Lancel', 'Lannisport','Listen', 'Littlefinger', "Littlefinger's", 'Lords', 'Lucky','Macomber', 'Mad', 'Master', 'Matters', 'Metal', 'Might', "Mikken's",'Mine', 'Mm', 'Mutters', "Myrcella's", 'Nameday', 'Needle', 'Nobody','North', 'Northern',
'Northerners', 'Nothing', 'Off', 'Outside', 'Pay','Petyr', 'Practicing', 'Prince', 'Princess', 'Probably', 'Pycelle', 'Pyp','Qohor', 'Rakharo', 'Ranger', 'Rangers', 'Rapers', 'Remember', 'Renly','Royal', 'Sally', 'Sealord', 'Seize', 'Shafki', 'Shall', 'Shepherds',
'Shh','Shouts', 'Simon', 'Slave', 'Slow', 'Slowly', 'Small', 'Snickers', 'Soft','Some', 'Someday', 'Something', 'Sometimes', 'Speaks', 'Standing', 'Stood','Stupid', 'Sturdy', 'Summerhall', 'Surrounded', 'Sword', 'Swords', 'Syrio',"Targaryen's", 'Tarly', 'Tarlys',
'Those', 'Thousands', 'Throne','To', 'Tomorrow', 'Toyne', 'Try', 'Tsking', 'Tully', 'Turn', 'Tyroshi','Tywin', 'Uh', 'Um', 'Up', 'Vaes', 'Varys', 'Vroz', 'Wait', 'Wall', 'War','Water', 'Westeros', "What're", 'Wheezing', 'Which', 'Whip', 'Whose',"Wilding's",
'Wine', 'Without', 'Woman', 'Yoren', 'accent','accommodate', 'acharoe', 'admiration', 'admire', 'admit', 'admittedly','advantage', 'afford', 'afternoons', 'air', 'alley', 'allow', 'allowed','also', 'amongst', 'ancestors', 'appear', 'appears', 'appointment','approaching',
'appropriate', 'arakh', 'archer', 'armed', 'arrow', 'aside','asking', 'asses', 'ate', 'avenging', 'axe', 'azisa', 'babies', 'baby', 'bad','ballad', 'balls', 'bankrupt', 'barely', "bear's", 'bears','beating', 'beg', 'below', 'bend', 'betray', 'betrayed', 'birds',
'birth','bleed', 'bleeds', 'blond', 'blowing', 'blue', 'bones', 'borrow', 'bowl',"boy's", 'brains', 'brave', 'breastplate', 'brief', 'bringing','broadsword', 'brothels', 'bunch', 'buy', 'called', 'cannot', 'capturing', 'castle','castles', 'champion', 'change',
'chare', 'charming', 'cheeks', 'cheese','chewy', 'choices', 'chopped', 'chose', 'chosen', 'chuckle', 'cities','clanging', 'clangs', 'clash', 'climb', 'closes', 'cold', 'collarbone','collaring', 'commander', 'commands', 'companions', 'company', 'complaining','consider',
'coppers', "couldn't", 'count', 'counter', 'counting','counts', 'cousin', 'cracking', 'crash', 'crashing', 'crow', 'crush', 'curved','dance', 'dancing', 'darkness', 'daughters', 'debt', 'decent', 'decides','decorating', 'deep', 'delicate', 'deserve', 'destroy',
'difference', 'dings','disrespect', 'disse', 'distinctive', 'disturbing', 'dogs', 'dollmaker','dolls', 'double', 'dozgosores', 'drag', 'dragged', 'dreaming', 'drinking','drop', 'duel', 'dumb', 'dungeons', 'eager', 'ear', 'earlier', 'earns', 'easy','eaten',
'eats', 'either', 'empty', 'enemy', 'enjoy', 'enjoying', 'entire','entrusts', 'equals', 'essence', 'establishments', 'esteem', 'eventually','everyone', 'everywhere', 'exactly', 'excused', 'expense', 'experienced','extravagance', 'eye', 'eyed', 'faces', 'farm',
'farmhouse', 'faster','favorites', 'fear', 'feather', 'feels', 'felt', 'finding', 'finds', 'finger','fishermen', 'flee', 'fleeing', 'follow', 'following', 'food', "fool's",'foot', 'forgetful', 'formal', 'fought', 'freeze', 'fried', 'froze', 'fucks','gasping',
'generation', 'giant', 'gifts', 'glad', 'glorified', 'glory','gold', 'greatsword', 'grew', 'grievously', 'grip', 'grubby', 'guts','hacking', "hadn't", 'haker', 'halfwit', 'hammer', 'hammering','hand', 'happen', 'harder', 'harmed', 'hash', 'hate', 'hated',"he'd",
'heading', 'healed', 'heart', 'heavy', 'hides', 'high','historic', 'hmm', 'holding', 'homeland', 'hoped', 'hoping',"horde's", 'horseback', "how's", 'huh', 'humbly','hundred', 'huts', 'idiot', 'imagine', 'improvement', 'ingrates', 'inns','install', 'instead',
'instructed', 'instructions', 'instructs', 'insulted','invaded', 'ja', 'jesters', 'joke', 'joking', 'jousting', 'keeps', 'kindness','knack', 'knee', 'knights', 'knocked', 'lacked', 'ladies', 'lasted','laughing', 'leadership', 'leaks', 'learned', 'learning',
'less', 'liars','lies', 'lifted', 'lighten', 'line', 'lingered', 'load', 'locale', 'lords','loves', 'lucky', 'lungs', 'lurking', 'maintain', "maker's", 'makes','mark', 'marvelous', 'master', 'matters', 'meal', 'meeting', 'meme','mentioned', 'mere', 'mermaids',
'midday', 'miles', 'minds', 'mine','miserable', 'mob', 'moment', 'money', 'months', 'move', 'moving', 'mud','named', 'navel', 'needed', 'needing', 'nem', 'nharees', 'nharesoon', 'nice','nights', 'noble', 'none', 'nose', 'number', 'occasional', 'occasions',
'ones','open', 'opens', 'opponents', 'otherwise', 'ourselves', 'outfox', 'outlaw','outlaws', 'owe', 'packs', 'painted', 'particularly', 'patrol', 'peace','peasants', 'person', 'pickpockets', 'pierce', 'piercing', 'pikes', 'plans','plate', 'played', 'plead',
'plump', 'polished', 'power', 'practice', 'prayer','praying', 'presence', 'pride', 'primitive', 'princes', 'princesses', 'proof','provided', 'providing', 'prudent', 'pssst', 'put', 'qoy', 'qoyi',"queen's", 'rain', 'rather', 'rattles', 'raving', 'rebel','rebellion',
'recovery', 'recruits', 'refuse', 'remembered', 'remembers','reports', 'reprieve', 'reputation', 'requested', 'resources', 'respect','rib', 'rich', 'riders', 'riposte', 'roam', 'roaring', 'rot', 'rougher','runaways', 'runner', 'running', 'rusing', 'safest',
'sake', 'sane', 'sat','satisfied', 'save', 'scary', 'scratch', 'scream', 'sentry', 'servant','settled', 'shafka', 'shattered', "she'd", 'shit', 'shits', 'shori','shorter', 'shouted', 'shouting', 'shoved', 'sickness', 'sideface', 'silent','single', 'sit', 'sits',
'skewer', 'sleepless', 'slogging', 'slow', 'sluts','smaller', 'smothered', 'smug', 'snorts', 'snows', 'soldiers', 'sometimes','sort', 'sorts', 'spare', 'spared', 'spend', 'spiders', 'spikes', 'spitting','squire', 'stabbed', 'stage', 'stamina', 'starve', 'staying',
'steady','stealing', 'stern', 'stolen', 'stomach', 'stood', 'strangest', 'strength','strike', 'stupid', 'stutter', 'sudden', 'suggestion', 'summer', 'supper','supply', 'swell', 'swept', 'swift', 'swinging', 'target', 'task', 'taste','tawakof', 'taxes', 'tears',
'temper', 'tempers', 'thanks', 'themselves',"they'd", 'thieves', 'thira', 'throat', 'thunks', 'tired', 'token','tomorrow', 'toys', 'trade', 'trained', 'training', 'traitor', 'travel','treason', 'treasury', 'tribes', 'tribute', 'troops', 'troubles', 'truly','tunnel',
'turn', 'turns', 'uh', 'undisciplined', 'unseated', 'upstairs','useless', 'virgins', 'vos', 'waking', 'warrior', 'warriors', 'watched','water', "we've", 'weak', 'weapons', 'week', 'wept', 'wheel','whisper', "who's", "who've", 'whom', 'wilderness', 'wind','winning',
'winters', 'wipes', 'wise', 'wisely', 'woken', 'wolves', 'worm','worth', 'yelps', 'yesterday', 'zali', 'zalo', 'éjervae']


Tell them all to stop. For how long? Until I command them otherwise. You're learning to talk like a Queen. Not a Queen. A Khaleesi. Lord Snow here grew up in a castle spitting down on the likes of you. Everybody knew what this
place was, but no one told me-- no one but you. The Khaleesi have baby inside her. It is true. Her belly start to swell. I need to ride to Qohor. What did Aaerys Targaryen say when you stabbed him in the back? He said the same thing he'd been saying for hours--
"burn them all." My brother instructs us to stage a tournament in honor of Lord Stark's appointment as Hand of the King. This tournament is an extravagance we cannot afford. I'm leaving this morning. My job is out there. - I won't let you down. - You're not
going. Here, a man gets what he earns when he earns it. I don't take orders from savages or their sluts. I don't want my brother harmed. Mormont, kill these Dothraki dogs! We've come to a dangerous place. We must protect ourselves. Ah! We allow the Northerners
too much power. A good King knows when to save his strength and when to destroy his enemies. So you agree... The Starks are enemies? Everyone who isn't us is an enemy. - Do you know whose dagger this is? - Littlefinger: I do. Tyrion Lannister's... The imp.
The little lord's been dreaming again. - We have visitors. - I don't want to see anyone. Really? If I was cooped up all day with no one but this old bat for company, I'd go mad. Anyway, you don't have a choice. Robb's waiting. - I don't want to go. - Neither
do I. But Robb's Lord of Winterfell, which means I do what he says, and you do what I say. Hodor! - Hodor? - Help Bran down the hall. Hodor. I must say I received a slightly warmer welcome on my last visit. Any man of The Night's Watch is welcome at Winterfell.
Any man of The Night's Watch, but not I, eh, boy? I'm not your boy, Lannister. I'm Lord of Winterfell while my father is away. Then you might learn a lord's courtesy. So it's true. Hello, Bran. Do you remember anything about what happened? He has no memory
of that day. - Curious. - Why are you here would your charming companion be so kind as to kneel? - My neck is beginning to hurt. - Kneel, Hodor. - Do you like to ride, Bran? - Yes. Well, I mean I did like to. - The boy has lost the use of his legs. - What
of it? With the right horse and saddle, even a cripple can ride. - I'm not a cripple. - Then I'm not a dwarf. My father will rejoice to hear it. I have a gift for you. Give that to your saddler. He'll provide the rest. You must shape the horse to the rider.
Start with a yearling and teach it to respond to the reins and to the boy's voice. Will I really be able to ride? You will. On horseback you will be as tall as any of them. Is this some kind of trick? Why do you want to help him? I have a tender spot in my
heart for cripples, bastards and broken things. You've done my brother a kindness. The hospitality of Winterfell is yours. Spare me your false courtesies, Lord Stark. There's a brothel outside your walls. There I'll find a bed and both of us can sleep easier.
Couldn't resist some Northern ass? If you like redheads, ask for Ros. Come to see me off, Greyjoy? Kind of you. Your master doesn't seem to like Lannisters. - He's not my master. - No, of course not. What happened here? Where is Lady Stark? Why didn't she
receive me? - She wasn't feeling well. - She's not in Winterfell, is she? - Where did she go? - My Lady's whereabouts-- My Lady? Your loyalty to your captors is touching. Tell me, how do you think balon Greyjoy would feel if he could see his only surviving
son has turned lackey? I still remember seeing my father's fleet burn in Lannisport. I believe your uncles were responsible? Must have been a pretty sight. Nothing prettier than watching sailors burn alive. Yes, a great victory for your people. - Shame how
it all turned out. - We were outnumbered 10 to one-- a stupid rebellion then. I suppose your father realized that when your brothers died in battle. Now here you are, your enemy's squire. - Careful, imp. - I've offended you. Forgive me, it's been a rough morning.
Anyway, don't despair. I'm a constant disappointment to my own father and I've learned to live with it. Your next tumble with Ros is on me. I'll try not to wear her out. Shoulder, legs. Leg, shoulder, leg. Left foot forward. Good. Now pivot as you deliver
the stroke. Put all your weight behind it. What in seven hells is that? They'll need an eighth hell to fit him in. Tell them your name. Samwell Tarly, of Horn Hill-- I mean, I was of Horn Hill. - I've come to take the black. - Come to take the black pudding.
Well, you couldn't be any worse than you look. Rast... See what he can do. I yield. - Please, no more. - On your feet. Pick up your sword. Hit him till he finds his feet. It seems they've run short of poachers and thieves down South. - Now they send us squealing
bloody pigs. - Jon! Again, harder. I yield! Enough! He yielded. Looks like the bastard's in love. All right then, Lord Snow, you wish to defend your lady love, let's make it an exercise. You two. Three of you ought to be sufficient to make lady piggy squeal.
All you've got to do is get past the bastard. - Are you sure you want to do this? - No. Yield yield yield! I yield. We're done for today. Go clean the armory. That's all you're good for. - Well fought! - Piss off. Did he hurt you? I've had worse. You can call
me Sam... If you want. - My mother calls me Sam-- - it's not going to get any easier, you know? You're going to have to defend yourself. Why didn't you get up and fight? I wanted to. - I just couldn't. - Why not? I'm a coward. - My father always says so. -
The Wall's no place for cowards. You're right. I'm sorry. I just... wanted to thank you. A bloody coward. People saw us talking to him. Now they'll think we're cowards too. You're too stupid to be a coward. - You're too stupid to be a-- - Quick now, before
summer's over. C'mere! Hyah hyah! Vaes Dothrak-- the city of the horselords. A pile of mud. Mud and shit and twigs-- - best these savages can do. - These are my people now. You shouldn't call them savages. I'll call them what I like, because they're my people.
This is my army. Khal Drogo is marching the wrong way with my army. If my brother was given an army of Dothraki, could you conquer the Seven Kingdoms? The Dothraki have never crossed the Narrow Sea. They fear any water their horses can't drink. But if they
did? King Robert is fool enough to meet them in open battle, but the men advising him are different. - And you know these men? - I fought beside them once, long ago. Now Ned Stark wants my head. He drove me from my land. You sold slaves. Aye. - Why? - I had
no money and an expensive wife. And where is she now? In another place, with another man. - Your Grace? - Yes, my dear? They call you the Last Dragon... They do. You have dragon's blood in your veins? It's entirely possible. What happened to the dragons? I
was told that brave men killed them all. The brave men didn't kill dragons. The brave men rode them. Rode them from Valyria to build the greatest civilization this world has ever seen. The breath of the greatest dragon forged the Iron Throne, which the usurper
is keeping warm for me. The swords of the vanquished, a thousand of them... Melted together like so many candles. I have always wanted to see a dragon. There is nothing in the world that I would rather see. Really. Why dragons? They can fly. And wherever they
are, just a few flaps of their wings and they're somewhere else... Far away. And they can kill. Anyone or anything that tries to hurt them gets burned away to nothing... ...Like so many candles. Ow. Yes. Seeing a dragon would make me very happy. Well, after
15 years in a pleasure house, I imagine just seeing the sky makes you happy. I was not locked in. I have seen things. - What have you seen? - I've seen... A man from Asshai with a dagger of real dragonglass. - Ooh. - I've seen a man who could change his face
the way that other men change their clothes. And I've seen a pirate who wore his weight in gold and whose ship had sails of colored silk. So... Have you seen one? - A pirate ship? - A dragon. No. No, the last one died many years before I was born. I'll tell
you what I have seen: Their skulls. They used to decorate the throne room in the Red Keep. When I was very young, just three or four, my father used to walk me down the rows and I'd recite their names for him. When I got them all right, he'd give me a sweet.
The ones closest to the door were the last ones they were able to hatch and they were all stunted and wrong. Skulls no bigger than dog skulls. But as you got closer to the Iron Throne... They got bigger and bigger and bigger. There was Ghiscar and Valryon,
Vermithrax, Essovius-- Archonei, Meraxes, Vhagar... And Balerion the dread... ...Whose fire forged the Seven Kingdoms into one. What happened to the skulls? I don't know. The usurper had them smashed to powder, I expect. Scattered to the wind. That's very
sad. Yes, it is. What did I buy you for? - To make me sad? - No, your Grace. To, uh, teach your sister. To teach my sister how to be a better lover? You think I bought you to make Khal Drogo happy? Oh, you pretty little idiot. Go on then. Get on with it. Someday
your husband will sit there and you will sit by his side. And one day, before too long, you will present your son to the court. All the Lords of Westeros will gather here to see the little prince-- what if I have a girl? Gods be good, you'll have boys and
girls and plenty of them. What if I only have girls? I wouldn't worry about that. Jeyne Poole's mother had five children-- all of them girls. Yes, but it's highly unlikely. But what if? Well, if you only had girls, I suppose the throne would pass to Prince
Joffrey's little brother. And everyone would hate me. Nobody could ever hate you. - Joffrey does. - Nonsense. Why would you say such a thing? That business with the wolves? Sansa, I've told you a hundred times: - A direwolf is not-- - please shut up about
it. Do you remember your lessons? Who built the Iron Throne? Aegon the Conqueror. And who built the Red Keep? Maegor the Cruel. And how many years did it take to build-- my grandfather and Uncle were murdered here, weren't they? They were killed on the orders
of King Aerys, yes. - The Mad King. - Commonly known as the Mad King. Why were they killed? You should be speak to your father about these matters. I don't want to speak to my father-- ever. Sansa, you will find it in your heart to forgive your father. No,
I won't. It's The Hand's tournament that's causing - all this trouble, My Lords. - The King's tournament. I assure you The Hand wants no part of it. Call it what you will, Lord Stark, Ser, the city is packed with people and more flooding in every day. Last
night we had a tavern riot, a brothel fire, three stabbings and a drunken horse race down the Street of Sisters. - Dreadful. - If you can't keep the King's peace, perhaps the city watch should be commanded by someone who can. - I need more men. - Ned: You'll
get 50. - Lord Baelish will see it paid for. - I will? You found money for a champion's purse, you can find money to keep the peace. I'll also give you till the crowds have left. Thank you, My Lord Hand, Ser. They will be put to good use. The sooner this is
over, the better. The realm prospers from such events, My Lord. They give the great a chance at glory, and the lowly a respite from their woes. And every inn in the city is full and the whores are walking bow-legged. I'm sure the tourney puts coins in many
a pocket. - Hmmm. - Now... If there's nothing else, My Lords? Oh, this heat. On days like this, I envy you Northerners your summer snows. Until tomorrow, My Lord-- I've been hoping to talk to you about Jon Arryn. Lord Arryn? Oh, his death was a great sadness
to all of us. I took personal charge of his care, but I could not save him. His sickness struck him very hard and very fast. I saw him in my chambers just the night before he passed. Lord Jon often came to me for counsel. Why? I have been Grand Maester for
many years. Kings and Hands have come to me for advice since-- What did Jon want the night before he died? Oh, he came inquiring after a book. A book? What book? Oh, I fear it would be of little interest to you, My Lord. A ponderous Tome. No, I'd like to read
it. "The Lineages and Histories of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, with descriptions of many high lords and noble ladies and their children." "Harkon Umber, first of his name, born to Lord Hother Umber and Lady Amaryllis Umber in the 183rd year after
Aegon's landing, at the last hearth. Blue of eye, brown of hair and fair complected, died in his 14th year of a wound sustained in a bear hunt." As I said, My Lord, a ponderous read. Did Jon Arryn tell you what he wanted with it? He did not, My Lord. And I
did not presume to ask. - Jon's death... - Such a tragedy. ...Did he say anything to you during his final hours? Nothing of import, My Lord. Oh-- there was one phrase he kept repeating: "The seed is strong," I think it was. - "The seed is strong"? - Mm. -
What does that mean? - Oh, the dying mind is a demented mind, Lord Stark. For all the weight they're given, last words are usually as significant as first words. And you're quite certain he died of a natural illness? What else could it be? Poison. A disturbing
thought. No no no, I don't think it likely. The Hand was loved by all. What sort of man would dare-- I've heard it said that poison is a woman's weapon. Yes, women, cravens... And eunuchs. Did you know that Lord Varys is a eunuch? Everybody knows that. Yes
yes, of course. How that sort of person found himself on the King's Council, I will never know. I've taken enough of your time. No trouble at all, My Lord. It's a great honor-- thank you. I'll find my own way out. Syrio says a water dancer can stand on one
toe for hours. It's a hard fall down these steps. Syrio says every hurt is a lesson and every lesson makes you better. - Tomorrow I'm going to be chasing cats. - Cats? Syrio says. He says every swordsman should study cats. They're quiet as shadows and as light
as feathers. You have to be quick to catch them. He's right about that. Now that Bran's awake will he come live with us? Well, he needs to get his strength back first. He wants to be a knight of the Kingsguard. - He can't be one now, can he? - No. But someday
he could be Lord of a Holdfast or sit on the King's Council. Or he might raise castles like Brandon the builder. Can I be Lord of a Holdfast? You will marry a high lord and rule his castle. And your sons shall be knights and princes and lords. Hmm? No. That's
not me. Hello. Ser Alliser said I'm to be your new Watch partner. I should warn you, I don't see all that well. Come stand by the fire. - It's warmer. - No, that's all right. I'm fine. You're not. You're freezing. I don't like high places. You can't fight.
You can't see. You're afraid of heights and almost everything else probably. What are you doing here, Sam? On the morning of my 18th Nameday, my father came to me. "You're almost a man now," he said... "But you're not worthy of my land and title. Tomorrow,
you're going to take the black, forsake all claim to your inheritance and start North. If you do not," he said... "Then we'll have a hunt and somewhere in these woods your horse will stumble and you'll be thrown from your saddle to die. Or so I'll tell your
mother. Nothing would please me more." Ser Alliser's going to make me fight again tomorrow, isn't he? Yes, he is. I'm not going to get any better, you know? Well... You can't get any worse. I hear you're reading a boring book. Hmph. Pycelle talks too much.
Oh, he never stops. Do you know Ser Hugh of the Vale? Not surprising. Until recently, he was only a squire-- Jon Arryn's squire. He was knighted almost immediately after his master's untimely death. Knighted for what? Why are you telling me this? I promised
cat that I'd help you. Where is Ser Hugh? - I'll speak to him. - A singularly bad idea. Do you see that boy there? One of Varys's little birds. The spider has taken a great interest in your comings and goings. Now look there. That one belongs to the Queen.
And do you see that septa pretending to read her book? Varys or the Queen? No, she's one of mine. Is there someone in your service whom you trust completely? - Yes. - The wiser answer was no, My Lord. Get a message to this paragon of yours-- discreetly-- send
him to question Ser Hugh. After that, you might want him to visit a certain armorer in the city. He lives in a large house at the top of the Street of Steel. - Why? - I have my observers, as I said, and it's possible that they saw Lord Arryn visit this armorer
several times in the weeks before his death. Lord Baelish, perhaps I was wrong to distrust you. Distrusting me was the wisest thing you've done since you climbed off your horse. ...Two, three, four, five, six, seven, - eight, nine-- - Ser Hugh? - Ser Hugh!
- As you can see, I'm busy. I'm here on behalf of Lord Eddard Stark, the Hand of the King. I'm the Captain of his guard. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name, Ser... No "Ser." I'm not a knight. I see. Well, it just so happens that I am. He said he'd be glad
to talk to the hand himself. He's a knight, you see. Ah, a knight. They strut around like roosters down here. Even the ones who've never seen an arrow coming their way. You shouldn't be out here, My Lord. - There's no telling who has eyes where. - Let them
look. The former Hand did call on me, My Lord, several times. I regret to say he did not honor me with his patronage. What did Lord Arryn want? He always came to see the boy. I'd like to see him as well. As you wish My lord. Gendry! Here he is. Strong for
his age. He works hard. Show the hand the helmet you made, lad. - This is fine work. - It's not for sale. Boy, this is the King's Hand! - If his lordship wants the helm-- - I made it for me. - Forgive him, My Lord. - There's nothing to forgive. When Lord Arryn
came to visit you, what would you talk about? He just asked me questions is all, My Lord. What kind of questions? About my work at first, if I was being treated well, if I liked it here. But then he started asking me about my mother. - Your mother? - Who she
was, what she looked like. What did you tell him? She died when I was little. She had yellow hair. She'd sing to me sometimes. Look at me. Get back to work, lad. If the day ever comes when that boy would rather wield a sword than forge one, you send him to
me. Find anything? King Robert's bastard son. He likes that. This is for the King from Lord Stark. Should I leave it with-- shhh. Listen. Do you hear them? How many do you think are in there with him? Huh? - Guess. - Three? Four. He likes to do this when I'm
on duty-- he makes me listen as he insults my sister. Forgive me, My Lord-- Why do I have to forgive you? Have you wronged me? We've met before, you know. Have we? Strange, I've forgotten. The siege of Pyke. We fought side by side one afternoon. Ah. - That's
where you got your scar? - Aye. Oh. One of the Greyjoys nearly took my eye. - Vicious sons of whores. - They like their bloodshed. They stopped liking it at the end. That was a proper battle. Do you remember Thoros of Myr charging through the breach? With
his burning sword? I'll remember that till the day I die. I saw the youngest of the Greyjoy lads at Winterfell. It was like seeing a shark on a mountaintop. Theon? He's a good lad. I doubt it. I'll bet you smell of blackberry jam! Let me smell it. Come here.
Can I leave this with you? The message from Lord Stark. I don't serve Lord Stark. - Where have you been? - Watch duty. - With Sam. - Ah, prince porkchop. - Where is he? - He wasn't hungry. Impossible! That's enough. Sam's no different from the rest of us.
There was no place for him in the world, so he's come here. We're not going to hurt him in the training yard anymore. Never again, no matter what Thorne says. He's our brother now and we're going to protect him. You are in love, Lord Snow. You girls can do
as you please. But if Thorne puts me up against lady piggy, I'm gonna slice me off a side of bacon. No one touches Sam. What are you waiting for? Attack him! You get in there. Hit me. Go on, hit me! I yield! Yield yield. I yield. You think this is funny, do
you? When you're out there beyond The Wall with the sun going down, do you want a man at your back? Or a sniveling boy? You send this whore to give me commands? I should have sent you back her head! Forgive me, Khaleesi. I did as you asked. Hush now. It's
all right. - Irri, take her and leave us. - Yes, Khaleesi. - Why did you hit her?! - How many times do I have to tell you? You do not command me. I wasn't commanding you. I just wanted to invite you to supper. - What's this? - It's a gift. - I had it made
for you. - Dothraki rags? - Are you going to dress me now? - Please. This stinks of manure. All of it. Stop-- stop it. You would turn me into one of them, wouldn't you? Next you'll want to braid my hair. You've no right to a braid. You've won no victories
yet. You do not talk back to me! You are a horselord's slut. And now you've woken the dragon-- I am a Khaleesi of the Dothraki! I am the wife of the great Khal and I carry his son inside me. The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have
hands. I know for a fact that some of the officers go to that brothel in mole's town. I wouldn't doubt it. Don't you think it's a little bit unfair? Making us take our vows while they sneak off for a little sally on the side? - Sally on the side? - It's silly,
isn't it? What, we can't defend the wall unless we're celibate? It's absurd. I didn't think you'd be so upset about it. Why not? - Because I'm fat? - No. But I like girls just as much as you do. They might not like me as much. I've never-- been with one. You've
probably had hundreds. No. As a matter of fact, I'm the same as you. Yeah. I find that hard to believe. I came very close once. I was alone in a room with a naked girl, but-- you didn't know where to put it? I know where to put it. Was she... Old and ugly?
Young and gorgeous. A whore named Ros. What color hair? - Red. - Oh, I like red hair. And her, um... Her... - You don't want to know. - That good? - Better. - Oh no. So why exactly did you not make love to Ros with the perfect--? What's my name? Jon Snow?
And why is my surname snow? Because... You're a bastard from the North. I never met my mother. My father wouldn't even tell me her name. I don't know if she's living or dead. I don't know if she's a noblewoman or a Fisherman's wife... Or a whore. So I sat
there in the brothel as Ros took off her clothes. But I couldn't do it. Because all I could think was what if I got her pregnant and she had a child, another bastard named Snow? It's not a good life for a child. Ah, mmm. So... You didn't know where to put
it? Enjoying yourselves? You look cold, boys. It is a bit nippy. A bit nippy, yeah, by the fire, indoors. It's still summer. Do you boys even remember the last winter? How long has it been now? What, 10 years? I remember. Was it uncomfortable at Winterfell?
Were there days when you just couldn't get warm, never mind how many fires your servants built? - I build my own fires. - That's admirable. I spent six months out there, beyond The Wall during the last winter. It was supposed to be a two-week mission. We heard
a rumor Mance Rayder was planning to attack Eastwatch. So we went out to look for some of his men-- capture them, gather some knowledge. The Wildlings who fight for Mance Rayder are hard men. Harder than you'll ever be. They know their country better than
we do. They knew there was a storm coming in. So they hid in their caves and waited for it to pass. And we got caught in the open. Wind so strong it yanked 100-foot trees straight from the ground, roots and all. If you took your gloves off to find your cock
to have a piss, you lost a finger to the frost. And all in darkness. You don't know cold. Neither of you do. The horses died first. We didn't have enough to feed them, to keep them warm. Eating the horses was easy. But later when we started to fall... That
wasn't easy. We should have had a couple of boys like you along, shouldn't we? Soft, fat boys like you. We'd have lasted a fortnight on you and still had bones leftover for soup. Soon we'll have new recruits and you lot will be passed along to the Lord Commander
for assignment and they will call you men of The Night's Watch, but you'd be fools to believe it. You're boys still. And come the winter you will die... Like flies. I hit him. I hit the dragon. Your brother Rhaegar was the Last Dragon. Viserys is less than
the shadow of a snake. He is still the true king. The truth now: Do you want to see your brother sitting on the Iron Throne? No. But the common people are waiting for him. Illyrio said they are sewing dragon banners and praying for his return. The common people
pray for rain, health and a summer that never ends. They don't care what games the high lords play. What do you pray for, Ser Jorah? Home. I pray for home too. My brother will never take back the Seven Kingdoms. He couldn't lead an army even if my husband
gave him one. He'll never take us home. Lover's quarrel? I'm sorry. Do I...? Sansa dear, this is Lord Baelish. He's known-- an old friend of the family. I've known your mother a long long time. - Why do they call you Littlefinger? - Arya! - Don't be rude!
- No, it's quite all right. When I was a child I was very small and I come from a little spit of land called The Fingers, so you see, it's an exceedingly clever nickname. I've been sitting here for days! Start the damn joust before I piss myself! Gods, who
is that? Ser Gregor Clegane. They call him the Mountain. The hound's older brother. - And his opponent? - Littlefinger: Ser Hugh of the Vale. He was Jon Arryn's squire. Lo how far he's come. Yes yes, enough of the bloody pomp. Have at it! Not what you were
expecting? Has anyone ever told you the story of the Mountain and the Hound? Lovely little tale of brotherly love. The Hound was just a pup, six years old maybe. Gregor a few years older-- already a big lad, already getting a bit of a reputation. Some lucky
boys just born with a talent for violence. One evening Gregor found his little brother playing with a toy by the fire-- Gregor's toy, a wooden knight. Gregor never said a word, he just grabbed his brother by the scruff of his neck and shoved his face into
the burning coals. Held him there while the boy screamed, while his face melted. There aren't very many people who know that story. I won't tell anyone. I promise. No, please don't. If the Hound so much as heard you mention it, I'm afraid all the knights in
King's Landing would not be able to save you. My Lord, her Grace the Queen. - Your Grace. - You're missing your tournament. Putting my name on it doesn't make it mine. I thought we might put what happened on the Kingsroad behind us-- the ugliness with the
wolves. And forcing you to kill the beast was extreme. Though sometimes we go to extremes where our children are concerned. How is Sansa? She likes it here. She's the only Stark who does. Favors her mother, not much of the North in her. - What are you doing
here? - I might ask the same of you. What is it you hope to accomplish? The King called on me to serve him and the realm, and that's what I'll do until he tells me otherwise. You can't change him. You can't help him. He'll do what he wants, which is all he's
ever done. You'll try your best to pick up the pieces. If that's my job, then so be it. You're just a soldier, aren't you? You take your orders and you carry on. I suppose it makes sense. Your older brother was trained to lead and you were trained to follow.
I was also trained to kill my enemies, your Grace. As was I. Seven blessings to you, goodfolk! And to you. Boy! Bread, meat and beer. Quickly. Ah, good idea, grandfather. I'm starving. A song while we wait or--? I'd rather throw myself down a well. Now now,
grandfather, this may be your last chance if you're heading North. The only music the Northerners know is the howling of wolves! Gods. I'm sorry, My Lord. We're full up. - Every room. - Tyrion: My men can sleep in the stable. As for myself, I don't require
a large room. Truly, My Lord, we have nothing. Is there nothing I can do... ...To remedy this? You can have my room. Now there's a clever man. You can manage food, I trust? Yoren, dine with me. - Aye, My Lord. - My Lord of Lannister! Might I entertain you
while you eat? I can sing of your father's victory at King's Landing! Nothing would more likely ruin my supper. Lady Stark! What an unexpected pleasure. I was sorry to have missed you at Winterfell. Lady Stark! I was still Catelyn Tully the last time I stayed
here. You, Ser, is that the black bat of Harrenhal I see embroidered on your coat? It is, My Lady. And is Lady Whent a true and honest friend to my father, Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun? She is. The red stallion was always a welcome sight at Riverrun. My father
counts Jonas Bracken amongst his oldest and most loyal bannermen. Our lord is honored by his trust. I envy your father all his fine friends, Lady Stark, but I don't quite see the purpose of this. I know your sigil as well-- the Twin Towers of Frey. How fares
your lord, Ser? Lord Walder is well, My Lady. He has asked your father for the honor of his presence on his 90th Nameday. He plans to take another wife. This man came into my house as a guest and there conspired to murder my son, a boy of 10. In the name of
King Robert and the good lords you serve, I call upon you to seize him and help me return him to Winterfell to await the King's Justice. 


#本集共有单词数:575  总词数:2959

a = ['Aaerys','Aegon', "Aegon's", 'After', 'Alliser', "Alliser's",'Amaryllis', 'Anyone', 'Anyway', 'Archonei', "Arryn's", 'Attack','Balerion', 'Because', 'Blue', 'Bracken', "C'mere", 'Captain','Cats', 'Clegane', 'Commonly', 'Conqueror',
"Couldn't", 'Cruel','Curious', 'Distrusting', 'Dreadful', 'Eastwatch', 'Eating', 'Enjoying','Essovius', 'Far', 'Favors', 'Find', 'Fingers', "Fisherman's", 'Four','Frey', 'Gendry', 'Ghiscar', 'Great', 'Gregor', "Gregor's",'Greyjoy', 'Greyjoys', 'Guess', "Hand's",
'Hands', 'Harder','Harkon', 'Harrenhal', 'Has', 'Held', 'Help', 'Hill', 'Histories', 'Hit','Hodor', 'Holdfast', 'Home', 'Horn', 'Hoster', 'Hother', 'Hugh', 'Impossible','Irri', 'Jeyne', "Jon's", 'Jonas', 'Justice', 'Kind', 'Kingsguard','Kneel', 'Knighted',
"Lady's", "Lannister's", 'Last','Left', 'Leg', 'Like', 'Lineages', 'Lo', 'Looks', "Lover's",'Maegor', 'Making', 'Mance', 'Melted', 'Meraxes', 'Mud', 'Must', 'Myr','Neither', 'Nonsense', 'Old', 'On', 'Ooh', 'Piss', 'Poison',"Poole's", 'Putting', 'Pyke', 'Quickly',
'Rast', 'Rayder', 'Really','Red', 'Riverrun', "Robb's", 'Sam', "Sam's", 'Samwell','Scattered', 'Seeing', 'Shame', "She'd", 'Shoulder', 'Show','Sisters', 'Skulls', 'South', 'Spare', 'Start', 'Steel', 'Strange', 'Street','Strong', 'These', 'Thorne', 'Thoros',
'Though', 'Three', 'Tome', 'Towers','Truly', 'Twin', 'Two', 'Umber', 'Vale', 'Valryon', 'Valyria',"Varys's", 'Vermithrax', 'Vhagar', 'Vicious', 'Walder',"Wall's", 'Was', "We'd", 'Were', 'Whent', 'Yeah', 'Yield','Young', 'absurd', 'accomplish', 'admirable',
'advising', 'afternoon', 'age','almost', 'along', 'answer', 'anymore', 'armorer', 'armory', 'ass', 'assignment','assure', 'attack', 'await', 'awake', 'balon', 'bannermen', 'banners', 'bat','beginning', 'behalf', 'beside', 'blackberry', 'blessings', 'bloodshed','book',
'boring', 'braid', 'breach', 'breath', 'broken', 'brothel','brotherly', 'brown', 'build', 'builder', 'burn', 'burning', 'busy', 'captors','capture', 'cat', 'cats', 'causing', 'caves', 'chambers',"champion's", 'charge', 'charging', 'chasing', 'civilization','claim',
'climbed', 'closer', 'closest', 'clothes', 'coals', 'coat', 'cock','coins', 'colored', 'comings', 'commanded', 'commanding', 'companion','complected', 'concerned', 'conquer', 'conspired', 'constant', 'cooped','counsel', 'court', 'courtesies', 'courtesy', 'cowards',
'cravens', 'cripples','crossed', 'crowds', 'dancer', 'decorate', 'defend', 'deliver', 'demented','descriptions', 'despair', 'dine', 'disappointment', 'discreetly', 'distrust',"dragon's", 'dragonglass', 'dread', 'drove', 'during', 'dying','eighth', 'embroidered',
'ends', "enemy's", 'entertain', 'envy','eunuch', 'eunuchs', 'evening', 'events', 'exceedingly', 'exercise','expensive', 'extreme', 'extremes', 'fact', 'fair', 'false', 'fares','feeling', 'fires', 'fit', 'flaps', 'fleet', 'flies', 'flooding', 'fly','forcing',
'forge', 'forged', 'forgive', 'forgotten', 'former', 'forsake','fortnight', 'four', 'freezing', 'frost', 'games', 'gather', 'goings','goodfolk', 'gorgeous', 'grabbed', 'grandfather', 'ground', 'guard', 'hall','happens', 'hatch', 'hearth', 'heights', 'helm',
'helmet', 'hid', 'highly','himself', 'honest', "horselord's", 'horselords',"hound's", 'hungry', 'hunt', 'hyah', 'idea', 'illness','immediately', 'import', 'indoors', 'inheritance', 'inquiring', 'insults','invite', 'jam', 'joust', 'keeping', 'kept', 'kneel',
'knight', 'knighted','knowledge', 'lackey', 'landing', 'lead', 'leftover', 'legged', 'lessons','light', 'liked', 'likely', 'liking', 'living', 'locked', "lord's",'lordship', 'lover', 'lowly', 'manage', 'manure', 'marching',"master's", 'matter', 'melted', 'memory',
'mention', 'message','missed', 'mission', 'mmm', "mole's", 'mountaintop', 'naked','natural', 'neck', 'nippy', 'noblewoman', 'observers', 'officers', 'often','older', 'oldest', 'opponent', 'ought', 'outnumbered', 'paid', 'paragon','partner', 'pass', 'past',
'patronage', 'personal', 'phrase', 'piggy', 'pigs','pile', 'pirate', 'pivot', 'places', 'pocket', 'poison', 'pomp', 'ponderous','porkchop', 'possible', 'powder', 'pregnant', 'presume', 'pretending','prettier', 'proper', 'prospers', 'provide', 'pudding', 'pup',
'purpose','purse', 'puts', 'quarrel', 'question', 'questions', 'quiet', 'quite', 'race','rags', 'raise', 'rd', 'reading', 'realized', 'receive', 'received','recently', 'recite', 'red', 'redheads', 'regret', 'reins', 'rejoice','remedy', 'repeating', 'resist',
'respite', 'respond', 'responsible', 'riot','roosters', 'roots', 'rough', 'rows', 'rude', 'ruin', 'rumor', 'sad','saddler', 'sadness', 'sailors', 'sails', 'sale', 'sally', 'scar', 'scruff','seed', 'seems', 'seize', 'septa', 'servants', 'shadow', 'shadows',
'shape','shark', 'shhh', 'ship', 'shoulder', 'siege', 'sight', 'significant', 'silk','silly', 'sing', 'singularly', 'sitting', 'sleep', 'slice', 'slightly', 'slut','smashed', 'smell', 'snake', 'sneak', 'sniveling', 'song', 'sooner', 'soup','spider', 'spit',
'spot', 'squeal', 'squealing', 'stabbings', 'stable','stallion', 'started', 'starving', 'stayed', 'steps', 'stinks', 'stopped','storm', 'stroke', 'struck', 'strut', 'study', 'stumble', 'stunted','sufficient', "summer's", 'surname', 'surprising', 'surviving','sustained',
'swordsman', 'tale', 'talks', 'tender', 'th', "they'll",'till', 'toe', 'touches', 'touching', 'tourney', 'town', 'tragedy', 'treated','trees', 'tries', 'tumble', 'twigs', 'ugliness', 'um', 'uncles','uncomfortable', 'unexpected', 'unfair', 'unless', 'unlikely',
'untimely','upon', 'usually', 'vanquished', 'veins', 'victories', 'victory', 'violence','visitors', 'voice', 'waiting', 'walls', 'warmer', 'wear', 'weeks', 'weight','whereabouts', 'wherever', 'wings', 'wiser', 'wisest', 'woes', 'won', 'wooden','wore', 'works',
'worse', 'wronged', 'yanked', 'yard', 'yeah', 'yearling','yellow', 'yield', 'yielded', 'youngest']

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