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.vimrc with auto file header for java

2016-08-17 13:09 176 查看
set tabstop=3

set shiftwidth=3

set expandtab

set autoindent

set smartindent

set showmatch

set ruler

set number

syntax on

set scrolloff=3

autocmd BufNewFile *.java exec ":call SetJavaTitle()"

" on new *.java doc

func SetJavaTitle()

   call setline(1, "\/** ")

   call setline(2, " * Assignment  0      " . expand("%:t") ."      Due  June 2016")

   call setline(3, " * login:   cs11vbs")

   call setline(4, " **/")

   call setline(5, "")

   call setline(6, "\/** ")

   call setline(7, " * class " . expand("%:r"))

   call setline(8, " * This program ")

   call setline(9, " * ")

   call setline(10, " * ")

   call setline(11, " * @author NAME  (yourname)")

   call setline(12, " **/")

   call setline(13, "")

   call setline(14, "")

   call setline(15, "public class ". expand("%:r") ." {")

   call setline(16, "   public static void main (String [] args) {")

   call setline(17, "      ")

   call setline(18, "   }")

   call setline(19, "}")

   call setline(20, "")

# expand("%:t") gives filename with extension 

# expand("%:r") gives filename without ext
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