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github上Fuchsia项目相关文章翻译 - Getting Started(fuchsia-mirror/magenta/getting_started.md)

2016-08-17 11:12 519 查看

Quick Start Recipes - 快速入门

For the purpose of this document, we will assume that Magenta is checked out in $SRC/magenta and that we will build toolchains, qemu, etc alongside that. Various make invocations are presented with a “-j32” option for parallel make. If that’s excessive for the machine you’re building on, try -j16 or -j8.



Preparing the build environment- 准备编译环境

On Ubuntu this should obtain the necessary pre-reqs:


sudo apt-get install texinfo libglib2.0-dev autoconf libtool libsdl-dev build-essential

On Mac with homebrew:


brew install wget pkg-config glib autoconf automake libtool

On Mac with MacPorts:


port install autoconf automake libtool libpixman pkgconfig glib2

Install Toolchains - 安装Toolchains

If you’re developing on Linux or OSX, there are prebuilt toolchain binaries avaiable. Just run this script from your Magenta working directory:



Build Toolchains (Optional) - 编译Toolchain(可选)

If the prebuilt toolchain binaries do not work for you, there are a set of scripts which will download and build suitable gcc toolchains for building Magenta for ARM32, ARM64, and x86-64 rchitectures:

  如果上述命令无效,则下载编译适用的GCC toolchain工具,命令如下:

cd $SRC
git clone https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/third_party/gcc_none_toolchains cd toolchains
./doit -a 'arm aarch64 x86_64' -f -j32

Build Qemu - 编译Qemu

You can skip this if you’re only testing on actual hardware, but the emulator is handy for quick local tests and generally worth having around.


If you don’t want to install in /usr/local (the default), which will require you to be root, add –prefix=/path/to/install (perhaps $HOME/qemu) and then you’ll need to add /path/to/install/bin to your PATH.

  如果你想把Qemu安装到默认的/usr/local目录,那么你需要root权限,并直接运行以下命令;如果你想指定安装路径,只需要在./configure命令后添加参数–prefix=/path/to/install (其中path代表你想安装的路径,可能是 $HOME/qemu),安装完成后记得修改PATH环境变量,将安装路径加入到PATH中。

cd $SRC
git clone https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/third_party/qemu cd qemu
git checkout fuchsia
./configure --target-list=arm-softmmu,aarch64-softmmu,x86_64-softmmu
make -j32
sudo make install

Configure PATH – 配置PATH环境变量

If you’re using the prebuilt toolchains, you can skip this step, since the build will find them automatically.

  如果你的操作系统自带预编译的toochain(见“Install Toolchains - 安装Toolchains”)则可以跳过该步骤,因为PATH会自动配置好。否则,就需要运行如下命令。

# on Linux
export PATH=$PATH:$SRC/toolchains/aarch64-elf-5.3.0-Linux-x86_64/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$SRC/toolchains/x86_64-elf-5.3.0-Linux-x86_64/bin

# on Mac
export PATH=$PATH:$SRC/toolchains/aarch64-elf-5.3.0-Darwin-x86_64/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$SRC/toolchains/x86_64-elf-5.3.0-Darwin-x86_64/bin

Build Magenta – 编译Magenta

Build results will be in $SRC/magenta/build-{qemu-arm64,pc-x86-64}

The variable $BUILDDIR in examples below refers to the build output directory for the particular build in question.


cd $SRC/magenta

# for aarch64
make -j32 magenta-qemu-arm64

# for x86-64
make -j32 magenta-pc-x86-64

Run Magenta under Qemu – Qemu下运行Magenta

# for aarch64

# for i686

The -h flag will list a number of options, including things like -b to rebuild first if necessary and -g to run with a graphical framebuffer.

To exit qemu, enter Ctrl-a x. Use Ctrl-a h to see other commands.


  如果要退出Qemu,可以键入Ctrl-a x。如果要查看其它命令,键入Ctrl-a h。

Building Magenta for all targets – 编译所有目标

# The -r enables release builds as well
./scripts/buildall -r

Please build for all targets before submitting to ensure builds work on all architectures.


Enabling Networking under Qemu (x86-64 only) – Qemu下激活网络模块

The run-magenta-x86-64 script, when given the -N argument will attempt to create a network interface using the Linux tun/tap network device named “qemu”. Qemu does not need to be run with any special privileges for this, but you need to create a persistent tun/tap device ahead of time (which does require you be root):

  运行run-magenta-x86-64脚本时(见“Build Magenta – 编译Magenta”),在命令后加上-N参数,系统则会创建一个名为“qemu”的tun/tap虚拟网络设备的接口。Qemu并不需要特殊权限来运行它,但是你需要在root权限下提前为该接口创建一个tun/tap虚拟网络设备。


sudo apt-get install uml-utilities
sudo tunctl -u $USER -t qemu
sudo ifconfig qemu up

This is sufficient to enable link local IPv6 (as the loglistener tool uses).


Including Additional Userspace Files – 包含用户空间文件

The Magenta build creates a bootfs image containing necessary userspace components for the system to boot (the device manager, some device drivers, etc). The kernel is capable of including a second bootfs image which is provided by Qemu or the bootloader as a ramdisk image.


To create such a bootfs image, use the mkbootfs tool that’s generated as part of the build. It can assemble a bootfs image for either source directories (in which case every file in the specified directory and its subdirectories are included) or via a manifest file which specifies on a file-by-file basis which files to include.



$BUILDDIR/tools/mkbootfs -o extra.bootfs @/path/to/directory

echo "issue.txt=/etc/issue" > manifest
echo "etc/hosts=/etc/hosts" >> manifest
$BUILDDIR/tools/mkbootfs -o extra.bootfs manifest

On the booted Magenta system, the files in the bootfs will appear under /boot, so in the above manifest example, the “hosts” file would appear at /boot/etc/hosts.



For Qemu, use the -x option to specify an extra bootfs image.


Network Booting

The GigaBoot20x6 bootloader speaks a simple network boot protocol (over IPV6 UDP) which does not require any special host configuration or privileged access to use.

  本文中,我们使用的bootloader是GigaBoot20x6,它会启用一个基于IPV6 UDP的网络启动协议,而且使用这个协议不需要特别的配置和权限。

It does this by taking advantage of IPV6 Link Local Addressing and Multicast, allowing the device being booted to advertise its bootability and the host to find it and send a system image to it.


If you have a device (for example a Broadwell or Skylake Intel NUC) running GigaBoot20x6, you can boot Magenta on it like so:

  如果你有一个运行GigaBoot20x6的设备(比如Broadwell或者Skylake Intel NUC,一种迷你电脑主机,不知道是什么可以百度),运行以下命令就可以在该设备上启用Magenta。

$BUILDDIR/tools/bootserver $BUILDDIR/magenta.bin

# if you have an extra bootfs image (see above):
$BUILDDIR/tools/bootserver $BUILDDIR/magenta.bin /path/to/extra.bootfs

By default bootserver will continue to run and every time it obsveres a netboot beacon it will send the kernel (and bootfs if provided) to that device. If you pass the -1 option, bootserver will exit after a successful boot instead.


Network Log Viewing

The default build of Magenta includes a network log service that multicasts the system log over the link local IPv6 UDP. Please note that this is a quick hack and the protocol will certainly change at some point.

  Magenta编译的时候,会默认自带一个网络日志服务,它会通过IPV6 UDP本地链路组播系统日志。

For now, if you’re running Magenta on Qemu with the -N flag or running on hardware with a supported ethernet interface (ASIX USB Dongle or Intel Ethernet on NUC), the loglistener tool will observe logs broadcast over the local link:



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