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2016-08-16 23:51 323 查看
AOP(Aspect-Oriented Programming,面向切面编程)是一种编程思想,并不是一种具体的实现,谈到实现一般有Filter和代理模式两种常见的使用方式。Java中常见的AOP技术有两个,分别是Filter和代理模式(也可以称为过滤器和拦截器),Filter是基于回调函数(请看《Java回调机制解析》),代理模式是基于Java反射技术,代理模式又分为静态代理和动态代理,动态代理就是拦截器的简单实现。(过滤器和拦截器的区别可参见《过滤器和拦截器的区别》)他们各自实现的功能不同,原理如出一辙。

Spring AOP’s approach to AOP differs from that of most other AOP frameworks. The aim is not to provide the most complete AOP implementation (although Spring AOP is quite capable); it is rather to provide a close integration between AOP implementation and Spring IoC to help solve common problems in enterprise applications.

Thus, for example, the Spring Framework’s AOP functionality is normally used in conjunction with the Spring IoC container.

spring AOP是为结合IoC容器设计的,不是为了提供全面的AOP功能。

Due to the proxy-based nature of Spring’s AOP framework, protected methods are by definition not intercepted, neither for JDK proxies (where this isn’t applicable) nor for CGLIB proxies (where this is technically possible but not recommendable for AOP purposes). As a consequence, any given pointcut will be matched against public methods only!

If your interception needs include protected/private methods or even constructors, consider the use of Spring-driven native AspectJ weaving instead of Spring’s proxy-based AOP framework.

spring AOP不能用于“私有/保护”成员函数以及“构造函数”。

@Pointcut("execution(public * *(..))")
private void anyPublicOperation() {}

private void inTrading() {}

@Pointcut("anyPublicOperation() && inTrading()")
private void tradingOperation() {}

It is a best practice to build more complex pointcut expressions out of smaller named components as shown above. When referring to pointcuts by name, normal Java visibility rules apply (you can see private pointcuts in the same type, protected pointcuts in the hierarchy, public pointcuts anywhere and so on). Visibility does not affect pointcut matching.


AspectJ follows Java’s rule that annotations on interfaces are not inherited.



如果在接口、实现类或方法上都指定了@Transactional 注解,则优先级顺序为方法>实现类>接口;




在使用Spring代理时,默认只有在public可见度的方法的@Transactional 注解才是有效的,其它可见度(protected、private、包可见)的方法上即使有@Transactional 注解也不会应用这些事务属性的,Spring也不会报错,如果你非要使用非公共方法注解事务管理的话,可考虑使用AspectJ。
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